Who is crossing your mind right now, v.2

To die for......there’s no food I would die for...unless of course I’m not getting any :p
Talked to some lovely people form here who lost interest and stopped replying - totally cool, I get it, you can't change how you feel... Also strangers don't owe me anything.

They started trying to reboot conversations recently, like they didn't ghost me before, lol?

No thanks - if you didn't value my conversation previously, then you won't later on. I find ghosting a childish way to confront feelings anyway 🤷🏽‍♂️
My newborn son. Now I have 3 babies to take care of: My sexy sultry wife, my slutty babygirl (play partner), and my lovely baby boy.
I’m specifically thinking about one person who because of my cold medicine induced nap, I missed their messages today. I’m hoping I get to talk to them tomorrow though. Goddamn time zone differences 😔😅
It’s almost my birthday. I won’t be doing anything to celebrate. I’m too old for that.