Who is crossing your mind right now, v.2

You are. Yes, you. Because I'm wondering if you'll be the one who posts next, or if it will be someone else.

Well, is it you?
Thinking of a crush from many years ago. She was a magnificent woman. Often wonder what would have happened had we got over our shyness.
Wow, yes.

I relate. What would've happened if I freed myself earlier. How would my life of panned out with no men. I wouldn't want a life without my daughters though, but I would like to know how things would've worked.

If I wasn't so scared.
Wow, yes.

I relate. What would've happened if I freed myself earlier. How would my life of panned out with no men. I wouldn't want a life without my daughters though, but I would like to know how things would've worked.

If I wasn't so scared.

Totally get it.
I've really been missing @PattiJolene more than usual. She was so loving and supportive through my breast cancer. I miss her comforting words.