Who is crossing your mind right now, v.2

A dear Lit friend who is going through a horrendous situation. My prayers are with you, friend. :heart:
Smart girls
Knot -> summerstar :cool:
13 Ravens for sure

Ems-way , I think is the name , green panties and a matching bra , in a men's Oxford. Good writer , thinks everything out , before saying it using a font. :rose:

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Horton. I think he heard something.....

Haven't seen RosieOregon in a long time, I didn't know her well, but miss seeing her around

Woops thought it was the, NAL You Miss thread. Ohhh well, this close enough
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My relationship with literotica has reached a weird place.

I’m not here often enough to really get to know anyone, especially cute women (which is definitely a major motivator in my participation). But I still, somehow, feel tethered to you fucks and the welcoming atmosphere provided by nearly everyone I’ve ever encountered.

I think it’s time I recalibrate.