Without Blacks, America would be a nice place to live…

From the union movement of the mid 1930s to the recession of 1974 it became possible for men with double digit IQs to earn blue collar jobs with strong unions that provided decent wages and job benefits.

False, IQ has very little to nothing to do with your social status or your job performance, especially before the information age. The idea that it does is not supported by any evidence. In fact, things like temperament, personality, tenacity, family support and personal values have far more determining effect on one's life prospects than IQ test scores even today. There are plenty of really smart people who fail at life and plenty of average people who do just fine.

The main reason for the the increase in black social pathology was the de industrialization of the United States that began during the 1970s.

False, Blacks were never heavily represented in the industrial steel belt, but were located largely in the south working in agri based communities.

The decline in blue collar jobs with strong unions impacted whites and blacks, but it did more damage to blacks, because the average black IQ is 85, while the average white IQ is 100.

Total bullshit. First there was no decline in blue collar jobs between 1930 and 1980, but a steady increase, the decline in manufacturing jobs between 1964 and 1980 were more than compensated by blue collar jobs in other areas of the economy Secondly, IQ is NOT the determining factor in life success.

The de industrialization of the United States, and the decline in the union movement reduced the positive incentives for morally responsible behavior.

Who says. Evidence please. Oh, I know you made that shit up too. OK

The expansion of the welfare system that happened with the War on Poverty reduced the disincentives for morally irresponsible behavior.

Total bullshit. There are plenty of studies which show that welfare dependency had the unintended consequence of destroying the nuclear family structure. Once the family broke down a generational cycle of dependency on entitlements began which is very difficult to break.

If I were to guess, I say that you were a low IQ union member who lost his job because because of evil corporate greed for profits but still gets a handsome pension, plus you make a few bucks on the side getting bussed in to astro-turf for various liberal causes.

God Bless America, Land of entitlement and Home of the welfare dependent!
False, IQ has very little to nothing to do with your social status or your job performance, especially before the information age. The idea that it does is not supported by any evidence. In fact, things like temperament, personality, tenacity, family support and personal values have far more determining effect on one's life prospects than IQ test scores even today. There are plenty of really smart people who fail at life and plenty of average people who do just fine.

False, Blacks were never heavily represented in the industrial steel belt, but were located largely in the south working in agri based communities.

Total bullshit. First there was no decline in blue collar jobs between 1930 and 1980, but a steady increase, the decline in manufacturing jobs between 1964 and 1980 were more than compensated by blue collar jobs in other areas of the economy Secondly, IQ is NOT the determining factor in life success.

Who says. Evidence please. Oh, I know you made that shit up too. OK

Total bullshit. There are plenty of studies which show that welfare dependency had the unintended consequence of destroying the nuclear family structure. Once the family broke down a generational cycle of dependency on entitlements began which is very difficult to break.

If I were to guess, I say that you were a low IQ union member who lost his job because because of evil corporate greed for profits but still gets a handsome pension, plus you make a few bucks on the side getting bussed in to astro-turf for various liberal causes.

God Bless America, Land of entitlement and Home of the welfare dependent!

You obviously never heard of the Great Depression, huh?

And affirmative-action isnt demonstrative performance and competence.
Document it yourself. I assume you can Google.

I worked for Carter in 1976; he's a pissant martinette who likes a Bloody Mary just before church.

I document my assertions. You have the responsibility to document yours. It should be easy to quote several of the people who worked with Carter if what you say is true.
False, IQ has very little to nothing to do with your social status or your job performance.

That statement is so obviously false that I only felt the need to skim through the rest of your blast of hot air, arrogance, and ignorance.
I document my assertions. You have the responsibility to document yours. It should be easy to quote several of the people who worked with Carter if what you say is true.

Look it up yourself, you aint my daddy.
Correct for once.

You have every right to be a racist bigoted misogynist piece of shit.
And we have every right to ridicule you for your backward-assed opinions.
Just because you have a right to express your opinions does not mean that anyone else has to respect them, or you.

I can't imagine that anyone respects that old piece of white shit... including his kids.
In other words you are either lying, or repeating assertions you believed uncritically because they pandered to your prejudices without bothering to substantiate them.

And youre the typical Democrat who demands that others do their work for them. One more facet of the Entitlement Mentality.
I can't imagine that anyone respects that old piece of white shit... including his kids.

I don't know why Amicus thinks anyone in their right mind would want to play in the congealed shit that he continues to pull directly out of his ass. Same goes for a few others here.
And youre the typical Democrat who demands that others do their work for them. One more facet of the Entitlement Mentality.

Excuse me. You are telling me to to your work for you. You made preposterous assertions that are either deliberate lies, or ignorant delusions. Then you tell me to prove them false. How can I prove a negative?
Excuse me. You are telling me to to your work for you. You made preposterous assertions that are either deliberate lies, or ignorant delusions. Then you tell me to prove them false. How can I prove a negative?

There are tons of memoirs of people who worked with or for Carter, Reagan Bush41, Clinton, and Dubya. Read some of them. Even Nixon comes off looking like a decent guy. But not Carter or Dubya. Like this one:

In 1979 Jimmy Carter decided to charge Federal employees for parking even though we worked at the end of a 3-mile Pier where no public transporation ever went. Thank goodness the unions and the lack of a procedure to collect the parking money were enough to eventually get this insane policy reversed.
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There are tons of memoirs of people who worked with or for Carter, Reagan Bush41, Clinton, and Dubya. Read some of them. Even Nixon comes off looking like a decent guy. But not Carter or Dubya. Like this one:

In 1979 Jimmy Carter decided to charge Federal employees for parking even though we worked at the end of a 3-mile Pier where no public transporation ever went. Thank goodness the unions and the lack of a procedure to collect the parking money were enough to eventually get this insane policy reversed.

amamzingly if there are tonnes of them... you dont seem capable of quoting them or citing them
You're a deeply fearful little man. Luckily people like you have no power.

Tell us more about your planet.

Whether you acknowledge it or not, people have a right to be racist if they so choose.

This shit again. :rolleyes:

This will be the final word to posters like you, PSW, Powertone, et al when it comes to the "I have a right to [be a dumbass]" response: no one is saying you don't have a right to be ignorant. Of course you do, just as we have a right to eviscerate you for your opinion. Grow a pair, or go home.
I wouldn't want to live in a country with no Ray Charles records.
Just when I start to think Amicus is a crusty, somewhat annoying but basically harmless old Imus type seventies stoner-cowboy he pulls this douchey troll shit.

Do you need life giving attention that badly dude?
amamzingly if there are tonnes of them... you dont seem capable of quoting them or citing them

Years ago Rush Limbaugh said it was true, so JAMESBJOHNSON has accepted it uncritically ever since. When I called him on it he stood in the middle of the street with his finger in his mouth saying, "Duh."

The decline in blue collar jobs with strong unions impacted whites and blacks, but it did more damage to blacks, because the average black IQ is 85, while the average white IQ is 100.

--The Trouvere

What's really interesting about Le Trouvere is that he's a Liberal version of self-confessed racist Amicus.

Le Trouvere believes that the class you are part of should determine your place in life, rather than each individual being judged on his own merits. In Le Trouvere's world we have classes sorted by a single parameter -- test scores. High scorers are allocated rare good jobs, low scores sent to work the mines.

Naturally, Blacks in Le Trouvere's world are ignorant beasts worthy only of the lowest skilled jobs.

Le Trouvere's economic views are a mish mash of ignorance, extreme Leftism, class envy and collectivist authoritarianism. Amicus is a champion of Big business capitalism. But they both agree on two things. 1. that black people are inferior to whites. 2. That statist coercion is neccessary.

Amicus and Trouvere are at opposite ends of the political spectrum yet they share nascent fascist tendencies. This supports the view of many social researchers that the political spectrum is not a linear scale from left to right, but a circular one, like an analog clock, If you go far enough into the extreme right you'll pop out into the extreme left.

Or scratch a Racist and underneath you'll find a Nazi, scratch a bit harder to get to his inner Commie.

All the rest of us lie on the other side of the circle as some degree of moderate.

And then there are the Trouvere's and Amicus's of the world:

Hoffer argues that all mass movements such as fascism, communism, and religion spread by promising a glorious future. To be successful, these mass movements need the adherents to be willing to sacrifice themselves and others for the future goals. To do so, mass movements often glorify the past and devalue the present. Mass movements appeal to frustrated people who are dissatisfied with their current state, but are capable of a strong belief in the future. As well, mass movements appeal to people who want to escape a flawed self by creating an imaginary self and joining a collective whole. Some categories of people who may be attracted to mass movements include poor people, misfits, and people who feel thwarted in their endeavors. Hoffer quotes extensively from leaders of the Nazi and communist parties in the early part of the 20th Century, to demonstrate, among other things, that they were competing for adherents from the same pool of people predisposed to support mass movements. Despite the two parties' fierce antagonism, they were more likely to gain recruits from their opposing party than from moderates with no affiliation to either.

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Years ago Rush Limbaugh said it was true, so JAMESBJOHNSON has accepted it uncritically ever since. When I called him on it he stood in the middle of the street with his finger in his mouth saying, "Duh."

I dont listen to Limbaugh's show. Or O'Reilly's. Or Hannity's. Or the others.

And I dont stand in the street blubbering when others wont do my work for me.

Use Google and see where it takes you...crybaby.