World War II: Behind Enemy Lines (OOC)

30 - 15 + 10 - 1 = 24 soldiers. Oh - 1 = 23 soldiers to kill. Given the fact that once the shooting starts and it should take around ten minutes for the 15 soldiers to show up. In ten minutes you should be able to liberate the Captain and capture the Hauptsturmführer.
Hope the chessboard is suitable? Or would you want me to describe the whole town to you?
Hope the chessboard is suitable? Or would you want me to describe the whole town to you?

Don`t need to. We`re in Calais, France. A real place. For those who do want a description look up Calais, France on the Internet then think in WWII terms. (A few destroyed buildings, German outposts, road blocks, the usual that`s een in a town that`s been invaded.
Oh pooh. There goes my whole RP out of the window. OK disregard anything I said on the map :)
Hmm, actually by the way the whole roleplay has been flowing so far I was under the impression we are in a small village a little outside Calais right now.
LOL that is why I asked. If they want a town layout I'll do that, but so far I see this very small town the only real buildings left to describe is a general grocer and a few houses and that is about it
I think the current setting is described well enough as it is, and if necessary we can creatively add the details as they become necessary.

On unrelated news: I will be away visiting relatives this weekend. I will be able to put out a post or two tomorrow morning, but then nothing until Sunday evening.
Current description is perfect, thank you DeathsKnight. Sorry for not replying to say so sooner. lol

And from what I was aware, Belinda's character is trying to get to Calais to meet up with her Resistance contacts. We all just met up in a town near the allied drop zone. I think I've said that Calais is close by, just two days walk if we go by night. To the south. idk, lol.
NAME: Aleksandra Shanina

AGE: 24

GENDER: Female


RANK: Private

ROLE: Sniper

Aleksandar at at 5'2. She has an hourglass figure which helps to make her attractive. She has ice blue eyes and curly, blonde hair. Her muscular legs and arms were developed during training. Her body type is a good mix between muscualr and curvy.

PERSONALITY: Aleksandra has an introverted personality. She can work very well on her own. She does not need a spotter because of this.

HISTORY: As a young girl she shot her father's rifle numerous times. She has a formal education. After graudating from college she enlisted in the soviet Army as a Sniper.

EQUIPMENT:,_June-December_1944.jpg (Uniform)

She wears the standard Female Sniper unifrom with a skirt that goes to her upper thighs and a tighter shirt. She carries a standard Sniper issue Mosin-Nagant Rifle. Her uniform does not have leggings on it. When she is walking her Sniper Rifle is strapped to her back.

NOTES: Aleksandra is a talented Sniper. She developed her skills while shooting her dads rifle at a young age.

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I don`t mind if you join. You can replace Aliyahlovinsex (She hasn`t ever responded by putting up a post) i`m sure everyone else will be fine with it.

Ok everyone, here`s an update on who`s who and what they are.

Avellan13: Mike Adams - Male American Medic
DeathsKnight: Raphael Gurber - Male German Leader
Belinda35: Salima Mimoun - Female Morrocan Civilian (Spy)
DormantEvil: Nadishka Volovk - Female Russian Specialist
Cherubian: Michaela Anderson - Female Amerian Sniper
iStealth: Aleksandra Shanina - Female Russian Sniper
We`ll have to find a way to have your character introduced into our group iStealth. I`m thinking that she`s one of the unnamed Soviet Soldiers that`s with Nadishka Volovk.
We`ll have to find a way to have your character introduced into our group iStealth. I`m thinking that she`s one of the unnamed Soviet Soldiers that`s with Nadishka Volovk.

I changed a few things in my character's bio to make it so Nadisha is commmanding her. I also have an off-topic question. How do you change your avatar?
You change your Avatar only when you have put up 100 posts. At which point an option will appear in your User CP that says "Edit Avatar". Look up in the Rules and Guidelines (located in the ORP forum) the third shaded thread from the top.