Writing Exercise - Write a letter to your 17-year-old self

Hey sweetie,

You know me, or maybe you don't. Things were tough at that age, I know. You felt your father didn't give a shit about you, in fact, you find out in another year or so that living alone isn't any different from living at home. You had an older sister who was never around, and a younger who was into all sorts of shit that you could not, for the life of you, get along with no matter how hard you tried. Nobody in school, not your teachers, nor your advisers, ever seemed to want to help you out. The only way you felt you got any real attention was when you were in front of an audience. And you clung so hard to your friends and relied so heavily on them to solve your problems that you started pushing them away.

I know you didn't have it together even though you presented the image of being "with it." Part of that manifests itself in your grades; you just don't care, you have no reason to. Part of that manifests itself in your dependence on the band, the orchestra, and the church; you need to "belong" somewhere. Part of that is your clinging to your friends; you think that you'll collapse without them there to listen to your every single daily problem. And part of that manifests itself in those ridiculously long drives you take; you need a place to go to think, and your car's the only one you can think of.

You love to be seen, you love to perform, you love knowing people are watching you. Between 17 and 31, that never changes, in fact, in a few years that brings you quite a bit of pain. For fourteen years now I've wondered whether that came from a need for attention you weren't getting from anybody at home, least of all, your father, who should have paid more attention to you. You already knew at that age that Mom literally didn't have that capability and that knowledge never changes, but you wonder now why Dad can't be there when you need him.

You're angry with Dad because you need a parent, a guide, an adult to learn from, but right now you can't see it because that neglect also gives you a certain independence that your sisters don't have. You're also angry with him because he seems irresponsible...he's unable to support us the way that he should. You don't need to be angry with him for any of this. When Mom disappeared into the depths of her schizophrenia Dad was left with the three of us to raise and he had no idea of how to be a single parent, let alone a single father to three adolescent girls. We have problems he could never dream of, simply because he's not female. He muddles through as best he can, but you need to say something to him because he's not a mind reader. He won't know there's something wrong if you don't tell him, so you need to tell him you need him to be there for you too. Your dependencies and escapes might not be drugs and alcohol and crime and abusive boyfriends, but they're still dependencies, dependencies that you might not have to hang onto so tightly and then find yourself devastated when they're gone later in life.

But you also need to listen and understand, and remember that he's having a rough time of it too. Your older sister is getting married in a few months, at the ripe old age of eighteen, to an immature, irresponsible ass who hits her, and that's weighing heavily on him. Your younger sister is a drug and alcohol addict, has been in and out of rehab, is a high-school dropout, and most of his energy goes toward trying to pull her out of that. So when he tries to explain to you what's really going on with your family, listen. Don't get mad and shut him out. That won't get you anywhere. That never gets you anywhere with anybody.

I also want you to know, now, that the church is not you. You already feel it, but you push it away because all your best friends are Christians and members of that particular church and you don't want to alienate them by leaving. But deep inside, you do know you don't believe a word of what the church teaches. You know you're trying to be somebody you're not. Realize that now, and start looking for who you *really* are. And find the friends who will accept you for that, and not for who they would have you be. Don't be afraid to tell people who want you to be something else that they're asking the impossible of you, that if they can't accept you for who you are then they're no friends of yours.

One more thing: learn to break down your problems in your head so that they're in manageable pieces that you can handle. Right now, every minor thing that happens to you is blown up into a the worst crisis imaginable, and your friends are getting tired of it. Really, really, REALLY tired of it. They can't be your emotional rocks one hundred percent of the time and they start to drift away from you because you wear them out. Friends are wonderful to have when you do have problems that require the care and support of others. They will be there for you when you need them, but only if you stop wearing them down with the most insignificant of issues. That, too, gets you a lot of pain, in fact, you find yourself with a broken heart in the not-too-distant future because of that. You need to stand on your own two feet, sweetie. You have the strength in you, you're just scared to death of tapping it.

You are a smart girl. Use that. Use it now. Use it to find out who you are and what you want out of life. Use it to make your family understand that you're still there. Use it to wean yourself from your dependence on performing, and your dependence on others to solve your issues. You'll be much happier much sooner.

Hey sweetie,

You know me, or maybe you don't. Things were tough at that age, I know. You felt your father didn't give a shit about you, in fact, you find out in another year or so that living alone isn't any different from living at home. You had an older sister who was never around, and a younger who was into all sorts of shit that you could not, for the life of you, get along with no matter how hard you tried. Nobody in school, not your teachers, nor your advisers, ever seemed to want to help you out. The only way you felt you got any real attention was when you were in front of an audience. And you clung so hard to your friends and relied so heavily on them to solve your problems that you started pushing them away.

I know you didn't have it together even though you presented the image of being "with it." Part of that manifests itself in your grades; you just don't care, you have no reason to. Part of that manifests itself in your dependence on the band, the orchestra, and the church; you need to "belong" somewhere. Part of that is your clinging to your friends; you think that you'll collapse without them there to listen to your every single daily problem. And part of that manifests itself in those ridiculously long drives you take; you need a place to go to think, and your car's the only one you can think of.

You love to be seen, you love to perform, you love knowing people are watching you. Between 17 and 31, that never changes, in fact, in a few years that brings you quite a bit of pain. For fourteen years now I've wondered whether that came from a need for attention you weren't getting from anybody at home, least of all, your father, who should have paid more attention to you. You already knew at that age that Mom literally didn't have that capability and that knowledge never changes, but you wonder now why Dad can't be there when you need him.

You're angry with Dad because you need a parent, a guide, an adult to learn from, but right now you can't see it because that neglect also gives you a certain independence that your sisters don't have. You're also angry with him because he seems irresponsible...he's unable to support us the way that he should. You don't need to be angry with him for any of this. When Mom disappeared into the depths of her schizophrenia Dad was left with the three of us to raise and he had no idea of how to be a single parent, let alone a single father to three adolescent girls. We have problems he could never dream of, simply because he's not female. He muddles through as best he can, but you need to say something to him because he's not a mind reader. He won't know there's something wrong if you don't tell him, so you need to tell him you need him to be there for you too. Your dependencies and escapes might not be drugs and alcohol and crime and abusive boyfriends, but they're still dependencies, dependencies that you might not have to hang onto so tightly and then find yourself devastated when they're gone later in life.

But you also need to listen and understand, and remember that he's having a rough time of it too. Your older sister is getting married in a few months, at the ripe old age of eighteen, to an immature, irresponsible ass who hits her, and that's weighing heavily on him. Your younger sister is a drug and alcohol addict, has been in and out of rehab, is a high-school dropout, and most of his energy goes toward trying to pull her out of that. So when he tries to explain to you what's really going on with your family, listen. Don't get mad and shut him out. That won't get you anywhere. That never gets you anywhere with anybody.

I also want you to know, now, that the church is not you. You already feel it, but you push it away because all your best friends are Christians and members of that particular church and you don't want to alienate them by leaving. But deep inside, you do know you don't believe a word of what the church teaches. You know you're trying to be somebody you're not. Realize that now, and start looking for who you *really* are. And find the friends who will accept you for that, and not for who they would have you be. Don't be afraid to tell people who want you to be something else that they're asking the impossible of you, that if they can't accept you for who you are then they're no friends of yours.

One more thing: learn to break down your problems in your head so that they're in manageable pieces that you can handle. Right now, every minor thing that happens to you is blown up into a the worst crisis imaginable, and your friends are getting tired of it. Really, really, REALLY tired of it. They can't be your emotional rocks one hundred percent of the time and they start to drift away from you because you wear them out. Friends are wonderful to have when you do have problems that require the care and support of others. They will be there for you when you need them, but only if you stop wearing them down with the most insignificant of issues. That, too, gets you a lot of pain, in fact, you find yourself with a broken heart in the not-too-distant future because of that. You need to stand on your own two feet, sweetie. You have the strength in you, you're just scared to death of tapping it.

You are a smart girl. Use that. Use it now. Use it to find out who you are and what you want out of life. Use it to make your family understand that you're still there. Use it to wean yourself from your dependence on performing, and your dependence on others to solve your issues. You'll be much happier much sooner.


Absolutely lovely.

Isn't it interesting that in spite of what we all went through, or maybe because of it, we all turned out to be interesting, intelligent, thoughtful, gorgeous humans. :heart:
Hey, dick-for-brains:

Just because he's a hot California surfer with aqua eyes and pouty lips doesn't mean you should give up your pride. Give up your cherry but keep your pride, you're going to need it.

Also, you really are as smart as you're cracked up to be. The manual labor thing will make you old, broken down and in pain long before you need to be, so don't do it. Go get that college degree while you can still stay up after midnight.

Listen, kid. This is important. You matter. Your happiness matters. When you sacrifice your own happiness for others', you get nothing. You are so important to me, us, yourself, ourselves. Don't make us wait until we're in our mid-30s to realize that, and remember who we are.

You're a smart kid. You won't stay hot forever - that will end around age 27. After that, it's only brains and hard work.

Be at peace. It will all be all right.
Thank you for everyone who has participated so far.

The letters are heartfelt, honest (sometimes painfully so), and all so very beautiful.

Who's next?
Hey, dick-for-brains:

Just because he's a hot California surfer with aqua eyes and pouty lips doesn't mean you should give up your pride. Give up your cherry but keep your pride, you're going to need it.

Also, you really are as smart as you're cracked up to be. The manual labor thing will make you old, broken down and in pain long before you need to be, so don't do it. Go get that college degree while you can still stay up after midnight.

Listen, kid. This is important. You matter. Your happiness matters. When you sacrifice your own happiness for others', you get nothing. You are so important to me, us, yourself, ourselves. Don't make us wait until we're in our mid-30s to realize that, and remember who we are.

You're a smart kid. You won't stay hot forever - that will end around age 27. After that, it's only brains and hard work.

Be at peace. It will all be all right.

Holy shit, look Sr71plt, CarsonShepherd's up in here! Pound for pound he writes much better GM stories than you, and that's based on a serious data set of facts and not opinions.
Holy shit, look Sr71plt, CarsonShepherd's up in here! Pound for pound he writes much better GM stories than you, and that's based on a serious data set of facts and not opinions.

Yep, CarsonShepherd is a great writer. And has a terrific following here. :)
Thank you. And we now return you to this very interesting, regularly scheduled thread. (Hi Cloudy.)
Yep, CarsonShepherd is a great writer. And has a terrific following here. :)

Do you think CarsonShepherd talks to Ken Nitsua about writing? I want to ask Ken Nitsua about some schemes he uses that I've been trying to incorporate into straight stories.
Do you think CarsonShepherd talks to Ken Nitsua about writing? I want to ask Ken Nitsua about some schemes he uses that I've been trying to incorporate into straight stories.

I don't know. Ken Nitsua is another very, very good writer--also with a solid following here. I'm sure that you are right, that he could help you improve your writing. :)
Do you think CarsonShepherd talks to Ken Nitsua about writing? I want to ask Ken Nitsua about some schemes he uses that I've been trying to incorporate into straight stories.

I don't know him. I'm not writing fiction at the moment while I get my degree in a science field. Nice to meet you however.
Dear younger self,

Stay in school. I know, it's a pain but not having a university degree limits your options.

However be aware. That myth about hard, intelligent, honest work is just that; a myth. Most people, especially employers are far, far more concerned about propriety that they are about work. If you dress properly, kiss the right asses and mouth the right words you'll go a lot farther than if you work hard at the things that need work.

You have depression. Get treatment for it now. Knowing the type of person we really are dealing with the situation I mentioned in the last paragraph is very stressful. Stress aggravates depression. If you don't deal with it now it's going to give you major problems.

Love will come to you but it's going to be quite awhile. The sad fact is not many people are really capable of love. The factors that make work such a nightmare also make it difficult, often impossible, for many people to be loving. Our society encourages selfishness and love is the opposite of selfishness.

Or you can ignore all this advice. We did okay. We'll never be rich and we're often hated. But we did find love and our soul is ours, free and clear.

Your future self.
I find it interesting that women open their hearts and souls to the world but men seem to have difficulty doing the same thing.

Not an indictment, just an observation. :kiss:

You asked for a letter to the 17 year old Bronzeage, not a letter to the world. There are a lot of things I could reveal, but it's a dangerous thing to do. Regret is a form of blasphemy. It means a person would trade the blessings they have today for something unknown.

The inability to see far into the future is a great luxury. If we knew with certainty what was about to happen, it would paralyze us. The three greatest mistakes in my life, resulted in a child. If I had known what was about to happen, I would have stopped. It was the wrong time, the wrong place and perhaps the wrong woman. With foresight, I could have prevented some distress, but I lose a child. Which one should I pick? Could I lose all three? What would I find in a different life that could bring as much joy and satisfaction?

I am content with my life as it has worked out. There were bad times and good times, but they all led to right here. I did the best I could, with what I had. If the seventeen year old me had better information, there is no telling where I would be now or who would be with me.

No 17 year old, in the history of the world, ever accepted advice from anyone but another adolescent ass-hat; so I have no intention of wasting time and effort on you.
Dear Younger Self,

Hi. It's me. Or should I say you. I am writing you from the future. Cool, huh?
Yeah, we are still a bit of a nerd. Get over it.

Now. Take my advice. I have a lot of it to give. You are always thinking and dreaming about the future and now is your chance to truly KNOW.

First off, honey, it is okay to be depressed. Your parents called you up one month into your first year of college and told you about the separation. It is perfectly fine to be sad. It is okay to want to be scared. It is your first time away from home and you want to make friends and learn new things. Go with that.

However, I have got a warning for you. Just because you want to make friends and you are scared of being out in the great big scary world all alone do NOT, I repeat DO NOT, compromise who you are for other people. Do not let yourself be a doormat. Those girls are not really your friends. True friends care about you. They lift you up when you are down. They do not hang out with you because you are a complete pushover and easy to manipulate. Stand up for yourself. You will not regret it.

And, babe, alcohol is not the answer to your problems. It is some tough shit you are going through. But when you get the chance to take 7 double shots of Vodka in a half hour DO NOT. Alcohol poisoning is no joke. It will not take the pain of your parents separation or your depression away. Instead I want you to go to the free counseling center on Campus. I know asking for help sucks, but do it. Talking to someone will really help and they will be able to diagnose your depression long before it explodes into misery a few years later.

I want you to keep writing as well. I know you think the stories you write are not good enough. Keep writing anyway! How else do you think you will improve? You have some talent do not lock it up and let it gather dust just because you are afraid. Don't let fear hold you back from living the full life you are meant to lead. Fear can cripple you and make you miserable. You have a full courageous loving heart. Let it shine.

I know you do not see it right now, but you are a wonderful and giving person. You are also beautiful inside and out. I know you do not believe me. Sometimes I do not believe it either. But beauty is not about how much make up you can slather on or how much you can curl and primp your hair. Forget it. Less is more! Do not hide yourself from the world. And for heaven's sake do not dumb yourself down for the boys. I know. You want to get laid. And the hot ditsy blonde girl gets more play. Or so you think. You really want to sleep with those guys? Take the guys who want you for who you are inside and out. They will be the most fun. And when you discover Literotica do exactly what I know you will do! It will make things much more spicy when you encounter the man who becomes your first ever fuck buddy. Oh yeah. Life has a lot in store for you!

I want you to go out and embrace life. And most of all I want you to love yourself. If you start trying now, by the time you get to where I am you might have actually achieved it.


Your Future Self

P.S. Oh yeah, you do get to fall in love one day. I will have to let you discover him for yourself.

P.P.S Quit frowning at the page! You will just have to wait and be wonderfully surprised.
I found it only sad that, after all this time, you don't have to tell your 17-years-old-self anything about your life.

Do you hate yourself that much?

Posting thoughts to an imaginary teen is good evidence of psychosis.
Dear Lord, you're gonna regret that.

CarsonShepherd has earned his Literotica laurels. He doesn't have to claim to be anything because the evidence of his skill at authorship is evident to anyone who knows how to use the search function on the index page. He might not want to be my writing coach, but I've got one or two right now that have some quality Literotica laurels. Our writing contest is going to be one-sided, Cloudy. I train well.
CarsonShepherd has earned his Literotica laurels. He doesn't have to claim to be anything because the evidence of his skill at authorship is evident to anyone who knows how to use the search function on the index page. He might not want to be my writing coach, but I've got one or two right now that have some quality Literotica laurels. Our writing contest is going to be one-sided, Cloudy. I train well.

Well, you're just another one of those who is all blow and no go. Only six stories in seven years--and only one story since that first little flurry seven years ago. If you can/do write (other than muddled forum posts), it pretty much remains to be seen. :D
Well, you're just another one of those who is all blow and no go. Only six stories in seven years--and only one story since that first little flurry seven years ago. If you can/do write (other than muddled forum posts), it pretty much remains to be seen. :D

You're a fairly inane framer of arguments, I hope your editing skills aren't as ill formed. Here's some of my recent resume. Cloudy knows 'em all by heart. I only write 4+ stories, regardless of the name I post them under. You can fact check any of the scores under each categorical index. I've had H's on all my names under multiple stories with 50+ votes. I'm trying to write 10 stories this year that receive 100+ votes and maintain a 4.6 score. That's why I need my coaches.

Four Days in Paradise: Day 01-02 Georgia tempts her brother, he tries to resist.
4.30 152 22282 Incest/Taboo (English) 12/30/09 approved
Public Comments: 0
Voting Status
Yes No Public Comment Board: Yes No

Jessie's Sister, Jill My girlfriend's sister is sick and she's never kissed a boy.
4.51 354 82788 First Time (English) 01/02/09 approved
Public Comments: 0
Voting Status
Yes No Public Comment Board: Yes No

Jessie's Sister, Jill Ch. 02 Danny has to commit, Jillian has a secret.
4.44 104 17452 Group Sex (English) 01/22/09 approved
Public Comments: 0
Voting Status
Yes No Public Comment Board: Yes No

Katie at the Cabin I thought it was my wife who wanted to swap.
4.28 158 56948 Loving Wives (English) 12/17/08 approved
Public Comments: 0
Voting Status
Yes No Public Comment Board: Yes

You're a fairly inane framer of arguments, I hope your editing skills aren't as ill formed. Here's some of my recent resume. Cloudy knows 'em all by heart. I only write 4+ stories, regardless of the name I post them under. You can fact check any of the scores under each categorical index. I've had H's on all my names under multiple stories with 50+ votes. I'm trying to write 10 stories this year that receive 100+ votes and maintain a 4.6 score. That's why I need my coaches.

Four Days in Paradise: Day 01-02 Georgia tempts her brother, he tries to resist.
4.30 152 22282 Incest/Taboo (English) 12/30/09 approved
Public Comments: 0
Voting Status
Yes No Public Comment Board: Yes No

Jessie's Sister, Jill My girlfriend's sister is sick and she's never kissed a boy.
4.51 354 82788 First Time (English) 01/02/09 approved
Public Comments: 0
Voting Status
Yes No Public Comment Board: Yes No

Jessie's Sister, Jill Ch. 02 Danny has to commit, Jillian has a secret.
4.44 104 17452 Group Sex (English) 01/22/09 approved
Public Comments: 0
Voting Status
Yes No Public Comment Board: Yes No

Katie at the Cabin I thought it was my wife who wanted to swap.
4.28 158 56948 Loving Wives (English) 12/17/08 approved
Public Comments: 0
Voting Status
Yes No Public Comment Board: Yes


This is no place for a pissing contest.

La Cucaracha: you have your own thread where you can piss all over yourself to your heart's content. Please quit stalking me. Not interested, never will be. Thank you.

srplt: I expected better of you. Please take it elsewhere...thank you.
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