Writing the parts for the female in a story


I see about four or five 'sisters' right here in this thread that would likely give you all the insight you would like into the female experience.

But you haven't really asked any pointed questions.

What would you like to know? Feelings, yes, but feelings about what? In what situation? With whom? When?

PoliteSuccubus gave you some nice insight into how some things make her feel when certain things happen (and we are all assuming under 'nice' circumstance). Would you like more of this from others?

Ask, BJ, and ye shall receive.

- Judo
Never Sure What the right Question is

JUDO said:

I see about four or five 'sisters' right here in this thread that would likely give you all the insight you would like into the female experience.

But you haven't really asked any pointed questions.

What would you like to know? Feelings, yes, but feelings about what? In what situation? With whom? When?

PoliteSuccubus gave you some nice insight into how some things make her feel when certain things happen (and we are all assuming under 'nice' circumstance). Would you like more of this from others?

Ask, BJ, and ye shall receive.

- Judo

I am never sure what the right question is. I have never been one who wanted to offened someone with these types of questions. :) The worst part is when I don't come up with these questions till I near the "Climax" of the story.
Well, without inquiry, you're likely to learn very little. Perhaps this is your problem?

I would say forget about offending someone and ask the question. If they get offended in the context of this thread, then it's probably their problem.

Your thread is all about males trying to get inside the minds of females, so ask away. What do you want to know? Where does your mystery begin?

* * *

Okay, I've thought about this some more.

You say you don't know what questions to ask.

So, your problem might be that you don't know your character well enough to write her voice, and her actions.

What kind of woman is she? Outgoing? Shy? Forceful? Dependant?
Is she educated? From the backwoods? Poor? Rich?
What kind of world did she grow up in? Could she speak her mind? Repressed? Second-class citizen? Family of all brothers? Or all sisters? Dominating father?

If you don't know the answer to some of these questions and others, you will not be able to write who she is and speak her voice.

You, as the writer, must know your character well.

Once you know all of this, then she will tell you what to say, how to act. I have an exercise in the "How To" called How to Write a Character Biorgraphy. No, you don't need to answer all the questions, but the more you know, the more real your character will become. Try the exercise and see if it improves your character's voice.

After that, you can give the rough draft to some female editors and ask them to seriously examine your female character's actions and critique them for you, if they don't appear genuine.

How's that for an approach? Work for you?
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You might be right

You may very well be right. I have all to often tried to get some insperation in reading the stories put out by other authors.:)
Story Plot

wildsweetone said:
BJ, when you write, do you plan your stories or do they just seem to happen?

Sometimes the story just hits me as it were, other times I try to plot the whole thing out. I do seem to loose the thread near the end of the story:(
PoliteSuccubus said:
Um....A clit is just like a little penius, it gets hard too, sometimes at the worst times and there is nothing you can do about it.
This isn't a chicken or the egg thing. We all know what comes first, so isn't that suppose to be a penis is like a big clit?

OK, maybe not, but I bet you guys wish it was that way.;)
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Diane Maarie

Diane Marie said:
This isn't a chicken or the egg thing. We all know what comes first, so isn't that suppose to be a penis is like a big clit?

OK, maybe not, but I bet you guys wish it was that way.;)

You could be right aabout that DianeMarie.:D
Not just Q&A

Personally, I find the hardest part of describing the female side in a story the totally different way women tend to respond. Not only physically, but emotionally. The things they pay attention to that men simply ignore or overlook. And I think it's exactly what will make a dialogue or a description really credible and convincing.
So I understand this man's problem; it's not always only questions and answers, I'd say. Doesn't make reponding much easier though :)

Re: Not just Q&A

PaulX35 said:
Personally, I find the hardest part of describing the female side in a story the totally different way women tend to respond. Not only physically, but emotionally. The things they pay attention to that men simply ignore or overlook. And I think it's exactly what will make a dialogue or a description really credible and convincing.
So I understand this man's problem; it's not always only questions and answers, I'd say. Doesn't make reponding much easier though :)


You make a very valid point. Thanks:)
okay i haven't seen a specific question yet, but how's this for a general answer

to an unasked question...?

a little while ago i began a thread called Stereotypical Narration... basically asking authors how they portrayed and what they thought the opposite sex was like. Dr Mabeuse said this:

Le Difference
Well I disagree. I think there are big differences between men and women, at least in the ideal, but I think there's alot of overlap between the two bell curves for any individual.

I think men are motivated by a search for power: how to get it, how to use it, and what it does.

Women are motivated by a search for love: same things.

When I'm writing as a woman, I pay attention to how I look, what I'm wearing. I feel sexy with my whole body (I love that). I think a lot. I had to get help in another thread to find out how I felt when I was horny, but I think I understand it better now.
When I go out looking for adventure, I'm not going to jump into the sack with Mr Stud. I'm probably going to look for someone who's funny, gentle and kind, and maybe a little sad. And then I want to be 'cherished'. I want him to make love to all of me, not just kiss my boobs, lick my pussy and shove it in.

If I'm an agressive woman, I'm still going to take it out more in flirting than in screwing. I enjoy teasing men. It's very exciting, almost as good as sex. Men are so easy to string along.

I like being held and I like being kissed. I like finesse in his kissing.
The climax of the sex scene is not the orgasm, it is the beginning of the act itself. What follows isn't as important as the initiation.
When we make love, my description is shorter and more about what I'm feeling than how we're doing it. I get off on feeling his strength and his weight on me.

I'd like to be aggresively naughty like men are, but I'm afraid of being thought a slut, not by men so much as by myself and by other women. I'm ashamed of my body because it's not perfect, no matter how good it may really be, but I love it too when I'm admired, and I just love being touched.

If I love you, I'll do almost anything for you, in the bedroom and out. I really don't understand men and how they can be so promiscuous; how he can love me and yet still look at other women. Men's priorities are so stupid. As long as we love each other, not much else is all that important.

Well, that's the kind of woman I am.

(aside to dr.M. - i hope you don't mind me quoting you)

BJ, i've read one of your stories. it was well written. i think i understand a little of what you might be wanting.

perhaps a couple of exercises would help. have you ever really sat and watched a woman's mannerisms? have you sat in a shopping mall and simply sipped coffee (or whatever) while you're watching the way women walk, talk, gesture, smile and generally interact with others? and then... have you ever guessed what she might do next?

eg. imagine you are sitting in an open cafe in a shopping mall. it's say thursday lunchtime and you're having a break. you sit back and relax with your cake and cuppa and instantly become aware of a woman walking along the edge of the walkway. you notice her because she is carrying absolutely nothing. her arms are swinging freely, her shoulderlength hair is tied back in some messy kinda fuzzy way at the back. she is actually smiling as she walks.

senses: what can she see? what can she smell? (is she wearing perfume? are her tastebuds drooling from the scent of fresh bread from the bakery?) what does the material of her dress feel like? is she startled by noises?

where is she going? is she going to meet her lover? is she going back to work? is she at the mall to just enjoy being amongst people?

now... a guy might read that paragraph in italics and think 'fuckable'... thereby sidestepping any of the curiosities that i just asked you about.

hmm i've just waffled myself to death and for the life of me can't think where i was going with this. rofl. does it help at all?

edited to add: it might help you to create a woman who is extreme with feminine thoughts, feelings, and looks. use her in a story.

then create a woman who is extreme in the opposite, ie businesslike, wants to be top dog at work (will be top dog), very career minded etc... use her in a story.

for your third creation, try for somewhere middle of the road.

hmm does that help any?
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Re: okay i haven't seen a specific question yet, but how's this for a general answer

wildsweetone said:
to an unasked question...?

a little while ago i began a thread called Stereotypical Narration... basically asking authors how they portrayed and what they thought the opposite sex was like. Dr Mabeuse said this:

(aside to dr.M. - i hope you don't mind me quoting you)

BJ, i've read one of your stories. it was well written. i think i understand a little of what you might be wanting.

help. have you ever really sat and watched a woman's mannerisms? have you sat in a shopping mall and simply sipped coffee (or whatever) while you're watching the way women walk, talk, gesture, smile and generally interact with others? and then... have you ever guessed what she might do next?

eg. imagine you are sitting in an open cafe in a shopping mall. it's say thursday lunchtime and you're having a break. you sit back and relax with your cake and cuppa and instantly become aware of a woman walking along the edge of the walkway. you notice her because she is carrying absolutely nothing. her arms are swinging freely, her shoulderlength hair is tied back in some messy kinda fuzzy way at the back. she is actually smiling as she walks.

senses: what can she see? what can she smell? (is she wearing perfume? are her tastebuds drooling from the scent of fresh bread from the bakery?) what does the material of her dress feel like? is she startled by noises?

where is she going? is she going to meet her lover? is she going back to work? is she at the mall to just enjoy being amongst people?

now... a guy might read that paragraph in italics and think 'fuckable'... thereby sidestepping any of the curiosities that i just asked you about.

hmm i've just waffled myself to death and for the life of me can't think where i was going with this. rofl. does it help at all?

I can see where this is going.
:cool: I have watched them on occasion. Does that make me a pervert? I have often looked at how the younger ones move. I have tried to put that movement to words. Not an easy task. (For me at any rate.)Trying to find out how they react to their orgasims and such is a hell of a lot harder. lol I could see me going up to one and saying. "How does it feel for you when you have sex." With my luck I would wind up in jail. ROFL
you'd like to know all reactions to orgasm? both physical and mental?

i baggs the masturbation bit! ;)

okay... imagine this...

i'm lying back comfortably on my bed. i need to be comfortable to be able to fully enjoy the feelings i'm about to have.

i'm naked, and the mirror at the end of the bed is directly in my line of sight. i'm tilted up slightly against one pillow (though often i prefer to lay flat).

firstly, i enjoy letting my fingertips trail over my body very lightly. the touch is feather light, that brings forth a beautiful tingling wherever the fingers touch.

my nipples harden and when i circle one with my fingertip it feels like the nipple is actually trying to get away from my breast. when i touch the tip of my nipple with my fingertip, a hot tingling sensation goes from my nipple in a direct line to my vagina. my vagina feels like it is warming up. the longer i play with my nipple, the quicker the throbbing in my vagina begins.

often i feel that throbbing without physical stimulation on my body. i can read a hot story and begin throbbing without having touched myself.

now the throbbing having begun in my vagina... actually it's more at the entrance to my vagina that i feel it. if i touch it though i don't feel it throb against my finger... i feel it internally. - equate it to when you cut your finger and you feel the wound throbbing.

***how is this so far, is it useful to you?***
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wildsweetone said:
***how is this so far, is it useful to you?***

WSO, I don't know how it is for him, but it's sure making me HOT! Please go on!!!

Response to wildsweetone

I really appreciate the time you have taken to respond wild.:) I guess that's part of what I'm after. I never like to leave the other side of the story untold. Telling it from the male side is easy. We men can be pigs. lol. :devil: I just want to try to put the womans feeling into the story as best I can. :catroar: And thank you for checking out one or two of my stories.
BigTexan said:
WSO, I don't know how it is for him, but it's sure making me HOT! Please go on!!!


Nice car.
darn, looks like Wild got out again ;) maybe i should have pmed it....

okay a little more...

now the throbbing having begun in my vagina... actually it's more at the entrance to my vagina that i feel it. if i touch it though i don't feel it throb against my finger... i feel it internally. - equate it to when you cut your finger and you feel the wound throbbing.

lifting my head a little i can watch my body's responses in the mirror. it's a little too far away to see detail, but there is a clear view of my body.

the throbbing inside me increases when i move my hand down to my clit. if i lightly touch it at this point then i feel wonderful warm small electric shocks zapping around the lower parts of my body. mostly they feel like an external tingling around my pussy and even down my thighs.

the instinct comes to rub my clitoris. so using one finger (there are different sensations when using different pressures and also differing amounts of fingers) i rub from side to side on my clit.

a tension builds down there that is kind of difficult to describe. my brain is telling my fingers to rub faster and i can take more pressure against my clit. so i rub fast and hard. if i move my finger tip lower, not into my vagina but just a little below my clit, then i can rub against my labia majora (thanks for that other thread BigTexan) it is the friction of the lab.maj. that continues against my clit then for a little while.

once my finger has some vaginal juices on it - they tend to build up at the throbbing stage, some seep out, but most stay inside at this point (for me anyway, when i'm lying down on my back). once my finger is wet, i go back to rubbing my clit. at this point there is basically no return, and woe betide anybody stopping me now. some not so nice language would emerge i reckon.

stomach muscles clench, vagina throbs loud enough for everyone in the building to hear, or so it seems... the clit gets rubbed fast and hard, at this point it can take an immense pressure against it - there is no pain - unless a fingernail accidentally slips against the clit. then it's scream city.

anyhow, rubbing hard and fast, i can hear my labia sounding a little sloppy... they're very slick and wet.

i rub hard and fast enough for the muscle along the top of my forearm to burn hot. my eyes, nose and cheeks are clenched tight, my face screwed up. my torso is tight muscles, my free hand clenches into a fist or it grabs at anything. tightness and intensity is where i'm at right now.

if my eyes are open my vision is pulsing, my head throbbing strongly. i loose distinct sight (though i wear glasses anyway), i prefer to close them tightly. there is a blackness with white sparkly type lights going on and off... kind of like sparkling fairy lights on a tree.

my neck muscles are tight. every single part of my body is tightly clenched - i can't stress that enough. though my feet feel very relaxed.

the intensity increases - yep it gets so strong that i feel i could literally move mountains.

the rubbing gets even harder and faster, now and then i move my finger lower fractionally. the muscles of my vagina tighten, an amazing feeling of pleasure at every miniscule movement around my labia majora area, more tightness, massive clenching in every part of my body. holding my breath in long stretches, gasping intermittently.

the orgasm itself is the total clenching of every muscle in my body the final rub of the clit that sends me to the other side (for is it like being chucked off the highest pinnacle imaginable) causes contactions inside my vagina. those contractions are intense, they are able to be watched externally (close up), they are feelable both internally and externally. those fairy lights cascading behind my closed eyes.

then my body totally relaxes as if taking on a huge exertion that it has suddenly been released from. breathing is laboured for a while. eyes open, hands and body unclenches. it's nice to lay quietly for several minutes, just allowing my body the chance to relax and allowing my brain to stop sizzling ;)

every part of masturbation is equally important. the foreplay with oneself, or flirting or whatever, the masturbatory act, and the relaxation afterward... though the latter is often not able to be accepted easily due to outside influences.
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oh yeah and i tend to have a tell tale sign that i have orgasmed. i have a flush from and including the neck upwards that lasts for about ten minutes or so. but then i do still occasionally blush at odd times so maybe that's not really part of everyones orgasming ritual.
Seeing RED

wildsweetone said:
oh yeah and i tend to have a tell tale sign that i have orgasmed. i have a flush from and including the neck upwards that lasts for about ten minutes or so. but then i do still occasionally blush at odd times so maybe that's not really part of everyones orgasming ritual.
I wonder if that happens to everyone. I get the same thing on my chest and neck. My ears even get red.:D
hmmm looking at your AV... maybe it's cos you're upside down that you get flushed....? ;)

okay what did you think of what i wrote. was it helpful? do you have anything you'd like to ask me? please feel free to ask, i'll help more if i can.
wildsweetone said:
hmmm looking at your AV... maybe it's cos you're upside down that you get flushed....? ;)

okay what did you think of what i wrote. was it helpful? do you have anything you'd like to ask me? please feel free to ask, i'll help more if i can.

Humm! I thought I was flushed from all that sex. LOL:D You have been a very big help wildsweetone. :rose: I plan to look up your stories. :)
Thanks WSW


To say it in Story Feedback terms: I was there! :)

Thanks for a report worth reading again if you ever want detail on a female orgasm.

i was on my way to work and came back...

a thought just occured to me.

if i read a story written by a male that 'works' i.e. it excites me, then it is most likely written with some measure of experience.

if you read a few stories that contain women characters and are written by female authors, you are likely to come across a fair few common (frequently used) feelings and emotions expressed. that may help you also to create your woman character and turn her into a realistic being.

by the way, you're welcome. :) glad to be able to help :)
and thank you for the rose, it's beautiful :)
Re: Thanks WSW

PaulX35 said:

To say it in Story Feedback terms: I was there! :)

Thanks for a report worth reading again if you ever want detail on a female orgasm.

You can learn something new every day Paul.
oops posted at the same time.

you're welcome also PaulX35

now i'm late, gotta run, sorry!

by the way, and most seriously... all that was just how it feels for me. others may feel differently, i don't know.
