Xavier Institute For Higher Learning

Chihiro turned to look at the young woman speaking to her in rough Japanese. She smiled, then nodded. She hadn't spoken Japanese since she was a little girl, so she couldn't remember how to say yes in it. Instead, she bowed her head, before turning back to the young man, and looking at him expectantly.

I guess my Japanese was so rusty that the other girl couldn't understand it but understood I was being polite, which was enough for me.

Being safe, rather then sorry, I set set my practice blades on the bench with the others, just in case I needed to call Hugin and Munin to my hands.

Keeping an eye on him, I turned partly back to Amanda to ask, "I that blue thing he's holding and calling a 'knoofie' something like the Swartz? Is he Jewish?"
Amanda cleared her throat at the question, and smiled inwardly. "He's, well, uhhh, showing off, I believe." She looked directly at Psychout and spoke loud enough for him to hear. "Guys normally do it to impress a girl!"

"But, ummm, it's kinda like his personal Swartz, but I bet he doesn't have a Big Helmet"

I giggled as Amanda played of my allusion. "Yeah, I don't imagine he does."

I looked up as a woman holding a man flew overhead and wondered who they were for a moment before shrugging. People came and went quickly here, I mused.

I looked back to Psicout and his glowing sword thing. "I suppose the Swartz is strong in you, but needs we must go see Yogurt. Come on Amanda, lets leave the helmate-head to his play acting."
Amanda giggled and playfully swept a strand of hair out of her face. It felt... liberating? Well, she wasn't sure, but it was kinda fun to tease Psychout! Plus, she didn't get to tease anyone very often

"Yeah. Probably got a whole set of dolls too. Probably stashed away in his room"

She wagged her tail enthusiastially as she turned her back on Psychout.

I leaned over to Amanda. "Hon, there's far and there's too far, that may have been too far. You can only tease a man so far before his ego demands he snap to and defend himself."

I kept my guard up as I gathered all the practice weapons, ready to drop them at a moment's notice. "Now," I said loud enough to be heard beyond Amanda. "Lets go get these put away and you can explain the way classes work here. I imagine they're different from my last school, to say the least."

I walked up to Remy and took him in my arms for the flight to the Institute.

Hugging him tight, I took off, easing us into the air, keeping part of my mind on the winds, light though they were. Flying to the Xmansion could sometimes be a harrowing experiance, I'd learned. Nothing like having one of the gusts of winds that often followed Stormy around ground you into a tree to teach one caution. We flew over a gathering of students in the gardens that caught my eye.

I let them be though and landed us in the back gardens. Only caught a small gust as I did so, nothing that upset my flight.

"So, lets go find the fun, eh, Remy?"

~Gambit smirked and stretched out his body. Hanging in the air while being carried through the air had a tendency to get your body all out of wack. He looked around teh gardens and watched as students milled about, then looked at Rogue.~

I'm sure my presence alone is going to cause enough of an uproar because of all of the rumors dat are spreading like wildfire, P'tite. I haven't been back to da mansion except to meet Havoc in da War Room ealier.

~He looked at the kids swinging swords around and heard a birrage of insults being tossed back and forth and shook his head. Dis is the new lot of future X-men?~

Shall we mingle with da students who might be in our classes, or head right to what we are here to do so we can get away again?
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"We probably aught to break this up," I said with a sigh. "I'm surprised to see Amanda out here though, she's usually so shy. Good for her."

I walked with Remy over to the group of students, catching them before the raven-haired girl and Amanda could leave. "Why are you picking fights with one another? X-men work together, not against each other."

Least we're supposed to, I added mentally, not looking forward to Alex's tantrum that I was sure to face.

"And Psicout, put the... katana of light out," I said. "Looks great, you've gotten much better at that since you got here, but now's not the time."

~He stood back and let Rogue handle the students. At this point in time he wasn't sure how much he would be involved with them and it might have been sending the wrong message if he of all people was stepping in and talking about working together and the like seeing as he was usually the first one to ditch a group and set out on his own.

He was sure that Storm could think of something he could be teaching them, but he was also sure that until the initial "What's he doing back here, traitor." phase was over he would take it slow.

He grabbed a practice sword that one of the girls was holding and twirled it in his hand as if it ws his staff. The weight was a bit off but not that much. He then handed it to Amanda seeing that Bryn's hands were full enough~

Here you are, Cherie, don't let da boys here give you a hard time.

Kitty walked out into the garden just in time to hear Rogue say "Why are you picking fights with one another? X-men work together, not against each other."

How sweet, Kitty thought. This afterschool special crap makes me wanna gag. She leaned up against a wall, the thought of going over and starting trouble crossed her mind, expecially with all these young impressionables around, but thought she had better lay low for awhile..
Chihiro heard the woman talk about the students having supposed to be acting like adults, or something to that effect, then straightened up, taking the M.W.S. off her arm and shrugging back into the straps. She sighed, then leaned back against a wall, looking at them. "No fighting then? Too bad...I could use the exercise."
Amanda was startled when Rogue and Gambit turned up in front of them, and let out a little mew, stumbling backwards and falling on her butt. Again. Well, they wern't even supposed to be at the mansion. Or, at least, that's what she had heard anyway.

She scrambled back to her feet and nervously straightned out her hair. Rogue started to talk quite sternly at the group, which made Amanda try to shrink away even more. Sure, Rogue was nice, and from the south, like she was, but she could be REALLY scary at times.

Here you are, Cherie, don't let da boys here give you a hard time. Gambit planted one of the practice swords in her hands, and all Amanda could do was stand there, wide eyed, and quietly mewl to herself. She was even barely aware of holding the practice sword. She could feel herself getting flustered...

I shook my head over the kids behavior but didn't pursue it any further. I'd caught a glimpse of Shadowcat out of the corner of my eye and did not want to start a fight in front of students. Who says I can't behave?

"Now, Chihiro, no need to go fighting just for exercise," I said, wondering what it was she was strapping back onto her back. "You need exercise, let one of the teachers know, we'll get you set up with something to keep you on your toes."

Looking at the sword bearing one, I asked, "And what's you're name? Don't think we've met yet, I'm Rogue and that's Gambit."

The new girl's eyes widened at my name (fame or notoriety I'm not sure which) but she answered all the same. "I'm Bryn...Brynhild Hilddotter."

The name raised an eyebrow. "You're Hild's daughter? Interesting, I look forward to having you in class. Now, Gambit and I are going inside, the rest of you behave. Or I'll find something constructive for you to work on."

Considering my last constructive project had involved scrubbing the Institute's classrooms from top to bottom, it was an effective 'behave or else' type concept.

I looked over to Remy and Amanda- if the girl blushed any more she'd faint. "Come on, Gambit, lets go visit Stormy."
Chihiro raised an eyebrow, then bowed low, and stretched. She figured she COULD go visit Tai, but he was probably still asleep. The one problem with having organic batteries was the need for sleep. Still, he was good at what he did. She also found him attractive, though she would never tell him that. Of course, she found this woman, Rogue, to be extremely attractive as well. She shivered slightly at the thought, then yelled at herself inwardly.

"Anyways, what is there else to do? Is there any way I can make myself useful?"
::Gambit winked at the cat-girl, then turned and walked with Rogue towards the mansion. They had business to attend to, and though they stepped in and played teacher for a moment, in truth neither of them were suppost to be on campus at the moment.

After they were well away from the group of gathered students, He looked at Rogue and smirked.::

Seems dat I still have my nack for making da students stammer and get all flustered. I guess you could say it's my kenetic personality, no?

::Rogue's elbow in his gut made him laugh dispite the initial "oomph", Gambit then opened the door and held it for her.::

After you, P'tite, just be careful. I wouldn't be surprised if Kitty or Havoc were just through da door waiting to jump on us for even being here. Hopefully I can get to Stormy and get dis over with fast so we can get back to da cabin.

~He finished what was left of his apple and walked over to the window, opening it enough to toss it out for the birds and other wildlife to finish the rest. He tossed the apple out into the yard, but as he was closing the window again, he looked out into the gardens and saw Gambit and Rogue talking to the group of students, then watched as they walked towards the mansion.~

You're not going to believe this... Quess who just landed in the garden and are making their way upto the mansion.

~He turned around and looked at Nori as she sat on the counter, her feel swinging as she finished her apple. He returned the whipped cream as he finished.~

Gambit and Rogue.

I raised an eyebrow at Remy after elbowing him. "Let Miss High and Mighty come and play," I said with a rather feral grin. "She calls me out, we're going to have ourselves some fun."

I left it at that, no need to say more. Remy knew what I meant by not taking anyone's crap, least of all someone who hadn't even been there. "Besides, I'm more worried about Havok having a hissy fit over you, charming though you may be."

We walked inside, the inner air cool after the warm afternoon sun. Walking to a wall, I pushed a button, revealing a computer screen. Stormy's locating beacon was easy to find- she often kept it on so new students could find her.

"Lets go find you Storm and me a phone nearby."

"J'ai eu assez de ceci, j'ai des choses à faire."

Babette left and eventually found the room they were letting her use. She used to phone to take care of some important business, namely reporting her checks and credit cards as stolen and having any charges from the past few days cancled. She also gave Mallory a little poke to read his mind and find the school's address. She was sorely tempted to call her relatives but decided to wait until she had permission to call long distance.

"No way." Nori said and hopped off of the counter. She walked over to the window and looked out at the couple on the lawn.
"Let the drama begin."

Nori turned to Thad and said,
"I wonder if Gambit will be teaching a class this year. Lets go find out what is going on."

After throwing the apple remains away, Nori started to walk out into the hallway.

After Havok left, Storm said to herself, "If I'm running the school how come I don't know what you are up to."

Storm sat down in a chair and closed her eyes. "How come none of the meetings end with everything having been discussed and settled."

Storm picked up the communicator and called Kitty,

"Kitty, would you be able to fill me in on anything that you find for Havok."

Storm believed she left enough time for Havok to leave and got up and went to the elevator.

~Thad followed Nori out into the hall wondering what she was up to. They walked down the hall and caught the couple walking towards the elevator. He stopped and looked at Nori, then shrugged and walked over with her to Gambit and Rogue.~

Welcome back Ms. Rogue and Mr. Lebeau. Um...Nori and I were wondering if you two would be teaching classes this simester or if you two are going to be taking some time off?

~He stood as still as possible though his insides were jumping around on him. He wasn't nervous about talking with them per-say. They were only mutants like Nori and himself, but just the fact that these two were two of the best known X-men that hadn't been in the mansion for a bit made Thad a little nervous.~

Looks like Stormy is in da sub-levels of da mansion, P'tite. Maybe we catch her, seeing dat it looks like she is coming up da elevator now.

~He turned around to look at the two students that approached him and Rogue, then smirked hearing ask about whether he and Rogue would be teaching. Not one hundred percent sure of that answer himself he looked at Rogue hoping she could handle this one.

Right as he was about to open his mouth, the elevator opened up and Storm stepped out to join the four of them in the hall. Gambit looked at Storm.~

Stormy dese two were wondering if Rogue and I were going to be teaching classes dis simester. If you have a moment, I t'ink we can have dat talk you wanted to have also.

Storm stepped into the elevator and when the doors opened she found Rogue, Gambit, Thad, and Nori waiting. Storm sighed and wondered what had happened now.

"Yes, hopefully they will be teaching. That talk I wanted to have will have to wait. Other things have come up that have become more urgent."
What's on your mind Stormy? Something dat we can help you out with or is dis a solo mission for you?

~He crossed his arms on his chest and looked from Rogue, to the students then back to Stormy. He half thought that this had something to do with Havok and his accusations and rash decisions downstairs earlier, but didnt want to make any assumptions.~