Xavier Institute For Higher Learning

"Jesus bub, I'm gone for a little while and everything goes to hell." Logan said puffing his cigar, "Well let's get all this mess cleaned up." he said throwing a dup over his shoulder "Someone needs to get that boy a super soaker." he said referring to Tai.

As Logan hefted a dupe from a pile, a newly uncovered Jamie stared at the inside of his head, eyes rolled back. He was bloodied, both from other bodies and from his own. Three shots strafed across his torso, the first just above his right hip and the third lodged deeply in his left shoulder, inches away from his heart.

Perhaps Logan would hear his shallow breathing, or Gambit's keen eyes might pick out the subtle rise and fall of the Madrox's chest. Had Jamie's assailant not been electrocuted, maybe his sensors would've picked up the faint signs of life. Everyone, however, took notice as he came to life with a wet hacking cough.

"Geezuz, fellas..." his lips shook with a failed struggle to smile. "Put the damn smokes out. You tryin' to kill me?"

The dozens of human shields had done something right, effectively concealing the Core. First from gunfire, then from sensor and senses alike. Jamie Madrox had survived.
Mal stalked along the mansion's rooftop, looking around and trying to anticipate if any other attacks were coming.

Diable, qu'était-il que tout environ? Obtenez-nous hors d'ici, je ne veulent pas mourir comme ceci!

Shut up for like three seconds, God damn it woman!

Ne me dites pas que pour être tranquilles, nous avons été presque tirés par un fou avec une mitrailleuse!

Babs and Mal continued to mentally bicker as he sulked around from shadow to shadow.
Amanda had been watching all the events unfold with a shocked horror from the railings on the first floor. She didn't know what to do, or what to say. It wasn't until one of the Madrox from the pile caughed and wheezed back into life that she was shaken into action. Athletically leaping from the first floor, she landed gracefully and rushed over to him.

"Ohmygod! Y...you're still alive!"

With all the strength she could muster, Amanda tried to shove some of the bodies off of the still-living Madrox so she could get a better look at his injuries. Thank goodness she read all those booxs on first aid a year back! Might just prove to be useful
Thad sat in class tapping his pencil on his notebook as he looked at the board. Though he really enjoyed the history class, his mind was defiantly not on the lesson today. Just a week before, he was waist deep in dead bodies of the duplicates Jamie Maddox created to shield himself from an hail of bullets from a misguided cyborg names Tai. Lead to believe that the real Jamie Maddox in the mansion was a fake by the X-men's own Kitty Pride; Chihiro gave Tai the go ahead to eliminate the duplicate. In the matter of seconds Tai opened fire on Jamie with a pair of triple Gatling guns. Luckily Jamie used his mutant ability and made duplicate shields so that in the end only his duplicates were injured and he only suffered minor wounds. Jamie was moved to the infirmary where he went under the knife to have the bullet removed from his shoulder and the rest of his wounds closed up. Amanda and Bryn only left his side while he recuperated when they had classes, and occasionally the rock star Babs would visit him as well.

Storm had started classes a few days after the shooting to help get the students minds off of the incident and to also keep them busy while the Xmen sorted out whatever they could of what had happened. It was during this investigation that Chihiro and Tai were asked to leave the mansion. The mansion is a safe haven for mutants not for government experiments gone wrong, and it was thought that having someone with such an arsenal at their disposal was not safe for those within. Cable stepped up and took the pair away saying that he could find a place for them to hide from the Government. He had not returned since leaving two days ago.

Also during the investigation, Storm sent Logan to try to track down Kitty. She seemed to have more involvement with the whole situation than anyone knew. Chihiro explained how Kitty had asked her to track down all of the other duplicates of Jamie there was walking around the world and how after downloading the information, she asked Chihiro to delete everything that she found. The question was asked why Chihiro would take it upon herself to do such a thing without the proper clearances, but the girl never could come up with a plausible answer. Forge was trying all of his tricks to track down where the information Chihiro deleted was, but searching through the Xmen's computer database was very time consuming and even after a week he still couldn't find it. It would take more time.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was going to take time to find out everything that they could about Kitty and the data she copied then deleted, Rogue and Gambit had decided that they weren't going to be of any use at the moment and they headed back to the Summer's cabin by the lake to finish their vacation, though Thad heard through the rumor mill that Rogue was told to take a week away from the Mansion after the incident in Germany.

Thad looked at the clock, and then sighed. The class was wearing on and on. His eyes looked around at the other students in the room, they fell on a seat a few rows from his. The seat belonged to Nori. She left with Storm the day before after Storm received an urgent letter from her home in Africa. Something was amiss with some family members there and Storm asked Nori to come with her. Feeling a bit cooped up, Nori jumped at the chance to go. Thad had helped her pack, she shouldn't be gone long but who's to say how long she would be away. With Storm on hiatus, it left Havok in charge of the Mansion, and with Nori gone, all Thad had at the mansion were friends and classes.

The bell ending classes for the day finally rang and the students in the class gathered their belongings and headed off to their normal meeting spots. Slowly Thad did the same and he noticed that Amanda and Bryn where doing the same. It seemed that anyone who knew what had happened in the kitchen a week before was moving a bit slower as the list of questions grew and there were no signs of answers.

I sighed as I gathered my things together, wondering how Storm could talk so easily of flying in vectors and trig terms while I could barely stay aloft in harsher winds.

But then nothing at this school made much sense, but it was interesting. And there were not lightning bolts being thrown by odd uncles or eight legged horses demanding food around, so it could be worse.
I smiled at Amanda as we made our way down to the infirmery. Scenery wasn't bad either.

"Jamie," I called as we entered. "How you feeling today? Anything you want for lunch? Promise it'll be better then those falalflelsl thingies I tried to make yesterday."
Jamie Madrox

The days following the kitchen stand-off were hazy. The first 48 hours after the surgery he hadn't so much as batted an eye. He'd been put under in order to help him cope and heal. Stress did the body no favors. Gradually he came out of the stupor, staying awake a little longer, growing more aware each time. He was positive he'd made an ass of himself a time or two while he was incoherent, but he didn't care enough at the moment to question it.

Bigger things were on his mind. Laying back in the partially inclined infirmary bed, his gaze burned holes in the wall. Tai and Chihiro, as he'd come to know them, had been played. Not that it released them from their guilt (Jamie had dedicated his worst jawbreaker to Tai, in case they ever met again), but it lead to bigger issues. They'd been had. The suspects? Kitty Pryde, friend and longtime X-Man. She'd orchestrated the hit. And who did Chihiro find her talking to before this? Who's bizarre reaction was noted after the shooting? None other than Jamie Madrox himself. A dupe, more precisely, who'd since disappeared. They were a long, long way from Kansas.

"Jamie, how you feeling today? Anything you want for lunch? Promise it'll be better then those falalflelsl thingies I tried to make yesterday." Bryn's cheery entry cut through the dour thoughts like a knife through butter. The most natural transition in the world came over the bedridden Jamie as his signature glow washed over him.

"The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the 3 centimeter hole in my shoulder has officially closed to 2. Does it get any better?" He would've thrown in a chuckle, but it hurt to laugh. "No Bryn, I think I'll stick with Jell-O and oatmeal... I should've known better than to let your little Welsh self do middle eastern. You guys don't even do so well with your own food." His shoulders began to shake with a laugh that quickly became a hacking cough. Yeah, he probably deserved it after that comment. Hopefully Bryn knew he was kidding.

"How're the classing coming along, hm? Obviously Alex hasn't burned the place to the ground just yet." Jamie recovered with a simple smile as he looked from one girl to the other. He shot a wink Amanda's way. He read her right the first time he saw her: shy, bookish, and insecure. He identified with her on a level most people didn't even know he had. Bryn was going to do her a lot of good, no doubt.

"Welsh? Me? On of those, bow to the queen types? Valhalla forbid," I said with a laugh. "Anyway, good old fashioned Norse cooking won't hurt you, long as you're strong enough to handle real food, which I guess you're not yet. I just need to stay away from foods that I can't pronounce."

Moving over to the bedside table, I shot a glance at Jamie's vital signs and nodded. "Looks like you're doing much better today. Blood pressure's stabalizing, which means no more IV and long as you keep up the breathing exorcises, no pneumonia."
Living in a household where people got epicly injured on a regular basis had forced me into being trained as a nurse in my after school hours. I held my license as an RN though I didn't practice much except on friends and family. Most hospitals won't hire people with wings that occasionaly flare out.

Bustling around the room, I pulled a couple of trays of jello from the fridge along with a glass of juice and set it in front of Jamie. "You should be up walking outside in a few days, I figure. Unless Storm disagrees."
"Welsh, Norse, whatever. North of Spain, you're all basically the same," Jamie huffed, doing his best to play down his little faux pas.

Bryn's attentiveness was intriguing. The way she busied herself around the room first with the charts and then the food was a touch motherly. She was quite a caretaker. Inwardly, Jamie soured a moment. He was used to taking care of himself. Between his own self-reliance and his dupes, he was usually able to handle everything. Cooking, cleaning, business, pleasure... save for his social needs, he really was an island. To lay up in bed like this was frustrating, but recent events made it necessary.

"Up and walking, great." His lack of enthusiasm was evident. "I haven't been able to make any dupes. Wounded like this - my body's probably guarding against the stresses that come with multiplying. Once I've got my powers back, then I'll be happy."

"Have either of you heard any more about the shooting?"
Days Ago

Havok's Room

Alex Summers walks the halls of Xavier oblivious to his surroundings. His attention is drawn to the cinema in his mind. The stars are he and his brother and the middle of the movie is playing.

Alex likes this scene. Leading X-Factor, the government sanctioned team of mutants Alex remembers the day that he and his team saved the great and mighty X-Men including his own brother Cyclops.

He likes the middle of the movie better than the beginning. When he was separated from his brother and cast off to foster homes. He was treated badly by his foster family but still, he never felt like he belonged. He never felt like he had a family.

Scott? Scott got a family that he not only belonged to but also belonged to him. Alex thinks back to his conversation with Storm. How quickly she supported Gambit. How quickly Scott blamed him for his mismanagement of the Fantomex fiasco.

It was clear. The X-Men are a family. And though he may be an X-Man, he's still an outsider.

Alex remembers another time he felt like an outsider. When he was watching military film of army troops and platoons. He could see in their eyes, their movements. Despite coming from different places, from different parents, those men and women from different races and different parts of the world bonded. They defended America with their lives and depended on each other to do so.

They became a family.

"My team...my team will be like this?"

"Composed of mutants, yes. You will be a mutant strikeforce trained to defend this country against those who would menace us all."

Alex looked at the troops train. He looked at a family.

"I'll do it" he said.

That seems so long ago today. Alex wished Storm had left the room sooner. He wanted to review some of the student files, a few notable ones in particular but he couldn't let her know why.

Alex remembers something Hank McCoy once said. He mentioned Ghandi once said "A good person is the one who becomes the change they want to see in the world."

Thinking deeply Alex decided he would do that.

He would give some other outsiders the family he always wanted.

Suddenly a mass flood of students rushes by Alex and breaks him from his memory.

He stops a student.

"Hisako! What's happening!?"

"The cafeteria! Ms. Pryde kicked us out and-"

Before the girl can finish Alex hears what sounds like an army of millions opening fire all at once.

His eyes flare light blue as he begins to emit plasma from his body.

Crakling with energy, he takes off for the cafeteria.

Sitting in the War Room Havok thinks about what has transpired over the past few days. Without Storm, Kitty and Wolverine gone the X-Men are at their lowest point ever. He'd hoped that Jaime would be able to help out but after the injuries he sustained there was no way of knowing when or if he would ever be the same again.

He stares deeply into the communication monitor.

"I think so. Storm opposed my suggestion to restrict enrollment at the school but she's gone now. I think I can get it done. But you have to live up to your end of the bargain.......No, of course not Tai is long gone..........Are you sure? But...no! It's just sooner than we planned....no! They aren't ready! If we do this, if we do this now how are we any different from Xavier? I'll let you know.....I said I'll let you know."

Havok closes the communication wire.

He doesn't try to hide the communication. He has no reason to. None of the X-Men would bother to look with everything that's going on and Kitty is their most accomplished computer tech wiz and she's gone. Still, even if they knew who he'd just spoken to it wouldn't send any red flags.

Maybe he should hide it just in case.

"Nah" he thinks reconsidering. At the moment it wasn't even worth the effort. In the pits of his stomach he felt so sick.

He walked toward one of the large computer terminals and sat down slowly. For a moment he could see his reflection on the dark blank screen. He couldn't believe the person he had become.

"We tell these kids, all their lives that all they have to do is dream. Because if they dream about tomorrow, about the people they want to be then they can be it. All they have to do is dream. And they work hard they'll become the people they choose to be." he thinks to himself.

"And its a lie. They aren't going to be the people they want to be. They'll only become the people we make them." he thinks sadly.

With his voice shaking from regret Havok says " A-A-Access files: Heavy Metal, Psicout, Bryn...."
Thunderbird & Lifeguard

Together they walked hand in hand out to the waiting shuttle, a thought from Lifeguard opening the bay doors of the craft. It was Shi'ar in origin though between the two mutant's efforts, it was now a mix of technologies.

The shiny silver surface was etched with markings that mirrored those on Lifeguard's face, the markings of Shi'ar royalty. Though Lifeguard's own markings were hidden beneath a bandana and sunglasses. Nothing could hide the clawed hands or huge golden wings that the woman bore gracefully if grudgingly. She looked like a golden angel, all light and eyes like white phosphorous.

The man at her side stood only 5'9" tall but there was a commanding force in his deep brown eyes, as if nothing could stop him from the mission he'd choosen. Those eyes softened as he looked at Lifeguard.

"Heather, you sure you're ready to go back?"
"Yes, Neal, I'm sure," she whispered, voice lyrical and ruff all at the same time. "I owe Rogue a favor and can actually deliver now. That shield that did me no good will allow her to touch another person without killing them. That is a great gift to her."

The man nodded as he took the co-pilots seat. "True and I bet Gambit will appreciate it too. Though that message you got from Rogue didn't sound good. Between everyone leaving and all those new students, its likely you'll be put back to work teaching, Heather."

Nodding, she slid into the pilot's chair and fired up the shuttle. "I know and I'm ready. So what if I look Shi'ar- I am part Shi'ar. And there are worse things to be in this universe."

Smoothly, the shuttle lifted from the sands on the beaches of Surfer's Paradise and glided into the air on silent engines. The pair would reach the Institute in a day or so, depending on the jet stream and if they stopped off in California for pizza or not.
Thad took his time walking through the halls of the mansion. Most of the kids, well those who had parents that understood mutants, had just returned to the mansion from a small break in classes. Some of the parents were a bit hesitant, however Storm seemed to have put a lot of minds at ease and now the students started to fill the classes and the halls of the mansion once more as classes started.

Thad stopped to talk with a few of the guys he knew. They were heading down to the courts to shoot some hoops and maybe pick up a game. Thad, however, didnt feel like playing. he was still coming to terms with the fall out from the attack and was looking forward to going down to the hanger where he and Forge set up his light and sound chamber so they could work on it. They had almost got all the bugs worked out of it and Thad was looking forward to getting some of his frustrations out in the form of music.

He parted company with his friends and walked to his room. There he dropped off his books and grabbed his laptop and the metal bands he made for his arms and thighs before locking his door and heading to the elevator. After waiting a few minutes at the elevator, he let a group of giggling girls off before stepping on and hitting the button for the hanger sublevel. Slowly tyhe elevator began its decent.

I shook my head, ebony hair flairing around in its ponytail. "I don't know, the teachers won't release any information and we're being given the silent treatment. That Chihiro chick and her creation left once it was stable."

My tone carried my vexation over being kept out of the loop over the shooting though I let it be. I addressed his other comment next though. "From what I understand of your duplicational processes, its akin to my un- to a man I know. He can't duplicate if gravely wounded either. Its a way of concerving power to healing energy. Once you're power levels are back at normal range, you should have no problem duplicating. I would recommend you wait on trying until you're ready to actually do more then walk around a room though."

Wasn't about to admit who my uncle was- no one had really gone into depth on my family history and I was happy with that.

"Anyway, if you want, I can unhook you from all the equipment and Amanda and I can take you outside for some fresh air. It must suck having been in here all this time."
Emma, is it cold in here or is it just her?

"You should have called me. It's endlessly embarrassing to have my name slandered by the mismanagement of this school."

Her voice curled velvet fingers in Alex Summers mind, the White Queen always knew how to make an entrance. Presently she was casting a glacial look over the school from her vantage point in the front hall. Of course she was recognized by the mansions security, she should be, she'd helped Scott re-design it. Scott. That other Summers brother...her former lover who had so unceremoniously taken his leave of her once again to rejoin his 'wife.'

Not that Emma lacked for lovers, should she choose to she could have literally anyone she wanted. But that was never so much fun, never so much challenge as one who thought he didn't want her. She was drawn to challenges, loved pushing the envelope as well as everyone comfort levels. Her very nature tended to put people on edge, a fact she used and exploited.

Clad in snow white leather, the soft supple material dripping form her forearms to well past her knees, a mock cape that melded with the small and well fitted bandeau of her top. From the plunging neckline up was bare, and a good expanse of midriff was brazenly left uncovered. Nothing like her former glorified lingerie costume, but still as everything with Emma was, it radiated sexuality.Her pants seemed to flow seamlessly into the high heeled boots at her feet. Elegance, class and all too knowing of her superiority over the others, Emma Grace Frost had returned to the house that Xavier built.
Logan had been all over upstate New York right up to the Canadian border, hunting Kitty. Why would she act this way? he thought smoking his cigar Its not like her, and I dont like it. He had noticed a strangeness in her scent, something he couldnt place but made him awful damn suspicious. Whatever was up, he needed to figure it out soon.

"huh?" Havok looks up as he thinks he hears a voice behind him. No, not behind him, even closer. Quickly Havok looked around the War Room. He was alone.

"You should have called me. It's endlessly embarrassing to have my name slandered by the mismanagement of this school."

Alex grimaces. The "voice" was unmistakable. The White Queen was back.

"Cute Emma. First off, stay out of my mind. Secondly, Shadowcat is missing, Madrox is critical and Xavier left me to run the Squads and Storm to run the school. Talk to her about mismanagment. I'm assuming you have though. I'm assuming she sent you to take her place. Hmph." Alex sucks his teeth.

"I've got enough on my shoulders figuring out what the hell is wrong with kitty. I don't need any more grief from you Emma. Now if you want to talk to me, come to the War Room and do it. If not, leave me the fuck alone and stay out of my head."

Havok tries not to panic. He knows that Emma is a "reformed" villain but he still does not trust her. He worries what she might find if she probes to deeply into his mind. Xavier and Jean he trusted to never violate his mind but Emma he trusts significantly less. For a time, he was away from the mansion so much that it was a moot issue. But if he and Emma were to work closer together he would have to watch her very carefully and above all be careful.

He walks over to the War Room computer and begins to close files. He stops for a quick moment and notices that the screen he had up before changed. Now another file was on the screen

He stares and sees that the screen has split into four different images each with a glowing red target on their chest..

"Brynhild Hilddottir....Amanda Shaw....Slyvester Ramone...Thad Reznor.....but I didn't access this how...." Alex ponders for a moment then understands. "But I don't get it...why them? Why now?" He doesn't get an answer and he doesnt' expect one. He has his orders. And he knows what he must do.
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Amanda had stood silently as Bryn busied herself with helping Madrox as best she could. Every time she came down here, she couldn't halp but flashback to the massacre in the kitchen, and her own lack of power to help. Sure, she had managed to drag a body off of him, but she always felt saddened that she couldn't stop the shooting in the first place.

Of course, she tried not to let it show. Her outward demeanor was always grins and smiles, even though she was finding it hard, not only to cope with a potentially fatal mass-ecent occuring inside the mansion, but also how the more senior X-Men seemed unphased by it.

Finally plucking up enough courage to get closer, Amanda walked over and perched on the chair next to Jamie's sickbed. Damn plastic chairs with no holes in the back! Made sitting almost impossable! Again, she grinned, playing it off as one of her quirks.

"Yeah, I, uhhhh, think it would be, ummmm, neat. Uhhh, plus, fresh air does you good, and all that...."
The door opened to Jamies room. In the doorway stood the nurse that has been taking care of Jamie. She spotted the two girls in the room and stopped. " And how are we feeling today Mr. Madrox?" She asked while she walked to a counter and put a needle and a bottle down. "Getting enough rest I hope."

"Cute Emma. First off, stay out of my mind. Secondly, Shadowcat is missing, Madrox is critical and Xavier left me to run the Squads and Storm to run the school. Talk to her about mismanagment. I'm assuming you have though. I'm assuming she sent you to take her place. Hmph."

"I've got enough on my shoulders figuring out what the hell is wrong with kitty. I don't need any more grief from you Emma. Now if you want to talk to me, come to the War Room and do it. If not, leave me the fuck alone and stay out of my head."

Havok tries not to panic. He knows that Emma is a "reformed" villain but he still does not trust her. He worries what she might find if she probes to deeply into his mind. Xavier and Jean he trusted to never violate his mind but Emma he trusts significantly less. For a time, he was away from the mansion so much that it was a moot issue. But if he and Emma were to work closer together he would have to watch her very carefully and above all be careful.

Ohh Alexander...just what is buzzing in that head of yours?

"I know the Summers mind dear boy. It's frightfully easy to slip inside, your brother didn't seem to mind too terribly."

Yes now she was baiting him but that was Emma, sadly you had to take the bad with the good in her case. She was a strong leader, a brilliant Headmistress but cold and aloof. Frost believed in her own superority and rarely did another challenge that in her. Cyclops had of course, Banshee before him. Both had become lovers, Emma had a soft spot for the thrill of the chase and challenge.

The White Queen made her scowling way down through the halls, frowning at the disorginization the School had fallen into. Minds scattered and nonproductive, students and faculty injured... what sort of disaster had happened in her absence?

Those high heels clicked their way into the war room with a soft elegant sound of menace, even the taping of her shoes was cold. Crystal blue eyes came to rest on the new Summers in charge.

"Well, this is not going to be an easy turn around is it?"
Jamie Madrox

"Well getting out of here sounds like a lovely idea, ladies." The suggestion had bolstered his spirits in earnest. Moving around a bit would make him feel at least somewhat capable. After a week of being coddled, he needed it.

"...unfortunately, it looks like good Nurse Annie has other ideas." He greeted the woman as he did everyone, with an affable smile. "What've you got for me today? If it's more painkillers, don't bother. I was actually about to escort these young ladies outside, and... well... um, could it at least wait until after I have my walkies?"
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"I'm afraid it really can't wait, it's to prevent infection, you really need to take it now," She began to fill the needle from the bottle. She tapped it, getting rid of all the air bubbles.

She turned and eyed the two girls, "We wouldn't want you to get sick, now would we," She smirked at Jamie. "Maybe your companions would feel more comfortable waiting outside for you?"

I raised an eyebrow at Nurse Annie. "Considering I've been giving him IM injections round the clock for painkillers and antibiotics, no, won't but me a bit."

Looking at the loaded syringe with needle made me even more curious. "We're using a needless system here, you don't need it to inject into the IV tubing, not to mention it would break it. What are you giving him? Doctor hairy man said he was good."

I irritated me that I was asked to leave so I was irritating in return, spurred by some subconcious thought process, I suppose.
"There is a new strain of bacteria running around, we just want to be certain that he doesn't catch anything, but stay if you like," The nurse smiled through clenched teeth. That little brat was going to ruin everything. She put the bottle back on the counter and started to walk towards Jamie.
Amanda watched as Bryn and Nurse Annie seemed to argue Annie seemed set on her course, but then so did Bryn. And, as Bryn was her friend, Amanda was going to back her up. "Ummm, e..excuse me, nurse? I, ummm, know something of medacine. I can stay with Jamie and, ummm, administer it"

Of course, her knowledge of medacine was extemely limited. She'd read a few books on the subject, and know the basics of biology, but that was it. Hopefully, however, her bluff would get the nurse to leave so that she and Bryn could talk