Xavier Institute For Higher Learning

"...you could ignore me and walk on down the hall....Maybe we should just goto my room and listen to music? Doesn't seem like we will be getting into the Danger Room, until things calm down around here."

Nori glared after Havok and put her hands up causing electricity to arc between her fingertips and said to Thad,

"I could get his attention if you want..."

Nori laughed and then said,

"I don't think I want to go to the Danger room with Havok. Lets go to your room."

Walking off the elevator Havok briskly walked past a group of students.

He tried to remember their names for a moment and couldn't. He kicked himself. He remembered being in the War Room before when Scott questioned him about Wizard and because he fell behind in his study of the students he sheepishly agreed about how advanced he was.

"What a crock that turned out to be." he thinks with bitterness.

Havok walked toward the front of the mansion near the door.

As he approached he could see Jaime and Ororo talking.

He didn't need to introduce himself. After all the time they spent working together in X-Factor he was sure Jaime would remember him.

"Multiple Man" Havok announced, curiously using his codename.

"It's good to see you Jaime." Havok said forcing a smile.

"It would be better to see almost anybody but you." he thought to himself.

"but at the moment I need you."
Amanda shook her head. She had been standing and stareing at the new guy for what fel like ages! That and Nori had gone, leaving her alone with the stranger in the doorway talking with Storm. Nervously, she stepped forawrd, keeping her arms wrapped around her, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Uhhhh, I'm, ummmmm, just going for a...ummmmm... walk."

Damn! her and social situations still didn't mix very well! Just had to hope everything would go smoothly.

Just then, a noise from behind signalled a door opening, and footsteps that could only belong to Havock approaching the front door. Hurredly, she moved past Jamie and Ororo, and took a deep breath as she walked outside
::Thad nodded in agreement then took Nori by the hand gently and lead her down the hallway past Havoc, Jamie and Storm, then slowly up the stairs and to his bedroom. He was one of the students who had his own room just because noone else needed a room so he didn't have to share. He half wondered if the rooms could be co-ed, then looked at Nori.::

Dont mind the mess of Cds and cases. When I listen to music I dont usually worry about where the cds and cases go, I just listen to them and put the mess away later...

::He opened his door and led her within. He then hurtled in bare spots on the floor until he made it to his bed. he laid down and reached beneath his stereo and grabbed another set of Headsets and a splitter.::

This way we can both listen without bothering everyone on the floor...
Nori jumped over the cd's to the bare spots and landed on his bed. She took the extra headset and put them on and grabbed the closest cd to read the inside notes. When he laid down she snuggled in and read.

On raven-black wings, I hovered over the eastern edge of the land belonging to the Xavier Institute. A message for the head master or mistress was tucked in the backpack I wore, a parting gift from my mother, Hildr.

Trust her to give me a bag that could hold all sorts of thing and then tell me to 'figure it out.'

Taking a deep breath, I crossed the main permiter, winging for the mansion. Hildr said she had notified someone of my coming but I kept my guard up, knowing well that it would strike her as amusing to have me drop from the sky unannounced. I knew she's spoken with Professor Xavier- I'd watched them speak of my going to the institute, but no time had been sent.

A sudden gust of wind opened my eyes wide. Okay, I do not want to drop from the sky, I thought, worried a bit. My flight skills still weren't what could be called perfect but I'd only had the wings for a year, them having appeared when I was seventeen.

At eighteen, with wings and a power that I could feel growing, even if I didn't know what it was, I landed near a waterfountain before what looked like the main entry way to the Institute. I left my swords, Hugin and Munin, sheathed on my hips, hands peacefully away from them as I walked up to knock on the front door.

At a loss for what else to do, I knocked.
Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man

The reception had been surprisingly warm, even though the initial welcoming committee was a couple of kids he didn't know. The blue haired kid with the hardware-laced gloves was Nori. That much was easy to pick up from the metal man's words. And... Jamie listen closely as he almost apologetically lamented his lack of control... the accent... slight, yes... but... a little thought made his ever-present smile grow a touch.

"A mean 'Little Teapot' and an even better 'Bah Bah Black Sheep'. He assured the girl before she dragged her friend away.

"Hello Jamie, it's good to see you. I heard you were setting up an office in town."

"Yup. X-F.I. will be just down the road now. I didn't want to stick to Mutant Town. There're places all over the world that could use our services, ya know? And I figured, what with the high number of mutants in this area and all... if nothing else, I can dispell some of Salem Center's myths about what phenomena are mutant-related and what aren't. Spread the wisdom." Jamie was proud of his agency and it showed.

Through his little spiel, however, he'd been studying Storm's face. The stress showed clearly. With the three others arrested, the school's resting on her shoulders, he realized. Pity inspired him and a mischevious spark passed through his eyes as he looked down the hall Nori and her metallically inept friend had gone. Their loss.

He coughed gently as three more Jamies stepped from him. Side by side, in unison, they began to sway and snap their fingers in a slow rhythm. Then the "mmmmm-bahs" began, setting up quite an a capella group. One sang as the others continued.

Ororo is your first name
And it's far from your last
Yes, you've held many titles
In your storied past

From weather witch to morlock queen
You've had countless in between
But there's only one right name for Africa's star
A Goddess is what you are.

The singing Madrox dropped to a knee before Storm at the last line, the other three echoing it in stereotypical barbershop quartet fashion, dropping their voices to a low bass. It was definitely an unusual sight, but Jamie wasn't laughing about it. He was sincere in his flattery, hoping it might perk the woman up a bit.

Suddenly a feral girl standing at along side them. For a fleeting moment Jamie was preparing to demand what Wolfsbane was doing there. Then he realized he didn't recognize her.

"Uhhhh, I'm, ummmmm, just going for a...ummmmm... walk."

Jamie felt a wave of sympathy as the girl hurried out. He'd make it a point to talk to her later.

"Multiple Man. It's good to see you Jaime." Geezus, Havok looked worse than Storm. Stiffling a collective cringe, the three backup Jamies rang out in rising tones reminicant of the Three Stooges.


A unanimous "hello,' broke the harmony and finished the imression, as the forth Jamie stood and brought a hand around to take Havok's. Then, partly to show support and in part to antagonize, Jamie's other hand came around to give Alex a firm pat on the back, a near-embrace.

"Hey Alex!" Jamie was grinning wildly now.

"Are you ever not knee-deep in shit?"
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Storm was laughing at Jamie's song and said,

"Those student would have loved to see that. Thank you." She smiled at him and then she heard Havok say,

"Multiple Man. It's good to see you Jaime."

She saw the forced smile and wondered what he was up to. Before she could say anything she heard a knock on the door. She stepped around Jamie and opened the door and saw a strange girl with wings and two swords.

"Can I help you?"
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Amanda rushed out across the lawn, compleatly ignoring anyone that happened to be nearby. She was going to train, and whith the Danger Room out of comission, the gardens were going to have to do.

Plus, the furthur away from a three-way conversation, the better!

Eventually, she arrived in a fairly secluded spot in one of the corners of the grounds. A huge tree spread it's branches out in all directions, lending plenty of shade. Taking a quick look around, Amanda was content that no-one was watching, and started to remove her more bulky items of clothing.

A short moment later and she stood in a tight t-shirt and shorts, her red and blonde striped fur blowing slightly in the wind, rythmically breathing to centre herself as her tail lazilly wagged back and forth. After 10 exhales, she lept off the ground and grabbed a branch, using the momentum of her body to swing from branch to branch, occasionally stopping and balancing on one hand, before continuing her excercise
Cable looked at the surroundings as he walked slowly up to the first floor of the Mansion. He briefly considered thanking Havok for letting him stay, but he realized the man was very very volatile. He wouldn't have been well received if he had done so. Maybe he'd thank Storm later. He walked slowly towards the door, and made it there just in time to see Multiple Man's show of comedy. If he had had a sense of humour, he probably would have been rolling on the floor laughing.
Wizard spoke with a military officer after leaving, the meeting having been arranged by his father. He agreed to undergo special training since his powers were gone, and knew he'd be changed by it.
Tai came back in to talk with Chihiro, speaking in low tones and telling her that he didn't know if he had gotten through to anyone. Still, he figured they had to do what they could to help.
::Thad settled in sitting on the floor by the bed, his knees drawn up, then hooked up the splitter and the headsets to his stereo. He checked the hook ups, then tilted his head back to look up at Nori who had settled on his bed and made herself comfortable.::

I was listening to Nickleback's new CD, but I have others. What would you like to hear?

::His eyes danced merrily as he looked at her upside down, his head resting on the bed as he looked back at her.::
Babette wandered around the manor cheerfully waving to anybody she saw. She wasn't looking for anything in particular, just satiating her curiosity.

Stick to the main hallways, some of these people are involved in unusual and dangerous goings on and we don't want to get involved, nor do we wish to wear out our welcome.
Nori looked around Thad's room at his music paraphernalia and pulled off her headset when she heard him talking.

"Nickleback is good. Do you have any Bif Naked?" Nori said, "She has the best liner notes."

Nori rolled over so that she could look at him better and asked,

"What do you think is going to happen now that Professor Xavier isn't here? Have you seen the news lately or have you been under your rock again? Pun intended."

Now confronted with the real Jaime, Alex was reminded of just how grating he could be. He choose to ignore his antics and focus on the task at hand. Without the Professor and Phoenix the team's strength had been significantly reduced. Emma and Beast each chose to stay away from the mansion to prevent themselves from being arrested thus further weakening their power.

It was best that some of the team members stayed away but the mansion, the active X-Men were missing several key members. Without them, the team would just have to be creative and use who they could. Enlisting the Multiple Man would help.

"Jaime, It's good you're here. I was actually about to call you. I need your help. We just received a visitor. I looked her up. Babbette Vasseuer. Apparently she was a big star overseas but her career bellyed up when her mutation became public. If she's really a big time figure then she should be pretty easy to investigate. You're running a PI firm right? I want you to find out about her. Fantomex was our last guest and he almost got some of us killed. We need to make sure from now on, that we aren't exposing ourselves and becoming vulnerable."

Havok watched as Storm went to answer the door. He wanted to ask her if she'd seen Kitty. He had a job that required her computer skills.
::He pulled his headsets off as well and set them on the ground beside him. His eyes looked around to see if he did have that cd or not, but after looking for a few minutes he decided that he didnt. Her next question caught him a bit by surprise.::

I've seen the news, and I don't know what will happen. I hope that they are not going to close the school down, but after seeing the Xmen walking around i doubt they will. I guess things will just be like they were only people will be looking for a reason to arrest us if and when we screw up.

::The insident in Germany had pushed all the rong buttons with the rest of the world, and while he didn't know what the truth was behind the mission there, all he knew was that the Xmen did what they could. He looked back at her and though her question was a serious one, he hated being serious and made a funny face at her while he was looking at her upsidedown.::

Armed with a stack of recently printed internet photos Psicout strolled asked various students if they'd seen the new guest.

He recognized her almost immeidiately. Babbette was one of the hottest Euro pop stars. Her records had sold millions of compies and she was famous all over the world.

Mutants everywhere rejoiced when they added her to the growing list of mutant celebrities.

He hoped to track her down for autographs.

Following the directions of the students Psicout journeyed the Girls dorm on one side of the mansion.

He could see Babbette walking in front of him so he hurried ahead while calling her name.

"Hey! Hey! Babette! Babette!!!"
Nori laughed at the unexpectedness of the funny face Thad was making. She leaned up and kissed him on the forehead and giggled,

"You are such a ham."
and then rolled back and put her headphones on.
::He smiled as he felt her lips kiss him on the head, then shook his head and slipped his headphones back on except he only covered one ear. He quickly ejected the Nickleback Cd and stuck in the All-American Rejects Cd with Move Along and Dirty Little Secret. After a few minutes he looks back at Nori again and smiled.

It was nice to have friends in a place like this where there were so many mutants that it was easy to just get lost in the suffle of life. Nori and Thad had hsared a few classes every year, but up until today they hadnt really hung out. He liked her and enjoyed her company. Suddenly she looked at him as if she felt him staring at her. He offered her another smile, then started to mouth the words to the song.::
Nori was reading though the cd's and felt him looking at her. She looked up. When he started mouthing the words to the song she decided to be goofy. She smiled at him and started to air guitar with the song.
::He laughed at her and shook his head.::

Now who is being the ham?

::He stood and slid onto the bed beside her. He took her hand softly in his and turned her wrist so that he could see the cd she was looking at. He then got a funny idea and reached over the side of the bed and rummaged through the pile of cds there. Finally he found the cd case he was looking for, Tool's Undertow. Thad opened the case, peeled the plastic that held the cd in place away from the case itself and showed her the hidden picture beneath it, a cow turning its head around it's side so that it could lick it's ass end.::

(Funny thing is that that is true.)
Babs turned around when she heard her named called and looked curiously at Psicout, then glanced from side to side.

She spoke in a melodic voice, "Est-ce que bonjour, tout est bien?" She then switched to somewhat broken English, her accent was fairly outrageous, even by French standards sounding very similiar to Marie-Pascale Elfman, "You are mutant too? X-Man?"
She looked at the cow and rolled her eyes and laughed.

"I guess that would be kissing your own ass goodbye. But I suppose if you can lick up your own nose why not."

She shook her head at Thad and said, "You are such a weirdo. So how did you manage to get a room by yourself."

"Of course I'm a mutant! I'm the baddest motherfucker at this place. My rap sheet is longer than the Bible. If you stick around long enough you'll know. By the way, I brought these for you."

Psicout hands her a dozen photos printed from the internet.

"A lot of guys here, are huge fans of your music you know. And we'd like autographs."

Psicout smiles and hands Babette a pen.
Babs looked at the mutant in a rather confused fashion, she had typically had her manager on hand to help her translate and for some reason Mal was keeping quiet.

She shook her head and spoke again in her broken English, "Is not rap."

She grimaced slightly when he handed her a bunch of photos, she was mingling fans when her...fall from grace took place. It was familiar territory though and she quickly took the pen.

"C'est bien, for who I am signing?"
::He put on a look of shock, then another of sadness.::

Im not wierd, I just have a warped sense of humor is all. I cant believe that you would call me names like that.

::He attempted to keep the look of hurt on his face, but something about the way she just stared at him made him crack a smile then he started to laugh.::

I don't know how I go lucky enough to have a room all to myself. I think I just was lucky enough to be the odd one out and once I got settled the Teachers just either fergot I didnt have a roommate or didn't think I could share a room with anyone.

::He looked around at the room big enough for two, but cluttered with all of his musical belongings. CDs and cases, a guitar, a bass, a set of drums and a keyboard. On a desk he had a laptop that was hooked into the amplifyer that he had.::

Sometimes I wish I had a roomie, then other times I'm happy I dont have to worry about bothering anyone. Musical ideas can come at any time and sometimes I sit up all night toying on one of the intrements, though last time I used the drums, Jean was not happy. I had a headache for a week after the mental tonguelashing I got over that one.