Young Justice/Teen Titans (OOC)

Before suggesting Bane to Nubian, I did a quick wiki search about him and Santa Prisca, lol. Before that, I didn't know what his real name was either, lol.
Before suggesting Bane to Nubian, I did a quick wiki search about him and Santa Prisca, lol. Before that, I didn't know what his real name was either, lol.

I betcha they revealed it in "Secret Six."

Shucks, I always did mean to read that, I :heart: Gail Simone.
No, no, no.

Apparently in both versions of comics canon, pre- and New 52, his real name is unknown.

It's only in the "Batman and Robin" version that his name was revealed as Antonio Diego.

:: hisssssses :: Unclean.
I probably won't post today because when I get home I am doing some prepwork for a family lunch -- making cheesy chicken chili in the crockpot and we're putting it over fries or having Fritos scoops with it. After its done I am going straight to sleep, so I likely won't be posting today, but I will write out an epic post dropping us into a huge battle at Cadmus before the weekend is up.
I probably won't post today because when I get home I am doing some prepwork for a family lunch -- making cheesy chicken chili in the crockpot and we're putting it over fries or having Fritos scoops with it. After its done I am going straight to sleep, so I likely won't be posting today, but I will write out an epic post dropping us into a huge battle at Cadmus before the weekend is up.

Looking forward to the fight sequence!

That sounds tasty, though. Practice for Super Bowl party?
Looking forward to the fight sequence!

That sounds tasty, though. Practice for Super Bowl party?

Nah, not really a football guy. I don't even have cable right now -- I sacrificed cable for faster internet -- 60mbps. I watch stuff on Netflix,, Crunchyroll, YouTube, or download torrents. The chili is just something tasty I wanted to make, no real special occasion, lol. I cooked up some ground chicken and put it in the crockpot with kidney beans, white beans, tomato sauce, chili seasoning, and a little salt. Uber tasty. Letting it sit for a few hours in the crockpot and then adding shredded cheddar and pouring it over fries or into a bowl to eat with Fritos Scoops -- I got both, haha.
Nah, not really a football guy. I don't even have cable right now -- I sacrificed cable for faster internet -- 60mbps. I watch stuff on Netflix,, Crunchyroll, YouTube, or download torrents. The chili is just something tasty I wanted to make, no real special occasion, lol. I cooked up some ground chicken and put it in the crockpot with kidney beans, white beans, tomato sauce, chili seasoning, and a little salt. Uber tasty. Letting it sit for a few hours in the crockpot and then adding shredded cheddar and pouring it over fries or into a bowl to eat with Fritos Scoops -- I got both, haha.

I'm not really a football person either, don't tell my fellow New Englanders. When I did watch The Big Game back in the day, it was just for the commercials. And, yeah, I've phased out the TV thing and just watch TV mostly online-- there's only a few things I find I haven't been able to watch via legit sources, and then I just wait 'till Netflix. Unless I get seriously impatient, haha whoops.

That sounds delicious, let us know how it comes out!
It was delicious. Between the huge bowl of gooey cheesy chili over fries and my sleeping pills, I fell hard into a food coma :).
Okay, just to let everyone know, I decided to stop fighting people about their characters and posts. As of right now, this RP has absolutely no standards. Everyone can play whoever they want and do whatever they want and I won't say a thing. I'll just roll with it. I don't want this RP to die like all the others and it has become clear to me that the only way to do it is to not let myself get caught up with the details. I don't even care anymore if people want to contradict the continuity or previous posts -- I'll just go with it, fuck it.
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I just think if we bring some new blood in, we'll be fine. I have no intentions of dropping, but if the pace is slow, there's not much else I can do with my characters. I would recommend people make more characters.
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As I've already said in PM, I am sorry if I've rankled or offended you.

I just thought we were hashing things out, and I wanted to defend my suggestions because they were ideas I worked hard on and was proud of. Of course you have final say, that's why you're the mod. I just wanted to have my say before the final say, my word before the last word.

I had no idea you were fighting other battles too.
I'm very OCD about some things, and I am obsessed with details, which is why I felt the need to rewrite the origins of magic to make it seem more rational in my head. It is extremely hard for me to overlook even minor details on certain things, which is why I tend to some off as a douche bag when someone fucks up continuity or wants to bring in a character that doesn't fit in with the world. It is sometimes almost impossible for me to put myself into a creative state of mind and write when I am obsessing about something in the RP I don't agree with. In my last Marvel RP, it took me forever to post again because someone had Venom knock off part of a skyscraper simply by smashing through a few walls, completely disregarding the steel frame. That drove me fucking crazy.

These are problems I deal with in almost every RP I do, because someone always sets off my OCD, lol. But I'm trying to deal with it. That's why I say I am no longer going to bitch at people for characters or posts. Its clear to me that if I keep allowing myself to obsess about details, I will never be able to make it through a long-term RP because not everyone shares my views or obsession with details. This RP is for all of us, not just me, so I need to realize that it's just a fucking forum roleplay, I shouldn't care so much if it has an inconsistent reality. Like I said, everyone can do whatever they want and I'll just go with it. Want to bring in someone who can literally warp reality at will and reinstate mainstream DC continuity? Fine. Want to have gods and angels and demons that are actually supernatural entities and not genetically enhanced humans like in my origin story? Fine. I'm just gonna roll with it as best I can, though if it gets too psycho crazy, I'd probably just gradually post less and less until you guys are running it without me, lol.
And in case it wasn't obvious already, I am a militant atheist and am highly critical of religion or any supernatural belief that is inconsistent with reality, lol.
Is there a middle ground here?

Anywhere? Is it all or nothing?

Would it be possible for you to tell the story you want to tell and have us have characters that muck about in the grayer areas of quantum physics?

This is causing me anxiety sufficient to give me physical discomfort and nausea.

I want you to tell your story. Be whatever continuity police you wanna be, your way or the highway, but if there's no room for us to debate topics-- I don't know, you can't tell a cooperative story without a little give and take, but you don't need to give up and let us take everything.

If someone has a character you don't want in your thread, just say no. GM's gotta GM.

But if you can make that character work within established parentheses of science...

I don't know. I didn't come here to cause a fight.

I'm sorry.
I have to point out that it's rediculous to have no problem with yellow sunlight giving people the ability to fly, an alien race that is close enough to human to breed with them and as far as we know create viable offspring (in real life even things as closely related as lions and tigers don't create viable offspring), shape shifting mind reading LIFE ON FUCKING MARS that also somehow went undetected despite having fairly advanced society (seriously, someone with a goddamn telescope would have noticed those building shapped things some time around Galileo if not earlier but the tripping point is magic?

I'm personally a fan of the Tony Stark school, there is no such thing as magic, just science that I don't understand. Though honestly I find him being an atheist impossible to fathom. I don't see how you pal around with a Norse God and maintain that gods don't exist. You not buying various creation/destruction myths is fine. In fact given that in Marvel both the Norse and Greek gods are confirmed both of their backstories can't be 100% true. They didn't both create the world and they can't all end it either. And God is most likely real as well, at the very least the Devil is real and created Ghost Rider. . .and is sometimes Mephisto and sometimes is Dormamu and sometimes is neither. But that's what you get when you have over seventy years of cobbling together what were originallly separate worlds. I mean seriously New York has what, the Avengers, Fantastic Four, spiderman, and Daredevil? These guys should not only be tripping over each other but they should either have more cross over villians or. . .you know less of them. Most of Spiderman's villians would take the Fantastic Four like five fucking minutes to knock out.

Which in many ways makes the world make less sense. Like is the source of Spiderman's powers public? I know Caps are and so are the Fantastic Four (in some stories.) But why doesn't Spidey get mutey hate? I mean unless the source of his powers are public he should get the same hate as mutants. . .or mutants should just start lying. "Why can you shoot lasers out of your eyes?" "I was dosed with Theta Radiation, fell in a vat of toxic waste, was bitten by a radioactive, I'm a god from the universe next door. It would save a lot of headaches for them.
I'm not entirely sure what is causing the passive aggressive lecturing, but I'm out.
Its believable that Superman could absorb energy like an organic solar battery and exert that energy to fly, similar to Iron Man's repulsors, but the energy is invisible and exits all around his body kind of like an aura. And since livings beings do have electromagnetic energy in their bodies, this doesn't seem quite as far fetched as magic. However, as you know from previous RPs, I never make Supes as powerful as in the comics, and if you remember, I also had problems with speedsters running at the speed of light. As far as Kryptonians looking human, I do have a little problem with that, but I can get over it by thinking of evolution as something that could produce similar life forms separately. Like, for all the trillions of worlds where evolution did not produce intelligent, "humanoid" life, and few dozen do.

As for Mars, part of my backstory for the galaxy was that the Martians originate from another planet that was destroyed in a massive galactic conflict thousands of years ago, and they relocated to a domed city they had on Mars to observe Earth and the effects the meteor shower was having on the humans -- my idea was that the meteor rocks were actually chunks of the planet Thanagar that Uxas (Darkseid) had blown up. Uxas was also responsible for Rao exploding and destroying Krypton, but Kal-El and Zod and a few others were trapped in cryogenic stasis for thousands of years. Kal-El's ship fell to Earth first, and then eventually Zod's ship would arrive well after our characters had formed the Titans.

This huge galactic conflict thousands of years ago destroyed most of civilized space, so by the time Earth reaches out, there are only a handful of planets with intelligent life left. On one side of this battle was Uxas and the Red Lanterns, and on the other were Green Lanterns, Blue Lanterns, and other forces. By the time Hal Jordan gets his power ring, there are only a few hundred Lanterns left, spread out like the Jedi after Order 66. As for the ring, I had envisioned it as having advanced nanoprocessors and a technology similar to force fields and holograms to make hard-light constructs.

Oh, and as for no one knowing there was life on Mars, I think I mentioned in previous RPs a sort of Martian cloaking technology, which I had them use to hide the Watchtower as well.

Most of this I had planned to integrate gradually since sometimes I get slack it I write too much in the intro, lol.

Oh, and as for the Martian shape-shifting thing, that seems realistic to me in the sense that they have control over each individual molecule in the same way we have control over our limbs, faces, muscles, etc. We move our bodies through electronic pulses through the nervous system. In the case of a psychic or one who manipulates elemental energy, those signals can spread out and attain a level of control beyond a normal brain.

And Chas, I'm sorry if I am causing you anxiety -- its just an RP and I'm just an obsessive control freak who probably shouldn't be RPing and instead write fanfiction as Sean keeps telling me to do. Don't let me upset you. I don't mind if people discuss powersets with me, but if it's something I can't get behind, I tend to need convincing -- for it to be explained in a way that my scientific mind can accept as at least somewhat possible.

As for your question about the middle ground, I've already said I will tone it down and let people play the characters they want to play.
Ok. So I am going to chime in my two cents. You can tell me to just mind my own, but here is how I look at things.

You mention that Supes is okay because you can just write it off as an extension of the human bodies biological electromagnetic aura, and that basically the yellow sun super-charges his allowing all sorts of super heroics. What then is the difference to saying that magic users have an innate ability to extend theirs, co-mingle it with the aura of other people and things, and by that extension of control, much like a Martian can exert over their form, they exert over the energies of the world around them.

For example, conjuration is simple the summoning of the energies and elements in the world around them and rewriting them to form what you want. Similar to how a Martian would rearrange their own being, a magic user uses the same principle but on a larger scale.

Now, beings with these powers may not theologically be Gods. But given the human need to explain things in someway, they would shortly be called such. It doesn't have any more to do with religion than Superman and Martian Manhunter do.

They have amazing powers that they have learned/been granted/whatever. In the sense of "Spellcasters" like John Constantine and Zatanna, the method they use is similar to the focus used by a martial artist to break a board. Or the focus used by members of certain orders of monk to withstand ridiculous things that should kill them such as being struck with blades or whatever, which is a real phenomena in our world. Just as they train their bodies to withstand this through mediation or concentration or whatever, the magic users in the make believe universe, over millenia, have created similar methods. Using phrases or gestures, or items or whatever to help them focus on the given "spell" or effect they are trying to produce. It would effectively be the same as a Martian using a picture book to choose which form he would turn into.

Nothing about spellcasting has to have any basis in "Magic". It can be a by product of genetics. Which it is in the DC Universe. Those that have the ability basically have the same control over the world around them that a Martian has on their own body. The original users would not have been constrained by the various systems their descendants have created. Making them "all-powerful". These beings have become the gods of legend. A coven of them in Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. all having been effected by the meteor shower you mentioned before. They become the "Gods" as humans understand them. They then pass these powers on to others. Generations later there are a few that are truly powerful. More that have a trick or two.

Even Angels and Demons can be the byproduct of this. They are either the second-generation of a given type of genetically altered being, or they were created by one. This person perhaps fled the mortal world, created their own plane of existence in the multiverse crafted in their own fashion. Giving rise to the beliefs of Man in things like Heaven, Hell, Valhalla, Nirvana, etc.

Basically Jeff, I am just trying to show how the things that you say you have no problem with can be extrapolated. I don't have any horse in this race at this point. I just wanted to share this thought. Basically, it comes down to every being with super powers has them for the same reason. They are just triggered in different ways. That is essentially how the DC Universe has ran it in the past. All Humans descend from earlier lifeforms that were altered by {Insert Person/Event} here. This allows some to be Meta-Humans. Triggered by all sorts of events. Others are born with innate powers. Others learn to harness this meta-gene and gain power in another way. Etc, etc, etc. Aliens likewise have genetics that allow them to do super things. Everyone is eating Ice Cream. Just different flavors. And just because some people want to call it Gelato, it is still the same thing.
But I clearly said in the intro that most of the magic bloodlines had died off, and those that survived had weakened in power due to the dilution. But you wanted to bring in more excessive magic into the world.
Lunaramblings said:
Hey Jeffinator. I was mulling things over and I had come up with an idea. I tried to alter their histories and what not to fit more in your universe, though am of course up to further manipulation. I am not sure how familiar you are with the DC comics version of Frankenstein and a character named Timothy Hunter?

Below is sort of my version of he two. I will add some character pics and the like if I get the green light to go ahead. Let me know what you think.

Tim was born to the last of two distinct magical lineages. The first, the Seraphim. The Seraphim are where we get our legends of Angels. They were enhanced by genetic experiments in time forgotten. Given great power to manipulate the world around them, to heal, to call on the powers of the elemental world, among others. They were revered by humans over the millenia. The second, the Nephilim, are where humanity got its legends of demons. Likewise manipulated, they hold the power to call on darkness, entropy and other forces.

Tim's mother, the last of the Seraphim had an affair with his biological father. It was through this lineage that Tim inherits his powers of "Magick". He is able to "Cast spells", using the gestures, words, and foci of these spells to draw the power from himself and the latent energies of the world around him. These energies could theoretically be called upon without these methods, but it is these that prevent his mind from burning itself out with the raw power of these forces. Humans, so far removed from the original genetic alterations now require such tools to draw out their ancestral gifts without terrible consequence.

In her dying act, Tim's mother cast a final spell. A spell that would use the blood in Tim's viens to focus on the powers of his father. Stealing his powers, destroying him in the process, and gifting her own upon her newborn son. Knowing that he would have a great destiny, as both races had prophecies of the one that would unite their blood. His mother felt he would need all the power she could give to survive until he reached the age at which he would be able to channel and use these gifts.

These stolen energies would act as subconscious protections during his early life. When his human "father" would beat him, it was these that healed him, protected him, and prevented his death. Eventually, Tim was taken from this situation by some of the most powerful magick users of the era. John Constantine, Zatanna, The Phantom Stranger and more, would all teach him the power he possessed and how vital it would be for him to choose either good or evil. After this trip he is returned home to his abusive father.

That night a dark presence would come to Tim. Offering him aid in destroying his abusive father and untold power if he were to pledge his service to the darkness. Tim tricked the demon into instead providing him all he would need to trick and ultimately destroy the demon, sending word to those attempting to exert their power from the Abyss that his path was chosen.

Tim spent several years wandering Europe. Mostly England. Helping those he could. Eventually Constantine would reach out. Having become the leader of the JLD(Justice League Dark), Constantine needed people he could trust. And Tim was one of a very few. While there, Tim would become very close to the creature known as Frankenstein. He would look to him as a father figure and under his tutelage would learn skills related to combat, alchemy, and investigation.

Tim possesses the ability to cast spells, channeling forces beyond those that mortal man can even comprehend. As a Homo Magi, Tim can manipulate energies, using them for a variety of tasks.

Tim possesses a familiar. He has an owl that he can use as a familiar. This allows him to feel what it feels, experience it's senses, and communicate with it at will. Tim has also shown the ability to transmute Yo-Yo into other beings, such as a dragon.

Tim has great skill with mystical arts.

Tim has trained extensively with Frankenstein in the arts of swordsmanship, marksmanship, and hand to hand combat.

Further Tim has been learning to augment his abilities to investigate crime scenes and other situations.


Tim is a normal human aged approximately 20yrs. As such he is rather squishy and just as easily harmed as you or I. Assuming one can get by his magic.

Tim has only recently begun putting effort into physical combat and fitness.

Tim wears prescription glasses.

Tim is bonded to his familiar, an owl named Yo-Yo. This bond can be detrimental as he will sometimes experience anything that Yo-Yo may feel. Including pain. No one is sure what may happen if Yo-Yo were to be seriously harmed or worse.


Tim carries very little. He has inherited a pair of rings, one from each of his lineages. These rings are Nth metal with stones forged from pieces of the Starheart. Each stone is shaped to represent the lineage of one parent. The ring on his left hand has a stone that is circular with a double pentagram carved in the middle. The one on his right hand is triangular, contains what appears to be a halo with an all seeing eye in the center. The combination of the Nth Metal and the Starheart allow Timothy to channel great mystical powers. The Starheart was the original power battery of the Green Lanterns, and is the mystic stone the grants Alan Scott his powers.

Other than these rings, Tim carries a bag that has been enchanted to be larger internally than it would seem. This houses an entire arcane library that Tim can access as he sees fit.

Tim has a familiar named Yo-Yo. He is a small snowy owl, however Tim has in the past transmuted him to other creatures when it has been of use. Such as once turning him into a Dragon.

Finally, Tim carries a key that when inserted into any door, even one that would not normally have a lock, allows him to access the physical location of this arcane library, which exists on a demiplane.

Frankenstein was one of the Seven Soldiers written by Grant Morrison. He is heavily influenced by his literary counterpart. Created by a scientist that had discovered a race of monsters living in a tiny village hidden in the mountains of Romania.

The good doctor created Frankenstein to be a force of good. To counter the darkness that was rampant in the world. Pieced together from pieces of many soldiers and warriors, and brought to life by a combination of the blood of a demon lord and a bolt of lightning. Once created he was trained to fight monsters, demons, evil in all it's incarnations. He was given a mystical sword, said to be the sword of Michael the Arch-Angel himself and a steampunk style pistol that he calls his Steam Gun. It is larger and more powerful than typical pistols, more like the size of a shotgun and capable of firing alchemically enhanced rounds.

After many years of fighting, Frankenstein confronted the demon whose blood awoke his undead form. He was put the demon into a state of torpor that would last nearly a century and a half. However, doing so took much out of him. He too sank into a slumber.

Melmoth the demonic lord he had fought previously would be awoken by a teenager that was trying to curse his classmates with an old book he bought at a thrift store. Instead, he would become possessed by the disembodied demon. Due to the bond between the two, Frankenstein would awaken as well. He would take down the demonic creatures Melmoth had created, destroy the demon once and for all, and take to wandering the world seeking to help those in need.

For a time he would work with S.H.A.D.E. and the JLA Dark. It was at this time that he would meet a young boy named Timothy Hunter. He would take the child under his wing. Keeping him safe as he struck out as a hero. Frankenstein believes that Michael the Arch-Angel speaks to him through prayer and through his blade. He believes that God himself wants him to protect Tim, for he has a great destiny.


Frankenstein, also known as simply Frank or The Creature, carries several weapons. Most notably, the Sword of Michael.

The Sword of Michael is a 4ft long blade, decorated with intricate sigils and markings. Said to be the very blade carried in battle by the Arch-Angel Michael. The sword is made of Nth metal forged with Promethium. The sword has proven to be thus far indestructible. When wielded by a righteous warrior, such as Frankenstein, it has the ability to burst into flame. This Flame is mystical in nature as it will burn only that which the wielder wishes to burn.

The Steam Gun: The Steam Gun is a creation of Dr. Mazursky, the man responsible for building Frank. This shotgun like weapon can fire a variety of bullets. From slugs and buckshot and other mundane ammo, to alchemically created ammos such as those used to harm monsters such as vampires, werewolves, etc. Often used to control large crowds with non-lethal rounds such as sleep gas, flash bang, or rubber bullets like those used by modern police. The Steam Gun can be altered to fire with more or less kick as needed, allowing Frank to use it in many situations.

Frank also carries a variety of gear used in investigations and research. Including many mystical items that allow him to detect the use of magic and the presence of otherwordly beings, this include beings that would be considered "monsters" such as Grundy, Frank and other beings of similar nature.


Frank is Undead for all intents and purposes. He requires no food, drink, sleep, etc. His physiology is very different from that of a human. This means that he does not bleed, feel pain etc. However, he also cannot heal as a normal person might. Instead he must replace lost pieces. Over the years Frank has collected and prepared a small selection of parts, such as arms, legs, hands, and feet. He has no use for most organs. If "Killed" he simply ceases to function until someone repairs him. Much to the chagrin of more than one morgue technician.
Superior Strength and Durability: Frank has been shown to go hand to hand with the likes of Grundy. Frank has great strength and durability. He takes no damage from bullets, knives, etc. Only massive damage has any real effect, but even then, he need only replace the limb/effected body part.

Frank is all around physically superior to a normal human. He is both faster and more agile. This is due to a combination of the alchemical means of his creation and the Demonic blood that helped to make the process a success.

Frank has the ability to manipulate electricity to a limited degree. He can overcharge or shock items that he touches, causing damage or allowing them to be used when other sources of power are unavailable.

The bolts in his neck, and the rivets holding him together also allow him to pick up various electrically based signals such as EMF, Radiowaves, etc.

Likewise, this manipulation of electrical signals allows him a limited form of telepathy. So long as he and his recipient are in relatively close proximity, he is able to use electrical impulses to deliver communication. The distance of this ability is limited to approximately 20-30yds.

During his time with S.H.A.D.E. and the JLD his form was also altered, granting him the ability to use his electrical manipulation to interface with machinery/computers. This allows him to access data, or do other tasks. He can converse with these machines as if they shared a certain level of sentience.

Swordsmanship: Frank has been fighting with swords since the 1800s. He is very well trained in the art. He has studied many styles and is more than capable of holding his own amongst most swordsman.

Marksmanship: Frank is capable with both guns, bows, and crossbows. Frank is as gifted as any military or police official. And is well versed in the use of guns both at greater ranges and in hand to hand combat.

Hand to Hand Fighting: Frank possesses significant hand to hand combat skill and training. Almost 200 years worth. He has trained in many styles. Most taking advantage of his great strength. He often surprises opponents with his skill over raw thundering power. Unlike his zombie counterpart Grundy, while capable of brute force, he often uses that as a ruse to instead use some other means, such as grappling.


Frankenstein is incredibly Strong, but has some disadvantages as well. As mentioned above, he is unable to heal, requiring replacement of damaged parts. Further, if struck by an electrical attack that has the same properties as the bolt that birthed him, he can be temporarily shut down until the energy dissipates.

Finally, he is susceptable to the Limbo Marks, brands used by Klarion the Witch-Boy to control Grundy-like zombies.

I honestly felt this was a little too magic-heavy, which is why I didn't accept it right off the bat. But what does everyone else think? Lunar is definitely very creative and did put a lot of thought and effort into this, I just think it would fit better in a world with a stronger focus on metaphysical/supernatural powers.
Honestly that's a serious case of TLDR. You guys do understand how, especially to knew comers those walls of text are really intimidating. And personally I think that anything that isn't known publically or at least is the sort of thing that would come up in casual conversation doesn't belong in a profile.

Really IMO a functional profile for an RP should be something you could fit on a trading card.

Pic or description
Known powers
Maybe known allies and enemies or at least a top list.

Anything else and your gonna start losing people but more to the point people have no reason they would know a lot of this and with very few exceptions if my character doesn't know it there is very little reason for me know.

I think it's fine, but I have no problem at all with magic and think again, in a world where Green Lanterns, mutants and gamma radiation exist that it's kinda weird to care about magic.