Young Justice/Teen Titans (OOC)

Or you know. . .they don't forget they saw us.

Cadmus is a secret facility, what exactly are they going to do? Explain politely to the FBI that a bunch of kids broke into their top secret lab? I mean even if the Justice League don't back us all that means is we have an enemy capable of striking directly at us instead of being forced to use an infinite chain of proxies.
Yeah, I'm gonna politely double down on that, government made Vertigo makers aren't exactly going to be able to turn much in the way of legit forces on us because they risk exposure. It strikes me as something very Lex Luthory, he can't move openly because he's Lex and even when you track it directly to him what are you gonna do? Attack Lex?
If it's an off-book agency, they probably have off-book forces?

Under Paul Westfield, Cadmus had their own security guards with winged jetpacks and laser-beams in the comics and they hid from the world by hollowing out the bottom of Mount Curtiss.

They could probably use slush funds to hire criminals or send Task Force X after us or something.

But those could be fun plot-points!
I assume they are off the books. . .though often Cadmus was only SO off the books. I mean when you activate Captain Atoms commision and send him after Superman you're officially out in the open no matter how you're getting funded.

Still but since I've been on this mission (Gah, how many times have I done this Jeff? Makes me want to go to the future again.) before I don't think these guys would risk revealing themselves over a single escaped experiment no matter how awesome and likely replacible.

Task Force X is probably a bit too large to direct at us at least right out of the gate. Not when they can just have some one convince some of the local criminals that we're the ones screwing up their jobs. Whether we are or not is immaterial.
No, I don't mean forget they saw us after we've left, I mean forget they saw us while we're still in the facility. *waves hand* "We are not intruders. You do not need to alert security. You want to continue on your patrol."

But my second idea to have her knock them out would be better. Plus security would already be on alert from the cameras being shut down, unless we just hacked in once we're there and put them on a loop.
And this mission will be different than the others -- this time, the facility is similar to Groom Lake/Area-51. And the Cadmus facility happens to be in a military no fly zone in the Mojave Desert, lol. The league would risk losing their charter of they were caught up in this, but the Titans can act covertly.
I don't think the No-Fly zone applies to the JL. . .except Batman who uses a jet.

Neat, it'll be nice not trying to figure creative ways to not go splat as I jump down a shaft.

You know. . .we can knock out guards too.
LOL yes that's true, we can knock out guards too, but we need to be stealthy as long as possible before the brawling breaks out, lol.
I played Arkham City. Nightwing and Tigress could probably take out half the facility while Star shoots hoops without alerting anybody. Hell if they did alert anybody it was probably because of a conversation like this.

Star: Hey try to save some for the rest of us kay?
Nightwing: Alright. Rookie.
::Several cleared rooms later Nightwing steps in front of a camera and sticks out his tongue before waving at star and disappearing down a vent.::
Nightwing: Didn't save you any, but I sent out for delivery!
LOL but these guards will be well-armed. If you drive too close to Groom Lake, military SUVs or Jeeps will pull up, and with guns pointed at your head, tell you to turn around or they will use lethal force. If someone actually invades the facility, its going to be killshots.
They are also mooks. Presumably Nightwing has enough Batman Plotgizmos to get us close enough that our bigger problem is extraction.
A good fight scene involving hordes of one-shot foes might be good to establish various combat styles, and therefore a) could illustrate our need to bond and train together to work as a team; and/or b) could be how we bond to work as a team.

Especially if Superboy goes postal on us when we pop the seal on his Bacta tank-- having waltzed through a small army, we'd be cocky maybe? And then having a near-Kryptonian-level powerhouse to cope with would illustrate how far we have to come before we're a coherent unit.
While my stomach does hurt, what's been holding me back most is the near-constant head and body aches I've been having this last week since I cut all NSAID use and now my sleeping pills as well. I can't take anything for the pain for fear of making the ulcer worse, so most of these mornings by the time I get home from work, its hard to concentrate and write with a throbbing headache. Bah. I want to just be in a coma for a few weeks and wake me up when my body is normal again, lol.
That doesn't sound at all pleasant.

And dear God, the Superboy Beatdown. I really fucking hate this part. It's like running into a glass door, except you fucking know it's there the entire time.
While my stomach does hurt, what's been holding me back most is the near-constant head and body aches I've been having this last week since I cut all NSAID use and now my sleeping pills as well. I can't take anything for the pain for fear of making the ulcer worse, so most of these mornings by the time I get home from work, its hard to concentrate and write with a throbbing headache. Bah. I want to just be in a coma for a few weeks and wake me up when my body is normal again, lol.

I'm sorry, Jeff.

Take your time of course. Of course.

I've had my struggles recently with medical stuff and I know how aggravating the healing process can be.
That doesn't sound at all pleasant.

And dear God, the Superboy Beatdown. I really fucking hate this part. It's like running into a glass door, except you fucking know it's there the entire time.

At least in this version we'll have Miss Martian already along to do a "Beauty soothes the savage Beast" thing?

I don't know. I just enjoy writing fight scenes. Dialogue, too, love character interaction, but fight scenes are fun. I don't always have to win those fights if it drives the plot.
I love fight scenes as well, personally I know i'm the freak of this group but nothing in the world for me is more fun than full out DBZ "I'ma shatter the earth" combat but Jeff likes low key so. . .I Ben 10 usually which means techincally I could probably take Super Boy in a fight if I prepped. I'd certainly bet on Rath vs YJ Super Boy though it would be close. But usually I'm just a spare key.

Star is gonna get stomped.

I don't mind losing a fight either, that happens and I tend to have my charachters lose most fights they should and a fair amount of fights they could and depending on who they are at least a few they shouldn't.

This is just the third or fourth time I've fought Superboy and honestly I'll do my best.
The Superboy Beatdown? Be thankful its not the Match Beatdown or the Superboy-Prime Beatdown ;).

And I tend not to do Earth-shattering DBZ fights in RP because writing them is a watered-down experience. You don't want to read about Goku's Kamehameha, you want to see the energy flash and hear him go "Kaaaaa Meeeee Haaaaa Meeeee HAAAAA!!!!!"
When I was 20, I worked as a janitor at a nursing home with this guy named Bones. Him and I were both DBZ fanatics and while all the staff and residents were eating lunch in the cafeteria, him and I would pretend to shoot various energy blasts at each other silently through the halls. I'd look up and see him way down at the other end of the hallway mouthing "Kaaa meee haaa meee HAA!" and bringing his hands together to shoot it at me. I'd then pretend to deflect it and fire a Special Beam Cannon back at him, haha. We also would have rubber gloves fights and sometimes slack off and watch tv in a resident's room or the activity room when no one was watching, lol.
Oh Jeff, caught this week's Flash and I get why you're annoyed but you should chalk it up to this. Shawna doesn't actually understand how her powers work. She doesn't strike me as someone who is of the level of inteligence to figure it out on her own that she's actually traveling as light or through light (still working out the particulars.) But she's just mistaken. The same way a regular a few hundred years ago might have called a whale a fish. They used the info they had available to them and made a guess.

Wells made a mistake. It's possible he's not shown to be omniscient or anything. However it's more likely knowing what we know about his relationship to the Man in Yellow that he's a lying liar who lies and he told Barry a lie that would still get him through the battle. If my hypothesis that she travels through/as light is correct she could have left and she didn't. Whether it was because of mental blocks on her own powers (we already know that Barry's limitations are more mental than physical.) or simple as she said: He left me. And she simply didn't give a shit at that point. It also explains why the mirrors hold her. It's not her line of sight, it's either the mental block (she thinks it's line of sight and if she doesn't think she can, then she can't.) or it's the light can't escape. Either way they got the right answer for the wrong reasons and it's no more complciated than that.
What bugged me most was that they were able to tell she needed to see where she was going just by looking at the residual metahuman particularite left behind, or whatever it was called. They should not be able to know she relies on a line of sight without actually analyzing her eyes and brain. But then they contradict that by having her teleport from what appears to be a windowless armored truck backwards into the car, away from her line of sight. I was like WTF?!?!?!
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What bugged me most was that they were able to tell she needed to see where she was going just by looking at the residual metahuman particularite left behind, or whatever it was called. They should not be able to know she relies on a line of sight without actually analyzing her eyes and brain. But then they contradict that by having her teleport from what appears to be a windowless armored truck backwards into the car, away from her line of sight. I was like WTF?!?!?!

Like I said, it doesn't rely on line of sight. Shawna was teleporting in her sleep and like you said out a windowless wagon. (Though that could be handwaved as her looking forward and using the mirrors if you like.) But really she's just wrong.

And Wells is either A) also wrong. Because you're correct, his answer makes as much sense as seeing someones cells getting a tan and thinking "Blindfold them! That'll work!" or he's flat out LYING.

I mean the reality is you're probably right and the writers goofed but I can easily work my way around it by saying the characters are not infalilble.
You know what, at least the Match of Superboy Prime beatdowns would be new. Besides I don't hate either of them nearly as much. Match at least was a pure beat down. Superboy Prime MIGHT have been beatable if the heroes had just beat his ass from step one. Seriously everytime they start winning they start calling him a whiny cry baby girl and he gets pissed off and starts raping again.

And I get why some people don't like DBZ combat, I just like it. I'm more than willing to meet halfway at say high end Street Fighter.