Your Literotica Successes & Failures in 2019

I suppose the greatest success was simply starting to post stories on Lit in general. Being from a country that isn't English-speaking it is an invaluable resource when it comes to improving my English fiction. Just have to bring the lessons I learn here to the non-erotic fiction that I write off-site.

I suppose could say that the greatest failure was that my first story got rejected (though subsequently approved on second try), but as it gave me new knowledge, it fells wrong to actually call it a failure.
I have just counted, Including my latest, posted today, I have added 51 stories to Literotica in 2019 - my highest for any year yet. Maybe I'll finish the 52nd before the end of the year.

EDited: Just hit submit on the 52nd - one for every week of the year!
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I suppose the greatest success was simply starting to post stories on Lit in general. Being from a country that isn't English-speaking it is an invaluable resource when it comes to improving my English fiction. Just have to bring the lessons I learn here to the non-erotic fiction that I write off-site.

I suppose could say that the greatest failure was that my first story got rejected (though subsequently approved on second try), but as it gave me new knowledge, it fells wrong to actually call it a failure.

I agree with that bit about failures. They often hurt, but they do a great job of teaching. I am always humbled by the non-English speaking, or English as a second language authors here. It seems to me, Americans are somewhat lazy in that regard.
I have just counted, Including my latest, posted today, I have added 51 stories to Literotica in 2019 - my highest for any year yet. Maybe I'll finish the 52nd before the end of the year.

EDited: Just hit submit on the 52nd - one for every week of the year!

I have no idea what the all time record is, but 52 stories in one year is pretty much beyond my comprehension. Well done! And thank you!
Hi Coffee,

No. I have 200+ followers. That is a different metric. Favorites is where someone marks a story as one of their favorites.

Typically you have more favorites than followers because your followers can mark more than one story as favorites and random people who are not following you can also mark stories as favorites.


Oh now I see. Well...I have no favorites since I have no stories posted.
Hi Coffee,

No. I have 200+ followers. That is a different metric. Favorites is where someone marks a story as one of their favorites.

Typically you have more favorites than followers because your followers can mark more than one story as favorites and random people who are not following you can also mark stories as favorites.


During this last very productive year of 2019, my number of followers has increased to 930. I am surprised and pleased.

I have no idea what the total might be of my favourited stories. The most has 88 but I'm not adding up the figures for 350+stories...
During this last very productive year of 2019, my number of followers has increased to 930. I am surprised and pleased.

I have no idea what the total might be of my favourited stories. The most has 88 but I'm not adding up the figures for 350+stories...

I have also seen a big increase in followers this year. It is currently at 829 with only 17 stories published, Make me feel like I have a high number of followers based on the number of stories I have published. Hopefully I will have a few decent stories out in 2020 to make it reach your number of followers. I will likely only get out 2-3 stories, so I need to make sure they are very high quality to accomplish that.
I’m reviving a nearly-dormant thread, because I’ve now gone over my Literotica results for 2019. Exactly when the year ended isn’t clear (in terms of when views and votes happened, and then were recorded), but I don’t need a great deal of precision. I reloaded my works page right after the year ended, based on the site’s timekeeping. Then, with my priorities in proper order, I went to a New Year’s Eve party.

I’ve crunched a few numbers, but did so in the hope of drawing qualitative conclusions. I posted 15 items, one of them an essay, which I’ll excludes from what follows. The average rating for the 14 fiction posts was 4.16. The average for the five-part “Laura and Don” series was 4.41. The four-part “Ruth’s Experiment” series averaged 4.22. In the categories where I’ve posted more than once, the averages were 4.32 in Erotic Couplings (seven items), 3.73 in SF/Fantasy (two), and 3.72 in Romance (two). On the whole, what I’ve written seems to have been regarded as neither awful nor spectacular.

Of the 14 stories, 10 had fewer than 3k views, 11 had fewer than 25 votes, and 4 had comments (a total of seven, all short, and what I interpret as two raves, three mixed, and two rants). The most favorites on any story is eight, and I have gained seven followers. I take all of this to mean that readers in general weren’t interested enough, based on title, description, and category, to view a story; and most who did read weren’t greatly affected.

So far I haven’t posted to categories with the largest readership. I write stories that interest me, and I haven’t had ideas (or personal experience) far outside the categories where I’ve posted so far.

My big revelation was on the Mature category, where the story I posted in mid-December has far and away the most views (>12k) and votes (94) of all my stories, and a decent rating (4.30). It happens that I do have personal experience here, and currently three more story ideas to explore. I believe that Mature may have a higher demand than supply, with an average (recently) of two new stories posted per day. Take note, authors.

Writing erotica has been a once-in-a-while pursuit, and probably will stay that way in 2020. I have one story nearly finished, for the Valentine’s Day contest, and another might get in there also.

To another thread, on hits and misses: I ended the year with one red H, and had reader response on one project that was poorer than I expected. But to me the meaningful conclusions are the ones listed above.
I believe that Mature may have a higher demand than supply, with an average (recently) of two new stories posted per day. Take note, authors.
Ssshhh, don't tell anyone. It's one of the best kept secrets on Lit. You could make a tidy little niche for yourself in Mature, that's for sure.
During this last very productive year of 2019, my number of followers has increased to 930. I am surprised and pleased.

I have no idea what the total might be of my favourited stories. The most has 88 but I'm not adding up the figures for 350+stories...

If you use the download button on the author panel you get a spreadsheet and can highlight and autosum the total views, favs, votes, reading lists etc. Takes a few seconds only.
Being a sucker for statistics, I got inspired by JuanSeiszFitzHall's collection and put together my own 2019 stats:

Beginning from the 12th of September, when I started posting on Lit:

6 stories published, 1 pending, 1 half-way done
32 619 words written since September (around 21k around Christmas)
10 432 words written pre-Lit membership (counting the published stories)

Followers: 21
Comments: 1

Average rating: 4.42
Average rating for my main series - Reina the Warlock: 4.63
Lowest rating: 3.67 / 18 - Ritual to the Red God
Highest rating: 4.8 / 35 (It stings a bit that this one sunk from 4.93, oh vanity) - Warlock Reina Pt. 02
Total votes: 176
Highest votes: 52 - Warlock Reina Pt. 01

Average view count: 2309
Lowest view count: 1119 - Warlock Reina Pt. 04
Highest view count: 4144 - Warlock Reina Pt. 01

Lowest favorite count: 2 - Primal Hunt / Ritual to the Red God
Highest favorite count: 18 - Warlock Reina Pt. 01

Most stories posted in Sci-Fi & Fantasy, except for one which went into BDSM.

All in all, it feels like a pretty decent result, though as a fairly new member I lack the proper frame of reference and experience to tell what is a real mark of quality.
All in all, it feels like a pretty decent result, though as a fairly new member I lack the proper frame of reference and experience to tell what is a real mark of quality.
Once you've got a dozen stories/chapters up you'll have your own story file as your frame of reference, and really, that's all you've got, because you can't easily compare anything of yours to any other writer (except by the ubiquitous Red H).