“Mystery Woman” sub-challenge within 750 words

Hi all,

I’m trying to post each of these on Twitter.

On this thread.

But I may have missed some. Please shout if my messed up.

I just submitted my story 750-0 Mystery Woman.

When it is published it will be my 10th 750 word story, and my 75th story published at Literotica. It was also the first time I ever used the text box to insert a story. (I hate it, I'm going back to word processers.)
I just submitted my story 750-0 Mystery Woman.

When it is published it will be my 10th 750 word story, and my 75th story published at Literotica. It was also the first time I ever used the text box to insert a story. (I hate it, I'm going back to word processers.)
For stories this short, write in whatever you feel most comfortable writing in. Then cut and paste into the text box and fix formatting and stuff like that. NOw, if you'll excuse me, I have a vignette to read...
Thank you but God created word processors so we don't have to use the < and > keys. Most of my stories go over 10k words the majority being 25k or more. That's too much text for a little text window for my wizened old eyes.
Thank you but God created word processors so we don't have to use the < and > keys. Most of my stories go over 10k words the majority being 25k or more. That's too much text for a little text window for my wizened old eyes.
Um, "For stories this short... " I.e., 750 word stories...

My current project just passed 35600 words. I am not pasting that into the little text box thingy. :ROFLMAO:
Um, "For stories this short... " I.e., 750 word stories...

My current project just passed 35600 words. I am not pasting that into the little text box thingy. :ROFLMAO:
Why not? I've cut and pasted longer works than that in the text box. Do you mean, not typing it directly into the box as composing it? I thought that was what was meant.
Why not? I've cut and pasted longer works than that in the text box. Do you mean, not typing it directly into the box as composing it? I thought that was what was meant.
I've only used it six times for my 750 word stories. It's messed up the formatting six times. I'm not going to trust it with a 40K piece, which it looks like this may surpass.
I've only used it six times for my 750 word stories. It's messed up the formatting six times. I'm not going to trust it with a 40K piece, which it looks like this may surpass.
I've cut and pasted nearly 1,600 works into the text box here without a problem.
I've only used it six times for my 750 word stories. It's messed up the formatting six times. I'm not going to trust it with a 40K piece, which it looks like this may surpass.

When you write in your document, write in plain text and just type in your format tags manually. When you cut and paste this into the box it always works perfectly.
I posted an image of a woman on Xitter and challenged Lit authors to write a 750 word story about her.

I won’t post the image here to avoid issues with AI, but here is a link.

Tagging is always more of an art than a science, but I think these two tag searches cover at least a few of them. My one is published tomororrow…

https://tags.literotica.com/750 word project/?period=month&tag[]=mystery woman

https://tags.literotica.com/750 word project 2024/?period=month&tag[]=mystery woman

Currently: @djrip and @Devinter though @Djmac1031 also has one but was disobedient and didn’t tag it appropriately 😡

Feel free to post a link here.

No interest in the contest but wondering if you think X/Twitter is getting you any more eyes on your stories here.
Before anyone asks what I don't like about X (don't know if that will actually happen, but you never know), I just don't have much experience with the platform or that kind of fast-paced social media in general and I don't know if I could keep up with it. Not with everything else in my life.
I am resisting Emily's siren call with that first image. A "mystery woman" story is bouncing around in my head, but I have a Super Bowl-themed story to finish and there are only about 4000 words to go. I want the 3-part tale to be up before next weekend's game, and I really need to get back to it. Mystery girl can wait until after the game.
When you write in your document, write in plain text and just type in your format tags manually. When you cut and paste this into the box it always works perfectly.
Why do all that, when you can just upload the file? No more copypasta for me.
Before anyone asks what I don't like about X (don't know if that will actually happen, but you never know), I just don't have much experience with the platform or that kind of fast-paced social media in general and I don't know if I could keep up with it. Not with everything else in my life.
I wouldn't call it fast paced. I don't keep up with anything on there like that, except maybe tags, which is low effort, really. It's not special or complicated. Most of the time, at least with this account and my porn account, I don't really use it unless I'm tweeting something, my original account I do more commenting and shit with.
Why do all that, when you can just upload the file? No more copypasta for me.

Because people complain that their file comes out wrong.

If you upload your files and have no problems, great, keep doing that, but for those who complain that the site mangles the formatting of their files, copy/paste ALWAYS works perfectly so long as you type your tags correctly, and preview catches any typo errors perfectly. When suddenly your preview shows the entire last 6k words in italics, you know that you flubbed a tag. Piece of cake. Fool proof.
Because people complain that their file comes out wrong.

If you upload your files and have no problems, great, keep doing that, but for those who complain that the site mangles the formatting of their files, copy/paste ALWAYS works perfectly so long as you type your tags correctly, and preview catches any typo errors perfectly. When suddenly your preview shows the entire last 6k words in italics, you know that you flubbed a tag. Piece of cake. Fool proof.

I am not kidding when I tell you that this is how we did things in the large-scale typesetting business - 50 years ago. Inline markup and flipping back and forth between a plain-text editor and a preview screen? Not foolproof at all; very error-ridden as a matter of fact. That's why we had a proofreading staff.

Being in document technologies ever since, I certainly know the limitations (and the "why") inherent in the LitE submission system, but I will point out there have been recent complaints about the online editor messing things up after plain text has been pasted into the submission field. No technique here is a silver bullet.

If pasting marked-up plain-text content works for you, good. OTOH, .doc and .docx uploads work for me because I can verify the formatting and approximate the final appearance locally in the document itself, within known limitations. I in turn recommend this technique to others.
Because people complain that their file comes out wrong.

If you upload your files and have no problems, great, keep doing that, but for those who complain that the site mangles the formatting of their files, copy/paste ALWAYS works perfectly so long as you type your tags correctly, and preview catches any typo errors perfectly. When suddenly your preview shows the entire last 6k words in italics, you know that you flubbed a tag. Piece of cake. Fool proof.
I don't have problems with it and all that is just extra work I ain't trying to do. I get tired of fixing shit in post, Lits not the only site I publish on and it's always something with these text boxes; spaces, formating, something. If I can just upload the file and it all stays the way I want it, that's a big plus towards conveniece. I'm sure Laurel uses msword, or something that plays real nice with it, which is why I don't have a problem with it. When you're on roughly eight sites, that shit gets annoying, and that's just hilighting and converting text back to the italics it should've stayed as, or in FictionPress and FFNs special case; adding line breaks because both text boxes eliminate double spaces.
If I can just upload the file and it all stays the way I want it, that's a big plus towards conveniece.
What works best is to find out what the Lit. presentation style is and follow it. Again, I've done that and haven't had any trouble cut and pasting nearly 1,600 works directly into the text box and having them come out OK.
I am not kidding when I tell you that this is how we did things in the large-scale typesetting business - 50 years ago. Inline markup and flipping back and forth between a plain-text editor and a preview screen? Not foolproof at all; very error-ridden as a matter of fact. That's why we had a proofreading staff.

Being in document technologies ever since, I certainly know the limitations (and the "why") inherent in the LitE submission system, but I will point out there have been recent complaints about the online editor messing things up after plain text has been pasted into the submission field. No technique here is a silver bullet.

If pasting marked-up plain-text content works for you, good. OTOH, .doc and .docx uploads work for me because I can verify the formatting and approximate the final appearance locally in the document itself, within known limitations. I in turn recommend this technique to others.
Uh-huh. I'd rather [story depending] put each chapter in it's own file for doc upload, than copypasta, then flip between apps scrolling through both text(something I'm doing on other sites), typing in html or bbc tags(something I'd only hafta do here), especially with Word mobiles tendency to close the file randomly. Then, I can easily go over the chapter for a last once over, and if so inclined, copy that whole file and replace the chapter in the main file. At least on every other site there's an advanced text box, so it's just highlight and click italics. FFN/FP has a doc upload, but you still hafta physically edit the text afterwards.
Why do all that, when you can just upload the file? No more copypasta for me.
Because uploading files can cause significant problems if/when they go wrong, whereas a copy-paste into the text box never glitches. WYSIWYG in the Preview is what you get when it's published.

I've uploaded .txt .rtf .doc and .doc(x) over the years, and eventually, every format has created problems. For the last four years I've been using the text box, with zero problems.

It's heavily device related issue, I think, but for me, the text box is foolproof.