“There is No Climate Emergency”

Unbelievable how these people think. The anti-CO2 pixies will build the cars and the increase demand to recharge them will not require additional energy output, so, no additional fuel will be expended to energize charging stations because the energy pixies will supply the extra energy, won't need electricity off the grid.
The amount of CO2 produced to recharge them is nowhere near the amount produced with combustion engines in addition to the energy produced
A little perspective...

Who was the first scientist to claim man-made global climate change is real?
What political party was he from?

Many on the right seem to think climate change was invented by Libs to get rich and control people. It wasn't, stop being ridiculous, climate change should be a total non-partisan issue, full-stop.
Where did I say I was in favour, or opposed to coal fired generation. Again you have a major reading comprehension problem. You should quit posting, or keep on making an ass of yourself. Your choice.

I have noticed those who have a low skill sets in life, such as a lack of education, post the most intellectually changed statements here on Lit...look below....

So you completely glossed over my comment about your statement above in bold, to deflect to, "so you are for coal burning energy plants then"?

Where is your answer to back up your claim CO2 has been lowered to insignificance???

Me thinks your full of shit on this...but...you have an opportunity to prove me wrong.
The car companies have been mandated to increase gas mileage, use catalytic converters, and other (hybrid) strategies to seriously reduce our carbon footprint.

Since 2010, we have decreased our carbon emissions intensity—or CO₂ equivalents (CO₂e) generated per square foot of building space—by 33.8% and our total emissions by 23.9%. And that's from only 2010. The USA air quality is fantastic. Green energy is a con.
From sediments and ice-core data we have 800,000 years. Is that enough for you?
Are you saying that the earth has not been in the current situation and levels many times before? Serious question.

I believe we have been there and much worse many, many times! The earth has a way of correcting itself. That's what your data should say.
Are you saying that the earth has not been in the current situation and levels many times before? Serious question.

I believe we have been there and much worse many, many times! The earth has a way of correcting itself. That's what your data should say.
Correcting itself? What kind of dumbass dogma do you believe?
What about Venus? When is it going to correct itself so we can grow tomatoes on it?
Are you saying that the earth has not been in the current situation and levels many times before? Serious question.

I believe we have been there and much worse many, many times! The earth has a way of correcting itself. That's what your data should say.
I am going to wrap up my contribution to this thread:

You started by making a definite statement, proved, you say, by 1,200 people none of whom appear to have any credentials at all to make statements about climate.

You were going against the wide consensus of every academic institution IN THE WORLD. Your proof has to be cast-iron to reject their views and the views of over 100 countries that signed the Paris accord.


None of your subsequent posts gave us anything at all, just repeated the initial unproven lie.

You are totally incapable of providing any scientific evidence because you do not understand science at all.

You are just a stupid buffoon.

Goodbye and I hope you enjoy the lightning.
most of the people weighing in on climate fail to meet your narrow criteria of who can speak on the subject
the notion that people of other fields cannot review the papers that come put of the climate hysteria and reach conclusions has repercussions false across all of the sciences
Correcting itself? What kind of dumbass dogma do you believe?
What about Venus? When is it going to correct itself so we can grow tomatoes on it?
education failed you completely
maybe you just aren't that smart and a keyboard exacerbates that
The car companies have been mandated to increase gas mileage, use catalytic converters, and other (hybrid) strategies to seriously reduce our carbon footprint.

Since 2010, we have decreased our carbon emissions intensity—or CO₂ equivalents (CO₂e) generated per square foot of building space—by 33.8% and our total emissions by 23.9%. And that's from only 2010. The USA air quality is fantastic. Green energy is a con.
the oikaphobes only attack the familiar
they know they will not be punished for their views so they attack the system that defends those views
then they turn around and hold harmless those countries which suppress free speech including any criticism of their pollution because they know that they have no effect there so no matter how clean we are we are their only attainable target for their misplaced angst about the planet
most of the people weighing in on climate fail to meet your narrow criteria of who can speak on the subject
the notion that people of other fields cannot review the papers that come put of the climate hysteria and reach conclusions has repercussions false across all of the sciences
Narrow definition?

What planet are you on?

The OP and the 1,200 are challenging a consensus of almost all relevantly qualified scientists in the world and you think being UNQUALIFIED gives them authority to reverse that view?

You might as well ask Kim Kardashian to design a nuclear reactor. She is unqualified - so she'll do.
they are not climate scientists
they are just scientists who exist on a bell curve of acumen
they should be dismissed as quickly as you dismiss scientists not in the field who dissent
!. Not all of the 1,200 are scientists.

2. If they were scientists, they should have read and understood the arguments for a climate emergency put forward by a massive majority of the scientists qualified in that field.

3. If after studying all the data, they still felt that there was something amiss, they should have provided their own research and data to challenge the consensus view. They didn't and don't. They just say, with Rightguide 'We disagree' with NO EVIDENCE WHATEVER. That makes them, not scientists, but gullible idiots.

Edited for PS:

If any of the 1,200 hold academic degrees, those degrees should be stripped from them, and they should be fired from any academic posts they hold - for gross incompetence.
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Narrow definition?

What planet are you on?

The OP and the 1,200 are challenging a consensus of almost all relevantly qualified scientists in the world and you think being UNQUALIFIED gives them authority to reverse that view?

You might as well ask Kim Kardashian to design a nuclear reactor. She is unqualified - so she'll do.

You speak and write about consensus and I find that statement only partially true. If you google climate change you will not find other dissenting points of view. If consensus is reached by the elimination of opposing view points then its not consensus it’s brainwashing. Eliminating the opportunity for other scientific opinions to challenge the current quasi scientific/ political consensus threatening cancellation and ruination is not consensus at all, it’s demagoguery and demagoguery was rampant during the Covid pandemic. Many political remedies overrode sound medical and scientific observations which were not allowed to rise to the surface for fear of political and media backlash.
You speak and write about consensus and I find that statement only partially true. If you google climate change you will not find other dissenting points of view. If consensus is reached by the elimination of opposing view points then its not consensus it’s brainwashing. Eliminating the opportunity for other scientific opinions to challenge the current quasi scientific/ political consensus threatening cancellation and ruination is not consensus at all, it’s demagoguery and demagoguery was rampant during the Covid pandemic. Many political remedies overrode sound medical and scientific observations which were not allowed to rise to the surface for fear of political and media backlash.
Oh, right....because when you Google science, you immediately get all peer reviewed papers and studies along with interviews with Climate scientists across the globe and not some biased perspective based on your search history.

Quit trying to obfuscate your perspective. Just admit that you don't trust authority no matter how factually and scientifically correct instead of all this shit. At least then you're being honest.
If you google climate change you find hundreds of fake news and conspiracy theory sites. Their prevalence doesn't make any of them more than bullshit.

The world's academics in the field and over 100 country signatories to the Paris accord KNOW we are facing real danger.

If you don't recognise that - you too are fake news.
The car companies have been mandated to increase gas mileage, use catalytic converters, and other (hybrid) strategies to seriously reduce our carbon footprint.

Since 2010, we have decreased our carbon emissions intensity—or CO₂ equivalents (CO₂e) generated per square foot of building space—by 33.8% and our total emissions by 23.9%. And that's from only 2010. The USA air quality is fantastic. Green energy is a con.
Hmm mind supply a link for this "source"?

Here is a 1975 to 2021 link to CO2 emissions....seems they went up by 6.5 % in 2021....and emissions have not fallen below 4500 billion tons since 1983.......https://www.statista.com/statistics/183943/us-carbon-dioxide-emissions-from-1999/ so you think 4500 billion tons is "reduced CO2 emissions to next to nothing" eh?

Here is something you can play with, when you're bored....whole lot of yellow btw....if this is your idea of "fantastic air"...well???????

I've been off grid since 2006, imagine that,no electrical bills in 16 years, no black outs...no days without power....yes green energy is a con.....*chuckles*
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For all of my 58 years, we humans have been wetting our pants over one climate emergency or another. Same as it ever was.
For all of my 58 years, we humans have been wetting our pants over one climate emergency or another. Same as it ever was.
Then it is about time you took notice.

In a decade or so the US wheat belt won't be able to grow wheat.
Canada will be grateful for US dollars.
What US dollars will they have, climate change forecasts predict 10 Trillion a year costs for the USA in 50 years.....they'll be fucking broke...and I don't think us Canadians will be offering too much credit.
If you google climate change you find hundreds of fake news and conspiracy theory sites. Their prevalence doesn't make any of them more than bullshit.

The world's academics in the field and over 100 country signatories to the Paris accord KNOW we are facing real danger.

If you don't recognise that - you too are fake news.
There it is!! You just proved my point!
For all of my 58 years, we humans have been wetting our pants over one climate emergency or another. Same as it ever was.
No, it's not the "same." It has got hotter every single year of your 58 which is a first in recorded history.