“There is No Climate Emergency”

That doesn't even make any sense. You're literally just devolving into old man yelling at the lawn again.

My priority is not CO2 emissions or eliminating fossil fuels at our own ec
onomic peril. You democrat progressives or *whatever you are* talk out of both sides of your mouths. Biden puts serious restrictions on land and sea drilling and pipeline permits ( Alaska/Gulf coast/XL ) and then lobby's Iran and the Saudis to increase production of crude. Ya can't have it both ways. Burning Saudis oil instead of our own doesn't cut CO2 emissions. Buying solar panels and windmills from China, a country that has a history of polluting our planet at record rates so we can reduce our CO2 emissions is at best hypocrisy. If our politicians aren't willing to take a comprehensive approach to minimizing our carbon footprint such as including nuclear in the equation then we're shoveling shit against the fan and can't be taking seriously. Leading the global effort doesn't mean facilitating pollution of one country to improve a quality atmosphere of another.

The pie in the sky green energy agenda by climate change cultist never take into consideration the waste streams these new green energy utilities create. We need to take into consideration when producing all this new technology a cradle to grave strategy for all this new hazardous waste. Manufacturing innovation not government intervention is going to make this transition happen. The only thing big government will do is create a thousand Solyndras and a big waste of taxpayer money.

I find it quite ironic that as the *inflation reduction act* which will provide EV purchasers a $7,000 or thereabouts tax break GM and Ford raised their prices for some EVs to about the same level. Why is that? Because we as a country are not ready, we don't have the resources to be self sufficient in the manufacturing process and would be held hostage to the whims of countries like China, Congo or Australia.

We can try to incentivise our own manufacturing to make this stuff but we don't have access to the raw materials we still have to buy shit from the congo, Australia and South America. Tree huggers are going to go berserk when they find out that our lithium deposits are quite plentiful but use the same mining techniques as coal mining and fracking. Biden is going to have to piss off conservationist and convince a lot of people that mining is acceptable. Converting lithium ore to battery grade product is another controversial process and may run smack dab into Biden's militant EPA.

I fully expect Biden's EPA will suffocate his green energy initiatives and Infrastructure projects with excessive regulations.

I still believe border security and comprehensive immigration policy is a higher priority than CO2 emission

My priority is not CO2 emissions or eliminating fossil fuels at our own economic peril. You democrat progressives or *whatever you are* talk out of both sides of your mouths. Biden puts serious restrictions on land and sea drilling and pipeline permits ( Alaska/Gulf coast/XL ) and then lobby's Iran and the Saudis to increase production of crude. Ya can't have it both ways. Burning Saudis oil instead of our own doesn't cut CO2 emissions. Buying solar panels and windmills from China, a country that has a history of polluting our planet at record rates so we can reduce our CO2 emissions is at best hypocrisy. If our politicians aren't willing to take a comprehensive approach to minimizing our carbon footprint such as including nuclear in the equation then we're shoveling shit against the fan and can't be taking seriously. Leading the global effort doesn't mean facilitating pollution of one country to improve a quality atmosphere of another.

The pie in the sky agenda by

We can try to incentivise our own manufacturing to make this stuff but we don't have access to the raw materials we still have to buy shit from the congo, Australia and South America. Tree huggers are going to go berserk when they find out that our lithium deposits are quite plentiful but use the same mining techniques as coal mining and fracking. Biden is going to have to piss off conservationist and convince a lot of people that mining is acceptable. Converting lithium ore to battery grade product is another controversial process and may run smack dab into Biden's militant EPA
I don't give a shit what you consider to be a priority. Reducing CO2 is what the goal is because that is what is impacting climate patterns. If you take five cars and make them electric, that reduces emissions five fold. Doesnt take much
I don't give a shit what you consider to be a priority. Reducing CO2 is what the goal is because that is what is impacting climate patterns. If you take five cars and make them electric, that reduces emissions five fold. Doesnt take much
I guess what I'm trying to convey to you is that your priorities are in your ass.
I guess what I'm trying to convey to you is that your priorities are in your ass.
Carbon dioxide reduction is priority. It will impact the economy. Sorry about that.

The reality is, the earth doesnt care about the economy.
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My priority is not CO2 emissions or eliminating fossil fuels at our own ec
onomic peril.
NO I can tell Co2 is not your priority,but it should be. It's one of the easiest greenhouse gas emissions to lower. Want to bitch about a harder problem, lets take on Methane, or Sulphur Dioxide.
The pie in the sky green energy agenda by climate change cultist never take into consideration the waste streams these new green energy utilities create.
And the deniers like you, never take into account the financial ( or social) cost of failing to do this.
We need to take into consideration when producing all this new technology a cradle to grave strategy for all this new hazardous waste. Manufacturing innovation not government intervention is going to make this transition happen. The only thing big government will do is create a thousand Solyndras and a big waste of taxpayer money
Oh now you are worried about "hazardous waste. Care to show links to any thread post you have ever made about the "existing hazardous waste" from just say Oil production. How about all those millions of gallons of chemicals shot into the ground for fracking, that now are showing up in the water tables. Got a post bitching about that????
I find it quite ironic that as the *inflation reduction act* which will provide EV purchasers a $7,000 or thereabouts tax break GM and Ford raised their prices for some EVs to about the same level. Why is that?
Hmmm lets see.....could that be cost increases due to raw materials??????
Because we as a country are not ready, we don't have the resources to be self sufficient in the manufacturing process and would be held hostage to the whims of countries like China, Congo or Australia.
Chicken shit, you keep saying USA number one.....you must be lying again....

We can try to incentivise our own manufacturing to make this stuff but we don't have access to the raw materials we still have to buy shit from the congo, Australia and South America. Tree huggers are going to go berserk when they find out that our lithium deposits are quite plentiful but use the same mining techniques as coal mining and fracking. Biden is going to have to piss off conservationist and convince a lot of people that mining is acceptable. Converting lithium ore to battery grade product is another controversial process and may run smack dab into Biden's militant EPA.
You know what....why not try it first and see.
You might be right about some environmentalists never being satisfied, there are a dedicated share that want us all to live like we did 100,000 years ago...but they are just balancing idiots on the other side or your stance.
I fully expect Biden's EPA will suffocate his green energy initiatives and Infrastructure projects with excessive regulations.
Good, I never expected you to be in favour of any Biden policy, this sentence just proves my point.
I still believe border security and comprehensive immigration policy is a higher priority than CO2 emission
Glad you can prioritise your stupidity.,

BTW, you keep bring up the costs of this, well maybe go check the insurance industry out, try and gleam some reports from them. You sure bitched when gas went up to $5.00 a gallon. What are you going to say when your homeowners insurance goes up to 10K a year. Or if you live in a flood zone, or tornado zone or hurricane zone and the Insurance industry won't even offer you coverage.

Climate change comes with costs, and those costs will be a 100 fold greater than the cost of lowering our CO2 emissions.
NO I can tell Co2 is not your priority,but it should be. It's one of the easiest greenhouse gas emissions to lower. Want to bitch about a harder problem, lets take on Methane, or Sulphur Dioxide.

And the deniers like you, never take into account the financial ( or social) cost of failing to do this.

Oh now you are worried about "hazardous waste. Care to show links to any thread post you have ever made about the "existing hazardous waste" from just say Oil production. How about all those millions of gallons of chemicals shot into the ground for fracking, that now are showing up in the water tables. Got a post bitching about that????

Hmmm lets see.....could that be cost increases due to raw materials??????

Chicken shit, you keep saying USA number one.....you must be lying again....

You know what....why not try it first and see.
You might be right about some environmentalists never being satisfied, there are a dedicated share that want us all to live like we did 100,000 years ago...but they are just balancing idiots on the other side or your stance.

Good, I never expected you to be in favour of any Biden policy, this sentence just proves my point.

Glad you can prioritise your stupidity.,

BTW, you keep bring up the costs of this, well maybe go check the insurance industry out, try and gleam some reports from them. You sure bitched when gas went up to $5.00 a gallon. What are you going to say when your homeowners insurance goes up to 10K a year. Or if you live in a flood zone, or tornado zone or hurricane zone and the Insurance industry won't even offer you coverage.

Climate change comes with costs, and those costs will be a 100 fold greater than the cost of lowering our CO2 emissions.
Item 1 is a complete lie. Greenhouse gasses is easy to lower? It's already been lowered to insignificance. Burn more coal to produce electricity for the ev's. Where are ev's ultimate energy source produced?
Item 1 is a complete lie. Greenhouse gasses is easy to lower?
You shouldn't let your reading comprehension get in the way of you posting........Oh wait, you didn't...*chuckles*
It's already been lowered to insignificance.
What has been lowered to insignificance??? Your IQ.....that I'd believe.
Burn more coal to produce electricity for the ev's. Where are ev's ultimate energy source produced?
I said the easiest greenhouse gas to lower is CO2.......Coal plants don't emit a hell of a lot of CO2, compared to SO2......I guess among your educational fails was chemistry eh?
You shouldn't let your reading comprehension get in the way of you posting........Oh wait, you didn't...*chuckles*

What has been lowered to insignificance??? Your IQ.....that I'd believe.

I said the easiest greenhouse gas to lower is CO2.......Coal plants don't emit a hell of a lot of CO2, compared to SO2......I guess among your educational fails was chemistry eh?
So, you are for coal burning energy plants then? And i always notice that the ones with the weak intellects always start by insulting their challengers.
So, you are for coal burning energy plants then?
Where did I say I was in favour, or opposed to coal fired generation. Again you have a major reading comprehension problem. You should quit posting, or keep on making an ass of yourself. Your choice.
And i always notice that the ones with the weak intellects always start by insulting their challengers.
I have noticed those who have a low skill sets in life, such as a lack of education, post the most intellectually changed statements here on Lit...look below....
Item 1 is a complete lie. Greenhouse gasses is easy to lower? It's already been lowered to insignificance.
So you completely glossed over my comment about your statement above in bold, to deflect to, "so you are for coal burning energy plants then"?

Where is your answer to back up your claim CO2 has been lowered to insignificance???

Me thinks your full of shit on this...but...you have an opportunity to prove me wrong.
I don't give a shit what you consider to be a priority. Reducing CO2 is what the goal is because that is what is impacting climate patterns. If you take five cars and make them electric, that reduces emissions five fold. Doesnt take much
NO I can tell Co2 is not your priority,but it should be. It's one of the easiest greenhouse gas emissions to lower. Want to bitch about a harder problem, lets take on Methane, or Sulphur Dioxide.

And the deniers like you, never take into account the financial ( or social) cost of failing to do this.

Oh now you are worried about "hazardous waste. Care to show links to any thread post you have ever made about the "existing hazardous waste" from just say Oil production. How about all those millions of gallons of chemicals shot into the ground for fracking, that now are showing up in the water tables. Got a post bitching about that????

Hmmm lets see.....could that be cost increases due to raw materials??????

Chicken shit, you keep saying USA number one.....you must be lying again....

You know what....why not try it first and see.
You might be right about some environmentalists never being satisfied, there are a dedicated share that want us all to live like we did 100,000 years ago...but they are just balancing idiots on the other side or your stance.

Good, I never expected you to be in favour of any Biden policy, this sentence just proves my point.

Glad you can prioritise your stupidity.,

BTW, you keep bring up the costs of this, well maybe go check the insurance industry out, try and gleam some reports from them. You sure bitched when gas went up to $5.00 a gallon. What are you going to say when your homeowners insurance goes up to 10K a year. Or if you live in a flood zone, or tornado zone or hurricane zone and the Insurance industry won't even offer you coverage.

Climate change comes with costs, and those costs will be a 100 fold greater than the cost of lowering our CO2 emissions.
I wonder if you’d be spouting off obout CO2 emissions if your county was being invaded by a couple million migrants illegally entering your country using resources that should be reserved for your own citizens. We have millions of homeless and we’re taking in a potential onslaught of additional homeless. Over 100,00 dead from drug overdose in less than a year. Possibility of a terrorist attack. You worry about your country and I’ll worry about mine.
How many years does climate need to have useful data?

Why did Obama discredit any study unless it supported global warming?

He cut off funding to NASA unless they found in favor of global warming.

The planet will take care of itself. The US is a corrupt entity that uses this bs to rip off taxpayers. Prove me wrong.
From sediments and ice-core data we have 800,000 years. Is that enough for you?
I wonder if you’d be spouting off obout CO2 emissions if your county was being invaded by a couple million migrants illegally entering your country using resources that should be reserved for your own citizens. We have millions of homeless and we’re taking in a potential onslaught of additional homeless. Over 100,00 dead from drug overdose in less than a year. Possibility of a terrorist attack. You worry about your country and I’ll worry about mine.
Shit happens in the world. I can talk and chew gum at the same time. Sorry you can only do one thing at a time. From the sounds of your panicking, I'd focus on a bomb shelter with extra security to keep all those terryrists out.

Global warming will make all of those issues much worse for ya. Sorry about that.
I don't give a shit what you consider to be a priority. Reducing CO2 is what the goal is because that is what is impacting climate patterns. If you take five cars and make them electric, that reduces emissions five fold. Doesnt take much
Sorry. It doesn't quite work like that. Producing five electric cars adds tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere, and unless the electricity to power them comes from renewable sources - the problem gets worse.
Sorry. It doesn't quite work like that. Producing five electric cars adds tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere, and unless the electricity to power them comes from renewable sources - the problem gets worse.
No, it doesn't. The electricity comes from the same place it does now. You'll burn the same coal you did before they bought the electric cars. But all the exhaust from the cars is removed.

New power plants are majority renewable resources.
Your statement about the Challenger expedition was a quote out of context and ignores the decades of work done long before that. I have disproved your 'inaccurate thermometers' already.

You just continue to lie no matter what evidence is presented.

Your case is 'They didn't use thermometers because I say they didn't'. Why should anyone believe that?

I gave you the sources - Navy logs and reports but you haven't tried to look for them because you are afraid they would show you are wrong. Asshole!
You haven't disproved anything. You've lost all reason and manhood. Shamed into intellectual servitude by the rants Eco Messiah Greta Thunberg, a mere child. Your nation now suffers with skyrocketing energy bills for kowtowing to the angry little dope. Where is she now as Brits suffer under her insane green policies? I Remember well the discredited Church of Sweden hailing her as the "Successor of Christ." That fact is she and her Green Cult scared you pussies into damn near destroying your economies with her anti-fossil fuel bullshit. Where is she? Does she know you started pumping oil again in the North Sea?
I wonder if you’d be spouting off obout CO2 emissions if your county was being invaded by a couple million migrants illegally entering your country using resources that should be reserved for your own citizens. We have millions of homeless and we’re taking in a potential onslaught of additional homeless. Over 100,00 dead from drug overdose in less than a year. Possibility of a terrorist attack. You worry about your country and I’ll worry about mine.
It must be awful to live in fear of brown people so much that you're willing to look past science.
You haven't disproved anything. You've lost all reason and manhood. Shamed into intellectual servitude by the rants Eco Messiah Greta Thunberg, a mere child. Your nation now suffers with skyrocketing energy bills for kowtowing to the angry little dope. Where is she now as Brits suffer under her insane green policies? I Remember well the discredited Church of Sweden hailing her as the "Successor of Christ." That fact is she and her Green Cult scared you pussies into damn near destroying your economies with her anti-fossil fuel bullshit. Where is she? Does she know you started pumping oil again in the North Sea?

Your claim that I haven't disproved anything is just another of your lies. You can't accept that your beliefs are unfounded and false.

Your insane rants have NO basis at all in any science. You don't understand it.

Despite your assertion, we never stopped pumping oil from the North Sea and we are expanding the exploration areas to find more.

Greta isn't destroying our economy. We are investing in more green technology but will be using oil and natural gas for at least the next decade until more nuclear plants come on stream. You should listen to Greta. What she is saying is the truth. We cannot go on indefinitely producing more CO2 despite your 1,200 idiots.
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Your insane rants have NO basis at all in any science. You don't understand it.

Despite your assertion, we never stopped pumping oil from the North Sea and we are expanding the exploration areas to find more.

Greta isn't destroying our economy. We are investing in more green technology but will be using oil and natural gas for at least the next decade until more nuclear plants come on stream. You should listen to Greta. What she is saying is the truth. We cannot go on indefinitely producing more CO2 despite your 1,200 idiots.
I don't rant. I make calm deliberative points. Your energy sector is fucked up. People are hurting for energy and prices for it are high. Don't try and bullshit us. You folks let a goose-stepping disturbed child walk you into an energy disaster. :D
I don't rant. I make calm deliberative points. Your energy sector is fucked up. People are hurting for energy and prices for it are high. Don't try and bullshit us. You folks let a goose-stepping disturbed child walk you into an energy disaster. :D
Bollocks! There are NO calm deliberative points in any of your posts in this thread.

You just repeat and repeat your lies.

Yes, energy prices are high. Have you suggested any solution? NO.