“There is No Climate Emergency”

If anyone is to blame for high energy prices on the world's market it is Putin's Russia - which you ignore.
Bollocks! There are NO calm deliberative points in any of your posts in this thread.

You just repeat and repeat your lies.

Yes, energy prices are high. Have you suggested any solution? NO.
Go back to fracking and pump your own oil. Bring on Nuclear power and buy natural gas from us and save your reserves. Oh, and stop being shamed into idiocy by angry goose-stepping clueless brats. Be the great people you once were.

PS: I never raise my voice. I say what I think and I answer cranky old disrespectful insults from exasperated old men in kind.;)
I wonder if you’d be spouting off obout CO2 emissions if your county was being invaded by a couple million migrants illegally entering your country using resources that should be reserved for your own citizens.
So the above is a reason to slow down, or out right stop action on environmental changes, that if not done soon enough will lead to endanger the lives, and way of life of 7 billion people.......wow, just wow how fucking selfish can you be???
We have millions of homeless and we’re taking in a potential onslaught of additional homeless.
So quit spending 700 billion a year on your military, spend less on that, more on social programs....Oh wait you were jumping for fucking glee when Trump made that major increase to the military spending bill.....care to see your posts?????
Over 100,00 dead from drug overdose in less than a year.
And you give a shit....like really, you basically said George Floyd's life was worthless because he was a drug addict.....
Possibility of a terrorist attack
You think the USA is the only country with that concern???
You worry about your country and I’ll worry about mine.
You see, that is the major difference between us. I do worry about your country....and the rest of the countries that the planet is divided into....remember were all just fleas, living on the dog...we call Mother Earth.
Go back to fracking and pump your own oil. Bring on Nuclear power and buy natural gas from us and save your reserves. Oh, and stop being shamed into idiocy by angry goose-stepping clueless brats. Be the great people you once were.

PS: I never raise my voice. I say what I think and I answer cranky old disrespectful insults from exasperated old men in kind.;)
You don't read. I have said we are bringing on more nuclear power already.

We ARE buying oil and natural gas from the US and elsewhere ( except Russia) already.

We are not shamed. You should be for posting fake news.

We are trying and are committed to reducing our CO2 emissions. You don't think that is necessary. That makes you a clueless idiot.
It must be awful to live in fear of brown people so much that you're willing to look past science.
I'm not in fear of brown people you racist fuck! The science is murky at best.

We're spending like drunken sailors on shit that's unprovable, making projections based on a wing and a prayer. If politicians were exact on their projected results we wouldn't be 30 trillion in debt. We're taking in illegal migrants at an alarming rate which is putting extreme stress on all our systems. The feds are raising rates and the government keeps spending. The government is stepping on the gas and the brake at the same time. It's not about walking and chewing gum at the same time it's about being able to afford doing both at the same time. NY and DC are crying like brides left at the altar looking to Joe for help with funding for illegals. 30 trillion in debt. God help us if Moody or the S&P ever lowers our credit rating to lets say from +++A to A for some unforeseen reason like maybe an earthquake in CA. We shouldn't have spent an additional 740 billion without at least cutting in other areas to pay for this bill.
You don't read. I have said we are bringing on more nuclear power already.

We ARE buying oil and natural gas from the US and elsewhere ( except Russia) already.

We are not shamed. You should be for posting fake news.

We are trying and are committed to reducing our CO2 emissions. You don't think that is necessary. That makes you a clueless idiot.
I don't post fake news. I post news the real fake news won't post. I know that you, being an aficionado of fake News and scolding brats, might find that a bit painful but it is what it is. BTW, your fake news source CNN is now in the process of being reformed. Thought you should know. I probably read a minimum of 10,000 words a day, maybe more.

Do more, your people are suffering with high prices so your capability and supply are low.
You don't read. I have said we are bringing on more nuclear power already.

We ARE buying oil and natural gas from the US and elsewhere ( except Russia) already.

We are not shamed. You should be for posting fake news.

We are trying and are committed to reducing our CO2 emissions. You don't think that is necessary. That makes you a clueless idiot.
Plant billions of trees.
I'm not in fear of brown people you racist fuck! The science is murky at best.

We're spending like drunken sailors on shit that's unprovable, making projections based on a wing and a prayer. If politicians were exact on their projected results we wouldn't be 30 trillion in debt. We're taking in illegal migrants at an alarming rate which is putting extreme stress on all our systems. The feds are raising rates and the government keeps spending. The government is stepping on the gas and the brake at the same time. It's not about walking and chewing gum at the same time it's about being able to afford doing both at the same time. NY and DC are crying like brides left at the altar looking to Joe for help with funding for illegals. 30 trillion in debt. God help us if Moody or the S&P ever lowers our credit rating to lets say from +++A to A for some unforeseen reason like maybe an earthquake in CA. We shouldn't have spent an additional 740 billion without at least cutting in other areas to pay for this bill.
We just took in more illegal aliens than the populations in 15 of our states.
We're spending like drunken sailors on shit that's unprovable, making projections based on a wing and a prayer.
NO you're not......fuck take a pill, the direct money the US government has spent total on Climate change is less than you guys ( USA government) spent to put men on the moon....how can one person be so fucking stupid....it is beyond reason...
We shouldn't have spent an additional 740 billion without at least cutting in other areas to pay for this bill.
Well, we didn’t. The Inflation Reduction Act is going to bring in more money than it spends, and reduce the national debt.
But you already knew that, and chose to lie about it.
Climate has never been a constant. In the mini-ice age, The Thames at London froze so solid that people held ice fairs on it.

But what the sediment cores clearly show is that since the industrial revolution the world's climate has changed for the worse and much more than anything recorded before.
So, since the Thames froze over the climate has been more violent and civilization-shattering than say the Younger Dryas or the five major ice ages..four of which are said to have arrived before man? Do tell us all about it.
Sorry. It doesn't quite work like that. Producing five electric cars adds tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere, and unless the electricity to power them comes from renewable sources - the problem gets worse.
Unbelievable how these people think. The anti-CO2 pixies will build the cars and the increase demand to recharge them will not require additional energy output, so, no additional fuel will be expended to energize charging stations because the energy pixies will supply the extra energy, won't need electricity off the grid.
We just took in more illegal aliens than the populations in 15 of our states.
I can't for the life of me understand why it's such a problem to these people not allowing people into our country unless it's through a port of entry. Our country is not prepared for this influx. It's like having a thanksgiving dinner and 25 more people show up than you planned for. *Common sense is truly uncommon*
Og's Bulshit:

According to people researching my family tree I, and about 100,000 living others are legitimately descended from a Plantagenet King. That is possible. Those Kings had many children.

But the Plantagenet Kings claimed to be Wodingas - descended from the Norse God Woden (or Odin).

That is improbable but if it is true, I will ask my ancestor Woden to demonstrate to Rightguide just how wrong he is. I don't want Rightguide harmed so I will ask Woden to send a lightning bolt a day for a week to impact Rightguide's yard. Watch this space...
Hey, I live in rough but beautiful country. Lightning is a regular occurrence here as is much else that Nature has to offer, although I haven't seen a tornado or hurricane here as yet. We all have lightning rods on top of our barns and steel buildings. The house has surge protectors installed.
I can't for the life of me understand why it's such a problem to these people not allowing people into our country unless it's through a port of entry. Our country is not prepared for this influx. It's like having a thanksgiving dinner and 25 more people show up than you planned for. *Common sense is truly uncommon*
...and a modern-day Murder INC. might show up as well.
No one but no one!!! writes prose quite like LUK, his is a very delicate mixture of bullshit mixed with ad hominem and 3rd grade level histrionics while immersed in self loathing punctuated by a high level of TDS
And heavy on the TDS.:D
Believe the scienceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Until the science doesn't fit the narrative
No, only believe that scientist

Bonus points

Believe the scienceeeeeeeeeee

Science-biology states there are only two genders

No, not that scienceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” - George Orwell, 1984
It is about time that the US and the West, in general, recognised that China's exports damage us.
It's also time to recognize that China would be in deep shit if they couldn't import American goods and services.
I haven't said it before but I will now.

I, as me, not oggbashan, have been an FRGS (Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society) for decades. That gives me far more academic status than any of the 1,200 idiots in the OP.

I could make definite statements about climate and expect to be believed, unlike Rightguide.

I haven't and won't. that would be unprofessional. What I have said has been backed by links or suggested areas to explore to confirm what I have said - which Rightguide doesn't do.

History of temperature measurement at sea:

https://phys.org/news/2019-07-historic-sea-surface-temperature.html#:~:text=Sea surface temperatures helped sailors verify their course,,and measuring the temperature of the water inside.
I posted the links to the OP. I also post common sense gained from years of higher education and personal experience. You didn't see me fooled by Greta Thunberg, old chap.
I wonder if you’d be spouting off obout CO2 emissions if your county was being invaded by a couple million migrants illegally entering your country using resources that should be reserved for your own citizens. We have millions of homeless and we’re taking in a potential onslaught of additional homeless. Over 100,00 dead from drug overdose in less than a year. Possibility of a terrorist attack. You worry about your country and I’ll worry about mine.
The Democrats are importing the next revolution.

In 50 years they’re predicting a belt across the Southern US with heat index that would feel like 125° F. Making it unlivable/nonarable for up to 107 million people.

Talk about the dog days of Summer. ☀️🥵. We ain’t seen nothing yet.

Here ya go, 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions​

Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.

None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.

What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.

More than merely spotlighting the failed predictions, this collection shows that the makers of failed apocalyptic predictions often are individuals holding respected positions in government and science.

While such predictions have been and continue to be enthusiastically reported by a media eager for sensational headlines, the failures are typically not revisited.

You can view the list here: https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-of-failed-eco-pocalyptic-predictions/

They include:

  • 1967 — Stanford University expert Paul Erlich predicted “time of famines” in 1975.
  • 1971 — A top NASA expert predicted an “ice age” by 2021.
  • 1988 — It was predicted that the Maldives would be under water by last year.
  • 2008 — Gore said the Arctic would be free of ice by 2013.
  • 2009 — Charles said there was just 96 months left to save the world.
It's also time to recognize that China would be in deep shit if they couldn't import American goods and services.

I posted the links to the OP. I also post common sense gained from years of higher education and personal experience. You didn't see me fooled by Greta Thunberg, old chap.
I am going to wrap up my contribution to this thread:

You started by making a definite statement, proved, you say, by 1,200 people none of whom appear to have any credentials at all to make statements about climate.

You were going against the wide consensus of every academic institution IN THE WORLD. Your proof has to be cast-iron to reject their views and the views of over 100 countries that signed the Paris accord.


None of your subsequent posts gave us anything at all, just repeated the initial unproven lie.

You are totally incapable of providing any scientific evidence because you do not understand science at all.

You are just a stupid buffoon.

Goodbye and I hope you enjoy the lightning.