✨📬✨ The FOURTH Annual 🔹July PM Challenge🔹: Celebrating Four Years of Fun, Friendship and Fuckery. ✨📬✨

Day 11

Today is about
reconnections! PM (at least) 1 Litster and reconnect.
This could be someone that you
owe a response to, it could be someone where life got in the way and the conversation faded, or it could be that they didn't pick up a hint you were giving. Today is the day to reconnect.

Bonus points for reaching out to someone who you haven't seen participating and giving them a gentle nudge.

Finally sent something.

God I really managed to over think this one. Some people I chose to end conversations with. Some just naturally came to an end. Some didn't ever get back to me so I don't want to bug them.

I think the person I messaged will probably (hopefully) be ok with it and see it with the spirit of the challenge in mind.
It's that time again! The fourth annual July PM Challenge!

This thread was started in the pursuit of building community spirit and expanding the circle of people we know.
And it's been a blast every year - Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Have you ever wanted to reach out and say hello but didn't really know what to say when you? Well now you will!
Have you ever felt awkward giving someone a compliment? The challenge will give you a great reason to say it proudly!
Have you ever crushed on someone from afar and didn't know how to tell them? Go ahead and get nervous because it's coming.


Here's how it works -
Every day in the month of July, I will post a prompt for who and how many Litsters to PM. Then you think creatively and send those messages! Then come here and tell us about how it's going.
Points will be awarded and they will mean nothing.

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A few reminders and lessons learned over the years.
1. Participation matters. I can't guarantee you a box filled to capacity but if you send PMs and play along here, you're chances of getting PMs are drastically increased.
2. Life happens! Please don't beat yourself up if you can't do every single day or if you need to catch up later.
3. Be respectful. Be polite. This has been a drama free holiday for three years and I'd like to make it four.

4. Think outside the box. Well, don't think inside your PM box but do try to reach out to new people. You can always PM your besties. Take this opportunity to meet some new people in the Lit neighborhood.

Every single year, I hear from people who have met some amazing friends, epic lovers, and had some incredible laughs. Hell, I had to create this challenge just to meet a few of the coolest people I know!!

Happy July! Let the games begin!!

I'm in