✨📬✨ The FOURTH Annual 🔹July PM Challenge🔹: Celebrating Four Years of Fun, Friendship and Fuckery. ✨📬✨

Day 1

Let's do ahead and
take the plunge.

2 Litsters who have caught your eye around the neighborhood but who you've never said hello before.

Feel free to link to the challenge to explain your PMs.

Done and Done!
Day 2

PM (at least) 1 Litster who you find sexy and let them know!
They may post the most
erection inducing pictures, they may write words that make you melt, they may just tease just enough, or they may be undercover, casual sexy.
Today, without any expectations, just let someone know how sexy you think they are!

I'm caught up! Not sure I'll make it every day, but hey....