✨📬✨ The FOURTH Annual 🔹July PM Challenge🔹: Celebrating Four Years of Fun, Friendship and Fuckery. ✨📬✨

I think there are a lot of people that still need to do day 2 because my inbox wasn’t full either and we all know that we are two of the sexiest fuckers here 😁
Lol, yeah a lot of fake agreement on day 2 for sure.
I’ve managed 1/2 of day three. Now to find another and another question. Unless, it’s ok to use the same question twice? Or is that cheating?
I've done day 3, but being a newbie around here, I don't know how much more of this cheekiness I can do.
Prior to this I've always respected the "don't slide into DMs" rule. It's just feels like I'm being creepy.
OK - because of their settings, I cannot start a conversation with this person so I am posting my nosey question here…

Hello @MedicalMuse

My nosey question(s) to you is/are (insert drum roll)….

You always seem very busy in your life with work, studying and family. What do you find to be the hardest of these? Which one gives you the most pleasure?
I've done day 3, but being a newbie around here, I don't know how much more of this cheekiness I can do.
Prior to this I've always respected the "don't slide into DMs" rule. It's just feels like I'm being creepy.
In my experience respectful DM's that have some element of fun and positivity are met with kindness and friendship.
I have very seldom had anyone respond negatively to my DM's. (although a few - and it's very few - simply don't respond, which is OK!).

I think you might find that this is a great opener to conversations.

Bottom line, we're all here to make friends of one kind or another. From what the ladies have told me, just don't lead with, "Do you want to see a picture of my 14" dick?" or worse yet, a picture of your actual 3.5" dick....🤣😂🤣😂
..... don't lead with, "Do you want to see a picture of my 14" dick?" or worse yet, a picture of your actual 3.5" dick....🤣😂🤣😂
That's not my style at all, so I wouldn't worry about that.
But I'm using the secret coder emojis - and that may be too forward for my comfort zone, too.
I've done day 3, but being a newbie around here, I don't know how much more of this cheekiness I can do.
Prior to this I've always respected the "don't slide into DMs" rule. It's just feels like I'm being creepy.
Do what you feel comfortable but this thread isn't compulsory.
If you don't feel comfortable there are plenty of game threads to entertain you!
I suppose a big part of it is not wanting to make others feel uncomfortable.
OK - because of their settings, I cannot start a conversation with this person so I am posting my nosey question here…

Hello @MedicalMuse

My nosey question(s) to you is/are (insert drum roll)….

You always seem very busy in your life with work, studying and family. What do you find to be the hardest of these? Which one gives you the most pleasure?
Obviously school was the hardest. I took the summer off because it was just too stressful with all the things I can’t drop, school was the easiest to take a break from.
The most pleasure, definitely family. My grandbaby brings endless joys. The kids are in and out of the house more now that none of them are living here (except the youngest, but that’s another story)

You can PM me now 😁
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I've asked some more personal questions to some people I'm just getting to know, rather than brand new people today.
I do think they're questions I would genuinely have wanted to ask anyway so hopefully I haven't been too intrusive.
So day 3 done ✔️
In my experience respectful DM's that have some element of fun and positivity are met with kindness and friendship.
I have very seldom had anyone respond negatively to my DM's. (although a few - and it's very few - simply don't respond, which is OK!).

I think you might find that this is a great opener to conversations.

Bottom line, we're all here to make friends of one kind or another. From what the ladies have told me, just don't lead with, "Do you want to see a picture of my 14" dick?" or worse yet, a picture of your actual 3.5" dick....🤣😂🤣😂
I often get pictures of 3.5 inch floppies. Apparently it’s retro 😁
Question for anyone sending or responding to questions and using the the coded emoji in them...are you expecting folks to address them or are you addressing them in your response?