✨📬✨ The FOURTH Annual 🔹July PM Challenge🔹: Celebrating Four Years of Fun, Friendship and Fuckery. ✨📬✨

Parenting is hard. It isn't any one thing....but the tedium that accumulates with time. There isn't any time off. We can't drop our guard for a moment...cause there they are...looking at you with their mouths open...almost in tears...cause daddy called mommy a cunt. And no...I didn't call her a cunt. I said please stop acting like a cunt. That has been almost 10 years ago...and I still hear it from both of them.

Moderating a thread like this has to be difficult. We expect so much from our adults....
Day 23

Sorry folks more lists but maybe a picture will help?

PM 2 Litsters in the style below. Strive for creativity.

Wasn't sure about #3 either, but sent to 2 people I trust....
Indeed they aren't. Running this month of PM challenges takes far more time, effort, and emotional energy than we all see, not to mention moderating the thread itself and being expected to deal with the occasional bit of primary school nonsense along the way.

You don't have to do it. Lit isn't your site, and your only reward is the occasional thank-you and a warm glow inside. And yet you keep coming back for another year, and that isn't solely as a niche way to express a masochistic streak.

But there are things we can all do to make this work better also. By Day 23, it's easy to feel that we've long since PM'd the two or three people we've been looking for an excuse to start chatting with. But there are already several posters in this thread whom I'd never really crossed paths with before, and now I'm curious to get to know. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

Above all, though, this thread works when the rest of us do our bit too. You give us the platform. Special things happen when we make the best use of it. Even on Day 23.

I for one (and, I am not alone) enjoyed the scavenger hunt, all kidding aside. Especially once I READ the instructions and stopped looking for someone whose name started "b-r-e" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Drive on PLP. This is a lot of summer fun.
I still can't figure out yesterday's assignment. I'll look at it again when I have more brainpower (which won't be anytime in the immediate future). But today's is done!
I still can't figure out yesterday's assignment. I'll look at it again when I have more brainpower (which won't be anytime in the immediate future). But today's is done!
Lindi explained it in text format, if that helps?
I still can't figure out yesterday's assignment. I'll look at it again when I have more brainpower (which won't be anytime in the immediate future). But today's is done!
Due to my limited interactions in forums, I gave up on yesterdays...., Sorry, PlP