🎧 Parlay with PG-an audio thread for the aural

I'm also curious about people's definition of ghosting. Lol. I don't think not responding to a PM is ghosting, especially if the person is still here and accessible. When I think of ghosting, I think of someone you are close with that just disappears without telling you and you and is no longer present or accessible.
I'm also curious about people's definition of ghosting. Lol. I don't think not responding to a PM is ghosting, especially if the person is still here and accessible. When I think of ghosting, I think of someone you are close with that just disappears without telling you and you and is no longer present or accessible.
Yes, I'm sorry. Ghosting = Blocking.
I'm also curious about people's definition of ghosting. Lol. I don't think not responding to a PM is ghosting, especially if the person is still here and accessible. When I think of ghosting, I think of someone you are close with that just disappears without telling you and you and is no longer present or accessible.
This. I agree.
So I have really lost my voice lol
I do want to address a few things.

1-indie is totally right. I left her on read and didn't reply and totally was in the threads posting(sorry baby). In my defense PM’s were and still are kind of hard for me.
I can pop into a thread enjoy a game or engage on the topic and it doesn't take the same energy as chatting. It also is easier to pop in and out of posting in the threads than it is to pop in and out of a chat.

2-im super glad she was persistent because my not responding wasn't due to not liking her.

3-i think I've been holding the folks I talk with off of Lit to too high a standard and I'm positive I sound super needy 🤣🤣

4-I don't think I'm quite explaining it all correctly on my side. It may be that i just have a harder time when things are in the dwindle down stage. I can accept that and try to work on it.

5-ugh…I’ve clearly got some work to do on myself but I am so glad for his conversation!

Thank you all for participating in this thread!!
So I have really lost my voice lol
I do want to address a few things.

1-indie is totally right. I left her on read and didn't reply and totally was in the threads posting(sorry baby). In my defense PM’s were and still are kind of hard for me.
I can pop into a thread enjoy a game or engage on the topic and it doesn't take the same energy as chatting. It also is easier to pop in and out of posting in the threads than it is to pop in and out of a chat.

2-im super glad she was persistent because my not responding wasn't due to not liking her.

3-i think I've been holding the folks I talk with off of Lit to too high a standard and I'm positive I sound super needy 🤣🤣

4-I don't think I'm quite explaining it all correctly on my side. It may be that i just have a harder time when things are in the dwindle down stage. I can accept that and try to work on it.

5-ugh…I’ve clearly got some work to do on myself but I am so glad for his conversation!

Thank you all for participating in this thread!!
Get well soon. Honey/lemon hot water does the trick for me. 💗💗💗
So I have really lost my voice lol
I do want to address a few things.

1-indie is totally right. I left her on read and didn't reply and totally was in the threads posting(sorry baby). In my defense PM’s were and still are kind of hard for me.
I can pop into a thread enjoy a game or engage on the topic and it doesn't take the same energy as chatting. It also is easier to pop in and out of posting in the threads than it is to pop in and out of a chat.

2-im super glad she was persistent because my not responding wasn't due to not liking her.

3-i think I've been holding the folks I talk with off of Lit to too high a standard and I'm positive I sound super needy 🤣🤣

4-I don't think I'm quite explaining it all correctly on my side. It may be that i just have a harder time when things are in the dwindle down stage. I can accept that and try to work on it.

5-ugh…I’ve clearly got some work to do on myself but I am so glad for his conversation!

Thank you all for participating in this thread!!
I barely know you but for some reason I'm not 100% sold on this. Maybe you should PM me your suggestion so I can make an informed decision. I mean maybe I have that necessary ingredients at my fingertips 🤷🏻‍♀️😉
No... that makes it worse, @Photog1rl

I was going to suggest a hot toddy, I have no idea what the two of you had in mind. 🤔

Warm Green tea
Lemon Juice
Honey (put the honey in once the tea cools off, otherwise it destroys the healing properties).
I was going to suggest a hot toddy, I have no idea what the two of you had in mind. 🤔
I, of course, amonly hoping for recipes to soothe my throat and bring back my voice.

What's in a hot toddy?
Warm Green tea
Lemon Juice
Honey (put the honey in once the tea cools off, otherwise it destroys the healing properties).
I’ve tried warm mint tea, hot water with honey and lemon and whiskey isn't for me.
Maybe the hot toddy if you’ll share your recipe. Is it like hot buttered rum? It sounds super 70’s…