🎧 Parlay with PG-an audio thread for the aural

I, of course, amonly hoping for recipes to soothe my throat and bring back my voice.

What's in a hot toddy?

I’ve tried warm mint tea, hot water with honey and lemon and whiskey isn't for me.
Maybe the hot toddy if you’ll share your recipe. Is it like hot buttered rum? It sounds super 70’s…
I think it’s an Irish thing.
What’s even a more Irish solution to a sore throat: dump the lemon, tea and honey down the drain and drink the whiskey! 🤣
Welcome Daisy! It was lively to hear your voice!!! You do. It sound line a man. I'm so glad you shared @Daisy_Love
I'd respond with an audio but my voice is gone and the docs said no talking for 48 hours 🤣 not easy for this blatherer.

I agree that open and honest is best and that it doesn't happen as much on Lit as I think it should. Your point about self-worth is an important one too. My desire to continue has never been more important than my self worth but I think I've tried to hold on to conversations longer than I should have because I like to try to foster connection and friendship.
When you say you leave a conversation what does that look line for you? Just no longer replying or saying directly that you are done or deleting it or?
Welcome Daisy! It was lively to hear your voice!!! You do. It sound line a man. I'm so glad you shared @Daisy_Love
I'd respond with an audio but my voice is gone and the docs said no talking for 48 hours 🤣 not easy for this blatherer.

I agree that open and honest is best and that it doesn't happen as much on Lit as I think it should. Your point about self-worth is an important one too. My desire to continue has never been more important than my self worth but I think I've tried to hold on to conversations longer than I should have because I like to try to foster connection and friendship.
When you say you leave a conversation what does that look line for you? Just no longer replying or saying directly that you are done or deleting it or?
I was going to suggest a hot toddy, I have no idea what the two of you had in mind. 🤔
Of course I knew you were going to suggest a hot toddy. In my opinion, that only works if you have a cough. Pharyngitis, laryngitis, not so much.
Warm Green tea
Who puts green tea in a hot toddy?
Whiskey? That stuff burns. Come on now.
Honey (put the honey in once the tea cools off, otherwise it destroys the healing properties).

Now that is advice I can get behind. I did not know that. 💗

(Sorry if I toddy-blocked you. 🥺)
Of course I knew you were going to suggest a hot toddy. In my opinion, that only works if you have a cough. Pharyngitis, laryngitis, not so much.
If you use the proper amount of whiskey it cures everything.
Who puts green tea in a hot toddy?
What tea do you suggest?
Whiskey? That stuff burns. Come on now.
Right, it burns the sore right out of your throat.
Now that is advice I can get behind. I did not know that. 💗

(Sorry if I toddy-blocked you. 🥺)
I just found this out, like, a week ago. 👍

Okay, I showed you mine, now let’s see your hot toddys! 😛
Hmmm, what kind? I only have Crown Royal.

No tea, just hot water.

Yeah... and ruins your voice further.

Awesome! 💗
Any whiskey will do. I like it cheap and dirty 😎
Taking out the tea seems like all the flavor is lost. 🤷‍♂️
You could also just swallow some honey by itself every now and then.
I hope PG doesn’t yell at us for not doing this through audio. 🥺