🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 13: A song from a solo female artist

This woman is one of those artists for whom I will always have a little soft spot. I even have some recordings from the last time I saw her live, not long after the pandemic hold on shows started to lift. She has this haunting voice and the ability to story tell with her lyrics and it's so lovely to listen to.

Day 14: Hit shuffle on your playlist and share the first song that comes on

Ok, I'm not going to lie. I almost cheated when this is the song that popped up BUT --- I do think this song is an undiscovered gem. It's possibly the modern day stylistic mix of Bohemian Rhapsody mixed with a Christ allegory in the form of a prancy pig. It doesn't get better (weirder?) than that.

Angus the Prize Winning Hog - The Toxhards
