🎡 Monthly Song Challenge 🎡

Day 21: RMG: Random Music Generator

I opened my Liked Songs playlist on Spotify, shuffled it, and hit Maggie Rogers - Love You for a Long Time

Set it to smart shuffle, and a few clicks later I ended up with this one. It's very reminiscent of Maggie's style and I can see why Spotify recommended it to me; think I found a new artist to follow! Thanks for the idea @morelikeasong 😍

Holly Humberstone - Deep End

Day 21: A song following these instructions: pick a random song that you like and search it on a music player (Spotify, pandora, etc). Set it to shuffle and hit next until you find a song you like that you’ve never heard before. Share with us the name of the song you put into the shuffle, too!

Thanks for playing along everyone!!
It’s late for me, but I do wanna check everyone’s stuff out tomorrow!

I put Forever by HAIM into Spotify and a handful of shuffles later I got to this Best Coast song which I’m loving! @PassionatePanther i think originally introduced me to this band but I hadn’t heard this song

Best Coast - The Only Place

Day 22: A song that's one of the first you remember liking off the radio

I have a very distinct memory of this song. First grade and riding the school bus home from school, driving through farm fields. I do remember that it was nice and warm out. Maybe 1972??

Had a hard time getting this song out of my head… My first song worm.

At the time I had no idea what the lyrics meant, it was just stuck in my head. Now that I’m an old fuck, I TOTALLY know what these are about. πŸ˜•

Day 22: A song that's one of the first you remember liking off the radio

Before I became a lifelong KROQ alt rock boy, I listened to Top 40 KIQQ. This song was pretty inescapable and was on repeat in my head for most of this year. AND my mom took me to see the movie which I didn’t understand really but loved anyway. (Still do, movie slaps y’all)

Working 9 to 5

Day 21: A song following these instructions:

That’s a lot of words toots. But for you, I read em.

I put in Why Do You Love Me by Garbage and three clicks later got:

Imma very shallow Metric fan. Mostly Help I’m Alive and the Scott Pilgrim one is it. I liked this though.
I’m pretty sure the Jeep they use in this video is a vintage G.I. Joe VAMP. But the tanks aren’t MOBATS or Maulers. Just generic tank toys.
I’m pretty sure the Jeep they use in this video is a vintage G.I. Joe VAMP. But the tanks aren’t MOBATS or Maulers. Just generic tank toys.

hmmmm. Interesting
Well… I suppose we’re even now 🀣
Day 22: A song that's one of the first you remember liking off the radio

I was still listening to the radio a couple years ago. Not so much lately. When I was small, 80's was still playing on the radio... am I old? This and being an MTV/VH1 addict from an early age means my comfort music is 80's/early 90's.

I remember hearing this song in the car while in the backseat.

Higher Love - Steve Winwood

Day 22: A song that's one of the first you remember liking off the radio
I was very, very young when this came on an oldies radio station and I did more than like it -- I was immediately in love with this song.
(A personal footnote: Lou Rawls -- the 2nd celebrity I ran into when I moved to Los Angeles... He was so gracious and seem pleasantly surprised that that I recognized him. We shook hands and in that moment, I literally thought the city was mine for the taking,
I'll always love this song.
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