📮 The 3rd Annual ✨July✨ PM Challenge 📮

Day 12:

Brace yourselves!

PM at least 1 Litster and just...ask a nosey question. Maybe it's something you've always wondered, maybe you want to ask about something you heard, maybe it's something you hope to be true, but go ahead! Ask!

Remember no one owes you an answer but what's the harm in asking?
This was a tough one for me. Most of the things I'm nosey about I've already asked! But I did rack my brain and come up with something. So PM sent and question asked!
Day 12:

Brace yourselves!

PM at least 1 Litster and just...ask a nosey question. Maybe it's something you've always wondered, maybe you want to ask about something you heard, maybe it's something you hope to be true, but go ahead! Ask!

Remember no one owes you an answer but what's the harm in asking?
Wait, what??!??
I think I've been doing this all wrong...
I ALWAYS ask nosey questions. 😳
That's practically the BASIS of a PM...
Now I'm worried PLP will take away some of my stars 🌟 ✨🌟
At least I didn't broadcast the easter egg. 🤪
...wondering about butts....

edit: nosey questions asked and answered :nana:
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Day 12:

Brace yourselves!

PM at least 1 Litster and just...ask a nosey question. Maybe it's something you've always wondered, maybe you want to ask about something you heard, maybe it's something you hope to be true, but go ahead! Ask!

Remember no one owes you an answer but what's the harm in asking?
Completed! But contrary to PLP’s kind warning, the answers to mine are not optional 😂

Day 12:

Brace yourselves!

PM at least 1 Litster and just...ask a nosey question. Maybe it's something you've always wondered, maybe you want to ask about something you heard, maybe it's something you hope to be true, but go ahead! Ask!

Remember no one owes you an answer but what's the harm in asking?
Day 12- completed. 16 requests for dick pics fulfilled. I feel so used. o_O