📮 The 3rd Annual ✨July✨ PM Challenge 📮

Day 15:

We're pretty much halfway there! Everyone counting their stars?

It's Friday and it's time to party! PM 3 Litsters who you'd invite to a party and let them know what kind of party to prepare for! Have fun!
Party planned. I may have gone overboard with the gifs. :nana:
Day 15:

We're pretty much halfway there! Everyone counting their stars?

It's Friday and it's time to party! PM 3 Litsters who you'd invite to a party and let them know what kind of party to prepare for! Have fun!

It's always tricky inviting strangers to a party - do you offer them something alcoholic to drink? make sure you have a vegie (or vegan) option?
Anyway... here's to a great party Cascadia style. I plan to have a great time even if nobody shows up to join me 🥳

Day 15 done and done. Wooooo hoooooo !!!!

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