Repost - Because it has helped [a little]

I am, like many of you, a published author and have submitted 41 works to this site. All but one of which have been accepted. Only one poem has more than 10 votes. Several have well over 100 hits, but none of them have more than five votes. Most have less than three. I have a poem and an explaining story that I think are fairly good. The story (a fable), [511 hits, two votes, rating five] was written to explain the metaphor of the poem [173 hits, five votes, rating 3.40] in case the reader might need clarification of intent/meaning.

Gaia's Lover is the poem, and Gaia's Lover: The Fable is the story.

I include the links to both below:

Gaia's Lover: The Fable

Gaia's Lover

Hits and votes would be appreciated.

The fable now has 3 votes, 533 hits and a rating of 5.

The poem now has 8 votes, 186 hits, and a rating of 3.88. [It was hit with a 1 very early on.]

Regards, Rybka
Re: Repost - Because it has helped [a little]

Rybka said:

The fable now has 3 votes, 533 hits and a rating of 5.

The poem now has 8 votes, 186 hits, and a rating of 3.88. [It was hit with a 1 very early on.]

Regards, Rybka

make that 9 votes
Thanks, Blue Dolphin

If you like dolphins, and sea metaphors, then you might like this poem:See Sea-Rider

It needs quite a few votes also.

Regards, Rybka
I'm... So ashamed. [i]sob[/i]

This is, I think, the best poem I've written so far and it was also my first. That might be the most depressing thing I've thought of all day, but...

Anyhow, the poor fucker has only three votes after God knows how long on the site.

New Sneaker Blues

If you have the time, please give it a swat.
In a shameful act of selfpromotion...

Okay...now I'm embarassed that I started my own thread asking for votes. I should have sat down, carefully read the board, before going off half-cocked (which, by the way is hard for me, since I lack the necessary equipment)! I was just very excited to stumble across the news on the front page and see my name. And I've been killing my email system for the last four days trying to submit the fucker--more in shock to see that it actually made it Lit. (Poor Laurel's probably been inundated by the same email from me, fifty times!):D

Back to shameful self-promotion:

Needs 2 more votesbook lover

Needs 4 more votes
flesh machine (you don't even have to read it--I'll read it to you!)

Needs 5 more votes
FIght Club Haikus (I am an obsessed fan)

What the Fuck? (a little cheeky)

And this poor little one has only had 2 votes...it's one of my faves
Goddess Hunting

I'm off to the polls for those I haven't read!

PS-it's nice to see that the top rated poem listing has a much higher rating average than a week ago. That's the way it should be--cream of the crop!:rose:
Re: I'm... So ashamed. [i]sob[/i]

karmadog said:
This is, I think, the best poem I've written so far and it was also my first. That might be the most depressing thing I've thought of all day, but...

Anyhow, the poor fucker has only three votes after God knows how long on the site.

New Sneaker Blues

If you have the time, please give it a swat.
I just voted. It really is a good poem, kdog.
I voted-- now I'm asking for votes

OK, I voted on Kdog's poem, lickmyboot's "book lover," and Ancient's poem, so I don't feel bad about asking for votes myself. My poem "Inverness," which I coauthored with Judo, has 8 votes, just 2 short of the magic number. (Judo posted an alternate version of the poem, with a different ending.) Please vote on it! Here's the link:


To All,

My thanks to all. "The Master's miss..." went to 12 votes and gained even more views.

I even appreciated the '1'... just wish the person would say why, even anonymously.

Re: Thanks

Ancient117331 said:
To All,

My thanks to all. "The Master's miss..." went to 12 votes and gained even more views.

I even appreciated the '1'... just wish the person would say why, even anonymously.

I just finished voting on the poems that have been recently added to this list. I voted a 5 on yours Ancient. I hope that helps to balance out the 1 you got!
Re: I voted-- now I'm asking for votes

OK, I voted on Kdog's poem, lickmyboot's "book lover," and Ancient's poem, so I don't feel bad about asking for votes myself. My poem "Inverness," which I coauthored with Judo, has 8 votes, just 2 short of the magic number. (Judo posted an alternate version of the poem, with a different ending.) Please vote on it! Here's the link:

Red, my man nugget, I couldn't vote again, but I hope the rest of you will check out Red's poem. It such a good one!
Here's a little nibble:
I met a girl in Inverness
Whose eyes were shining free
And every move that she did make
Said that she wanted me

I rushed to meet her at the pool
Where fate and gladness meet
But little did I realize then
The glory of her treat

Her eyes were wild, her hair was free
Her fingers came trailing down
She took me to the highest heights,
Then dashed me to the ground
Eve love
your av is a killer
has me in stitches
I love it

been votin an a few
check some more out shortly
ty for the thread bTW
:kiss: :rose:
BD, christcat, I voted. I hope everyone is voting and reading and letting your favorite poets know how you feel about their work.
No. 1

At the moment, RisiaSkye's poem
is No. 1In memory of Naomi

This is a very good poem and deserves to be high ranked.

"just pet" has some excellent new postings. They are worthy of a read and a vote. - Sometimes she makes me jealous. :)

Regards, Rybka

Blue Dolphin, I voted on your poem. Wicked Eve, I voted on both of yours than just needed one vote.

Now can I get my blowjob, Eve?
I'm tired of saying NO to you RED! So, okay.

The price I must pay to get a poem voted on. :rolleyes:
O boy!

O boy! I finally wore down her resistance! BTW, that new av is hilarious, Eve.
Re: O boy!

O boy! I finally wore down her resistance! BTW, that new av is hilarious, Eve.
That's right! You wore me down. I have no energy left. I can't suck! I could die from exhaustion if I sucked your RedWang! I love you, Red, but man, I gotta live!
He didn't ask you. Besides, God only knows where that mouth has been. :rolleyes:
It's your choice RED! My mouth is already open and my tongue is hanging out. :p
By the way, has anyone had a chance to read and vote on my newest creation? My Twat's Been Snatched! (The link is in my sig line)
The poem tells a heartbreaking story of an abducted pussy. I think I'll do a part 2 to this poem. I'll write it from the pussy's perspective. I'm sure she has lots to say about the treatment she received at the hands of that man!