I voted a 1 on that poem, Elda. It was just too insane to vote any higher than 1. What I want to know is how in the world was the pussy abducted? You'd think the owner of the twat would have had a clue that someone was snatching her snatch!
Or was this poem suppose to be funny?:rolleyes:

obviously, your uptight ass didn't find it funny. Speaking of ass, feel free to vote on My Ass is Open For Business! (check out the sig line ;) )
Furry baby!

I voted on your amusing little poem, Furry. Since Eve's all tuckered (or puckered) out, when and where, baby?
I could rock your world, Red. On the other hand, Eve would just throw rocks.
New Sneaker Blues was briefly on the toplist at # 2! Which was way, way higher than it deserved (thank you to those who voted). so I have to thank the '1' beast for knocking it back down to reality.

Judging by her new AV, I think Elda spends too much time on the computer. But she's a hell of a multitasker.
The Master/Mistress of the 1 has been on a rampage. Everything of mine that hits the list with 10 votes has been getting a 1. I even had my poem split sitting on the top list for a long time now, and yesterday it was 1'd! This really puts me in a mood to spank somebody! Quick! Somebody drop your pants!

Kdog, Elda not only spends too much time online, she's a booping copy cat!

I have a poem minute maid that just recently won a contest at lotus. I think it's a pretty good poem. I submitted it at lit, hoping that by sharing it, others would enjoy it. But I checked and it has 5 votes and 3.60 score. It looks like the 5th vote was a 1.
So any votes would be appreciated. Feedback on this poem would be even more apprciated. Maybe it's not really a very good poem. I wonder now...

Eve, I voted on "minute maid" when I put it in the titles thread. I think I gave it a '5', but it might have been a '4'. Either way, I liked it.
OK, Eve

I just voted on your minute maid poem, and gave it a 5. I wasn't really sure if it deserved a 4 or a 5, but since you're such a sweetheart, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. It's about cunnilingus, I take it. I thought it was a well-written, clever poem, with an interesting (lemonade/pussy juice) metaphor. It definitely didn't deserve a 1.
karmadog said:
Eve, I voted on "minute maid" when I put it in the titles thread. I think I gave it a '5', but it might have been a '4'. Either way, I liked it.
Thanks karma and Red. I appreciate any votes and feedback I get on any of my poems. Though lately, I think it's a losing battle for me here at lit. My poetry isn't read much and I think I'm wasting my time trying to give so much on the board. Ever since that recent personal attack on the board, it made realize that even though this board is for feedback and discussion, I'm probably pissing some new poets off by giving them feedback. Though, I do try to be nice. Of course, I was criticized for that not too long ago. :rolleyes:
Who attacked Eve? Let me at 'em!!! Grrrr.

Seriously, if someone can't read the title of the forum, that's their problem. In any case, I've never seen you be anything but gentle and helpful when you critique a poem. Sometimes you do that on a poem that I can't even bring myself to finish reading, so I shut my mouth and bind my fingers.

And what's the world coming to when you can be criticized for being nice?
Karma, I was just whining a little bit. It kind of made me feel better. :)
But if you want to bite anyone for me... :D
Wicked Eve, Please don't leave!

You are respected and honored by all those who get to know you. I read all your submissions and have never thought a one to worth less than a 4. :)

RE criticism: Always consider the source. "Advice is only worth what you pay for it." But the value of criticism depends on the worth of the critic.

Regards, Rybka
We love you, Eve!

O please don't get discouraged and leave, Eve. This board just wouldn't be the same without you! Pretty please, pretty please, pretty please with sugar on it! Please don't go!

(I should definitely get a blowjob now.:p)
Re: We love you, Eve!

O please don't get discouraged and leave, Eve. This board just wouldn't be the same without you! Pretty please, pretty please, pretty please with sugar on it! Please don't go!

(I should definitely get a blowjob now.:p)
After the kind words, I would only be giving you a bj out of gratitude. That would cheapen what we have. You don't want that do you, Red?

Thanks Rybka. :)

Okay, enough. My funky, discouraged mood is oozing out and sliming away. :p
Eve said:

But if you want to bite anyone for me...
Eve, I'll gladly bite anyone you like, but I'd rather nibble the oozy part.

This is currently my highest rated poem, but it has only three votes. I think that it was ok for a first attempt at the (demanding) form.

Vicious Bitter

Please give it a read and let me know what you think. Thanks for your time.
hi .. I'ed like to request some votes on

my piece of the cake .

please feel free to make coments ,,, my only request is that you dont make them anonymously.. i hate that ,,, i like to have a face to connect with ,,, and i don't mean with a fist , honest lol

its only got 3 votes after 68 views,,, is that good . bad , indifferent?

I could use a few votes too

The first on whisper has drawn 35 hits in three days and only 3 votes(this one i classified as erotic the other two i did not)
The second Hatred Fetter has 15 hits and three votes also
The last thin little thread has the highest rating, but has only ten hits and three votes

I have read Most of the poems listed here and I always vote, Wonder if since Whisper is termed non erotic by most if they should have a light erotic or romantic section. i wouldnt call it non erotic either lol Licks and Nibbles _Land
WickedEve said:
Though lately, I think it's a losing battle for me here at lit. My poetry isn't read much and I think I'm wasting my time trying to give so much on the board.

WE -

I know exactly how you feel, but I think that it's our own doings that drive us here. After I was gone for two weeks, I was excited to get back to the board and find the intellectual, fun banter that I had missed.

But the board is not a friend sitting across coffee where the conversations can turn on a dime. It's send out thoughts and feelings, then wait to see if anyone shows up to respond at all.

Like Tar Baby in "Br'ar Rabbit," the board looks like a friend, but doesn't always deliver - particularly in the emotional department.

It's so easy to get 'burned out' by giving and giving, expecting something in return. I know because I've done this at least three times in the sixteen months that I have been participating.

I believe that the answer is moderation, but it takes effort to find the middle, to find the balance, to find a peaceful place with the board.

I'd like to think I have friends here, and you can all be very nice, handing out warmth at the drop of a hat, but we're basically all little glowing bits of letters on a screen miles and miles apart with no expression behind them to confirm those feelings that we all want and need too often.

Hang in there, Wicked girl. And if you ever see a short-haired blonde sitting in the corner of a coffee shop give you a wink...join me for a cup. Okay?

- Judo
JUDO said:
Hang in there, Wicked girl. And if you ever see a short-haired blonde sitting in the corner of a coffee shop give you a wink...join me for a cup. Okay?

- Judo
I just thought you had something in your eye. :)
The "ONE" Monster

The "ONE" monster hit me! :(

My poem The Empty Sea had got all the way to a tie for fourth place before "it" struck. "It" also hit Judo and Lauren at about the same time. I hope "something" is very happy.

Oh, well, at least some "honest" folk enjoyed our efforts.


Regards, Rybka
I've given every poem on this thread a 5 to help balance out the inevitable one. But it doesn't help much. I haven't looked at my scores in over a week. I'm afraid to look! :eek:
Well, two of mine made it to #2 (way too high for either). The first one got '1'ed immediately and sank into obscurity, but the other, while it got a lower vote to bring it down some, did not get '1'd. I think it's at 72. It's not as good as the first one, but maybe the one monster has calmed down. Or perhaps they only hammer poems they believe to be a genuine threat.

I don't know. In any case, the list means less than nothing.