Bumping this thread to revive it. I would have put down all of the poems of mine that have at least 5 votes or more, but alas, none of my current submission page is viewable (probably an update).

But if you have poems that need votes, list them here. That is what this thread was created for. Thanks, WE.

- Judo
Well, alright, I'll be the first vote whore of the revived thread. I like this poem, but it has only six votes. Please give it a read.

Third Floor Shitstorm

If you have the time, give it a vote, too.
I couldn't remember what this thread was even about!
You are such a lovable slut, kdog.

Hey, I only have 1 or 2 poems that have voting turned on. One is in my sig line. God, have mercy! Vote, read it, something!
Here are my poems with less than 10, but more than 5 votes which have lingered in the poetic purgatory for these many months. Read please, vote if you have time.

Haiku Interruptus - 4.60 - 5 votes.

In All This Darkness - 5.00 - 7 votes.

In My Double Polarity - 4.80 - 5 votes.

Ivory Tower Trash - 4.20 - 5 votes.

No One Does You Better - 4.29 - 7 votes.

Our Lady of Inverness - 4.43 - 7 votes.

Punctuate Me, Baby! - 3.89 - 9 votes.

Tale of a Tail - A Sonnet - 4.50 - 6 votes.

The Ladies Room - 3.83 - 6 votes.

The Sepulcher Shook - 4.67 - 9 votes.

The Stress of Sainthood - 3.88 - 8 votes.

Three Wheeled Inspiration - 4.40 - 5 votes.

Virginization - 4.40 - 5 votes.

Wistful - 4.43 - 7 votes.

You've Just Cum? - 4.17 - 6 votes.

Your Paisley Fear - 4.00 - 5 votes.

Thanks. ;)
I need to PM Laurel. In the last few days there has been some sort of system glitch. I was reading the poems in this thread and voting on them and at one point I got lost. When I returned to poems I was sure I had voted for seconds earlier and tried to vote again, instead of that 'You already voted for this submission' screen, it was allowed! Anyone else is having this problem?

I'm pretty sure Laurel will count these votes as fraudulent and remove them, eventually, but don't want to get anyone in trouble over this...
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Super Heroes In Tights needs one vote. Don't you want to be the one to get this poem to a 10?

Holy cocks, Batdick!
The Penguin's packin'
He's swingin' his stick
Listen to him laughin'

My Twat's Been Snatched needs just 2 little votes. This is a very serious poem about the heartache of twat snatching.

I woke up this morning to chirping birds,
And ransom note cut from newspaper words.

Abduction of my twat was the bold headline.
Call the police and this pussy stays mine.
Elda, that AV is rather offensive. Have you no class?

I need to PM Laurel. In the last few days there has been some sort of system glitch. I was reading the poems in this thread and voting on them and at one point I got lost. When I returned to poems I was sure I had voted for seconds earlier and tried to vote again, instead of that 'You already voted for this submission' screen, it was allowed! Anyone else is having this problem?
The last time checked, it was still doing that. And I noticed that I had a vote missing on a new poem.
Elda Furry said:
Ohhhhh, thank you. So what can I do for you? Anything! Anything!
hold me, thrill me, kiss me, click... the image in my signature and vote for my poems... (?)
Yes, Eve, I have NO class. :)

Lauren, I'm going to give you the clicking of your life. ;)
You should have goosebumps, baby! I just clicked all your poems. Now I must go rest my finger.
Elda Furry said:
You should have goosebumps, baby! I just clicked all your poems. Now I must go rest my finger.
Thank you! I hope it was as good for you as it was for me... :D
WickedEve said:
The last time checked, it was still doing that. And I noticed that I had a vote missing on a new poem.
I got word from Laurel that this isn't a glitch after all. She's been changing the voting tracking system to a better one. Even though we don't get the error message, only the first vote counts. I'm guessing (since she used the words "better system") that the fraudulent votes are detected and removed faster. That would explain the missing vote. I also noticed one or two votes missing in some of my poems...
Angeline said:
I usually don't ask for votes. Here's why:

For me the top list serves one purpose only: it gets more people looking at my poems, which increases the potential for me to get feedback. And I do want that because some feedback is really constructive and I learn from it. Other than that, the best responses to my poems are what I hear from people on this board, who tend to review more critically.

I've had a bunch of poems on the top list. The first few times it was pretty flattering. Now, I think looking at some of the poems that never make it there and some that do is a great reality check.

Well said...
I have poems that have 1 vote, and I was the one that voted! :mad:
I have poems that need 1 more vote to get to the magic 10.
I have good poems (I know they're not that bad!) but they were riddled with 1's and now no one will touch their bloody rhymin' carcasses!

Oh, the point of this thread: :D
If you have a poem that needs some attention, then post the link here. Voting can help you get an idea of how well your poem is being received by others.

Just start out with one or two links and if you get the desired results, add some more.

If you're reading this thread and see a link -- click and vote!

I have 1 troll and it seems to have replicated.:rolleyes:

Bumped from the boneyard, because it seems like a good idea. If you are going to suck around for H's, do it in the open.