Re: Discouraged

WickedEve said:
I have a poem minute maid that just recently won a contest at lotus. I think it's a pretty good poem. I submitted it at lit, hoping that by sharing it, others would enjoy it. But I checked and it has 5 votes and 3.60 score. It looks like the 5th vote was a 1.
So any votes would be appreciated. Feedback on this poem would be even more apprciated. Maybe it's not really a very good poem. I wonder now...

Actually, I think I might have voted in this one...

I believe I gave it a 5 even if I think it really only deserved a 4. It's a good poem, but not up to your own standards. The imagery is fine, and the first couple of stanzas are great, but the rest of it seems a little broken, each verse not really connected with the previous-- And «girl is sundress is fresh and sweet» and the closing couplet don't really work for me--

See what you did? You spoiled me! :mad:

Minute Maid
by WickedEve ©

In the heat, a tantalizing breeze
of softly rounded flesh
comes to offer relief.

He tilts his head back.
It spills over, streams down,
rolls with the sweat,
leaving streaks of clean skin in the dirt.

On wooden post,
glass curves perspire in the heat;
girl in sundress is fresh and sweet.

He wants to leave her on the tree,
to squeeze till she drips down her sugar limbs
into his mouth.

He dips his tongue, satisfies his thirst.
Refreshing lemonade girl.
WickedEve said:

Thanks karma and Red. I appreciate any votes and feedback I get on any of my poems. Though lately, I think it's a losing battle for me here at lit. My poetry isn't read much and I think I'm wasting my time trying to give so much on the board. Ever since that recent personal attack on the board, it made realize that even though this board is for feedback and discussion, I'm probably pissing some new poets off by giving them feedback. Though, I do try to be nice. Of course, I was criticized for that not too long ago. :rolleyes:
You are the heart and soul of the board, Eve. I hope the blues are behind you now -- we couldn't resist if you left. Not only your poetry is great, but your feedback is always honest and insightful. Those that can't cope with that, have little to do in a "Feedback & Discussion" Forum.

*hugs the wicked*
JUDO said:
I'd like to think I have friends here, and you can all be very nice, handing out warmth at the drop of a hat, but we're basically all little glowing bits of letters on a screen miles and miles apart with no expression behind them to confirm those feelings that we all want and need too often.

- Judo
I truly like to think I'm one of them. You are the heart and soul of the board, Judo... Oh, wait... Honestly, if you ever leave, we couldn't resist either. Hell, you're gone for a couple of days and I'm missing you already!!!
WickedEve said:
I've given every poem on this thread a 5 to help balance out the inevitable one. But it doesn't help much. I haven't looked at my scores in over a week. I'm afraid to look! :eek:

ditto (to the entire post)
Re: The "ONE" Monster

Rybka said:
The "ONE" monster hit me! :(

My poem The Empty Sea had got all the way to a tie for fourth place before "it" struck. "It" also hit Judo and Lauren at about the same time. I hope "something" is very happy.

Oh, well, at least some "honest" folk enjoyed our efforts.


Regards, Rybka
The poem "It" hit, this time, was Still Born Soldiers that days before had been nominated for the 2002 Literotica Author Awards because it was the best ranked non-erotic poem posted in June for a whole month. (YAY me) It was secure in top 3 for weeks and disappeared from the list overnight. For that to happen, someone voted at least 4 times with a 1 in the same night. Is that strange or what? *shrug*
Kate is easily the most voted poem posted during 2002 in the top list (also the first I ever wrote). It has been, for the last 5 months, floating about nr. 20th. Ocasionally, in the top 10, sometimes nr.1 even. In the last 2 weeks in plunged down to the lower 60's. If you feel like it, give it a look and vote. Feedback is also encoraged.

but we're basically all little glowing bits of letters on a screen miles and miles apart with no expression behind them to confirm those feelings that we all want and need too often.
You know, I hadn't seen that post until today. Somehow, that breaks my heart. Whatever I might say on the board, and I know I sometimes sound bitchy, it's always accompanied with a warm smile. Belive me.
Poems Needing Votes

I don't know why some poems get votes and others don't, but here are some that could use some votes.

Wounded Eyes still has 9 votes and a rating of 4.00.

Oyster Pie (for some reason), has 7 votes and a rating of 3.43.

Dyslexia has 5 votes and a rating of 4.40.

Gaia's Lover: The Fable This is a story and has 4 votes for a rating of 4.75.

Any or all of these could use your read and hopefully a vote.

Regards, Rybka
Re: Re: Discouraged

Lauren.Hynde said:
Actually, I think I might have voted in this one...

I believe I gave it a 5 even if I think it really only deserved a 4. It's a good poem, but not up to your own standards. The imagery is fine, and the first couple of stanzas are great, but the rest of it seems a little broken, each verse not really connected with the previous-- And «girl is sundress is fresh and sweet» and the closing couplet don't really work for me--

See what you did? You spoiled me! :mad:

Minute Maid
by WickedEve ©

In the heat, a tantalizing breeze
of softly rounded flesh
comes to offer relief.

He tilts his head back.
It spills over, streams down,
rolls with the sweat,
leaving streaks of clean skin in the dirt.

On wooden post,
glass curves perspire in the heat;
girl in sundress is fresh and sweet.

He wants to leave her on the tree,
to squeeze till she drips down her sugar limbs
into his mouth.

He dips his tongue, satisfies his thirst.
Refreshing lemonade girl.
I like the version in Lotus a lot better, Eve.

You should post it here, so that everybody has a chance to see it and comment. ;)
I have two questions.
Why vote?
That pretty much sums it up.
Never mind question # 2.

Peace and pie
smithpeter said:
I have two questions.
Why vote?
That pretty much sums it up.
Never mind question # 2.

Peace and pie

Damn it I feel so empty with out question number two, your nothing but a big teasing peter:rolleyes:

A poem has to have at least 10 votes to be eligible for the toplist.
I'm With Smithpeter on the Voting Thing

I usually don't ask for votes. Here's why:

For me the top list serves one purpose only: it gets more people looking at my poems, which increases the potential for me to get feedback. And I do want that because some feedback is really constructive and I learn from it. Other than that, the best responses to my poems are what I hear from people on this board, who tend to review more critically.

I've had a bunch of poems on the top list. The first few times it was pretty flattering. Now, I think looking at some of the poems that never make it there and some that do is a great reality check.
Re: I'm With Smithpeter on the Voting Thing

Angeline said:
I usually don't ask for votes. Here's why:

For me the top list serves one purpose only: it gets more people looking at my poems, which increases the potential for me to get feedback. And I do want that because some feedback is really constructive and I learn from it. Other than that, the best responses to my poems are what I hear from people on this board, who tend to review more critically.

I've had a bunch of poems on the top list. The first few times it was pretty flattering. Now, I think looking at some of the poems that never make it there and some that do is a great reality check.
The list can help to get your poems read by more people, which increases your chances of feedback. At least I think. lol Most of my feedback comes from the poetry board members.
In Praise of Poet-Teachers

I just went back and read the last few pages of this scroll. I still don't much care whether or not people vote on my poems, but I think I have the luxury of feeling that way because of this board.

When I started posting my poems here, I was terrified of what people might say about them. I've been writing since I was a kid, but almost never showed my poems to anyone, and would have been crushed if someone said "I read 'em and they stink." And until about six months ago, I had not written any poems for about four years.

I don't always agree with the way some people here define poetry or how they want to give feedback, but the truth is that even when reviewers have criticized my poems, it has been done fairly and in the spirit of helping.

If it weren't for people here who gave me feedback, or said "read so and so's poems, or were willing to discuss writing, I probably would not have been as prolific. Certainly, I would not have grown as a poet, and I believe I have.

So listen Eve! All this is meant to say we need you here. If you wanted to leave this board because you needed to spend more time on your poems, I'd be sad to see you go but would understand. But please don't go because anyone here is giving you a hard time! You are respected for your devotion to helping others grow as writers here as much as for your wonderful quirky poems and great humor.

And you know I am a sweet person, I really am. But I come from an urban scrapper background and lemme tell you, I can kick some good ass when necessary. After Karmadog bites 'em, I'll kick their sorry butts into orbit for you. I don't like my skills to get too rusty.

P.S. And that goes for the rest of you who critique and support other writers here. Time is a precious commodity, and I am amazed at how freely so many of you give yours to help others here. You know who you are!

Last edited:
Re: In Praise of Poet-Teachers

Angeline said:
I just went back and read the last few pages of this scroll. I still don't much care whether or not people vote on my poems, but I think I have the luxury of feeling that way because of this board.

When I started posting my poems here, I was terrified of what people might say about them. I've been writing since I was a kid, but almost never showed my poems to anyone, and would have been crushed if someone said "I read 'em and they stink." And until about six months ago, I had not written any poems for about four years.

I don't always agree with the way some people here define poetry or how they want to give feedback, but the truth is that even when reviewers have criticized my poems, it has been done fairly and in the spirit of helping.

If it weren't for people here who gave me feedback, or said "read so and so's poems, or were willing to discuss writing, I probably would not have been as prolific. Certainly, I would not have grown as a poet, and I believe I have.

So listen Eve! All this is meant to say we need you here. If you wanted to leave this board because you needed to spend more time on your poems, I'd be sad to see you go but would understand. But please don't go because anyone here is giving you a hard time! You are respected for your devotion to helping others grow as writers here as much as for your wonderful quirky poems and great humor.

And you know I am a sweet person, I really am. But I come from an urban scapper background and lemme tell you, I can kick some good ass when necessary. After Karmadog bites 'em, I'll kick their sorry butts into orbit for you. I don't like my skills to get too rusty.

P.S. And that goes for the rest of you who critique and support other writers here. Time is a precious commodity, and I am amazed at how freely so many of you give yours to help others here. You know who you are!


Angeline, your such a sweet sensitive soul. thanks for being you.

For such an opinionated hussy, you sure are sweet! lol
I did write some things recently when I felt down. Sometimes, some of us give too much and get a little burned out. And by giving, you end up being more noticed. And sometimes not the nicest people take notice. lol
But I stay here because I like the people. I also enjoy Lotus because of the focus on critiques and I can learn and grow there. But I still find myself learning on this board, and that's because of the poets who come here and give what they have. And here's something you should all know. When you give feedback, start threads with challenges and discussions, you will grow as a poet.
Now I Have to Get to 1,000 Posts

because I want to use that "Opinionated Hussy" for my title!
Re: Now I Have to Get to 1,000 Posts

Angeline said:
because I want to use that "Opinionated Hussy" for my title!
If you do, then there will be truth in advertising. :D