10 questions

cymbidia said:
1. Who are you? Give us a little bio. (BTW, that's the sort of thing there's a lot of in the M thread, and in the Newbies thread too, places you've avoided in any meaningful manner, for some reason.)
God, I love these things.... :D

Name's Tom. Hence the "T" part of my nick. "Spectre" is because I feel like a ghost in my own life, and really waiting for a hint to help me fix whatever the hell I did to end up in this mess. I'm 31, Single, a Taurus, and live in my parent's basement because the pay scale I'm dealing with sucks.

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant?
I'm a Switch. Submissively, I'm a smartassed sensual hedonist, and an excellent source of food for emotional vampires. :D My Dominant side is also a smartass, and loves crafting role-plays and little games, then playing them out.

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?
Bondage and spanking count, right? And clothespins? that's how I found out I've got hypersensitive nipples anyway..... <shudder> :rolleyes: Yes. About eight or nine years ago... It's getting harder to count the longer I'm away from a relationship. I know August 5th is the anniversary of our breakup, though. Overall experience is around eight months, five of which were as her sub, the other three were spent as her Dom. We weren't quite that formal about it, but those are the labels which best fit. Do I want more? Does an Ant Farm? Does a Bill Fold? Is an Apartment Complex? Aw, Hell, Yeah!

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Sandia? Be honest. Now is the time for that.
Nope. I don't troll. When I stir some shit it's with my own face smirking right beside the post. And I'm not into scat, so the shit-stirring isn't something I do a hell of a lot of.

5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?
None. Except for a couple of SRP threads here at lit.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?
Again, no. Hell, I don't even remember what I assigned as my password, so If I lose my cookie, I'm screwed. Or I have to do something silly to change my password. So no unreg's or other names for this fuzzy Beast.

7. What do you do for a living?
I don't make a living at it, but I'm employed as a sales representative for a major Books & Music retail chain store. I've got a cubicle, stock options, all kinds of insurance, and a paycheck that keeps me in my parents' basement. What more could a guy ask for? :D

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?
Nope. Just finished sharpening my cleaver, though. I'm thinking troll filet in a zesty pesto over gnocchi.

9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?
Asshole? ME? Nah. I can be a merciless and unforgiving prick sometimes, but never an asshole.

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?
I am a part of this community. I try to be a useful, helpful member of this community. You folks have helped me so much, in so short a time. I'm not quite the same man I was when I came to Lit, and I'm glad of it. I feel that you've all (even the shitheads and trolls) have done so much for my development as a whole person that I'll never be able to give it all back to you, so I try to pass it along to others.
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Re: Re: 10 questions

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. You are in denial. Try the 12 step prog, T. You'll feel better!

Originally posted by SpectreT

Asshole? ME? Nah. I can be a merciless and unforgiving prick sometimes, but never an asshole.

cymbidia said:

1. Who are you? Give us a little bio. (BTW, that's the sort of thing there's a lot of in the M thread, and in the Newbies thread too, places you've avoided in any meaningful manner, for some reason.
Sorry about the M thread, and the Newbies thread, too. :eek: I'm a guy, 45 (soon), 5'8", 155 lbs, pretty fit I guess, long dark hair. So much for the superficial. I'm fun loving, but I have a very serious side. Those that know me in RL think I have a manic enthusiasm and an upbeat outlook. Hey, baseless, unreasonable optimism has gotten me this far, why should I change?

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant, Harbinger - and don't duck the question this time.
Always dominant. Tried subbing a bit a long time ago, and I really didn't care for it.

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?
Yes, since I was 17, and in a few relationships since. Not all of my relationships have had BDSM aspects, but I realized I prefer to be with a woman that wants or needs to explore the submissive side of her sexuality. I would say my level of experience is moderate.

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Harbinger? Be honest. Now is the time for that.
I have NEVER trolled anyone on the board. When I first came here I had a real hatred for troll behavior, but time and some cooler perspectives have softened me somewhat. Now I mostly feel a combination of distaste and pity for a person that is so emotionally unwhole.

5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?
Only this one.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?
This is the only one I've ever used at Lit. Are you kidding? I've been here a year, and I still haven't busted a thousand yet. Like I have the time for a second persona. :D

7. What do you do for a living?
I'm a jewelry maker person.

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?
I can get a little worked up over issues like racism and social injustice. I try to keep opposing views in perspective, though.

9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?
Sometimes I worry about it. I hope I don't come across that way here. I come to Lit to kid around, and I hang out with some people that are used to kidding around in RL. I can be smart mouthed and sarcastic, but I hope it's in fun, not to offend. It's easy to miscommunicate on a bb forum. I have always put my trust in the assumption that if someone had a beef or took something the wrong way, they would let me know. If it was a misunderstanding I would try to correct it right away.

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?

Yeah, I really hope so. Maybe the one that isn't always around, but one that comes back, and has the best interests of the community at heart. Isn't that what it's all about, a lot of people wanting to protect the common interest, that makes it a community in the first place?
Y'all are wonderful. Simply. Sincerely.

1. Who are you? Give us a little bio.
BDSM Forum Moderator

That was a blurt!
Can i start again?

I'm cym/barb, one of the resident perverts and usually a pretty a nice person. I have a sense of humor that's a lot more apparent in a not-online environment then it is here, so i don't try to be funny here too often. (See the above blue blob for an example of my oft-stunted sense of humor in action.) I'm 45, recently divorced from Mr. NillaMan with whom i share usually fairly amicable custody of our two kids, both of whom are doing well in the aftermath of the horror of divorce, thank you.

I am, uh, i seem to be, well, it has become clear that i am, errr...
My dominant, Wolf, is married to someone who is not me. He and his wife and i are just beginning the gonna-be-painful-at-times process of trying to find a smooth middle ground for a real, true poly relationship. It's new to all of us and we're all a little scared about a bunch of things at this point. I'll keep you posted...
2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant?

In truth, my last relationship of any real worth and value with a Domme ended almost 12 years ago. Can i still call myself "bi" if all i do is look, sometimes really really hard, at other women these days?
3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?
I've got 30 years (yes, that was 30, not 3) of skin-to-skin BDSM behind me. I played today, all day, 8:30am until early evening. I'm a very hard player and so is he. And yes, oh gods yes, i want more - but not right now. Tomorrow or the next day will be soon enough, thanks. I haven't eaten all day and i'm fucking hungry.
4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls?
Fuck no!

I mean: no. I was not. Thank you for the chance to clear that up.
5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?
Oooooooooooooooookay. How much time do you have?

I came online in early 1992. I telnetted into a MUD called BayMOO for a couple years. I was right there when usenet came up, and IRC, and real time chats like Yahoo/Chatropolis (both are places in which i've spent time). I was there when ICQ came up and got my number in the third week of them giving them out. I've done all the online BDSM stuff. All of it.

If you did a search on alt.sex.stories.mod or alt.sex.bondage or alt.sex.torture or pretty much any alt.sex.[thing having to do with BDSM], you would probably find (sometimes ancient) posts by me, cymbidia. I've had this nick for years. Currently i've got ads up at bondage.com and at alt.com. (I should probably render those ads inactive since i'm pretty sure Wolf would rightfully object to my having them up at this stage of things between us.)

I've been around Lit for over a year. This is the only place in which i spend any time at all in anymore, besides an occasional little foray back to the alt.sex.[BDSM stuff] world on rare occasions.
6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?
Yes! Before we got this forum, over on the GB, last January we were engaged in another in the cyclic events we remember fondly as The Nilla Wars. Late one night, driven to madness by the whole thing, i decided to bump a million old threads to get something ugly off page 1. For some now-unclear reason, i did it as an unreg and signed all my posts Bumper Troll or the like. Then i went off to sleep satisfied that i'd done a Good Deed for all of Litkind. When i woke, someone had registered the nick and was using it to Do Bad and Wreak Havoc. I freaked out and registered something like The Real Bumper Troll to try to undo the Bad.

One really can't undo Bad, you know. One simply has to move on. I don't even remember the password (or, apparently, the nick with any real certainty).
7. What do you do for a living?
I live off child support at the moment, thanks.

Uh, what would i like to do?
I've got two undergrad degrees, a master's, and hold California clear teaching credentials in several very different subjects. I'd like to go back to teaching science to 13 and 14 year olds. Unfortunately, it seems that my county is the only one in the Western Hemisphere in which there's a marked and severe teacher overage.

I think i'll be subbing this next school year.
Please kill me now because i'm most definitely not referring to the kind of subbing we all know and love.
8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?
I destest, despise, and actually actively HATE chat room W/we and Y/you kinda crap speech in here.

It's out in the open.
I am not as tolerant and kissy-huggy as i pretend to be, guys.

Do that kinda crap elsewhere, please, some place where it's appropriate. It's not appropriate or welcome or accepted here. If you have another look at #5 (above) you'll probably see that i know where that kinda stuff belongs. Been there, done that, think it's basically fucked up, don't want it here.

Any questions?
9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?
#8, for example.
10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?
Because i am.

Have a nice day.
WillowPuss said:
cym ... (((hugs))) to you!
I think you had every right to ask what you did ... cos I would sure like to know too!

Sandia ... please satisfy my curiosity one one point (and I know that is what killed the cat) ... how old are you?

Sometime, I get the impression you are a mature 20's something, and then at others you act like a class clown and you seem like a teenager trying to look big.
Perhaps its just me, not liking enigmas ....?

So, pretty please ... how old are you?

You shot too low, Willow. I'm thirty-one.

I do like to be silly sometimes. But it's possible I was not as funny as I thought. If so, I apologize.

I DO like attention though. You've got that one on the mark.

And I like it when people ask me questions. (smile) Usually...

And cymbidia, thank you for this...

I apologize, Sandia.

I appreciate it. It means a lot to me.

I hope you'll know if I ask questions, or show an interest or offered a compliment it was sincere. I can be silly, but I'm not sarcastic.

9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?

No. I think I can be arrogant, insensitive, and clumsy, but not an asshole. Wait, maybe that's what you meant? Definitions can be tricky sometimes...

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?

No. Back in the early nineties I belonged to a local BB under the name of acidangel. But other than that Sandia is the only screen name I've ever used.

I'd like to make a deal with you: if you'll answer all ten of 'em, I'll answer them too.

Oops. We cross posted. Never mind.
If you want me too, I'll start on mine tomorrow.
It's one-thirty am.

There were a lot of very good answers here, revealing, complete, informative, kindly, emotional kinds of answers. Funny, too. However, these are the very few that made me laugh out loud for real. I'm still giggling at them.
Quint said:
::cringes:: Um, as a terribly underage newbie I would explore chatrooms and try to coerce people into having cyber with me, and I almost always wanted to be beaten (even before I had any idea what BDSM meant. Oh yes, I was SO not-legal).
SpectreT said:
I'm 31, Single, a Taurus, and live in my parent's basement because the pay scale I'm dealing with sucks.
Again, no. Hell, I don't even remember what I assigned as my password, so If I lose my cookie, I'm screwed.
I don't make a living at it, but I'm employed as a sales representative for a major Books & Music retail chain store. I've got a cubicle, stock options, all kinds of insurance, and a paycheck that keeps me in my parents' basement. What more could a guy ask for?
Harbinger said:
This is the only one I've ever used at Lit. Are you kidding? I've been here a year, and I still haven't busted a thousand yet. Like I have the time for a second persona. :D
I gotta tell you, though, T's "if i lose my cookie" comment is making me giggle wildly as i type these words...still...again...relentlessly. :D I think that one needs to be preserved forever in the Best Of collection.
Originally posted by cymbidia
1. Who are you? Give us a little bio.[/B]
26; recently (june 15th) married to my lover friend and sometimes Dom; slightly mad unconventionally conventional; realist romantic
2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant, Sandia - and don't duck the question this time.[/B]
I am switch-Bi but in a stable relationship with a Dom. I do play online sometimes with the fullknowledge of my partner and ther is a little leeway within our relationship for RL play with others - still in honeymoon period right now though and not particularly interested in playing elsewhere (unless i got offered a combination like Spike; Faith and Angel!!! or a free ticket to the states to meet certain people on here)
3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?[/B]
Yes - frequently over the past year - infrequently and considerably less 'formally' before that - and before I identified to myself and others that this was what I wanted
4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Sandia? Be honest. Now is the time for that.[/B]
5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?[/B]
this one plus tentative membership of a couple of others
6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?[/B]
yes - (shame) I never use it on here though - I set it up because I was very unsure of who I was or what I was I intended to use it if I wanted to ask questions or post when I was feeling particularly 'sub' however I soon found I didn't need it here!
7. What do you do for a living?[/B]
I work as an information and consultation manager for a local charitable comapny; I am also involved in Blackarts.org - organising a fetish club night at the end of August and setting up a model agency. I am currently taking a break until next february in my quest to qualify as an architect but that is my final aim!!
8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?[/B]
not me
9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?[/B]
of course and far to frequently ; when i'm tired, worked up, on my hobbyhorse, or just plain awkward
10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?
Yes - cos I like you all and I'm doing this at work so it is far to addictive!

Petrel said that she is:
...not particularly interested in playing elsewhere (unless i got offered a combination like Spike; Faith and Angel!!!..)

Oh, hear hear! I'd be pushing the tethers of monogamy a LOT more insistently if Spike was in town. Faith, too...mmmm...



Purrr...caught between a rock and THAT hard place sounds very appealing.

And I too am giggling over "losing cookies." I suppose a lost cookie is better than a tossed cookie!
1. Who are you? Give us a little bio. (BTW, that's the sort of thing there's a lot of in the M thread, and in the Newbies thread too, places you've avoided in any meaningful manner, for some reason.)

I'm a freak...a girl freak. I'm married to a boy freak. We have a little girl freak. Who by the way is dragging Barbi around on a leash...Should I be afraid? That's another thread maybe. Seriously though, I'm female, 29 years old, married to the best Man in the world. We have been together for 14 years. I work in a nursing home taking care of people for a living.

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant.

I'm sub to my Man, all though on some days I wanna return the favor and tie him up for a bit. He just doesn't play that way. So maybe I'm switch, I don't know.

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?

Yes, with my Man. In the past about 4 years it has gradually grown from hair pulling and teeth, to bondage and leather ouchy things that I just love.

I'd say I'm a novice because it's only been with my Man and only over the past few years. We're learning and growing with it together.

Yes, Yes, Yes...I want more, more, more. I'm a needy damn thing.

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Be honest. Now is the time for that.

Not here in the BDSM forum no. I do troll one person on the GB. I do it for one reason and one reason only...It gives him wood. He knows it's me, I know it's him. It's all just good fun.

5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?

This is it.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?

Nope I'm just a freak.

7. What do you do for a living?

I said this before but I can again. I work in a nursing home taking care of people. I've done it for 11 years in the same place.

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?

Not really.

9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?

Yes, I'm a bitch too. Because I'm female and I can be.

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?

Yes because I've been here forever and a damn day. I plan to stick around the rest of forever too. So y'all have been warned.
lilfrk said:
1. Who are you? Give us a little bio. (BTW, that's the sort of thing there's a lot of in the M thread, and in the Newbies thread too, places you've avoided in any meaningful manner, for some reason.)

I am 35 year old, lesbian, I have a real job but I wont get into that here. I live with my Mom in SE Michigan. I listen to punk rock and watch too damn much TV.

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant.

I am a dominant. I switched a few times, but did not like it one bit.

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?

I worked my way through college as a proDom. At first it was just a job, but I found out how much I liked it, and then I couldnt deal with doing it at someone elses behest for money. I consider myself very experienced. And of course I want more, jesus I just met YOU people .

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Be honest. Now is the time for that.

No but if there is an opening for one I will give it a try.

5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?

I tried chatrooms but thought they were stupid. I have joined a number of yahoogroups and such, but honestly, I have never stuck with them long, because most of them seem to be more about the owners egos or some stupid one true way crap than about really discussing.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?

No. Should I? I like this name. My Mom gave it to me when I was a baby.

7. What do you do for a living?

Nunya, honey.

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?

Im getting a little tired of that Sierra girl making that face at me but if she puts out Ill get over it.

9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?

Im a huge asshole. Just wait youll see.

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?

Hey I just got here, dont be calling me for jury duty allready.
Im getting a little tired of that Sierra girl making that face at me but if she puts out Ill get over it.

hmmm, and... what face would that be, MzChrista??? you mean the one on my av??? i do look a bit sassy there, don't i?? lol.... hmmm, we are even in the same part of Michigan... :p
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SierraMoon said:
Im getting a little tired of that Sierra girl making that face at me but if she puts out Ill get over it.

hmmm, and... what face would that be, MzChrista??? you mean the one on my av??? i do look a bit sassy there, don't i?? lol.... hmmm, we are even in the same part of Michigan... :p

yeah, that thing with the fingers, it looks like that gesture arab guys make in gas stations when they think you arent looking, where they make a v with their fingers and flick their tongues. You wouldnt be flicking your tongue at me would you?
"1. Who are you?"
When I woke up this morning I was Alice. Now I'm not so certain who I am.

"2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant?"
I'm the World's Best Tlilxochitl. The title is a play on a Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor – a friend who was a sub gave it to me long ago.

"3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?"
My experience with skin-to-skin anything is remarkably little.

"4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls?"
I've been unregistered many, many times. Was I a troll? I didn't consider myself such.

"5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?"
All of the chatrooms I've been have had strong BDSM elements but I simply did not recognize them as such.

"6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?"
I have about eleven other handles at Lit.

"7. What do you do for a living?"
At the moment, I lay out in the sun and walk along the beaches for a living.

"8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so, and why did you come here with it?"
'Axe to grind'? Any grievances I carry are personal and, as such, the message board is not privy to them.

"9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?"

"10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?"
I don't identify strongly with groups. I consider myself an outsider, though there are many here I care about and I always feel welcome to join in.

~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~
Quint said:
Petrel said that she is:

Oh, hear hear! I'd be pushing the tethers of monogamy a LOT more insistently if Spike was in town. Faith, too...mmmm...



Purrr...caught between a rock and THAT hard place sounds very appealing.

And I too am giggling over "losing cookies." I suppose a lost cookie is better than a tossed cookie!

mmm maybe there's room on the GB for another thread about who would tempt you out of monogamy? here in RL or on TV/books etc

sorry Cymbidia we seem to have well and truly hijacked this thread - I'll go play elsewhere for a while
1. Who are you?

I am a 33-year-old single female. I live outside Atlanta. I can usually be found in a corner waiting for someone to drag me out into the midst of things.

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant, Sandia - and don't duck the question this time.

I am submissive, something i've only recently fully accepted about myself.

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?

No experience yet.

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Sandia? Be honest. Now is the time for that.

The only times i've posted as unregistered i've timed out and immediately claimed the post.

5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?

This is home for me. No need to look elsewhere so far.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?

I have one other registered nick here. I've never posted using it, it was set up because someone important to me at the time wanted to read some of what i'd posted here. I set up the nick and e-mailed him links, the nick and password. I don't know if he ever used it or not.

7. What do you do for a living?

I teach Kindergarten. Thankfully, they are willing to pay me to do so.

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?

Nope, no axes to grind.

9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?

No, it has been suggested to me that it might do me some good to behave in such a manner on occasion though.

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?

Until i get kicked out, i'm here. Starting with the M thread last year, this has been where i felt most like me.

1. Who are you?
I'm thirty-one. I live in Austin, TX. Before that I lived in Florida, and I grew up in a small place in Missouri. Rush Limbaugh's home town. He spoke at my HS graduation. There was some controversy; they think he's a bit of a lefty where I'm from. (I left every bit as soon as I could.)


2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant, Sandia - and don't duck the question this time.
Dunno. I said I was switch when I came here, but for complicated reasons I'm not so sure anymore. I've always been attracted to submission fantasies, but those fantasies usually revolve around a woman submitting to a man. I suppose that makes me a vicarious submissive, if that makes sense, but a r/l dom.


3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?
I've had three relationships that involved some elements of BDSM. Always light stuff - never, for example "real" pain. (Never anything that would leave a mark, for example, or even come close to that.) I never knew much about BDSM rules or anything until I came here, and none of the women I've been with knew anything about them either.

I've switched in all three relationships, but it seemed to work much better when I was playing dom.

My experience level is pretty minimal I think. Of course I'd like more.


4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Sandia? Be honest. Now is the time for that.


5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?


6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?


7. What do you do for a living?
I'm gonna hold back on this one for now. There's a small chance someone knowing what I did could track me down by that. However, if you think you know what I do, you're prolly right. Ask.


8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?
I don't think so. I certainly didn't have an ax to grind when I came here. I don't think I have one now. If I've given offense to anyone, I apologize, and I hope you'll come to me and give me a chance to explain or make it up. I do have opinions, of course.


9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?
I don't think I'm an asshole. I'm willing to plead to any number of things, but that's not one of them.


10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?
(sigh) dunno.
Sandia said:
7. What do you do for a living?
I'm gonna hold back on this one for now. There's a small chance someone knowing what I did could track me down by that. However, if you think you know what I do, you're prolly right. Ask.
I know what he does for a living because Sandia and i had a long, frank, open, exceedingly necessary conversation on the phone today. He's a good guy.

Perhaps sometimes we all say and/or do and/or assume things about people and places and institutions that may or may not be true - but certainly aren't as we've worked them up to be in our minds. So it was with some of my assumptions about Sandia and some of his about this forum.

Sometimes we get do-overs in life.
I'm calling a do-over in...in...all of this between him and me.

I've always liked the energy and enthusiasm he brought here with him. I respect his courage in coming back to make this post.

Shall we all just move forward from there?
cymbidia said:
I know what he does for a living because Sandia and i had a long, frank, open, exceedingly necessary conversation on the phone today. He's a good guy.

Perhaps sometimes we all say and/or do and/or assume things about people and places and institutions that may or may not be true - but certainly aren't as we've worked them up to be in our minds. So it was with some of my assumptions about Sandia and some of his about this forum.

Sometimes we get do-overs in life.
I'm calling a do-over in...in...all of this between him and me.

I've always liked the energy and enthusiasm he brought here with him. I respect his courage in coming back to make this post.

Shall we all just move forward from there?

Well I've always liked both of you, so that's easy for me. You both showed a lot of class here, and I am more sure than ever that you are two good people.
Sandia is a guy? Hmmmm... talk about incorrect assumptions. As to moving on, I never knew what the cause of the argument was, probably something I missed, and always appreciated Cym's honesty and Sandia's questioning since I got here a short time ago.