10 questions

moving from the states to this appalling weather? tavish must be a special kinda slave!

it is good living here, but im going to break out soon and probably go where you're coming from. hey, any one want to inherit a slightly manky dog? dont reckon i'll get him through customs:)

If You and tavish are in the mood to drop into beautiful Stockholm it would be My pleasure to introduce You to the BDSM community here.

And of course We can chat up the Domme delights and submissive endurances...just so We have something to do over their heads.
Welcome to all those who have de-lurked in the last week!

Especially to all those fellow Brits!!! Woohoo - a mini British invasion - that will keep one Dr I know a happy man!

Ebony - we are too shy to have dipped our toes into the London scene as yet, but I do know there is a regular munch and play party held - we just haven't felt brave enough to go!

And tassie ... hey! Its summer! It must be - it hasn't rained for, what?, three days now!
1. Who are you?
I am 23, married, have 3 children, and I live in the middle of the US. I have been participating at Lit since February, al0ong with my husband The Rooster.

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have?
I am submissive through and through. Never really knew there was a label to put on my quirks and tendenceis til I came here and found all you nice people. Since then life has been mUCH better ;)

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person?
Yes, daily. it is my lifestyle. As for ecperience, well I guess I acn only say 5-6 months sicne I learned it was really a "lifestyle" I have just always been that way.

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls?
Nope, never a troll, but like everyone else I may have been timed out a time or two.

5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?
Just my time here is all.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?
My husband and I shared the name GambitandRogue, then we realized we liked this place more than we anticipated and noone knew if they were talking to me or him.

7. What do you do for a living?
I am a stay at home mom, but before that I was going to school to be a residential architect.

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?
Nah, not today :D

9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?
Definately.... because I can be.

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not? I do actually. Even though I don't post every day here, I always check in to see how everyone is doing. The only time I didn't do that was when this place seemed to have turned into a bad soap opera, but since it appears that the drama queens have left, I have come back home.
bad kitty said:

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?
My husband and I shared the name GambitandRogue, then we realized we liked this place more than we anticipated and noone knew if they were talking to me or him.

I remember GambitandRogue, but I never put two and two together and relaized that was you and Rooster!
You guys were so cute.:)
tassie said:
moving from the states to this appalling weather? tavish must be a special kinda slave!

it is good living here, but im going to break out soon and probably go where you're coming from. hey, any one want to inherit a slightly manky dog? dont reckon i'll get him through customs:)

We both love dogs and plan to have one. I am afraid you will get heere before I get there. I have to find a job first. And that is not easy. And yes, tavish is very special. Mine is the logical move. He needs to stay in the UK.

Shadowsdream said:

If You and tavish are in the mood to drop into beautiful Stockholm it would be My pleasure to introduce You to the BDSM community here.

And of course We can chat up the Domme delights and submissive endurances...just so We have something to do over their heads.

I would love that. tavish does not like to travel, but I do and since I am in charge....hehehe

CarolineOh said:

I remember GambitandRogue, but I never put two and two together and relaized that was you and Rooster!
You guys were so cute.:)
Awww, thank you! BTW I am so happy for you hon, congrats!!!!
I would love that. tavish does not like to travel, but I do and since I am in charge....hehehe

It is sooooooo nice to be in charge...." Getting out the good china! Hey wait a minute...where is the slave?..slave is getting out the good china while I call a Domme or two and an extra sub or two...
I'll throw my hat into the ring.

1. Who are you? Give us a little bio.

I am navarre. Divorced with a 10 year old son.

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant?

Definately Dom

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?

Oh yes! When? - that's between us (recently). How much? - Enough to please both of us. Experience level? -One could say fairly new, learning all the time. More? - Yes, definately!

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls.


5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?

Have surfed various sights, shopped.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?


7. What do you do for a living?

I am a manufacturing process/sales engineer.

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?


9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?

No, never

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?

Yes, I hope so. The people here are most intelligent, willing to help and share, and supportive. I hope to contribute if I can.
oh well, looks like manky dog stays with me for now!

i love this place, an extremely interesting thread has grown from a row. makes ya kind of snuggly inside doesnt it!

tassie said:
oh well, looks like manky dog stays with me for now!

i love this place, an extremely interesting thread has grown from a row. makes ya kind of snuggly inside doesnt it!


No kidding!


I finally read this thread as I was not in a frame of mind to read anything hostile or inflammatory when it was started.

Damn! I love lit.
I love this forum.

Who else would have turned this thread into something so cool!

*big smiles *
cymbidia said:

1. Who are you? Give us a little bio. (BTW, that's the sort of thing there's a lot of in the M thread, and in the Newbies thread too, places you've avoided in any meaningful manner, for some reason.)
2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant, Sandia - and don't duck the question this time.
3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?
4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Sandia? Be honest. Now is the time for that.
5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?
6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?
7. What do you do for a living?
8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?
9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?
10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?

1. 37, single mom , basically good person with the occasional black cloud blocking my vision.

2. sub with mayo and provolone.

3. Yes to skin to skin. I have had two Doms, both relationships were short lived, but the play was fun. Please, I want some more!

4. Unregistered troll? No. Not here, not there, not anywhere.

5. Online: have dabbled in the bondage.com forums, have visited several different chat rooms ....briefly! (Those folks are pervs! Oh wait, I am a perv too. Maybe I had better return!) I have personal ads in three websites, all requesting real time and no players. I have also shopped, researched the lifestyle adn dallied about surfing the net for BDSM art.

6. Yes, I have several lit nicks. One I use to lighten the mood when the trolls are in full swing. Another I use to post personal stuff about me that I wouldn't want connected to Miss Taken or people who know me in real time. A third has lain dormant for over a year .

7. social worker~go figure!

8. Axes to grind? No. I grind my axes as they become dull. Perhaps my posts are not spontaneously combustible, but generally, I say what I mean and mean what I say.

9. Asshole? Damn straight! I can certainly be an asshole. Do I intend to be, no!

10. Generally, I do feel comfortable as a member of this community. There are days, however, where it seems a bit of a struggle.
MissT, I'm very curious about this: what, or who, is a troll?
Well, Sandia, nice of you to drop by!

Tired of playing with the party people?

I am so looking forward to meeting you!
1. Who are you? Give us a little bio. (BTW, that's the sort of thing there's a lot of in the M thread, and in the Newbies thread too, places you've avoided in any meaningful manner, for some reason.)

34, married twice, 3 kids total. Been at Lit since Feb. I can be outgoing but at the sametime, withdrawn. Married to a wonderful and beautiful bad kitty

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have? In other words, are you sub, switch, or dominant, Sandia - and don't duck the question this time.

Been in nothing but skin-to-skin for only a few months. I'm a Dom and still very much learning. My wife, kitty is my sub. Although we're taking it slow, we've never been happier.

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?

Yes, for about 6 months. I guess I answered this some in question 2. It's becomeing my lifestyle. Not very ridged at the moment though, still exploring.

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls, Sandia? Be honest. Now is the time for that.


5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?

This place is my 1st and other than trying to get some questions answered, nowhere else. I've never had any "E-BDSM" --- New catch phrase? :) No online relationships.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?

My wife and started out as GambitandRogue

7. What do you do for a living?

Computers and stuff

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us? What is it, if so , and why did you come here with it?

None really

9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?

Yeah, but I can't help myself :) Although most of the time I think I'm a helpful and kind person, there are days I just want to strangle someone. If someone strikes a nerve, and can be VERY vicious. Especially while protecting my kitty or the family.

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?

Yes I do, I feel VERY comfortable here. There are things that are said on other fourms here at Lit that I won't comment on. I can only fend off so many attacks when ganged up on :) Here people understand me.

Edited for the spelling errors I actually caught.
Last edited:
Sandia said:
MissT, I'm very curious about this: what, or who, is a troll?

A troll, most often is someone who anonymously makes inflammatory remarks.

Trolls often target specific posters as opposed to topics.

Trolls are sometimes registered members.

Essentially, trolls are a bit spineless in that they are accusatory or demeaning without using their identity.

Not all unregistered users are trolls though. Unregistered users will sometimes post that way to share soemthing that they don't want associated with their lit id, for their own personal reasons.

Trolls are very very bad things to be!

If we have an opinion, we voice it.
If we have a personal issue with someone, it is best to take it privately and behind the scenes.
Sometimes, it needs to become public, but that is seldom the case.

I hope this helps.

Take care
cellis said:
Well, Sandia, nice of you to drop by!

Tired of playing with the party people?

I am so looking forward to meeting you!

Thank you. Me too. I mean, meeting you I mean. Meeting me would be a drag, I think, especially if I drove all the way to Houston to do it.

And I never get tired of playing
...as long as it's fun.

And MissT, thank you for the explanation on trolls. I'm really curious. I know of only one person who I believe is generally regarded as one, so that's why I'm wondering. I agree with you on your policy, btw. Pretty much always ignoring someone will make them go away.

rightio im covered in cobwebs from rootling through all of these old files but i found it!

a helpful thread for getting to know people.

giving it a bit of a bumpity bump.
My turn now :)

1. Who are you? Give us a little bio.

I'm a 24 year old Welsh woman. I work shifts on an IT helpdesk in South Wales for a big UK IT firm. I like reading, VW Beetles, music, films and having fun with my friends.

2. What kind of BDSM background do you have?

I'm female newbie hetero Domme, but I'm not averse to the idea of forming a relationship with a woman.

3. Have you participated in BDSM sexuality in a skin-to-skin environment with another person? When? How much? What's your overall experience level with it? Is it something you want more of or not?

I have very little experience in a skin to skin - a little experimenting with bondage, and I do own a cheap ornamental cat-o-nine tails that I've not used on anyone except for myself to see what it felt like (I was curious !). It's something I definetly want more of, but I am currently trying to find my headspace (if that makes sense) - one that feels comfortable. When that happens I will be looking for some skin to skin experience, probably with a fellow newbie so that we can explore together. I don't know how long this discovery will take but I'm not rushing it. I seem to have come so far already and I love what i'm experiencing so far (which is mainly fantasy).

4. Were you any of our unregistered trolls?

Nope. I never have posted as an unregistered, but if it does happen I will hold my hand up when I realise my mistake.

5. What's your online experience as far as memberships in forums/chat rooms devoted to BDSM?

Apart from here, none whatsoever. They don't tend to appeal to me much, somehow I prefer the idea of skin to skin experience - it seems more real.

6. Are you registered at Lit under another nick?


7. What do you do for a living?

IT Helpdesk Analyst on a 24/7 365/6 days a year helpdesk supporting lots of different companies.

8. Got a particular ax to grind while you're here among us?


9. Do you think of yourself as an asshole sometimes? Why or why not?

Not really, but I'm stubborn when I want to be - *that* needs to change !

10. Do you think of yourself as a member of this community? Why or why not?

I think I'm slowly becoming a part of the community here. I sometimes feel that my lack of experience holds me back sometimes, but only because I let it. I see my role here as a learner. I'm absorbing lots of info and thinking about things, and I will definetly have some questions of my own in time - but I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all at the moment and I'm not entirely sure where my feelings lie sometimes 'cause I probably think too hard sometimes !