2003 Survivor Discussion Thread

Try NE way Lusti

Go for it, and see what happens. Give it a try, and if you don't win, you have at least practiced your craft for next year. Pen

To everyone following the Immunity threads:

The rules state that immunity claims must be posted before midnight on the Friday after the immunity (rule # 6) *BUT* I seriously, seriously thought LovePotion69 was kidding when she claimed her immunity for "Extreme" and passing up the immunity for this week, or else I would have PM'd her a query about it. Due to this, I think that we should skip that rule this week and let her get her trans/crossdresser points, since she *did* claim an immunity on time.

So, this offer is up to everyone participating in Survivor: If anyone has a problem, please PM me (don't start an argument here) and we'll work something else out.


ps - this was taken directly from my post in this weeks (8-13-03) Immunity thread. If you want to follow the little mini-drama yourself, visit the thread.
Re: Try NE way Lusti

PenanceS said:
Go for it, and see what happens. Give it a try, and if you don't win, you have at least practiced your craft for next year. Pen

Ya know, maybe I will? :)

Three whole points, here I come! lol

~Kenzie :kiss:
Just dropping in to say "ciao, y'all." I've completely lost interest, so I'm dropping out. Good luck to all. Take care

Reading Submissions by Contestants

Hey everyone,

I'm just curious if anyone else is using the scoresheet to scroll through new stories by other contestants. I find that it's a great way to see who's writing what, and when something sparks my interest I'm instantly looking for a link!

Thanks everyone for sharing your stories with all of us.

If the title sounds interesting, I might... but I'm so lazy that I won't read a story unless there's a link to it in the scoring list. Looking for one story among the 1000's of stories on this site... waaaaay too much effort!:cool:
Hiya Sven, how is the weather in Cyberia this time of year? I'm really thinking of tagging along with a tour group soon...........

TexasBadboy said:
Hiya Sven, how is the weather in Cyberia this time of year? I'm really thinking of tagging along with a tour group soon...........


If I wasn't so sick, I'd claw your eyes out..! *cough, sniff, cough*
Ahhhh, I'll email ya some chicken soup, Vitamin C, Echanacia and Zinc. Then I'll drop by and you can put them claws somewhere else lol!!!

Immunity Notes:

Is anyone else having problems understanding that i'm posting the previous weeks immunity winners at the top of current weeks threads? If so, please let me know now so I can figure out a different way to do it.

Illustrated Story Category

Just some information for you folks.

Anyone worried about posting nudity on the site doesn't have to worry anymore - it's not allowed! Strange, huh? But I'm hoping it means everyone will be more willing to submit stories to this category, if nudity isn't expected. I'm sort of excited about it = )

WHAT???? Say it ain't so!!!:eek: :confused: :( :mad:


You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.
Nude Pictures

Somehow, this doesn't make a lot of sense. Erotic stories that are illustrated would seem to call for erotic illustrations. I realize that photos can be erotic without being nude, but I also believe that nude photos are more erotic.

Don't ask me - I don't know what's up with it. I'm just spreading the news.

Some dumb questions

I've got a couple of questions and I'm sorry if they've been answered already, this is a really long thread and there's not really anyway to search your question by topic, so here goes.

Every story is required to be an original: I have one story that is a Variation of another, does that mean it's not orignial? My first guess would be that this story only counts once, and I'm cool with that. I just want to make sure that if I am entitled to the point, I tally it.

bonus points: if you fill 20 categories do you get 5points+10 points, or just the total of 10. Same question for ALL. Is it 5+10+2- or is it comulitive? Do your immunities count for category bonus points?

Novels and Novellas: Somewhere I think I remember reading about special guidelines for this category, but if I did, I can't find them now. I have however seen postings where the whole story is posted under the one link, where individual chapters are posted seperatly and some where only the first chapter is posted as of yet. What are the requirements as far as survivor goes: Do you need an entire novel or novella, or just a first chapter (or an aditional chapter if you have an existing novel started) Also, what constitutes a novella, and is there somewhere on lit I can read more about this?

Lastly: what are all of the new categories that have been added this year, and are they automatically added to our scoreboard, or are we responsible for that?

Off topic of survivor (sort of)

I noticed some people have different colors on there score board. My boyfriend just started posting on the boards, and his "page" shows icons, colors ect, while mine does not. Is there something I need to 'turn on' or update?

Re: Illustrated Story Category

Chicklet said:
Just some information for you folks.

Anyone worried about posting nudity on the site doesn't have to worry anymore - it's not allowed! Strange, huh? But I'm hoping it means everyone will be more willing to submit stories to this category, if nudity isn't expected. I'm sort of excited about it = )


no nudity on lit, or just in the illistrated chategory? does this include illistrated nudity as well or only photos?
From what I've seen, it looks like photo nudity is bad, but illustrated nudity is good. We might want to look and see if there're new rules posted in the FAQ on illustrated works...I will later if I don't forget.
Re: Some dumb questions

sweetnpetite said:
Every story is required to be an original: I have one story that is a Variation of another, does that mean it's not orignial? My first guess would be that this story only counts once, and I'm cool with that. I just want to make sure that if I am entitled to the point, I tally it.

Okay, here's the point where Survivor gets iffy. On most of your questions, even. One of the things about this contest is that sometimes I don't have a way of making sure rules are obeyed to the letter, and that is where the trust factor comes in. The prize for this contest isn't very big, it's not worth cheating over, and so basically I'm trusting people's judgement on a lot of things.

Do you consider your variation a new story?

All I'm really concerned with is that people don't copy their exact story two or three times for the contest. With the old rules, that was possible...3 pts for the story in Erotic Couplings. 3 More points when you audio'd it. 3 more points when you translated it into french. That kind of thing. If *you* consider your story's variation to be as original as the first, then *I* have no problem with it.

sweetnpetite said:
bonus points: if you fill 20 categories do you get 5points+10 points, or just the total of 10. Same question for ALL. Is it 5+10+2- or is it comulitive? Do your immunities count for category bonus points?

Your immunities *do* count towards your bonus points, or else I would be reluctant to use them since the bonus points are so crucial in winning. And yes, we add them all together - 35 bonus points possible.

sweetnpetite said:
Novels and Novellas: Somewhere I think I remember reading about special guidelines for this category, but if I did, I can't find them now. I have however seen postings where the whole story is posted under the one link, where individual chapters are posted seperatly and some where only the first chapter is posted as of yet. What are the requirements as far as survivor goes: Do you need an entire novel or novella, or just a first chapter (or an aditional chapter if you have an existing novel started) Also, what constitutes a novella, and is there somewhere on lit I can read more about this?

Found in the Author's Hangout: Novel Length When Does a Story Become a Novella?

You can post your novel/la however you want. If you want to post it chapter by chapter, it'll get you more points. Personally I like reading the ones that're all in one story, rather than cut up...but it's all a matter of your choice.

sweetnpetite said:
Lastly: what are all of the new categories that have been added this year, and are they automatically added to our scoreboard, or are we responsible for that?

You are responsible for adding them...let me see if I can remember them...I believe it's "Erotic Horror" and "Erotic letters and transcripts" - If you need help adding them PM me - when I get back from Brazil I'll be happy to help you.

sweetnpetite said:
Off topic of survivor (sort of)

I noticed some people have different colors on there score board. My boyfriend just started posting on the boards, and his "page" shows icons, colors ect, while mine does not. Is there something I need to 'turn on' or update?

You need to set the colors yourself. when you put a link in, you do bracket [ url = addresshere ] then whatever you want to show up bracket [ /url ] etc...colors are the same. bracket [ color = red ] and then when you want no more colors [ / color ] (of course, without all the spaces)

There are shortcuts you can do from the posts themselves. Check out the options under the "post subject" area - color, font, size, bold, italic, underline for instance. Experiment. Play around. When I wanted to learn I started a thread in the playgrond and just played for a while.

Again, if you need help, there are tons of people willing to help you including myself.
Brazil - FYI

Okay, so as you can see from my current sig. line I'm going to be in Brazil. Don't panic, business will occur as usual. I have a very trusted friend to look in on the immunities and post the next weeks thread, and she'll do a super job. If you have any questions, just post them here and someone will answer. If you PM me, I don't know that I'll get back to you within the next two weeks, but I'll try.
