2003 Survivor Discussion Thread


Yes, I am always given credit. My partner has recently entered the some of the photos into a contest, and uses them, as does the make-up artist and models for promo . . . It is a joint, and pending art show between me and my partner (three more in a series to go!) I have model releases on hand, and photographers permission sheets . . . and as I said before, if you want a website to verify the credibility, just personal mail me, and I would be happy to send along the official site where my name is posted as creative director . . . or, I can get the photographer, or make-up artist to verify my role.

'Tis still up to you.

Re: Chicklet

CharleyH said:
'Tis still up to you.

I trust everyone in this contest to make their own fair decisions. Unless I hear objections, I think it's fine.

I'm starting to contemplate dropping out of this year's Survivor contest. After two years of participation (and two consecutive years of being one place out of prize contention), I'm starting to feel artificially hemmed in by the goals rather than motivated by them.

Quick, somebody talk me out of it
or encourage me to leave
or something
before apathy takes me over completely, crushing any remaining vestiges of motivation to write non-paying prose.

RS don't give up. It's all in good fun. Don't think about the contest write for yourself and your fans. Honestly I haven't thought about oh god this and this and this have to get done or I am going to fall behind. Right now as soon as everything cued has posted I will have one last story to submit and I will have all the categories covered.

That being said, it is not about this contest, I just got slapped by that muse wench and went to town writing. Who knows you may get your slap as well and have too many story ideas to keep up with and post away until you win this.

But don't think of the contest. Just write and what will be will be. You may come out on top or in the middle or even lower but it's all in the comraderie that we share and try to put more worthwhile stories in volume out there for everyone to read.

SO as I said numerous times, don't think about the contest. Just write and then in a few months come back and add up some of your stories. I don't do it right away anymore I just do it when I feel the urge.

Chicklet, I have a question about the immunities. I'll leave for a Harry Potter Holiday the 20th of June, and be gone for about 8 days. Small as the chances are, IF I'd have my number drawn during my absence, is it acceptable for me to put down a claim for what to do with that immunity in advance? Like, "If I win an immunity while I'm in London, I'd like to place it on..."

I don't know how that stands in the rules but I would think not. Harry Potter Holiday's shouldn't infringe on all of us. :p SO NO SWEDE, I mean Svenskaflicka, no immunity sliding. Ahhh the nerve of some people I swear.

That being said, hehe:D I have no problems, if Chicklet doesn't by all means use all your immunities. That way when we are tied at the end I will win hehe.:devil:

Really even though I have no HP interests enjoy your little vacation Svenskaflicka:rose: .
Svenskaflicka said:
Chicklet, I have a question about the immunities. I'll leave for a Harry Potter Holiday the 20th of June, and be gone for about 8 days. Small as the chances are, IF I'd have my number drawn during my absence, is it acceptable for me to put down a claim for what to do with that immunity in advance? Like, "If I win an immunity while I'm in London, I'd like to place it on..."


No, this can't happen. People have asked about it before, and I'm sorry, my answer is still No. Ideas I've mentioned in the past are to give a trusted friend your password, and have them check for you while you're gone. That's what I did <wink>

"Hey, M, could you do me a favour? While I'm in London for a week, could you water my plants, feed my cat, and check into my Literotica account to see if I have won any immunity point in the Survivor Contest?"
Just a question chicklet. Can another person post for you if you alert them that you want to claim your immunity? Or does it physically have to be on your score sheet. I guess I'm asking if it is enough to have it claimed and that person says which section in?
I'd think it would have to be someone using your account.

OK. I'll ask my best friend to handle it for me. This will be fun. If I'm lucky, and she's not too busy, she might hang around for a while and post a little.

You'd love her. She's funny! And sharp...:devil:
Master_Vassago said:
Just a question chicklet. Can another person post for you if you alert them that you want to claim your immunity? Or does it physically have to be on your score sheet. I guess I'm asking if it is enough to have it claimed and that person says which section in?

Svenskaflicka's right - would have to be someone on your account, posting actually as you.

(edited 'cause I spelled svenskaflicka's name wrong...<shame>...)
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Chicklet said:
Svenskaflicka's right - would have to be someone on your account, posting actually as you.

(edited 'cause I spelled svenskaflicka's name wrong...<shame>...)

I saw that. Thank you for correcting it. :kiss:
Master_Vassago said:
Silly Chicklet

I've been waiting for about a week to hear some sort of "Trix are for kids" take off following that...

"Silly Chicklet..."
Children in the home

Greetings all, back again, Congrats to MV for more than likely winning.
Any help on what to do if you want to write for lit, but have children in the home (and a wife who finds lit morally offensive)
Re: Help

Not really.

All I can say is be honest with your wife - if you want to write for Literotica, whatever your reasons, tell her that. If she won't budge on the subject, well, there might be something really wrong. I would advise you to NOT go behind her back and do it anyway, because that would lead to more problems.

As for children in the house - no problems there - lots of people do it. I'd suggest keeping your work on a disk that you can keep safe, or else password protecting it or something. Just don't enable cookies so Literotica won't come up in your backup files or whatever (i'm not very good with computers so laugh at me if you will) and then if your children stumble across Lit, they won't be able to link you to your online personality.

Isn't the "morally offensive" part one of the GOOD things about Lit?

No, seriously. WHY does she think that?:confused:
well some people think that gay marriage is wrong, and others think that interracial relationships are wrong...guess it's better to have them frowning at Lit than at my friends, eh?
Children and computers.

It think that it is the parents job to watch over their children, not everybody elses.

You kid on the computer, get your lazy ass up and watch what they are doing.

Put one in their room, sure with no internet access.

People should raise their own children.