Survivor 24 comments and questions thread


Aug 7, 2014
It has been 9 years since the last Survivor contest and I wanted to resurrect the old tradition since i fondly remember the old one.

I started it for myself and then Lovecraft68 joined also missing it so now I open up this little trip down memory lane.
The rules are simple and I have simplified them even more. You grab the Scorecard template from HERE and then copy the part you need and insert that into the Survivor 24 Scorecard thread HERE

Read more of the old rules HERE. We will only use the scorecard points and no 'luck of the draw' etc. For me this is a great help to actually get things written so see this a fun little game to trick yourself into posting even more smut onto this lovely site :)
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Lesbian Sex: 4 points
3pt - Bed bound for the summer
1pt -
Bed bound for the summer pt. 02
1pt -
-------(cap level 1)-------
1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Transsexuals & Crossdressers: 3 points
3pt - Pretty in pink pt. 04
1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 1)-------
1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Total: 7p

I can always try and beat myself :)
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It has been 9 years since the last Survivor contest and I for one would love to ressurect this. I fondly remember the last one as it helped me to break the writers block that year. I haven't published here in a few years so this year I felt a return was in order.

I can volunter to administrate the competition. I know this has been a tradition so Im not proposing to change any rules. No prizes but honour would sufice for me.

So how would I go about starting this old tradition up again?
Surviving what? The year someone joined (in my case, it was 2006), or the year someone posted pictures?
It was a competition that ran on this site. It was called 'Survivor'. Not sure where the name came from though, no surviving but writing :)
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Glad you want to join Lovecraft68. Its an honour having such a legendary author joining me in this humble Survivor 24.
Lovecraft68 Copy your scorecard post into THIS post so we have a nice and clean one for the track record and this as a comments and questions thread. Felt I needed to administrate this little if other people join :)
I'm just seeing this now. When can we sign up? Too late? Is it for everything we've written in 2024?
If so, how do the recent 750-word stories a lot of us did, fit in? Are they treated as a full story and eligible for the 3-point slot?
I'll check out the rules and figure out what the cap levels are per category.
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I'm just seeing this now. When can we sign up? Too late? Is it for everything we've written in 2024?
If so, how do the recent 750-word stories a lot of us did, fit in? Are they treated as a full story and eligible for the 3-point slot?
I'll check out the rules and figure out what the cap levels are per category.
This is totally unofficial, so you can just hop on whenever you want. I'm not very prolific here anymore, but miss the contest so wanted to support Secret Lace in trying to bring it back even if just in a nostalgic way.

I've thought about starting a thread to see if people in the AH were interested in doing it for 2025 but someone has to run it, and its a lot of work. The original was shut down due to...hope you're sitting-cheating and also it flooded the site with a ton of shitty less than a page stories as people just tried to pad their stats.
This is totally unofficial, so you can just hop on whenever you want. I'm not very prolific here anymore, but miss the contest so wanted to support Secret Lace in trying to bring it back even if just in a nostalgic way.

I've thought about starting a thread to see if people in the AH were interested in doing it for 2025 but someone has to run it, and its a lot of work. The original was shut down due to...hope you're sitting-cheating and also it flooded the site with a ton of shitty less than a page stories as people just tried to pad their stats.
Yeah. I can imagine. My 750 stories add 9 points right off the bat. Emily would likely win by default.

I'll participate and in the spirit of fairness I'll list the 750 stories as 1 pointers.
Yeah. I can imagine. My 750 stories add 9 points right off the bat. Emily would likely win by default.

I'll participate and in the spirit of fairness I'll list the 750 stories as 1 pointers.
When this ran I don't think there was a 750 word event so if Survivor were to ever make a comeback I think they would have to be banned from it, too easy to write a lot of them and you'd get points for them in whatever category.

The person who used to run it, Boxlicker, got tired of the drama, and I heard passed away three years ago, so someone new would have to take the reigns, as its way too much for the site to handle.

There were prizes for 1-10. I think the top three were the regular prize money for the other contests, 7-10 were amazon gift cards.

I placed the one year I entered, but I think it was #7 or #8 I'm too wordy to be as prolific as a lot of people here.
When this ran I don't think there was a 750 word event so if Survivor were to ever make a comeback I think they would have to be banned from it, too easy to write a lot of them and you'd get points for them in whatever

Fair enough. Just full stories then. I'll still participate, if just for fun.
Glad you want to join us Rob. Yes the old contest was too focused on the contest and less the spirit of Literotica. Here we just use the old format to inspire others to write. I have to check your stories Rob the MILF and the cub is a great theme.

Welcome again Rob and enjoy 2024
I got another point and it feels good to be back behind the keyboard again. Im actually thinking about rying to go official in 2025 but I would need to rewrite the rules to make them less a competition and more of a communal inspiration to see the scores grow. I would have no problem putting in the work to keep the competition going and updateing things. Even do some sort of interactive event every month in the spirit of the old competition where they did a bingo pulling numbers to see if you won something.

Going to sit down and think about it a little.