2003 Survivor Discussion Thread

Though somehow I think that these Nanny-filters don't work that well. Kids these days are mean hackers, they can get into the C:drive and erase that filter in minutes!
(now I have the "nanny" theme stuck in my head....who would have thought that the girl we described would be exactly what the doctor perscribed...)
What IS it they sing right before "watch out, CC!"???

Something about "the father finds her..."???
okay, before I go on I just want it to be known that I have this little knack for memorizing jingles and theme songs. I don't really like the nanny, I just happen to know the song.

She was working in a bridal shop in flushing queens when her boyfriend kicked her out in one of those crushing scenes. what was she to do where was she to go she was out on her fanny? so over the bridge from flushing to the sheffields door she was there to sell makeup but the father saw more she had style she had flare she was there that's how she became the nanny. who would have thought that the girl we described was just exactly what the doctor subscribed now the kids are actually smiling (watch out sisi *spelling unknown - it's a name) and (I think it says "and the father finds her charming") somethingsomethingsomething she's the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan. the flashy girl from flushing the nanny named fran.

now ask me to sing the ducktails song.
No, the "watch out C.C." comes after "now the father finds her". It sounds like "begalling", but I've never heard such a word.:confused:

it says it's a sort-of synonim (oh god my spelling is terrible) for "seductive" (after looking up on dictionary online and then clicking "thesauras" next to it...again, sorry bout the spelling)
What's wrong Svenska, I haven't seen but one taunt from you in a while, busy playing catch up? hehe. I'm tempted to not post another story until the very last day and then submit the lot of them. That might keep everyone guessing as to how many they need. Nah...I'll still post one or two here and there and save the majority of the works until the end. :D
Dear MV,

are you going to feel disappointed 1/1 -04, when you log in and find that I have submitted 3247 stories while you were out partying and shooting off fireworks?:catgrin:
Svenskaflicka said:
Dear MV,

are you going to feel disappointed 1/1 -04, when you log in and find that I have submitted 3247 stories while you were out partying and shooting off fireworks?:catgrin:

Damn that's a lot of stories...you submit that many and I'll be forced to call you "your highness" from now on.
I am trying to fugure out how to enter this contest. Where do I find a scoring template. I read the rules and there was none included.
Boxlicker101 said:
I am trying to fugure out how to enter this contest. Where do I find a scoring template. I read the rules and there was none included.

D'oh! That's what I get for not coming here before looking at my scoresheet = )

What was supposed to happen was you quoting the second post in the thread, just like you quoted the first post, but the second one instead. What you did was a very reasonable mistake. I pm'd you (You've probably already read the PM) that I changed it for you - I guess I'm letting people get lazy lol.


I went through the score thread today and found some mistakes on some of your posts - those of you who I sent PM's about it, please don't be upset! If you want to, just ignore me, okay? Grin grin grin.
(this weeks survivor)

36, that blasted 36! The number that refused and refused to be drawn, so I changed it, has been pulled out of a hat this week. Oh my god, somebody shoot me.

please don't shoot me.

I'm wondering about some of the categories. How long must a story be to be a novella? Would non-human include a woman and a dog? How important must a toy be for a story to be classified as "Toys" One category is TS and TV, but stories on this subject are classified as Fetish. How come? Can I have stories reclassified?
I think that a novella is approximately 20,000 words officially but lit seems to be flexible on the subject...if you have many chapters for a story, sometimes people put those in that category.

A story between a human and a dog wouldn't be posted on literotica; laurel doesn't like beastiality. There's another site for that subject, but stories posted there don't count towards this contest. Nonhuman would be, like, a vampire or an alien or a genie or something fantasy-like.

Toys and masturbation is really just anything with one person going solo, or if YOU think it belongs in that category.

Your own common sense is really what's important here - for the most part, if you think your story belongs in a category and you submit it to that category, that's where it'll get posted. The things you have to worry about include people flaming you in emails and on the boards if they think you're cheating, or bad feedback if they think your story doesn't fit in the category.

For the sake of this contest, if you submit a story to one category, it's supposed to stay there. The reason is I don't want people shifting their categories around at last minute to get the extra twenty bonus points. Make wise decisions.

Any more questions, feel free to ask = )
Hi, Chicklet. Thanks for the feedback, but I kn ow of two stories that I submitted and classified as Erotic Coupling and Group Sex, because they were consensual, but role-playing rapes. The text made it very clear that everything was consensual. They were both classified as non-consensual. Tht titles, if you are interested, were "I Tie Up Gloria" and "We Take Turns with Amy".
I suggest that we reform the Immunity-system, and base it on some other lottery drawing than the current one.


Because I never win.:mad:
I know this is a bit premature, but will there be a 2004 Survivor? With this year more than half over I know there is no way I could be a contender. ;)

~Kenzie :kiss:
Ofcourse you could, Lusti! Last year, I didn't enter the contest until August, and I got 2nd. It's all up to you.:)
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Svenskaflicka, but with only one story after months of writing I feel like I'm not a contender this year.

~Kenzie :kiss: