2009 Survivor Literotica Poetry Challenge: Planning & Plotting

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I know they're busy finalizing the "other" Survivor at the moment... but any more word on this one?
I know they're busy finalizing the "other" Survivor at the moment... but any more word on this one?
Thanks for bumping this with your cute bump. Actually, more than a bump now; there's no doubt you're beautifully pregnant.
I'll need just a few more days to get all my ducks in a row, but 2009 Survivor Literotica Poetry Challenge is coming! ;)
I'll need just a few more days to get all my ducks in a row, but 2009 Survivor Literotica Poetry Challenge is coming! ;)

And we all quake at the very thought. You need to find time to do a top ten list poem. You can do it. You have a personal editor now too so you no longer have excuses. :p

I just found this Poetry Challenge thread ... mine is post #180!

Will the rules and timelines be listed when this officially starts? I saw A LOT of ideas, plots and counterplots ... or did I miss out on the program and it's already underway somewhere else on the forum?

Gotta stop reading and writing stories here and get back to the poetry... Lotta damn good stuff's been posted on the story boards lately!

I just found this Poetry Challenge thread ... mine is post #180!

Will the rules and timelines be listed when this officially starts? I saw A LOT of ideas, plots and counterplots ... or did I miss out on the program and it's already underway somewhere else on the forum?

Gotta stop reading and writing stories here and get back to the poetry... Lotta damn good stuff's been posted on the story boards lately!


Hi. Nice to see you around again. :)

Yes, all will be revealed as Lauren said. This is really just a discussion/ideas thread, but very soon Lauren will put up an official thread with all the info. Maybe by the end of this week, I hope, but it's a lot of work and L has been busy with other stuff.
OK, poets. Help me out here. This is my first draft of the rules. Is it clear enough? I don't want to make it too complicated and scare people off. :D

2009 Survivor Literotica Poetry Challenge

  • To write as many new and original poems in the proposed forms and making use of the proposed triggers as possible.

  • The challenge is open to all members of Literotica.com

Entering the Challenge
  • You may enter the challenge at any time before midnight, Eastern Time Zone (UTC-5:00), on October 31, 2009.
  • You may officially enter by pressing "Post Reply" in the scorecard thread and giving notice of your intention to participate. You may begin tracking your scores immediately after.

Winning the Challenge
  • The participant with the most points wins!
  • Winners will be announced shortly after 1/5/2010.

  • There will be prizes, but with this being the debut year of the Survivor Poetry Challenge, it is still undetermined how many or what the prizes will be. You can at least expect Amazon.com gift certificates, I'm told, but think of this first edition of the challenge as one of those things where doing the best you can is its best reward.


  • There will be two lists of requirements in place for the challenge:
    • List A consists of 50 triggers.
    • List B consists of 25 poetical forms.

  • Participants are to write as many poems as possible, with each poem making use a different trigger on List A.
  • For every two of those poems, at least one must also respond to the requirements of a different form on List B.
  • Until both lists are exhausted, no trigger or form can be used a second time.
  • If a participant exhausts both lists, that participant is allowed to keep writing, under the same rules as until then. However, using a combination of trigger and form that had already been used in a previous poem will not be allowed.

  • All poems must be accepted and posted at Literotica.com.
  • Only poems with posting dates between 1/17/2009 and 1/1/2010 are eligible for Survivor.
  • Only poems that are still posted at Literotica.com on 1/4/2010 are eligible for Survivor. If a poem is removed from Literotica.com before then, it will not count for points.
  • Each poem most be original work from the contestant for points to be awarded. Poems that had been previously published, at Literotica.com or elsewhere, are not eligible for points.

  • Immunities can be used to fill a trigger/form combination without the need to write a poem that responds to that combination.
  • Immunities are awarded on a weekly basis.
  • There is no requirement to participate in Immunities. A participant may forego all Immunity activity.
  • Immunities are won based on the weekly Wednesday Lottery available here: http://lottery.merseyworld.com
  • Participants may select a single number between 1 and 49. The selected number must be posted by the participant prior to 7:30pm (GMT) on Wednesday for the number to the considered for that day's draw.
  • Immunities won must be claimed by 7:30pm (GMT) on the following Wednesday.
  • If you won an immunity, the first thing to do is to reply to the official Immunities thread, choosing the trigger and form you want to apply it to. This is the only way to validate the immunity.
  • Do not edit that post after 7:30pm GMT on Wednesday. If you do, your immunity will be invalidated. This post is the only way to positively verify the trigger/form you chose.
  • When you register an immunity in your scorecard, please list the date the immunity was won.

  • Each participant will have his or her own scorecard in the scorecard thread, to keep track of scoring.
  • It's each participant's responsibility to accurate track his or her own poem scores, immunities, and bonus points.
  • Participants are encouraged to track their points regularly and maintain their scorecards updated at all times.
  • Participants have until midnight, Eastern Time Zone (UTC-5:00), on 1/4/2010 to make any changes to their scorecards.

  • Each valid poem is worth 1 point.

  • Each valid immunity is worth 0 points.

  • Bonus round challenges will be issued in the Poetry Feedback & Discussion forum, featuring a unique trigger and/or form, on the following dates:
    • 01/28/2009
    • 02/25/2009
    • 03/25/2009
    • 04/22/2009
    • 05/20/2009
    • 06/17/2009
    • 07/15/2009
    • 08/12/2009
    • 09/09/2009
    • 10/07/2009
    • 11/04/2009
    • 12/02/2009
  • Participation on each of these bonus round challenges is worth 3 points.
  • Participation on all 12 bonus round challenges is worth 12 additional points.

  • Participants and winners retain copyright to all works submitted.
  • Questions should be directed to me! You can contact me via Private Message at any time.
  • 2009 Survivor Literotica Poetry Challenge is only sponsored by Literotica.com. Literotica.com claims on liability in the administration of the challenge.
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Let me make sure that I have this correct.

For every free verse poem, there has to be one form poem selected from the 25 different forms on list B?

Every poem MUST use a trigger from list A? No credit will be given for poems that don't?

Is there a mechanism (possibly a thread) where we can post a proposed poem and have it reviewed to make sure that it meets the criteria for a specific trigger and/or form? [at least for the first few months while we are getting our feet wet?]

Here's the one I'm MOST confused with: If I write 50 poems (one for each trigger = 25 free verse and 25 form) and I'm going through them the second time, I can't use the same trigger for the same form as the first time through? How does that apply to the free verse poems?

BTW, Lauren, great job. Thanks.
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I think it will become clearer when we start writing and filling out the scorecards. I only have two questions:

While the person is writing their first 50 poems, will it end up that they have done 25 forms and 25 free verse poems or could more form poems be used?

Do the poems for the bonus round challenges have to be posted in the forum or can they be submitted for posting on Lit?

Is there a mechanism (possibly a thread) where we can post a proposed poem and have it reviewed to make sure that it meets the criteria for a specific trigger and/or form? [at least for the first few months while we are getting our feet wet?]

I know Angeline plans to have such a thread.

Here's the one I'm MOST confused with: If I write 50 poems (one for each trigger = 25 free verse and 25 form) and I'm going through them the second time, I can't use the same trigger for the same form as the first time through? How does that ally to the free verse poems?

Good question, SB.
I don't even know how to post them or where and as for filling out score cards well ........

Don't worry, UYS. :rose: You submit your poems on Literotica.

Lauren will start a thread for official sign ups for the contest. After you officially sign up, Lauren will give you a scorecard. I'm sure there will be instructions for filling out the scorecards.
Don't worry, UYS. :rose: You submit your poems on Literotica.

Lauren will start a thread for official sign ups for the contest. After you officially sign up, Lauren will give you a scorecard. I'm sure there will be instructions for filling out the scorecards.

Where on Literotica? I only know about submitting for going public is there a diff place for this?
I don't even know how to post them or where and as for filling out score cards well ........

Lady is right. As long as you know the secret code words, secret signals and secret handshake, everything is fine... You DO know them don't you?

*looks suspiciously thinking she might be an imposter who is just "saying" she's Annie...*
Lady is right. As long as you know the secret code words, secret signals and secret handshake, everything is fine... You DO know them don't you?

*looks suspiciously thinking she might be an imposter who is just "saying" she's Annie...*

Hey I'm a Lady Freemason I know lots of secret handshakes!
That's what I thought so where ?????? I'm going into panic mode lol

Breathe, Annie! LOL
The place where you post poems for the public is where you will post the poems for this contest.

Don't you worry! Your friends here will make sure you understand what to do.
oh my god I am all a flutter with excitement over this.

is there going to be public input on trigger ideas? Maybe after you get so many points, you can make a trigger or will the contest start with all of the triggers in place?

:D I am panting with anticipation
oh my god I am all a flutter with excitement over this.

is there going to be public input on trigger ideas? Maybe after you get so many points, you can make a trigger or will the contest start with all of the triggers in place?

:D I am panting with anticipation

Are you gonna do it? It would be great if you did! I want to even though it scares the bejeebers outta me. That's a lot of poems.

I'm pretty sure Lauren is still looking for feedback on trigger ideas. You can put them here or pm her. She has been working on this for a while though so she might have finished the triggers. But you always have great ideas.
I am going to do it. I am certainly not going to win it but I am going to try.

I think there needs to be some kind of silent pact for the people trying to really try to get out the comments on the poems. And vote. Not that votes mean anything, but it at least feels good to see that people actually took the time to open the poem and press a number.

And I promise to stop trying to make it more complicated.

I am scared.

Hold me.

Are you gonna do it? It would be great if you did! I want to even though it scares the bejeebers outta me. That's a lot of poems.

I'm pretty sure Lauren is still looking for feedback on trigger ideas. You can put them here or pm her. She has been working on this for a while though so she might have finished the triggers. But you always have great ideas.
Let me make sure that I have this correct.

For every free verse poem, there has to be one form poem selected from the 25 different forms on list B?

Every poem MUST use a trigger from list A? No credit will be given for poems that don't?

Is there a mechanism (possibly a thread) where we can post a proposed poem and have it reviewed to make sure that it meets the criteria for a specific trigger and/or form? [at least for the first few months while we are getting our feet wet?]

Here's the one I'm MOST confused with: If I write 50 poems (one for each trigger = 25 free verse and 25 form) and I'm going through them the second time, I can't use the same trigger for the same form as the first time through? How does that apply to the free verse poems?

BTW, Lauren, great job. Thanks.
This is quoted from Lauren's drafts up there
Lauren Hynde said:
If a participant exhausts both lists, that participant is allowed to keep writing, under the same rules as until then. However, using a combination of trigger and form that had already been used in a previous poem will not be allowed.
The bold formatting is mine. :kiss:
This is probably another of those stupid questions I keep flinging out but do we get to see what everyone else has written and if so where?
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