2012 Survivor News & Views: Announcements and Discussions for the Survivorphile


I wasn't able to participate in the 2012 Survivor, but want to get into the 2013 contest. Is it going to be happening? I wanna get started right away! :D
I wasn't able to participate in the 2012 Survivor, but want to get into the 2013 contest. Is it going to be happening? I wanna get started right away! :D

I haven't heard anything definite. As far as I know, there will be a contest next year. :)
I have two illustrated submissions that have been pending for over 30 days. I haven't clicked on them since their initial submission (apparently that sends them back down the queue). I know that illustrated stories take longer to approve/post than normal submissions but this seems abnormal. Is there anything I need to do?

I'd send a PM to admin. if you haven't already. I think that's way too long for an illustrated submission. Perhaps something has gone wrong in the file uploads. :confused:

Originally Posted by oOScarletWingsOo
I have two illustrated submissions that have been pending for over 30 days. I haven't clicked on them since their initial submission (apparently that sends them back down the queue). I know that illustrated stories take longer to approve/post than normal submissions but this seems abnormal. Is there anything I need to do?

That is a long time to have to wait. When I have submitted either illustrated or audible work, either poems or stories, they have taken about three weeks. Have you gotten any notification from Laurel that the pictures have not arrived or ay other problem such as that?

I had this problem as well with my Illustrated poems and now I'm having it with my Illustrated Story; the last thing that I need to complete all 35 sections of my scorecard. I found that I didn't get much help with my Illustrated Poems issue when that was happening, and I had to submit them using a different e-mail address about three months after first submitting them since the pictures did not seem to arrive from my Lit e-mail. I have done so again with the Illustrated Story but as yet there is nothing happening. It would be a shame for me to have worked so hard to complete the scorecard and not be able to finish the categories this year because of this.

I had this problem as well with my Illustrated poems and now I'm having it with my Illustrated Story; the last thing that I need to complete all 35 sections of my scorecard. I found that I didn't get much help with my Illustrated Poems issue when that was happening, and I had to submit them using a different e-mail address about three months after first submitting them since the pictures did not seem to arrive from my Lit e-mail. I have done so again with the Illustrated Story but as yet there is nothing happening. It would be a shame for me to have worked so hard to complete the scorecard and not be able to finish the categories this year because of this.


I think there has to be some sort of backup log of Illustrated works, or something else is happening behind the scenes. My Illustrated poem is about 2 weeks in and hasn't appeared either. Hopefully they're able to get everything resolved before the end of the contest. I agree Cinner, it would be terrible to have worked so hard and miss out on getting everything filled out. I'm working to catch up with you, but I can see I may end up in the same place as you, waiting for that Illustrated category to be taken care of.

By the way, everyone is doing a great job and this has been a lot of fun this year. My mini-goals have been tricky to fill which makes it all the more enjoyable.
I wrote to Laurel, and here is her answer:

Hi Boxlicker,

Thanks for writing!

Actually, the Illustrateds and Audio should be processed on a weekly basis. Lately, the Illustrateds have lagged for a few weeks (though I do believe that I've yet to go more than a month without posting - if anyone's story has been pending for more than a month, please have them contact me asap because their story may be in tech limbo!). The general increase in submissions has put me a bit behind. I am working to get caught up. I do apologize!


If you submit any more of what are called multi-media stories or poems, you should include a note in the "Notes" field that it is part of the Survivors' Contest. This should get it faster handling. You could do this with other stories too, but there is no need until the last half of December.
A sprint to the finish line?

I have participated in Survivor now for four years (placing 2nd in 2009 under a different author name). But since I am pursuing my goals as an indie author and with the rules regarding chapter stories, this contest no longer suits my needs as a writer.

There is though one goal that I have always wanted to accomplish...finishing Survivor with an entry in every single category (without using immunities). Since this is to be my last year, I have decided to go for broke. Does anyone care to join me on this sprint to the finish line?

By the way, I want to say thank you and job well done to all the stellar authors who have participated this year. In my time at Lit there has not been a closer race...or a more cordial one. Whether I make this goal or not, it had been a pleasure competing this year.

It has been a lot of fun this time around for me as well.

The first time I participated, I did what you are speaking of doing, Tara. I passed up my immunities to complete my personal mini-goals, and have one submission in every category. This time around I chose to use my immunities for categories I don't enjoy.

I'm still wanting to place something in every category, even if it's with an immunity. I'm hoping to get my last four taken care of - Non-con/Reluc., Romance, Sci-Fi/Fan., and Erotic Horror.

I have one of those four submitted, but it's still pending (again). It was rejected for formatting issues, not sure what I did different after submitting stories since 2005, but oh well. I resubmitted, so we'll see what happens.

For those having Illustrated work issues, my poem did appear this morning, so I am sure Laurel is working hard to get back log issues resolved.

Keep having fun folks!! :)
Unfortunately, this contest is filled with sneaky people. And there are no rules about being sneaky. I wanted to have a rule where your posted story must be posted to your scorecard within a week of posting but that was voted down. Every year there are one or two or more sandbaggers, those who don't update their scorecards until the very last minute of the contest.

Those who think they are comfortable in first or second or third place, think again.

I suggest you take the time to go through the scorecards of those in the contest and who have not updated their scorecards. "PrincessErin." Sorry, I just sneezed. Just take a gander at their stories for 2012 to see how many they have.

PrincessErin, who hasn't posted anything on her scorecard, recently posted 16 stories. What should be a fair contest has turned into a cut throat mess, all for the sake of winning money. Shame.

This site could be the greatest site for writers and readers but it's ruined by those intent on winning a contest by doing whatever they must do even if it means cheating. I write real stories. I don't write 750 word, shit stories with no character development, no dialogue, no tension, no imagery, no beginning, no middle, and no ending just for the sake of earning one point in the Survivor contest.

If that's the kind of writer that you want to be, then you will never grow as a writer. Most people in this contest are better than that. They write quality stories. They care more about the stories than about earning one point. Don't believe me? Go and read some of PrincessErin's stories to see what I mean. She's intent on winning this contest and probably will, being that she's a crazy man. Oh, you thought she's a woman because he posted his mother's breasts on her page? Nah, she's Bakeboss, a man.

Anyway, I've been participating in this contest since 2007 and have updated my scores each year. Writing as BostonFictionWriter, in 2007 & 2008, I was cheated out of winning. No one could beat me so more than one person wrote stories under one name. I can't prove that, of course, but all I had to do was to read the differences in the writing to know that I was being played.

In 2010, as AndTheEnd, I was cheated out of winning again when the moderator made up new rules after the contest was over and arbitrarily removed some of my stories (lol), just enough so that I'd lose.

I was surprised when I won the contest under SuperHeroRalph last year. This year, without even trying to win, I'm leading. If I didn't take the time to write chapter stories, I'd probably have about 400 points by now.

Yet, the reason for this post is, I'd hate for someone to think that they were going to win some money and lose out because some sneaky writers who have no conscience and who are very vindictive have been planning this all year.

Now, I won't mention any names (PrincessAirHead). Sorry, I just sneezed but, perhaps after a word of caution from me, those who were lulled into think that this is an easy contest will get busy and start writing more stories to beat (PrincessAirHead). Sorry, I sneezed again.

Good luck.
SusanJillParker: If it matters so much (which is not to say it shouldn't, seeing all the time you've put into it in terms of finished volume, as well as several others) maybe there should be multiple criteria for winning, beyond who has the most points?

A winner for the number of points earned, and a winner for "most popular", or whatever else you wanted to call it; but in essence, if you've written enough stories to find yourself in the top 3 (or top 5, or even just for anyone over X number of arbitrarily determined points) there should be a calculation of the aggregated average of all stories submitted throughout the contest, and an alternative survivor determined that way.

Of course that would, slightly, take away from the spirit of the competition which is seemingly just "write, write, write".

- - - - -

Anyways! I have written hardly any stories for submission into my first Survivor contest, which is sad, but was unfortunately unavoidable. However, now that we are into the last leg of the journey and everything is winding down for the year for me, I have an abundance of time, and I will try, from today until the contest's deadline (in 27 days? 26?) to submit at least one a day, and hopefully will fill most of the remaining 32 categories on my card.

More likely, however, I will write six stories and give up by the end of the week! But we'll see. :)
I have talked with folks behind the scorecards and I have warned them of the same thing you're talking about, where the scorecards aren't necessarily reflecting what a contestant is writing.

I completely expect someone to do what you're saying and at the last minute slam all their stories into their respective slots and sit back smilin' while they "think" those no longer in the top wear frowns. But if that happens I won't be frowning, simply because I have enjoyed writing and completing my own personal goals.

Folks have to use this contest as a tool to step out of their box or to stir their muse into action, not as a replacement to their income.
I have talked with folks behind the scorecards and I have warned them of the same thing you're talking about, where the scorecards aren't necessarily reflecting what a contestant is writing.

I completely expect someone to do what you're saying and at the last minute slam all their stories into their respective slots and sit back smilin' while they "think" those no longer in the top wear frowns. But if that happens I won't be frowning, simply because I have enjoyed writing and completing my own personal goals.

Folks have to use this contest as a tool to step out of their box or to stir their muse into action, not as a replacement to their income.

As you do Red, I have goals. Always, it's more about the story than it is the contest which is why I grow as a writer every year. When I read what I wrote as BostonFictionWriter, I cringe. Years from now, I'll be cringing at all the I've written under my real name, as SusanJillParker.

I figure, years from now, when I'm 80, I'll be a wicked good writer (lol).

I appreciate this site as a place for all of us to post our stories.

Good luck to everyone. I hope I'm used as a standard to for everyone to surpass my story amount. I still have a few more stories to submit but I've been busy writing e-Books and personalized, custom stories for my fans. I make more money writing custom stories than I'll ever earn winning contests on Literotica.

It's sad that it's so hard for a writer to earn a living at what he or she loves to do. Most ads out there only pay 1 or 2 cents a word, if accepted, which is the key. Are they just stealing your work, changing a few things to make it their own, and not paying you. I've created a cottage business writing the stories that I love to write.

Good luck to everyone in the contest, but for one person (PrincessAirHead). Damn, I must be coming down with a cold. I keep sneezing.
Being that this contest has been so quiet, much quieter than previous contests and being that this thread has been so dead, I love showing up from time to time to stir up some shit.

Come on people! This is an easy contest to win some money. All you need to do is to write a story.

Ah, I love the sensation of creative writing in the morning while drinkin my freshly ground and frestly brewed, black Starbucks, French Roast coffee.

I'd love to see some new people win this contest. Then again, we have no idea if it's new people or the same people writing under new names.

Whether I write under AndTheEnd, BostonFictionWriter, CarBuffStuff, PositiveThinker, SuperHeroRalph, SusanJillParker, or WmForrester, I'm still the same affable, likeable, and modest person (lol).
And humble. ;) *chuckles*

Yes, thank you. I am humble.

Never is when you will ever hear me say that I am, bar none, the most prolific writer on the site. Never is when you will ever hear me say that I've posted more than 1,000 stories and 100 poems on this site. Never will you hear me ever say that I've written more than 7 million words that have garnered more then 150 million hits on this site.

Of course, I may write those things, but you'll never hear md say those things (lol).

Only Samuelx, my Boston brother from a different mother, comes close to the number of stories posted on the site.

Only, Sammy doesn't write in every category as I do. He only writes in 3 or 4 different category and he writes the same stories with different black women. Moreover, Sammy doesn't come close to approaching my word count and my number of hits.

Modest? Humble? Yeah, that's me.

"Ah, if only I had long, red hair and was...friendlier, more people would like me (lol).
So, I have couple scoring questions.

1) Contest Entries - Each contest entry is worth 5 pts x 6 contests = 30 pts. Is that the total for the contest? Or are the 30 pts for entering all contests a bonus 30 pts, meaning the total pts for entering all contests would be 60 pts instead of 30 pts?

Immunities - Here's how I understand immunities - it gives you a first level cap for a category without giving you points for that category. The advantages to using an immunity to cap a category are two-fold: it helps one earn additional bonuses for the total number of categories and it caps off the first tier of a level, which may allow extra points to be earned for level 2 or 3 in other categories. Provided I got that description correct, here are my immunity questions

1) There are not direct points for an immunity capping a level, it's a just a cap that gives other advantages, but no points for the category capped, correct?

2) If I have previously applied an immunity to a category, but later decide that I want to write for that category - can I later reject the immunity?

So, I have couple scoring questions.

1) Contest Entries - Each contest entry is worth 5 pts x 6 contests = 30 pts. Is that the total for the contest? Or are the 30 pts for entering all contests a bonus 30 pts, meaning the total pts for entering all contests would be 60 pts instead of 30 pts?

Immunities - Here's how I understand immunities - it gives you a first level cap for a category without giving you points for that category. The advantages to using an immunity to cap a category are two-fold: it helps one earn additional bonuses for the total number of categories and it caps off the first tier of a level, which may allow extra points to be earned for level 2 or 3 in other categories. Provided I got that description correct, here are my immunity questions

1) There are not direct points for an immunity capping a level, it's a just a cap that gives other advantages, but no points for the category capped, correct?

2) If I have previously applied an immunity to a category, but later decide that I want to write for that category - can I later reject the immunity?


Under the current rules, you get five points for one entry in a thenme contest. If you have more than one entry in that contest, you only get credit for one, although the extra ones can be spplied to other categories if all the criteria are met. If you enter all six theme contests, you get a total of thirty points (6 X 5) PLUS a bonus of thirty for that accoplishnment, for a total of sixty.

Your inderstanding of immunities is correct. The reason for using an immunity is generally to fill a category you can't or don't want to write in. The disadvantages are there are no points for that category and you have to fill a category to the first cap with stories or essays or poems for every immunity you use. There is another potential disadvantage to using immunities and that is in the tie breaker.

Once you have chosen a category fr the immunity, you cannot change it.

I have read posts about sandbagging lately. I, personally consider it to be unethical, but it is not against the rules. The worst example we ever had was a few years ago, when somebody entered the contest in mid-December and posted so many stories and poems that had been written over that year that he or she won first prize. Since then, the entry deadline has been established.

Good luck, everybody. :)
In the End

I'm bogged down with coursework and exams and will not be able to even THINK of writing a story until after 18 December. This is why I won't participate in the Contest next year. I can't afford to continue to jeopardise my school work as I have done this year. I have enjoyed participating though.

There are some things that I think need to be reviewed but I will post a line to the administrators privately after the end of the contest and let them decide if they wish to take my views into consideration and open a discussion with the wider community as I saw done at the start of this year's contest.

I have almost given up on my Illustrated Story coming out in time and came here hoping to see that I have the chance of an Immunity this week. I will not use it until next Tuesday since I'm still hoping for a miracle and will see if I can contact Laurel briefly to register my story in the queue that seems to be stuck in cyberspace.

I have GENUINELY enjoyed this experience this year and look forward to participating again in another three or so years time. Everyone who has participated in on my list of favourite people in this life and I smile and read whatever you have to say whenever I'm lurking and see your stories or comments pop up on my screen.

I love you all!


Since my name has come up I just wanted to state that I am not sandbagging the contest.

I have a total of 78 points and am carefully watching to make sure I win a $25 gift card to Amazon.

The stories I posted were old stories that I took off Literotica to publish on Amazon but I am now clearing out my online accounts and putting everything back on Literotica.

Those 16 (or however many they are) stories don't count since they were already published.
BFW/Freddie/Whatever Your Name Is - since you stalk me all the time you'd think you'd notice that those stories were already on Literotica beforehand. You have read and voted a 1 on all my stories in the past.

Stalk you? I don't stalk men, BakeBoss. And I don't read or vote on any author's story, even your shitty, little stories. I don't even read and vote on my stories.

Perhaps, you'll take my advice this year and buy a Creative Writing for Dummies book to teach you how to use description, imagery, tension, dialogue, and plot to write a better story, one that has a beginning, middle, and end. I wish you only all the best, BakeBoss, I mean, PrincessAirHead, sorry, PrincessErin.

I hope you sell at least one e-Book on Amazon. Good luck to you. May a camel never shit on your head. It makes for a mess.

Lastly, please stop sending me photos of your mother's, sister's, or wife's tits. I'm not lesbian and if I was, I wouldnt' be into BBW women.
And I don't read or vote on any author's story, even your shitty, little stories. I don't even read and vote on my stories.

Perhaps, you'll take my advice this year and buy a Creative Writing for Dummies book to teach you how to use description, imagery, tension, dialogue, and plot to write a better story, one that has a beginning, middle, and end.

Can't help but ask if you really don't see the howler of a contradiction here, Freddie? :D

I swear you do this on purpose.
Can't help but ask if you really don't see the howler of a contradiction here, Freddie? :D

I swear you do this on purpose.

Contradiction? If anyone would know the meaning of contradiction it's you, sr71plt.

Are you off your medication again? Who are we today?

I see by your name that you're still claiming to be a gay SR 71 pilot. Sorry, but that would never happen, especially in your era. You're a gay man. There wasn't any don't ask, don't tell back then. You'd never pass the mental exam, forget the physical, especially when showing up in a pink flight suit (lol).

Oh, that's right. You're not gay. You're bi-sexual. You only write all gay men's stories because there isn't a category for bi-sexual. I get it.

What else? Let's see.

You said you were a broadway star. Right? Do you remember writing that? I do.

You said you were a famous movie star. I remember that too, if you don't. Only, you said you could say which movies and which parts you played.

You said you were a famous singer but couldn't state your recordings.

You said you were a CIA spy.

My, my, what a life. Where did you ever find the time? I'm envious of your imagined life.

You said you were a diplomat. Only, you never stated which countries. I guess that's top secret, huh?

You said you were a model. Only, a model of what? You didn't say.

You said you were a Sunday school teacher. I'm willing to believe that. I could see you being a pedophile.

You said you were a famous writer. Well, I guess you are. You write here. That makes you famous somewhat and you write e-Books. Only, no one buys your e-Books being that they're too gay, all gay. So, actually, you're not famous at all, are you, Todd?

Have I left anything out, SR?

Listen, Todd, no one likes you for a reason. Why? Because you're an arrogant, little piss ant of an asshole and you have this annoying little way of sticking your brown, little nose where it doesn't belong.

Now go and fuck yourself before I kick your ass again.

"Here's another roll of quarters. Go ride your airplane outside of the supermarket. That's the closest you'll ever be to being a pilot, bitch.

Have a nice day.

I completed my Scorecard sections today but also got an Immunity. Can I use the immunity to close down a section even if I already have a story in it? E.g. if I have only one story for the three points can I use the immunity to close out the rest of the section and so not need to do the two additional stories necessary to get to the next level? I need to get to the second tier of stories if some of my poems are to count.... I'm ambitious.


PS: Thanks to whomever worked on getting my Illustrated Story out for me today!

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SusanJillParker: If it matters so much (which is not to say it shouldn't, seeing all the time you've put into it in terms of finished volume, as well as several others) maybe there should be multiple criteria for winning, beyond who has the most points?

A winner for the number of points earned, and a winner for "most popular", or whatever else you wanted to call it; but in essence, if you've written enough stories to find yourself in the top 3 (or top 5, or even just for anyone over X number of arbitrarily determined points) there should be a calculation of the aggregated average of all stories submitted throughout the contest, and an alternative survivor determined that way.

Of course that would, slightly, take away from the spirit of the competition which is seemingly just "write, write, write".

- - - - -

Anyways! I have written hardly any stories for submission into my first Survivor contest, which is sad, but was unfortunately unavoidable. However, now that we are into the last leg of the journey and everything is winding down for the year for me, I have an abundance of time, and I will try, from today until the contest's deadline (in 27 days? 26?) to submit at least one a day, and hopefully will fill most of the remaining 32 categories on my card.

More likely, however, I will write six stories and give up by the end of the week! But we'll see. :)

I like your spirit! I set these kinds of goals for myself... My most prolific period was when I got 10 stories out in 11 days during November. That was as a result of cleaning up some of my half finished ones that had been lingering for months. Now I have to write fresh stories and I have thought up sequels to a couple of them, but given that I'll get no points for the sequels I'll save them for next year.

Now that I've rediscovered creative writing I don't plan to give it up entirely. I want to do even one per month next year.

Wish me luck!
