2013 Poem a week comment thread

Thank God it's not only me. I thought it was just yet another sign of me getting grouchy in my advancing years. :)

Nope. You are not alone. I was with you on every single point. I even enjoy sports and still feel swamped by my kids' practice schedules.:cool:

I thought the writing handled the delicate balance of what was said seeming to be simple, perhaps even humorous, with what was left unsaid being very serious and though-provoking. It's a quality I have noticed in your Five senses poems as well. I like it because it makes your writing seem very real and you allow me the freedom of filling in my own blanks under your direction.
by Tzara was simply elegant like the house.
Thanks, gm.

I will point out that the house is a bit rusty, (originally) had condensation and heating problems, floods, etc.

So "like the house" is probably an appropriate assessment. :rolleyes:
I was catching up on neglected threads and found this.....

It's not easy being mom
from a thousand miles
away no hugs no eyes
to meet and share,

money gifts presented
from strangers' hands from
empty digital transactions
reassurances clouded
with vagaries of voice
and schedule we move on
farther further roads years

piling between us
like twilight falls, no less
affection and ever greater
knowing filling the juncture.
Fog in a ravine.

....what empty nester doesn't relate?
I was catching up on neglected threads and found this.....

....what empty nester doesn't relate?

Thanks Tess. :kiss:

I've been missing my daughter, yearning to have her near me. We talk all the time but it's not the same as having her here. Of course, the other one is here all the time and the B-boys will be here next week so the nest is less empty than the poem makes it seem. :D
32 - # Brave New Words

I shall burn a thousand pages in offering to this poem. Beat poetry I think, snaps.
#bravenewords made me laugh, Tess. It's very clever and balanced with a strong implied meaning. I am impressed with 'rachet' . That's a fairly new one round these parts.;)
33 8/14/13

It may be inappropriate for a man to respond, or not, I too have sisters. very nice Angeline. :rose:
It is entirely appropriate and thank you. I very much like this poem of yours. It has got great rhythm to it. :)
Thank you. I'm assuming that your post in writing live sparked a process and you wrote the 2013 poem after it. very fast work to put together something that potent. How do you post a specific poem from a thread? I can see it bare in your quote; what is p?
Thank you. I'm assuming that your post in writing live sparked a process and you wrote the 2013 poem after it. very fast work to put together something that potent. How do you post a specific poem from a thread? I can see it bare in your quote; what is p?

It did and I'm still working on it! I keep going back and seeing things I want to change or add. And I need a title but I don't know it yet.

To post a link to a single post you just need to get your cursor on the number in the upper right of the post you want to link (yours right above me here is #166, for example). You should be able to click on that number and that will open the single post. Then you just copy the url and paste it like you would any link here.

Say Neil, um Tzara? Here's some feedback: I really like this poem. For some reason I can picture Joey Ramone singing it. I blame the ferocity of your avatar.
Say Neil, um Tzara? Here's some feedback: I really like this poem. For some reason I can picture Joey Ramone singing it. I blame the ferocity of your avatar.
Well, thanks, m'dear.

The poem is likely too effete for my avatar, who remains a countercultural asshole all these years later.

I kind of like to write light verse.

Not at all the same thing as he's into.

But then I'm not a zillionaire rock star, either.

God, we all get old.

Another, perhaps better, version, with Pearl Jam.