24 Hours - A Chain Story

Can I play too?

Hmmm, a character...lessee.

Jamal "Smoke" Walker

A 25 year old black male who is a low-level bagman for a high-ranking drug kingpin. His somewhat boyish good looks conceal the fact that he's got a heart of stone and would turn any situation to his greatest benefit. Far from stupid, he speaks three languages and knows the ins and outs of computers as well as posessing an intimate knowledge of economics. He could easily work for any fortune 500 company if he applied himself.

But then he wouldn't get to hurt people.

Nothing turns him on like pain. Begging, squealing, crying only send him into an orgasmic fit of violence. Having his first sexual experience at the hands of an older brother who'd just been released from prison, Jamal doesn't know lovemaking or even sex.

He only knows how to take and the more you bleed, the better.

Of course, none of this comes up in the screening process...he's smarter than that.

Need anything else, I'd be glad to expand on this character.
JUDO said:
Need any more than that, Chicklet?

- Judo

thumbs up of course, Judo = ) so that we don't scare everyone away with that long description among all the shorter ones, I cut the first paragraph and used it as the short description up front - but I love knowing you have your character that figured out already = )

Can't wait to get this chain story started. I'm still working on the obstacles, how they're going to be chosen, and who the winner will be...I'm not that far into Claire's chapter yet :rolleyes: but soon.

Wyld, it'll be interesting to see how he interacts with Claire = )
I'm going to say the first of march. I'm giving myself the mental date of the 15th to have Claire's chapter worked out at least enough to send to everyone who so far wants to be included so that you all can work on your chapter before things start coming out.

As for a schedule on the story, I'm thinking March 1st for the first chapter (mine) and one every 7 days after that. 7 days between submissions...it'll be due submitted on the 7th, 14th, 21st, etc...(two weeks seemed to be too long for the last story I participated in)

Ohhh...so do I gets to join in the fun?

I tried to go for something outside of the box. Cross-culture stories are fun and challenging. Since it's a contest I had to figure out some way to pull away from the pack.
Brad, the cad

Brad in an absolutely gorgeous hunk whose callous contempt of women becomes irrelevant on the eve of his meeting with Claire. His last thoughts before being destroyed are about how winning this contest is more important than anything else in the world, and the new inhabitant of his body tries to fulfill this mission, although she has no idea why it’s so important.

Illise, strange visitor from another planet, had no idea that her essence would intercept a sentient being, and she’s devastated that her journey has ended its life. Wracked with guilt, she vows to honor him by finishing what he started. Unfortunately, her home world is so sexually repressed, that she doesn’t know Jack about sex. She also has a major problem with the fact that she’s in a man’s body.

The new creature, Bradillise, is still the most desirable looking of the contestants, male or female, and her undisclosed alien powers will certainly be called on to make sure the seduction of fair Claire exactly matches her preconceptions of how true love should be. The fact that she’s never had sex is a trifling matter, since the male body she now inhabits will know what to do instinctively.

(Authors note: If any gambling goes on about whose night of passion will go off without a hitch, I strongly suggest that you not put your life’s savings on Bradillise.)

that is a great character! Again, like with the other longer descriptions, I'm going to cut it short and just use the last paragraph for the 1st post descriptions. Hope that's ok (I can always change it later)

margo_x_x said:
Brad, the cad
Illise, strange visitor from another planet

oh, I was SO going in this direction... The rest of it sounds far more original that my idea tho - looking forward to this chapter!

Possible Titles

I was thinking of some possible titles:

"Love is a game"

"It's only a game"

anyone else?
Re: Possible Titles

I know....

"Leapin' Lizards It's Love" :D

ok...seriously...how 'bout

"Love Quest"

I think it should have a nice semi-short title, since it's supposed to be a tv show.
At last, a reality show that brings you the gritty reality of the one thing that really counts, Love.

All next month, exclusively on the FA-Q network,


Listen through our hidden mikes as the lovebirds whisper their secrets to each other.


Watch as they pull the curtain over our dummy camera, and the six hidden ones zoom in for a pores-eye view of every nasty thing they do.


Select the “Odor” option and bring the musk of their lovemaking right into your bedroom.




Next month, exclusively on FA-Q.

“FA-Q! We show. The other networks blow.”
margo_x_x said:

Select the “Odor” option and bring the musk of their lovemaking right into your bedroom.



i must admit...that may have been inspired by a certain cruise ship oriented show in the Eighties.

Perhaps I should compose some cheesy theme music to go along with it...do we have any retired lounge singers available :D
indigo sky said:

Perhaps I should compose some cheesy theme music to go along with it...do we have any retired lounge singers available :D


if you do that i'll laugh at you

margo, that's so excellent! I wonder if we could get Laurel to post that as an ad for our chain story on the first page of lit??

Chicklet said:

if you do that i'll laugh at you

keep laughing...go on...:p

Chicklet said:

margo, that's so excellent! I wonder if we could get Laurel to post that as an ad for our chain story on the first page of lit??


oooh, that would be fantastic!
indigo sky said:
oooh, that would be fantastic!

yes, but let's try to produce something first and see if we can go from there <wink wink>
Chicklet said:
yes, but let's try to produce something first and see if we can go from there <wink wink>

Okay, this is that “shitty first draft” you’re not supposed to let anyone see, and it’s not even finished, but will something like this work?

I’m amazingly flexible and take criticism well on both on both style and direction.

Brad the Cad. <I>The ultimate seduction, that’s what it will be</I> Brad thought as his plane touched down. <I>More than that, I’ll make her fall in love with me. Capturing her body and soul is the most important thing in the world, nothing else matters! </I>

Brad’s thoughts were still echoing in her mind when his personality shattered and fell around her in a million broken pieces. Her essence, soul if you like, had intersected a sentient being, and destroyed it. She stood in her new body, horrified by what she had done.

Intersecting a solar system in the vastness of space was a million to one shot. The odds of passing through a planet were so slim that none of the overlords gave it serious thought. The chance that some such clump of dirt would have life defied logic, and that life being intelligent was patently absurd.

Illise knew that only divine intervention could be responsible for the impossibility of what had just happened. The overlords, in their divine wisdom, had sacrificed the creature that’d once occupied this body so she could complete his holy mission for him. The death of the one called Brad was a somber underscore of how important this was. It was time to take stock.

“You’re a real bastard, Brad. I hope you fall flat on your face.”

The speaker was a woman, a woman just like the ones on her planet. She was beautiful, too, even with the way her face was twisted with pain.

“Seek comfort with the Overlords, for only they can give you peace,” Illise intoned.

The eternal words of peace didn’t have the reaction they should have had, and the shock of what that meant was like a heavy blow to Illise’s heart. She must be in the outlands, among those who didn’t bow to the Overlords. These poor people didn’t know the peace and serenity of having their lives laid out for them, taking the heavy burden of day by decisions off their shoulders, or even knowing what was right or wrong based on the Overlords master plan. She was outside the warmth of the Overlords protection, and must not reveal that her gods even existed. If she did, the deaths of countless souls on this planet would be on her conscious when the Overlords came to bring this world into the fold.

“Fuck you, asshole,” the beautiful woman said, pointing at the heavens with her middle finger.

“Fuck you,” Illise said, solemnly, returning the holy sign.

The woman turned, and ran away holding her hands over her face, so Illise did likewise.

“Hey, Brad, over here,” yelled a man.

He was standing with several other men, and they all seemed very happy. Two were laughing out loud, and one was leaning up against something and shaking his head as he smiled.

“Man, you’re a heard-hearted son of a bitch,” the first man said.

Illise stopped several feet away. It had been heard enough to stand so close to another woman, but these were men. Men were frightening enough even under the guidance of the Overlords, but these had nothing controlling them whatsoever.

“Stop screwing around, Brad. We’ve got to get you to your hotel.”

Illise went into the small door he was holding open, and sat on the soft bench inside. Another man got in and sat on the very same bench, so Illise slid to the far side. All the other men got into the same small building, and Illise’s heart pounded with claustrophobic terror. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, the entire building started moving with a lurch.

“Here’s your room. Freshen up and we’ll stop back for you in an hour or so. Any preference for dinner?”

“No preference,” Illise said.

She was thankful when they left. She was still shaken by the moving room, as well as the fact that people were allowed to go wherever they wanted on this planet, and needed the time to gather her wits.

“Love,” she said.

The Overlords had given her a mission of love. How often had she dreamed of love? How often had she prayed that her service would find enough favor to warrant such a prize? For the first time since the tragic death of the one called Brad, Illise allowed herself the unbridled joy of knowing that the gods were going to let her taste love. No, not just let her, it was her holy mission.

Illise was so enraptured with her new mission in life that she nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the man out of the corner of her eye. He jumped just as badly as she did, and then made every other movement she did.

“Good God, man, what is it?” the TV crew yelled as they burst into Brad’s room.

The handsome contestant was standing in front of a mirror and screaming.

“What? What?” they kept saying as Brad pointed at the mirror and worked his mouth silently.

“Oh, great!” the manager said. “He’s supposed to meet Claire tomorrow and he’s gone loony-toons. Call the home office and see what we’re supposed to do now.”

“Shit,” said another. “There goes my fifty bucks in the pool. I thought sure this stud would nail that broad.”

“No, wait,” Illise said. She searched franticly for any memories left in the dead man’s mind, grasping at any straw that might save her mission. “I had totally forgotten how handsome I was.”

She gave them a smug smile and wiggled her eyebrows just the way Brad had done at the interview for this “gig.”

“What an asshole,” one of the men said on the way out. “Jerk,” was added by another, and, “Keep pulling that kind of crap and you’re out on your ear,” came from the last.

Illise waited until they were all gone, and then went back to the mirror. She was a man. That meant that this Clarise person was a woman, and her mission in life was to seduce her, make her fall in love, and spend the rest of her life in wedded bliss as a man.

She fell to her knees, dropped her face into her hands, and cried until her male body was wracked with uncontrollable sobs. It wasn’t fair. It just wasn’t fair.

A loud thumping came from the door an hour later, and the new Earthman, Bradillise, quickly pulled his pants up and tried to hide the thing that was sticking out.

“Hey, we’re doing Chinese. You coming, or you want us to bring some back?”

“Ow, ow, ow,” Bradillise said softly, then, “Bring some back,” louder.

“Okay,” came the voice, and she could hear them leaving.

Ow, ow, ow,” she kept saying as she shuffled into the bathroom, where the light was better.

She had it caught in the zipper, and didn’t know how to get it out.

“Overlords, help me,” she said, turning around so they could see her dilemma. “Overlords?”

There was no answer. No little voice, telling her what to do, no little machines bursting in to fix it. The gods weren’t here. She was abandoned, and totally alone.

“Help,” she said in a small voice.

The door started thumping again, and she knew that she was supposed to say something.

“Hello,” was the word that popped into her head.

“Housekeeping. I’ve got those extra pillows you ordered.”

“Can you help me?” Bradillise asked.

“What’cha, nee…”

It was another woman, and she’d stopped halfway through the door. Her eyes looked very wide and white, especially since her skin was so dark.

“It’s stuck, and I can’t get it out,” Bradillise said.

The woman looked down, up, down, and up again. It didn’t look like she believed Bradillise.

“I tried, but it hurts too much,” Bradillise said.

“And what do you think I’m going to do about it?”

“I don’t know,” Bradillise said. “But it really hurts. Who do you call when something like this happens?”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes. It really, really hurts.”

“I don’t believe this,” she said.

“But it’s true. I think I’m starting to bleed.”

“Keep your voice down,” she said, closing the door. “I must be crazy,” she added, coming over.

“Careful,” she said, trying to see what she was doing.

“What kind of man are you,” the woman asked, finding the zipper, but not touching the thing.

“I’m completely a man now,” she said.

That got her a strange look, and the woman said, “You used to be a woman?”

“How did you know?” Bradillise asked in a whisper.

That got her another strange look, but instead of saying anything, the woman jerked the zipper down.

“Ow, ow, ow,” Bradillise yelped all around the room until her pants tripped her up and she fell. “That hurt,” she said, but added, “but not as much as before. Thank you.”

“Let me check it and make sure it’s okay.”


“How does that feel?” the woman asked, rubbing her hand up and down the cock.

“It’s a little sore where it was caught, but everything else feels so good that it makes me want to giggle.”

“How about this?” the woman said, and put it in her mouth.

Bradillise bumped her head on the floor when she fell over backwards, but the way the woman was licking and sucking her dick made her not care.

“You’d better not come in my mouth, boy,” she said.

“Come?” Bradillise asked, but something was happening and she lost the train of thought.

“Are you getting ready to come?”

“I don’t know. I think I’m starting to get sick. I feel funny.”

The woman took the dick out of her mouth and started stroking it furiously, as Bradillise twitched helplessly on the floor. The funny feeling got quickly worse, until it exploded in streams of thick, white liquid squirting out of the dick.

“Yuck,” Bradillise said, trying to get the stuff off her belly and arms. Some had even hit her chin, and she wanted to throw up.

“I believe you were a woman,” the woman said. “Now, all I have to do is find out what planet you’re from.”

“Wow, you know everything. Did the Overlords send you to help me?”

“I don’t know about no Over…, wait, you’re one of the ones who’s supposed to get that girl, what’s her name?”

“Claire,” Bradillise, said. “The one who was Brad was supposed to do it, so now it’s my holy mission.”

“You don’t care about the money?”

“Seducing Claire and making her fall in love with me is the most important thing in the world. Nothing else matters.”

“Is that right?” the woman said, and smiled for the first time. “I’ll tell you what, stud, you ain’t got a snowball’s chance in hell of winning this contest, I mean her love, without my help.”

“Oh no!” Bradillise said.

“But I like you. Truth is, I like you so much that my girlfriend and I are going to work on you full time until tomorrow. I’ll have a friend whip up a contract that says we split the prize money three ways, and I’ll guarantee that you’ll win her heart. Do you have any money on you now?”

When Bradillise said she didn’t know, the woman went to the pants with the awful zipper, and found a bunch of things that made her happy.

“Oh, yeah. We’re going to love working for you. Can I use these credit cards?”

“Yes,” Bradillise said. “Just remember that I have to seduce her, and win her heart.”

“We’ll have her eating out of your hand. Now, if anyone asks, Nell and I are your personal assistants.”

“Okay,” Bradillise said.

Bradillise blessed the wisdom of the Overlords as soon as the door closed. Even outside their omnipresence, their plans always worked like clockwork.

Bradillise didn’t know what to do while she waited for the woman and her friend to come back, so she started playing with the dick again.

In an eighty-year-old house that should have been torn down forty years ago, a Slovak woman known as Maggie sat brushing her thick, dirty-blond hair. She’d been at the bottom of the social ladder in the old country before the fall of Communism, and was in the first wave of Eastern Europeans to arrive in glamorous America.

Now, after six years in the richest country in the world, a black woman who cleaned rooms at a fancy motel was keeping her.

If she’d known what the land of promise would actually deliver, she might never have left her native land. To be the kept woman of this countries persecuted minority would never have been her goal.

The distinctively hollow sound of Trish’s old clunker pulling into the driveway brought a smile to Maggie’s face. The tough little black girl would be bursting thru that door any second, all filled with her bluster and defiance of the world. Trish had taken her under her wing in the darkest days, and stood by her for three years before they even kissed.

Maggie was glad she hadn’t known what the future held in store back then. She might never have come.

She might not be a rich American, but she had a great big television set, with hundreds of channels, a beautiful kitchen, and her very own car. Her life of poverty in America was almost as good as the life of the fat Commissars at home. But most of all, she had Trish.

“Come on, Magpie, we’re going shopping,” Trish called from the door.

“But dinner…”

“Don’t worry, it’ll keep. We just had a major payday.”

“This is such a wonderful country,” Maggie said, hugging Trish and giving her a big kiss.

Bradillise was hungry. The men had come back with Chinese food, but wouldn’t let her eat her share unless she found some money. To make matters worse, the only thing she had found to pass the time wasn’t working any more. After the forth time she got white liquid to squirt out of her dick, she couldn’t reach the same wonderful feeling anymore. It had been the only thing that made being a man tolerable.

Where was the housekeeping lady? Bradillise had so much to learn, and the strange feelings when the white juice came out of her dick had made her very tired. Perhaps she should take a nap so she’d be fresh when the lady and her friend came back to teach her.

Bradillise was sound asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Trish and Maggie sat in the parking lot of the mall, neither of them saying a word. It hadn’t been an argument; it had only been a momentary misunderstanding. When Trish had said that she’d met an alien, Maggie had thought her place was about to be taken by another needy foreigner.

When Trish explained that she was a real alien, and was stuck in a white man’s body, Maggie had made an observation that brought on the present silence.

“She must be even more desperate than I was,” Maggie had said, choked with pity for the poor alien.

“But she’s a religious kook,” Trish had said, after the silence had become intolerable.

“Like I was, when I believed in Communism,” Maggie whispered.

Bradillise was waken by a buzzing sound that grated in slow pulses and seemed to come from everywhere at once.

“Hey, man, are you deaf?” came a voice outside the thumping door.

“No,” Bradillise answered.

“Look, there was a problem with Claire’s last date, and they’re pushing you back a week. The network has paid for your room until then, so you can stay here if you want. Whatever you do, be here a week from today or you’ll be scratched. Got it?”

“Got it,” Braillise said.

Bradillise was happy about this turn of events. Not only would that give the lady more time to help her, but her dick was hard again.
Nicely done. I won't comment on any of the pedantic technical bits as it is only a first draft and oyu won't appreciate it. Like the story, especially the bit about the holy symbol of the middle finger.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Nicely done. I won't comment on any of the pedantic technical bits as it is only a first draft and oyu won't appreciate it. Like the story, especially the bit about the holy symbol of the middle finger.

The Earl

Thanks, but pedantasize all you like. My deficiencies in my native tongue are so severe that I’ve been issued a special license plate that allows me to park closer at shopping malls.

Is my effort shaping up to be too convoluted for a chain story?

Are the conventions I’ve adopted general enough not to paint everyone else into a corner?

Do I look fat in this?
If nobody else has claimed it, can i go 'first' (after the initial get-go kickoff thingy)? How would i do this, too? It's my first chain story, so i know nothing.

Will i need to send a rough draft to Chicklet (cause You're starting, right?) for approval, then post it? Or is it one of those things where we just post and run and hopes it goes over?
entitled said:
If nobody else has claimed it, can i go 'first' (after the initial get-go kickoff thingy)? How would i do this, too? It's my first chain story, so i know nothing.

Will i need to send a rough draft to Chicklet (cause You're starting, right?) for approval, then post it? Or is it one of those things where we just post and run and hopes it goes over?

Better yet, can we conspire with each other?

I’d love for my Brad character to be scheduled to go first, and then get bumped by Entitled’s nefarious scheme.

Brad will need the extra time to learn how to act “human,” and it would fit rather well if he/she/it falls for some chicanery someone pulls on him/her/it.

I've also got all the same questions that Entitled has. (for the same reasons.)
entitled said:
If nobody else has claimed it, can i go 'first' (after the initial get-go kickoff thingy)? How would i do this, too? It's my first chain story, so i know nothing.

Will i need to send a rough draft to Chicklet (cause You're starting, right?) for approval, then post it? Or is it one of those things where we just post and run and hopes it goes over?

Sure, you can do the first chapter. I also like Margo's idea about the contestants thinking that there was to be another order to things...Entitled, this might make your character a little uneasy, unprepared.

The submissions will be sent straight to Laurel on the "due date" - that's the date they're to be submitted. Mine will be the first, on the 1st of march, and the rest following every week after that.

OK, that's do-able. i was just wondering because i don't want to mess up Claire's reactions in any way.

If it's all right with everybody else, then... Margo, PM me and we'll work something out. *insert evil laughter here*