24 Hours - A Chain Story

entitled said:
OK, that's do-able. i was just wondering because i don't want to mess up Claire's reactions in any way.

If it's all right with everybody else, then... Margo, PM me and we'll work something out. *insert evil laughter here*

I’m one step ahead of you. I’ve already sent you an e-mail.

Oops, hold on. Your message says 7:29 and I sent it around 10:30. Scratch that first line.

I’m two steps behind you. I’ve already sent you an e-mail.

(In accordance with the Truth in Internet act, U.S. Code 69-77-F)
Let's see... If You sent an email at about 10:30 and my time says it's about 7:30 that means it should be here when i check it the day after tomorrow's yesterday. i'll get back to You in a week. ;)
entitled said:
Let's see... If You sent an email at about 10:30 and my time says it's about 7:30 that means it should be here when i check it the day after tomorrow's yesterday. i'll get back to You in a week. ;)

All right! Who’s the wise guy who set all your clocks back three hours?

I’ve checked with the national clock, accurate to within one trillionth of a second, and I’m right. That means that everyone west of the Eastern Time zone is wrong.

I can understand all those foreigners being wrong. After all, they use metric time. But you’re Americans, for god’s sake. The least you can do is use good old American Eastern Time Zone time. Yeesh.
I Need Help From You Guys

I'm having a hard time thinking about Claire's chapter.

Should it be a set-up story? Maybe about the day before her first date? Should it be a back-story chapter? Maybe about why she called the hotline and signed up for the contest? Should I make her a first date and do the first episode of the show from her point of view? Opinions?


ps - still looking for ways to work the obstacles into the stories...or do you think that they're way too dumb?
Re: I Need Help From You Guys

Chicklet said:
I'm having a hard time thinking about Claire's chapter.

Should it be a set-up story? Maybe about the day before her first date? Should it be a back-story chapter? Maybe about why she called the hotline and signed up for the contest? Should I make her a first date and do the first episode of the show from her point of view? Opinions?


ps - still looking for ways to work the obstacles into the stories...or do you think that they're way too dumb?

Where’d everybody go? I haven’t seen a room clear out this fast since the time I said, “Have you given yourself to Jesus?”

All she asked for was a little help.

Should it be a set-up story?


You have to create the universe we’ll be living in, and rule it with an iron fist. You also have to give us a solid idea of who and what Claire is. It wouldn’t do for my character to notice that she was eight months pregnant, for instance. (Although that would make a hell of an obstacle.)

I think writing the first episode from her perspective is a great idea. Seeing what goes on inside her head, and what she sees in the mirror, would make sure we all went out with the same girl.
thanks, margo. I'm working on it as hard as I can with a wonderful houseguest from out of town spending way too much time taking me away from the computer <wink>

If I don't have it done by the weekend i'll allow myself to be publicly flogged. that might be too much fun, though...

i'll post it as a download on here when it's complete, even if it's not the absolute final draft. that way everyone can start reading.

I started a Yahoo group for the story where we could put character descriptions and story conventions. We could also compare notes without having to be on our best behavior. (I’m so much more comfortable when I can just go ahead and misspell things amongst friends.)

It’s not moderated, so what you write pops up right away, and you can dump whole sections of what you write into the files section for everyone to check out and compare notes on, without clogging up Lit’s boards.

margo_x_x said:
I started a Yahoo group for the story where we could put character descriptions and story conventions. We could also compare notes without having to be on our best behavior. (I’m so much more comfortable when I can just go ahead and misspell things amongst friends.)

It’s not moderated, so what you write pops up right away, and you can dump whole sections of what you write into the files section for everyone to check out and compare notes on, without clogging up Lit’s boards.


I'd kinda just like to hang out here, if that's alright with y'all. One forum is too many for to deal with already ;) It's our thread we can do what we like with it.
Chicklet said:
I'm working on it as hard as I can with a wonderful houseguest from out of town spending way too much time taking me away from the computer <wink>

damned guests...that's always the way...i bet you were forced to watch hours of bbc programming or something of the like, too. No flogging necessary, unless of course you're disappointed.
indigo sky said:
...i bet you were forced to watch hours of bbc programming or something of the like, too.


17 and a half hours

smoke me a kipper, i'll be back for breakfast.

everyone, I swear to god I'm working on my chapter and I'll be done soon.

Hate to say it, but 'Mike' is going to have to be taken out of this whole thing. There's just been too much taking up my time lately, and it's only going to get worse. Sorry everybody!
Hey! Is there a schedule on this thing yet, or what?

- Judo
Indigo Sky did the first chapter since I couldn't think of anything. so, here is my character for the story:

Janet - 24 yrs old, bisexual. Janet doesn't know what she wants in her life besides fun. She figures that until she's reached 30, it's just relax and party however she can. She came onto the show to find some fun, and she plans to have it.
Colleen Thomas said:

Indigo Sky was pretty disapointed that no one wanted to participate in this after she wrote her chapter - her chapter is sorta hanging out in limbo. If someone wanted to revive this, it'd be great.

Chapter One