4th of July weekend in Chicago

So you admit your idiocy is the result of a failed reincarnation?
In another thread you’re complaining on killing babies. You just really have no idea about the subjects you come here to argue on. Never mind you recycling the joke. A failed reincarnation? What’s that? And wouldn’t that best be described as an abortion?
As a Democrat, I'm just wondering where all these guns I'm taking away from law abiding citizens are going. I figure I would get a few for myself.


Need to lobby my rep to turn these over.
I see math isn't your strong suit. Neither of those come close to 100 shot, 17 dead.
I see math isn’t your strong suit, not as many people live in Ft. Worth as they do Chicago.
But to your specific point, why are there so many shootings in the most Republican state?
I see math isn’t your strong suit, not as many people live in Ft. Worth as they do Chicago.
But to your specific point, why are there so many shootings in the most Republican state?
It doesn't matter....Bray said worry about red states and I challenged him to show a red state that had 100 shootings and 17 dead from July 3rd to July 7th. He can't and neither can you. Both of you keep moving the goal posts because you know you can't deliver what I asked for. Nice try but you lose.
It doesn't matter....Bray said worry about red states and I challenged him to show a red state that had 100 shootings and 17 dead from July 3rd to July 7th. He can't and neither can you. Both of you keep moving the goal posts because you know you can't deliver what I asked for. Nice try but you lose.
So you’re throwing a fit because people are “moving the goalpost” that you already arbitrarily moved?
I’m sorry facts destroyed your argument.
So you’re throwing a fit because people are “moving the goalpost” that you already arbitrarily moved?
I’m sorry facts destroyed your argument.
I never brought up the goal post at all, Bray did. I posted a factual story about gun violence in Chicago and he immediately tried to change the focus of my post. Almost like Chicago is a sacred cow.

Your facts are irrelevant to my post. You and Bray are attempting to answer a question I never initially asked.
I never brought up the goal post at all, Bray did. I posted a factual story about gun violence in Chicago and he immediately tried to change the focus of my post. Almost like Chicago is a sacred cow.

Your facts are irrelevant to my post. You and Bray are attempting to answer a question I never initially asked.
You were directly quoted bringing up the arbitrary goalposts. You asked for evidence, you got it, and then complained about it and are now saying it’s no longer relevant.
I never brought up the goal post at all, Bray did. I posted a factual story about gun violence in Chicago and he immediately tried to change the focus of my post. Almost like Chicago is a sacred cow.

Your facts are irrelevant to my post. You and Bray are attempting to answer a question I never initially asked.
I'm curious... Why so much angst (not just you) over the murders in Chicago all of the time? Other cities are much worse regardless of which party is in charge.

Why Chicago?
I'm curious... Why so much angst (not just you) over the murders in Chicago all of the time? Other cities are much worse regardless of which party is in charge.

Why Chicago?
What other cities have the mass shootings like Chicago does? Every holiday weekend is like the next sequel to the purge. No one has been able to show me any other city that had 100 shootings and 17 killed over the long 4th of July weekend. Not even anything close to that. Some even tried to brush it off as not being that bad. It just smacks of racism because we know the majority, if not all the victims, are black.
What other cities have the mass shootings like Chicago does? Every holiday weekend is like the next sequel to the purge. No one has been able to show me any other city that had 100 shootings and 17 killed over the long 4th of July weekend. Not even anything close to that. Some even tried to brush it off as not being that bad. It just smacks of racism because we know the majority, if not all the victims, are black.
Again, you give made up goalposts, but then deny you’re making up goalposts.
What other cities have the mass shootings like Chicago does? Every holiday weekend is like the next sequel to the purge. No one has been able to show me any other city that had 100 shootings and 17 killed over the long 4th of July weekend. Not even anything close to that. Some even tried to brush it off as not being that bad. It just smacks of racism because we know the majority, if not all the victims, are black.
Yawn. Why are you deflecting?

Why Chicago?
Again, you give made up goalposts, but then deny you’re making up goalposts.
You bore me. Really you do. You pile on what someone else says and beat it to death with a hammer. The topic was mine, I knew EXACTLY what I meant, I knew what my point was exactly. Chicago has regular weekend high number shootings and deaths that are unmatched anywhere in the US. Despite having some of the strictest gun laws in the country. I am not talking about per capita I am talking about days or weekends with this number of shootings and deaths. The only thing that comes close to this is one of the mass casualty incidents where a lone shooter rampages and shoots/kills multiple victims.
You bore me. Really you do. You pile on what someone else says and beat it to death with a hammer. The topic was mine, I knew EXACTLY what I meant, I knew what my point was exactly. Chicago has regular weekend high number shootings and deaths that are unmatched anywhere in the US. Despite having some of the strictest gun laws in the country. I am not talking about per capita I am talking about days or weekends with this number of shootings and deaths. The only thing that comes close to this is one of the mass casualty incidents where a lone shooter rampages and shoots/kills multiple victims.
“Strictest gun laws in the country” is something you’re making up and isn’t true. It’s very easy to get a gun in Chicago.
You’re cherry picking and making up arbitrary goal posts to avoid the facts which crush your argument.
No deflection you simpleton, this is a topic I started, and the shootings in Chicago this holiday weekend were the focus. Sometimes I'm amazed you remember to breath.
It is deflection and I asked a specific question that you are too chickenshit to answer honestly.

To no one's surprise.
“Strictest gun laws in the country” is something you’re making up and isn’t true. It’s very easy to get a gun in Chicago.
You’re cherry picking and making up arbitrary goal posts to avoid the facts which crush your argument.
Sorry but you are factually incorrect. Chicago does have some of the strictest gun laws in the country that prevent many law abiding citizens from getting guns. Most often guns used in these kinds of street shootings are stolen or obtained on the black market.

Go back and reread my first post, but not until after you take your daily dose of anti-psychotic meds.
It is deflection and I asked a specific question that you are too chickenshit to answer honestly.

To no one's surprise.
It's really quite clear why Chicago. NO OTHER CITY HAD 100 PEOPLE SHOT AND 17 KILLED OVER THE 4TH OF JULY LONG WEEKEND. None, no other city in the US has this kind of mass gun violence on a regular basis.
Paradise, Las Vegas, Nevada
Orlando, Florida
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
Uvalde, Texas
Sandy Hook, Connecticut
Singular horrific incidences. But not comparable at all. Why? Because there has been no regular repeat of those incidences at those same locations. Chicago has these holiday weekend, or even just summer weekend, high number shootings with regularity. Now post something stupid in reply because it is what you are best at.
Singular horrific incidences. But not comparable at all. Why? Because there has been no regular repeat of those incidences at those same locations. Chicago has these holiday weekend, or even just summer weekend, high number shootings with regularity. Now post something stupid in reply because it is what you are best at.
Sorry, those are rookie numbers. Try harder, Sandy Hook!