After just 2 mass shootings, and within just 1 week, Serbia declares gun amnesty ahead of the enactment of new, strict gun laws

she, cis
a grandmother
3 adult children
2 sons + one trans daughter, 1 son high-functioning autistic, daughter long-term CFS
lived with a psychopath for 18 years
survivor of many things, guilty of others
emigrated to the US
multi-published over a lifetime, including in Farsi
life is for living, not boasting, not name-dropping to impress (a failure and ridiculous)

apology accepted but i don't expect it to last; you are still wrong about so much and so many people here.
So you don't accept the apology. Get a fucking life, Gert.

I am American, not by choice.

I have dealt with cowardly bullies my whole life. I knew instantly what RoryNobody and his rabid attack dog PeePee were about. I know what BSG and you are about. You are cheap, frustrated bullies.

Melania Trump would spit on you. And that's a good thing. Of course you'll try to turn that into an endorsement of Trump. That's what itty bitty Stalinists do.

And i get enough attention and sexual interest here. Nobody's sending you such valentines as this:

Grannyfucking isn't A Thing.

Lived with a psychopath? How could you tell?

Published in Farsi? What? A cookbook? My book on Saudi was published by the institute of the Imam in Qom. Here's a book of mine copub'd by the J:

The Other Islam: Sufism and the Road to Global Harmony

If you could read it you wouldn't dare.

RoryNobody isn't the imam, Mabel.

This is about the least self-aware comment by a human i ever read:
"life is for living, not boasting, not name-dropping to impress (a failure and ridiculous)"

No boasting by writers? No name-dropping among authors? Did you ever hear of Donne, Sidney, Wyatt, Spenser, Swift, Boswell, Johnson, Addison and Steele, Macaulay, Dickens, Cobbett, Shelley, Keats, Marx, Engels, Coleridge, Swinburne, Wilde, Yeats, Joyce, Orwell, Connolly, Amis, Hitchypoo, or anything other than the Beano over your lifetime?

Real writers hate each other, hate readers, hate critics, hate the public, and especially hate imbeciles like you. You are the oppressor. I am the liberator.

Only a person who loves genocide would suck Serb dick as you do.

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Stay home and bake cookies or whatever, granny. It's tough out here IRL. But i don't attack people who wallow in senescence. Be old. Be feeble. Keep using that new gimmick, the IntelloWalker, aka the net.

Your time passed a century ago, with the Ulysses decision. GTA Granny isn't a good look.

Tranny cougars rule, honey. In the world of books and the world of boobs. I'm up in both. Be jealous. Be very jealous.

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Better to be known for boasting about my books and my boobs than about banning people. Better kiss cats than dance with bananas. RoryN glories in his triggers way more than Wat Tyler.

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and don't forget Serbia isn't exactly gun-averse, given the wars and leadership. 2 mass shootings was all it took to get laws put in place: all guns must be registered... if you don't give up unregistered ones you face prison; a ban on new gun licenses; stricter controls on gun owners and ranges; tougher sentences for illegal gun possession. They're also calling for a ban on tv giving a platform to those populist types (think team trumpy types) offering violence/violent rhetoric.

2 mass shootings, one of which was their first school mass shooting. Let it sink in. America's seen 200+ mass shootings already this year. They may have been okay with attempting to wipe out the Kurds Kosovans, but when it comes to the safety of their own children and people, they are acting.
You should move there.