4th of July weekend in Chicago

Sorry, those are rookie numbers. Try harder, Sandy Hook!
You really are obtuse aren't you? Again a SINGULAR EVENT, my point is and has been Chicago is a weekly and sometimes daily shooting gallery. It's sad really how angry you are about anything I post to the point that you look ridiculously childish when you refuse to understand what I am posting. I haven't wanted to put you on ignore because once in a blue moon you actually say something that I can agree with. But the majority of the time you are nothing more than an agitating argumentative ass. I may have to reconsider because life is sure easier with so many of your like minded drones being gone.
Sorry but you are factually incorrect. Chicago does have some of the strictest gun laws in the country that prevent many law abiding citizens from getting guns. Most often guns used in these kinds of street shootings are stolen or obtained on the black market.

Go back and reread my first post, but not until after you take your daily dose of anti-psychotic meds.
It doesn’t. Residents of Chicago can simply go to a gun store and buy a gun with no waiting period.
Who are the guns stolen from? I thought gun owners were responsible and safe.
You really are obtuse aren't you? Again a SINGULAR EVENT, my point is and has been Chicago is a weekly and sometimes daily shooting gallery. It's sad really how angry you are about anything I post to the point that you look ridiculously childish when you refuse to understand what I am posting. I haven't wanted to put you on ignore because once in a blue moon you actually say something that I can agree with. But the majority of the time you are nothing more than an agitating argumentative ass. I may have to reconsider because life is sure easier with so many of your like minded drones being gone.
I don't have anyone on iggy, there's no fun in that. I want to see all the stupidity that felon-followers from the cultiverse can come out with.

Your point though is weird. The premise is that Chicago is a dangerous shooting gallery but as soon as evidence is presented to the contrary, you narrow the goalposts. It has to be a single city. It has to be a single day. No, a single weekend. It has to be multiple events not a single mass shooting. It has to be somebody else's fault. It has to be caused by someone probably named Leroy. Shooters called Billy-Bob don't count.

That said, I'm happy to be an agitating argumentative ass. (y)
It doesn’t. Residents of Chicago can simply go to a gun store and buy a gun with no waiting period.
Who are the guns stolen from? I thought gun owners were responsible and safe.
WRONG, In fact so FUCKING WRONG you look ridiculous.

1) You must be 21 years of age to buy a pistol, 18 to buy a long gun.
2 You have to have a FOID (Firearm Owners IDentification) card through the state of Illinois.
3) There is a 72 hour waiting period.
4) A background check is required at registered gun stores.
5) Both parties in a private sale must have a FOID card.

Thefts occur, even to the most well prepared. Also gun stores get robbed on occasion too. Nice try to look all smug and everything. Your attempt at a point fails.

By the way, just for you dining and dancing pleasure my guns, unless they are on my person, are locked in a pretty substantial fireproof safe.

If your above post is the best you have do please stop now because you aren't even close to being a worthwhile adversary.
I don't have anyone on iggy, there's no fun in that. I want to see all the stupidity that felon-followers from the cultiverse can come out with.

Your point though is weird. The premise is that Chicago is a dangerous shooting gallery but as soon as evidence is presented to the contrary, you narrow the goalposts. It has to be a single city. It has to be a single day. No, a single weekend. It has to be multiple events not a single mass shooting. It has to be somebody else's fault. It has to be caused by someone probably named Leroy. Shooters called Billy-Bob don't count.

That said, I'm happy to be an agitating argumentative ass. (y)
No, your aren't an agitating argumentative ass after all. You are just a simpleton that argues meaningless drivel to get more typing time. I'm done with you because you know very well what I mean but you just keep posting shit to keep it going. Good bye.
I'm done with you because you know very well what I mean but you just keep posting shit to keep it going. Good bye.

Yawn...Another nice attempt to divert. Chicago with its incredibly restrictive gun laws and bans still suffers from this kind of mayhem. Your answer is to say yeah but look over there. Name one red state that had 100 shootings and 17 homicides from shootings from July 3rd to July 7th. Take your time, I'll wait.

As HisArpy said its good to know you have so little concern for 100 shot and 17 murdered because your numbers show it doesn't rank high enough to be worried about. Maybe it really is about WHO is shot and less about that they were shot.

And as a result is safer than lots of other cities. That's before we factor iin that the US doesn't exactly restrict movement between states or cities. You don't have any concern about the 100 shot and 17 murdered. You hate people of color. If you cared about those people you'd be pushing for a lot of liberal policies from gun control to "socialists" things like better schools, economic opportunities etc, etc. But you don't because that't not your goal. Never was.
No, your aren't an agitating argumentative ass after all. You are just a simpleton that argues meaningless drivel to get more typing time. I'm done with you because you know very well what I mean but you just keep posting shit to keep it going. Good bye.
*your aren't ???
And as a result is safer than lots of other cities. That's before we factor iin that the US doesn't exactly restrict movement between states or cities. You don't have any concern about the 100 shot and 17 murdered. You hate people of color. If you cared about those people you'd be pushing for a lot of liberal policies from gun control to "socialists" things like better schools, economic opportunities etc, etc. But you don't because that't not your goal. Never was.
Good bye Sean...when you, without any basis at all, throw the race card you are too childish for me to engage. All of you need to re-examine what you think about people of color. I am the only one that seems concerned about the gun violence in Chicago where you all want to bring up mass shootings in primarily white settings.
Good bye Sean...when you, without any basis at all, throw the race card you are too childish for me to engage. All of you need to re-examine what you think about people of color. I am the only one that seems concerned about the gun violence in Chicago where you all want to bring up mass shootings in primarily white settings.
WRONG, In fact so FUCKING WRONG you look ridiculous.

1) You must be 21 years of age to buy a pistol, 18 to buy a long gun.
2 You have to have a FOID (Firearm Owners IDentification) card through the state of Illinois.
3) There is a 72 hour waiting period.
4) A background check is required at registered gun stores.
5) Both parties in a private sale must have a FOID card.

Thefts occur, even to the most well prepared. Also gun stores get robbed on occasion too. Nice try to look all smug and everything. Your attempt at a point fails.

By the way, just for you dining and dancing pleasure my guns, unless they are on my person, are locked in a pretty substantial fireproof safe.

If your above post is the best you have do please stop now because you aren't even close to being a worthwhile adversary.
You really love to move the goalposts when you’re wrong. Why do they suddenly have to buy the gun in Illinois????
You really love to move the goalposts when you’re wrong. Why do they suddenly have to buy the gun in Illinois????
Hysterical you bald faced lied saying "Residents of Chicago can simply go to a gun store and buy a gun with no waiting period." Not only wrong, but bald faced lie FUCKING WRONG!

There is no where in the US where you can go into a gun store and buy a gun with out a background check, and most places have a waiting period.
Hysterical you bald faced lied saying "Residents of Chicago can simply go to a gun store and buy a gun with no waiting period." Not only wrong, but bald faced lie FUCKING WRONG!

There is no where in the US where you can go into a gun store and buy a gun with out a background check, and most places have a waiting period.
It’s hysterical that you changed the subject and didn’t answer the question.
I haven't seen Trailer bitch this triggered since he outed himself and admitted he sucked off his father.

Poor guy. lol
Good bye Sean...when you, without any basis at all, throw the race card you are too childish for me to engage. All of you need to re-examine what you think about people of color. I am the only one that seems concerned about the gun violence in Chicago where you all want to bring up mass shootings in primarily white settings.

I didn't actually bring up any locations nor did I speak about mass shootings. Funny thing, killed one at time, two, three, four or more I don't give a shit about that. Ten dead bodies is ten dead bodies. I do need to reexamine how I think about people of color. Far, far to often I forget to factor in how badly the media portrays us. Since the others have shown Chicago is far from the most dangerous city in the US why are you obsessed witho. Chicago?

What is your narrative? That gun laws don't work? Cus the facts disagree.
Is it that blue states are more dangerous? The facts don't back you there.
Is it that blue cities are more dangerous? ARe there even actual red cities? Like something that would register to someone out out state and consistently votes Red? You should know that one of off the top of your head.

You are interested in gun violence in Chicago because you hate black people.
I am interested in gun violence in America because I love Americans. That is the core difference between libs and conservatives. I simply don't get worked up over this because I know that when the next school shooting happens it will be too soon to talk about it. When we see that Red States are red with the blood of their local citizens you won't care. You'll point out Chicago. Every time there is a four day weekend and above average temperatures. Things that always cause violence. Hell we could probably mitigate some of this just by having "free government ice cream day, brought to you by the popo. Everybody's a thug till they are offered a WWE Icecream Cone with CM Punk's face on it.

Did he ever get one? He was mighty pissed a few years back that Hogan and Ultimate Warrior ones still exist.