9th circuit says that proof of citizenship is required to vote

Vetteman, Sugardaddy1, Counselor706, and a couple others I can't think of right now.

And even if he hasn't admitted to being these three, he has all but outed himself being a Russian citizen, with his comments about Ukraine.

Not as bad as the Hisarpy/Chloe/Icanhelp incel racist troll, but close.
Yes, we know you're in love with the folk icon and mythical hero, Vetteman, but it isn't me. My persona is uniquely evident with its astute analysis and deep insights, which reflect my erudite nature and analytical prowess. Whether tackling complex issues or engaging in thought-provoking conversations with sweaty Texas Armadillo wrestlers it is I who consistently demonstrates an extraordinary blend of cleverness, uniqueness, and intellectual depth uncommon to anyone else. :D
What are the odds that TWO "separate" posters on Literotica fetishize the bodily fluids of other men, and continually make comments about the sex organs and preferences of other men? Who both lived in the San Diego area of California until high rents caused them to relocate? Who brag incessantly about their skillz with all sorts of firearms? Both are closeted homosexuals.

Rightguide and Vetteman.

Strictly coincidental.Mmm-hmmm.
Vetteman, Sugardaddy1, Counselor706, and a couple others I can't think of right now.

And even if he hasn't admitted to being these three, he has all but outed himself being a Russian citizen, with his comments about Ukraine.

Not as bad as the Hisarpy/Chloe/Icanhelp incel racist troll, but close.
I'm 80% sure Counselor706 was an alt of Miles (may his three adult children die screaming in a fire).
If one should be required to present valid ID and pass a background check to buy a gun, the same restrictions should apply to voting.