Too bad for him.


More like ... too bad for California.

One taxpayer-funded benefit for illegal aliens that should be stopped is in-state tuition at public colleges and universities. California allows illegal immigrants access to reduced college tuition at taxpayer expense.

All the while being billions of dollars in debt.

With the state budget in tatters, millions of residents out of work and a state prison system strained by massive overcrowding, California simply cannot continue to ignore the strain that illegal immigration puts on their budget and economy.

Illegal aliens cost taxpayers in California billions of dollars each year. As economist Philip J. Romero concluded in a 2007 study, "illegal immigrants impose a 'tax' on legal California residents in the tens of billions of dollars."
More like ... too bad for California.

One taxpayer-funded benefit for illegal aliens that should be stopped is in-state tuition at public colleges and universities. California allows illegal immigrants access to reduced college tuition at taxpayer expense.

All the while being billions of dollars in debt.

With the state budget in tatters, millions of residents out of work and a state prison system strained by massive overcrowding, California simply cannot continue to ignore the strain that illegal immigration puts on their budget and economy.

Illegal aliens cost taxpayers in California billions of dollars each year. As economist Philip J. Romero concluded in a 2007 study, "illegal immigrants impose a 'tax' on legal California residents in the tens of billions of dollars."

Nah, too bad for him.

To add insult to injury, looks like Whitman is not going to win, either.
Don't try and include DC in your inanity. He only asked a question, he didn't participate in your denial in the face of the facts. You denied the laws existence and called my post bullshit, when you and RD are the only steaming piles in this thread. Own it.

Own what? I called bullshit on the fingerprinting, it doesn't happen.
Someone need to throw a urinal cake into this thread.

Can any of you urologist tell me what good a thumb print might be at a voting place?

If I show up with my name and thumb print on a card, will there be someone there who can verify the print is really mine?

If I leave a thumb print in the voting record of the day, what ID do I present to prove who is leaving the print?
why clearly this is wrong, Illegal citizens have a right to vote too


I just saw this on the news a couple of minutes ago. The 9th Circuit Court just struck down a Arizona law that required voters who register to prove citizenship.

The court did say the potential voter must swear under the threat of perjury they are citizens and are allowed to vote. Perjury when you are breaking our laws every day you are in this country and even more if you have a job. PERJURY what a huge FUCKING threat!


I've just spent the last 5 minutes reading what I wrote. Trying to decide what else to say.


Anyone have a spare JDAM? Let me know and I'll send you the GPS grid of the 9th Circuit Court.

I am at an absolute loss for words.
Here try this, maybe my trouser cuff will taste a little better. Own it dummy.

Trouser cuff? The 50's called, they want that back. At least you didn't go your normal route of a homoerotic insult.

A print scanner would work just fine in states where large fingerprint databases already exist.

What about the people that are not in the database? What about the cost? You clearly support bigger government.
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A print scanner would work just fine in states where large fingerprint databases already exist.


LOL. I guess that's why you replied so fast to me that you missed the edit.
Don't try and include DC in your inanity. He only asked a question, he didn't participate in your denial in the face of the facts. You denied the laws existence and called my post bullshit, when you and RD are the only steaming piles in this thread. Own it.

No one denied a law existing dumbfuck.. you claimed that you had to get fingerprinted to buy and sell property. I refuted your bullshit claim, you then backed off and said "oh, it's that way in california". You just got told by someone that bought and sold property in california that they didn't have to provide fingerprints.

i.e You are full of shit... yet again.
A print scanner would work just fine in states where large fingerprint databases already exist.

That works fine, if my finger prints are in the database, and the database is accurate.

Do they have print scanners at polling places in California?
I'm glad that you are who you are, and that there are people like you out there in America...this way, there will always be a workers who can serve at the burger king drive thru

No one denied a law existing dumbfuck.. you claimed that you had to get fingerprinted to buy and sell property. I refuted your bullshit claim, you then backed off and said "oh, it's that way in california". You just got told by someone that bought and sold property in california that they didn't have to provide fingerprints.

i.e You are full of shit... yet again.
That works fine, if my finger prints are in the database, and the database is accurate.

Do they have print scanners at polling places in California?

Who would pay for the cost of a print scanner and maintenance at every single polling place in the country?

Sounds like the idea of someone who wants big government, and wants to add to the deficit.
That works fine, if my finger prints are in the database, and the database is accurate.

Do they have print scanners at polling places in California?

No, they don't. Our polling places are just like the rest of the country. I voted in a portable building at a local church last time.
I'm glad that you are who you are, and that there are people like you out there in America...this way, there will always be a workers who can serve at the burger king drive thru

You are the one screaming about how private business is good. Why dump on Burger King? Why do you hate profit and the American way? :rolleyes:
No, but the state thought it no big deal to make every driver in the state submit a thumbprint to obtain a driver's license. How else can you combat fraudulent voting, and fraudulent registration? Christ, my laptop has a fingerprint scanner on it.

I live in a state where the government once used voter registration requirements to deny basic civil rights to its citizens. They actually made it difficult and sometimes dangerous for some people to register. The people behind this knew they were in the minority and it was the only way to retain power. We are sensitive about these matters, but still manage to deal with it.

I have to present a picture ID and put my signature next to my name on the voter role book. Two poll workers then record my name in their voter logs.

Although Louisiana is a primitive place and we don't have thumb print scanners on our laptops, it seems to serve us well enough.
Right now the danger is granting our voting rights to people not entitled to them and having their illegal votes disenfranchise those of legitimate registered voters.

Only, it isn't. Remember? The Bush Admin spent a lot of time, money and political capital on trying to prove the existence of "voter fraud" in that sense and came up dry.
Right now the danger is granting our voting rights to people not entitled to them and having their illegal votes disenfranchise those of legitimate registered voters. In my state you simply have to show up and state a registered name, you don't have to prove shit. So, how did you get such a police state in that primitive place?

It had something to do with dragging people out of their beds at night and threatening to kill their family, if they kept pursuing this "voter's rights" bullshit.

We wrote the book on how to disenfranchise voters.