A berserker’s voyage (Closed for milkmaiden38, and Shadowlace)

Asbjorn sighed when Drusilla healed the thief and afterwards he ran off his hand now healed, “You’re one of the most merciful people I’ve met Dru, back in the Kingdom of Hoarfrost, a thief would lose their hand if they were caught.” The golden haired High Elf was really something. Asbjorn wasn’t good at sparing people, but he was good at following orders, so that’s why he didn’t split that thief in half in the middle of the tavern.

“Be mindful of who you heal though, some people will try and exploit your kindness.” He felt for his coin purse and it was still there. He spoke to Drusilla, explaining “Sometimes if there’s a dispute about something, such as who won’t be ‘it’ in a game of Tag, or who will pair up with who, people often draw straws and whoever has a matching straw to the one you drew, you pair up with them.”

Asbjorn grabbed four straws and cut two of them slightly shorter, then he held the four straws out in his hand. He made sure that they all appeared the same length. He noticed the bard making advances on Gilda, and he locked eyes with her. Asbjorn had a look on his face that basically said, “I’ll get him out of here if you want me to.” He looked at the bard, a bitter look on his face.
Drusilla looked at the Bard and then Gilda and smiled. “May I help”

The Elf Stood and passed her staff off to Bilynn.

“Blume table, Moss guard Gilda” Drusilla says as she curtsied to the bard as she revealed her hair and face to him.

“I am Drusilla, a pleasure to meet you, good sir. I figured we can dance a step or two? Do your merry makers know The Priodas Hapus?”

The High Elf gestures to the floor. Then holds out her hand. She was a lady, and expected the bard to take her hand. This was a wear she could shine. As she smiled she looked over her shoulder at the barbarian.

“I am aware of my worth. I also know how and where to choose my battles” came the stout strong words from the petite woman. She held the heir of her pedigree. Something only maybe Gilda could do.

As she assesses the situation, she wonders what exactly she could cast to persuade this man to leave them alone. She surmised a basic charm may do. She could possibly then hit him with a suggestion. As she thought about it she wondered what exactly she would have him do. Then should he retaliate wipe his memory of those spells.
Asbjorn knew his only method of dealing with horny men like the bard was to scare him off, but Drusilla insisted on offering a dance, so he felt he had no right to interfere. Her naïveté worried him greatly, if she didn’t know that not everyone could be trusted... He shuddered at the thought of what vile people would do to a kind soul like Dru.

He sat there and watched the show, only stepping in if things got violent. “This oughta be good.” He said to Gilda and Bilynn. Their drinks arrived and he took a swig of his mead, letting the alcohol enter his body. “This mead isn’t half bad...” He took another sip, then turned back to Drusilla.

He had a feeling that Drusilla was very intelligent, between being a High Elf and a part of the elven nobility, she must have had some good teachers, and books to read. With all of his assumptions, he felt she could handle this on her own.
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At one moment there was a handsome young man in front of her, and the next Drusilla was out dancing with him. That really bothered her. Not that she wanted anything to do with him, but Drusilla stole him from her.

“That little… high elf… bitc…” Gilda mumbled to herself. Then it hit her. She was with Asbjorn.

“Asbjorn, I don’t understand Drusilla either. You warned her, there she is… off dancing with one of those shifty bards.” Gilda pointed out. “I, however, remain loyally at your side”

“So do I” Bilynn added

“You don’t count” Gilda said.

“I certainly do.” Bilynn said to defend herself. “Asbjorn, did you want to dance. Might be fun if we join Drusilla on the dance floor.”

Handsome Young Man named Tenho

Tenho had an innocent but roguish charm. He moved with effortless grace. His eyes glued on to Drusilla. He had been attracted to all three ladies at the table, he had asked the red haired witch only because of her flirting. Now that he was with Drusilla he was in awe. The way her golden hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of sunlight. Her clothing and cloak, a delicate blend of green colors, seemed to be woven from the very essence of the forest. As she moved, the fabric caught the light, creating an almost magical aura around her.

As they began to dance, Tenho’s hand rested lightly on her waist, guiding her effortlessly across the floor. “You move with the grace of a falling leaf, Drusilla,” he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. “It’s as if the heavens themselves are jealous of your beauty.”

Drusilla laughed softly, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

Tenho could tell she thought his comment was a cheap line. His eyes twinkling with mischief. “That was the truth. For how could I not be enchanted by someone as captivating as you?”

Their dance continued, each step bringing them closer
Asbjorn decided he should only intervene if the guy attacked Drusilla. Asbjorn looked at Gilda and Bilynn, a dumbfounded look on his face, “Dance? I uh...” He seemed to clam up for some reason, it was abnormal for Gilda and Bilynn to see him as he is now compared to back in the forest.

He sighed, “I’m not a good dancer, if I trip and fall my partner always gets slammed to the floor with me. Since I end up hurting people when I try to dance with them, I tend to keep my distance from the dance floor.”

He looked over at Drusilla, “You guys can go dance if you want, I’m more than happy keeping an eye on Drusilla’s dance partner.” He was out of his element here in Foxdell, he didn’t dance, he didn’t sing, all he could do was fight, and subdue attackers. “We still don’t even know who will be sleeping with who...”
Gilda and Bilynn

“Asbjorn, you don’t give yourself enough credit. Fighting and love making are like dancing. Or maybe dancing is like fighting and love making. I think you’d be better than you think” Bilynn said.

“Yes, I agree with Bilynn for a change. You are a great fighter and lover” Gilda said. “However,” she said turning to Bilynn “If he doesn’t want to dance that is fine with me. Now, let’s draw those straws.” Gilda suggested

“Ok” Bilynn agreed. She grabbed the first one. It was very short.

Gilda laughed “Oh well. I’ll go next” She grabbed the next one. It was almost as short as Bilynn’s. “By the none hells!” She swore.

“I guess that means you and I are roomies” Bilynn said.

“Oh Joy!” Gilda complained.
Asbjorn looked at them, a bit worried that they didn’t seem to enjoy the arrangement. “Gilda, Bilynn, If you treat this experience like it’s the end of the world, then you’ll both feel shitty.” He wasn’t good at mediating conflicts.

In the Kingdom of Hoarfrost, every person lived by a creed, “Never surrender no matter what.” No matter what you did for a job, you never stop giving your all in your endeavor. Asbjorn stood from the table and looked at the squabbling women, “I guess I’ll give it a try, but don’t expect much from me, it’s been years since I last danced.”

He held his hands out to Bilynn and Gilda. When they took them he started to move around the dance floor. They were right, he was a decent dancer, and slowly but surely he started to have some fun. His giant body was still dangerous when moving at those speeds, but he made sure no one got hurt.

When their food arrived, he sat down and started to eat, “Don’t let your food get cold now.” He began digging into his whitefish and bread. He nodded after a little bit, this isn’t half bad...”
Drusilla smiled at the man. Which was strange. Drusilla had seen many men. Though Human men were vastly different. Far more hairy. In fact she seemed to like the extra hair. Made them look fierce like a bear, or cunning like a wolf. So predatory.

Drusilla though noted this musician was a horrible dancer. His timing was off . It also felt as if she were dancing with a boar. Heavy foot falls, sluggish movements, so sharp and hard. To think a man who played music moved like thought, no wonder he was in a place like this. She doubted wether he knew his instrument at all. Though maybe he was an accomplished soloist.

As they danced, she smiled and counted the steps to the beat. The Rhythm was steady and a bit rough. Though it had a charm to it. Elves though multi talented sought to master a single skill to the most optimal. The rough notes of these humans however seemed to have a lovely unique sound that seemed to strike a chord with the High Elf.

Drusilla was enjoying herself. She giggled at this mans clear attempts at flattery, and then remembered why she had come out here. She needed to take care of this man so he would stop bothering them. So with her own voice she began to hum with the music. Using the cadence and timbre she focused. Blume and the mysterious master who bestowed her magic taught her many tricks over the years.one was using music to find the specific way to cast her spell.

Her first spell was a simple Charm spell. She uttered the Sylvan phrases in the same cadence and notes as the music around her. She watched as the very magic seized the man and she giggled.

“Tell me what do you think of me?” It was an innocent little question. The answer was a test.

When he replied in glorious praise and affection, Drusilla had known the spell took effect. Which wasn’t that big of a surprise noting he was already seeing her as a lamb clutched in his powerful jaws. Sadly he didn’t realize she was more dangerous here close up then far away.

“I see tell me what do you want to do to me” was her second question, more curious then anything else.

The tirade of lusty and almost pornographic that she felt her face turn hot. It was well quite descriptive and very poetic. Maybe the musician should have kept to the prose and poetry than lyrics and sluggish fingering. This brought her to giggle, calming herself.

This prompted Drusilla to go into a more complex spell. This spell suggestion was capable of manipulating the man to do what she suggested. So once more she used the background song to speak the arcane words in Sylvan. This was longer, but she managed.

This time she leaned into his ear and spoke. “So how about you leave me and my friends alone, Go play your music and enjoy the admiration of me and your devoted fans!” She commands and then steps back and curtsies to the man.

She took her leave as the man jerked to the words and shot up to the stage. There he picked up his instrument and began to play. As he did, Drusilla walked back to the table and sat down. It was a graceful and noble move.

“He won’t be bothering us for some time. I inspired him to get back up there and play” She casually said as she looked towards the others. She took back up her staff and gestured to Blume to resume his perch.
Asbjorn had seen many things over his 20 years of being alive. He had seen elven magic performed, and read about it in scribes, this was his first time seeing its power in a domestic situation such as this. “Your soup is here Dru, I doubt you want it cold.”

He began digging into his vegetables, cabbage, potato, carrots, and radishes. Radishes were one of his personal favorites. Despite being an intelligent, well read man, his mannerisms couldn’t be anymore primitive, he had no etiquette whatsoever.

He ate with his hands, something that didn’t bother him because he gets them dirty with blood and guts every single day. He took a break from eating and told Drusilla, “By the way, you and I will be sharing a room tonight.”

He finished up his meal about a minute later. As he wiped his hands and mouth on his napkin he asked, “Do we have anything else we need to do? We want to be up early in the morning tomorrow.” Drusilla was stronger than he expected, but he knew her lack of experience in the outside world would be her downfall.
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Gilda and Bilynn

The dance actually put both Gilda and Bilynn in a better mood. They both had fun on the dance floor and seemed less competitive once they were back at the table eating their dinners. Both of them used proper table manners and enjoyed the meal.

The conversation was light with talk about the weather, favorite traveling wear, and so on. Until Bilynn asked Gilda about the dragon.

“So Gilda volunteered to be eaten by a dragon?” Bilynn asked

“Yes, but no one wants to hear that tale. It has been told too many times” Gilda commented as she finished her glass of wine.

“I’d like to hear the tale” Bilynn said. The others seemed to agree.

“Ok, but it is late, and I’ll only tell the first part.” Gilda said

“Each year a maiden is offered to appease the dragon Nas near Dragonhold. Angry at my father, I decided I would volunteer to be the maiden a year ago. I was granted a last meal, which was very tasty I might add. I was then tied up and placed in an open field. Of course with my magic training I had a plan to escape the ropes before the dragon showed up. However, what I did not know was there was a sleeping potion laced in the food I ate. I suddenly felt sleepy, became incapacitated, and then passed out.

When I woke up, I was in the dragon’s lair.

“Oh where am I?” I mumbled loudly as my sticky, sleepy eyes opened. Then I saw the massive red dragon looking back at me. “By the nine layers of hell!” I gasped, trying to scramble to my feet, terrified and looking for a way to escape; or a weapon. Still scared, I found that I was sitting on a very plush ornate chair, a throne, on top of a large mound of treasure, much of it gold coins minted by numerous kingdoms; there might be a weapon in it. But I would need to get off the plush chair to dig through the pile. The dragon would certainly see and stop me. So I stayed seated. I also realized that being on the throne on top of all the treasure mound put me almost to equal height with the dragon’s head.

“There is no way to escape. The only way in and out of my lair is by air,” the red dragon growled in intelligible common language. “Now, just be quiet unless you want to be eaten now!”

‘Just be quiet or be eaten now?’ I thought. Was the dragon joking? I was not going to do that, be quiet and certainly not consumed. The dragon sounded like a bully; actually, from what I understand, dragons in general are bullies. I stood still as I looked for a weapon. As I thought of what to do, I started to get angry. The dumb dragon had asked me to be quiet until I got eaten. The whole situation vexed me severely!

One thing I knew, was I was not going to be quiet

“Dragon, may I say… you look magnificent with your gleaming claws, impenetrable skin, and sharp piercing teeth… and I would be remiss not to mention your euphoric sulfuric odor that really adds a fire and brimstone feel enhancing your appearance.” It may not have been the worst set of compliments the dragon had ever heard… but it was probably damn close. I knew I had made a mockery of the introduction. I forgave myself a bit. I was working under life and death pressure. I pressed on.

“My name is Gilda. Beyond filling your belly, is there something else with which I can help you? I have many skills… I can sing, dance, cook, and tell stories.” I added with a smile, “I’m also a great listener!”

The dragon’s body began to rock, as a growl emanated from his chest echoed across the cave. The dragon keeled over, and twitched about, his great tail flailing in spasmodic gestures. Nas laughed. The dragon carried on for a minute before he righted himself, sniffling to choke back his mirth.

"Do something for me… that is funny!” The Dragon replied, mostly with disdain, but I distinctly detected an edge of melancholy, and a hint of something else I couldn’t quite name.

“Do you want to talk about it, great dragon? Or do you want to burn me down to ash?" I asked in a casually polite and slightly playful tone.

I will finish the rest of the story in the morning." Gilda concluded. "Shall we go to our rooms?" She asked.
Asbjorn listened to Gilda’s story. He had nothing to say in response, simply he said, “That must’ve been traumatizing...” After that he chimes in, “I believe it, you’ve shown me how reckless you can be.” He admired that confidence Gilda had, it reminded him of when he was a child.

He got up from the table, his hands now clean as he said, “Yeah, we should get to sleep. Come with me Drusilla.” He grabbed the key to room 113 and started to walk towards the room. He stood before room 113, waiting for Drusilla. When she was behind him, he inserted the key into the lock and turned the key.

He opened the door with a gentle push to reveal the interior, the walls were beige white, the carpet light brown, there was a single bed big enough for two with black covers. The room had a dresser, and a couple chairs. “Comfy.” Asbjorn said as he looked around the room. He set his axe and shield on a chair, then he draped his cloak over that same chair, revealing his face.

“So you’ve never slept in the same bed as someone else before? I find that hard to believe that someone as nice as you never experienced that before.” He spoke with clarity, he was a little tipsy since their alcohol was much stronger than he expected. He walked over to the bed and sat at the foot of it.
Gilda and Bilynn

Bilynn and Gilda walked into their room. They had not said a word to each other after leaving the dining area. Bilynn could feel the tension from Gilda. She knew the woman did not like her.

“That story… You volunteered to be eaten by a dragon! That is very brave” Bilynn complimented Gilda.

“Or very stupid.” Gilda replied. “You need to understand, I’m the 7th daughter of the king. I’m a piece of property to be handed out to some other kingdom to make peace or cement an alliance. I don’t want that life. Better to be a dragon’s meal. Or better still to sneak off before the dragon sinks his teeth in me and make a new life for myself.”

“Is that what happened?” Bilynn asked

“You’ll need to wait for the rest of the story” Gilda replied.

“It was fun to dance” Bilynn added “Asbjorn is a good danc…”

But before she could finish what she was saying, Gilda hushed Bilynn by pulling her closer and kissed her. Bilynn was surprised as Gilda pushed her against the wall. Gilda fingers captured her breast and teased her nipple. She pressed her body against Bilynn, as she took off her top. They continued to kiss as she undid and pulled off Bilynn’s bottom. Gilda clothed crotch was pressing against Bilynn naked pussy. Bilynn was eager and desirous for Gilda’s touch. She felt Gilda smile in their kiss, then Gilda drew away.

“I want those big tits” Bilynn moaned. She pressed her pussy hard against Gilda’s crotch. She helped Gilda pull off her clothing. Gilda big jugs bouncing heavily as they are freed. Bilynn’s lips move right to her breast and nipple. With her free hand, her fingers touch and squeeze Gilda’s left breast. Gilda moans softly. Bilynn tugging at her hard nipple as her mouth sucked in the left one. Her crotch moved against Gilda sex, gliding easily because both women were so wet. Gilda ran her hands into Bilynn’s hair, wanting her to do what she was doing. Bilynn tit sucking was driving Gilda crazy as she gasped in pleasure.

“Ohh, yes, worship my big breasts” Gilda moaned. Bilynn could tell the woman loved to have her breasts sucked. It excited her. Gilda’s pussy was grinding on her pussy. Bilynn felt Gilda grind faster. Then after about 30 seconds, Gilda’s body twitch as she came. Bilynn felt her juice running down her legs.

“You made me cum” Gilda said in an accusing way. Then she knelt between Bilynn’s open legs, a smile on her face.

She touched Bilynn. A slow, easy lick swept over her lips, and Bilynn gasped in pleasure. Her arms slipped around Gilda’s pretty face, pulling her closer to her pussy. Gilda tongue moved on her so sweetly, having opened her, Gilda dipped her pointed tongue inside of Bilynn, then curled, drawing out her pussy juice. She loved on the wood elf’s clit. Her tongue circling around it. Watching, listening to Bilynn, as the sighs increase, she focused on those areas. It was prefect pussy eating, and her tongue was driving Bilynn crazy.

It took very little time before the elf came. Her thighs tightened and she pointed her toes as orgasm rose within Bilynn. Gilda licked and licked and her tongue raised her up. Clawing at the wall, Bilynn raised her ass to give Gilda more access. Bilynn felt herself flush again, her chest reddening and her breath gasping as she moaned in absolute pleasure. Gilda laughed with delight and kept licking, her lips molding around Bilynn’s clit and tugged it into her mouth. Bilynn gasped for breath and cried out, digging her nails into the wall.

Bilynn’s orgasm was like an explosion. Her pussy jerking wildly as she came. Finally, Gilda relented, rising and coming up and over the elf. She pulled her into bed and laid softly atop Bilynn, once more kissed her. Her lips and tongue thick with Bilynn’s pussy cum. The elf tasted her orgasm on Gilda’s lips. Wrapping her arms around Gilda, she held her close.

“Friends?” Bilynn asked.

“Friends” Gilda answered
Senseless Dimwits

Flatulence and Danger Dog had lugged the headless Orc Steal back to their small camp in the woods.

“Why did we carry Orc Steal… back here again?” Flatulence asked for the fourth time, scratching his head.

“Because he’s our muscle and we should restore him to normal,” Evil Bart replied, rolling his eyes for the fourth time.

“But no one can use the spell on this scroll?” Flatulence pointed out, waving the scroll like a flag.

“I knew that!” Bart answered, his deeply puzzled look betraying his words.

Just then, a human man with black hair and a small goatee strolled into their camp like he owned the place.

The half-Orc, Gnoll, and little goblin pulled out their weapons, though Evil Bart’s sword was more like a butter knife. The man with the small black goatee had intense eyes, like he was trying to solve a really hard math problem. But as they continued to look at him, they could see an evil and hunger radiating from this human, like he hadn’t had a snack in hours.

The man’s eyes captured them in a spell. He looked at the three bandits with authority, like a teacher catching students passing notes. He almost wanted to choke the life out of them with his magic… but that could wait until later. His hands came up from behind his black cloak. He bowed in front of them.

“I might be cast that spell” He answered. “Show me that scroll”

Flatulence handed him the scroll.

“Oh yes, I can cast this spell, but i wish a payment afterwards” he said.

He walked over to the body. Looking at it.

“Where is the head?” He asked.

“We did not bring that back” Flatulence admitted.

“WHAT! Are you brainless?” He asked

“No, we did not lose our heads!” Flatulence stated with pride.

“Go get his head and bring it back here” The man ordered.

Flatulence grunted and ran off to get the head.

1 hour later

Flatulence returned with Orc Steal’s head.

“Give that to me” The man ordered.

“Get head, give head” Flatulence mocked “I’d wish you’d make up your mind.” Flatulence joked.

The evil necromancer snapped his fingers and a ghostly, skeletal hand appeared. The bony hand touched Flatulence with the chill of the grave.

“ARRRRH” Flatulence yelled and he also ripped out a huge fart.

“ARRRRH” the necromancer screamed in pain as his eyes teared.

10 mins later

The air finally cleared and Orc Steal was restored.

“As payment, I will need you to follow Princess Gilda into the swamp.” The evil man said.
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Asbjorn looked at his arms as he sat down, looking for any new wounds or bug bites. He found none and took a deep breath, “Those Orcs didn’t hurt you, did they Drusilla?” He stood up and looked at the map on the wall.

He saw Hulnoque Swamp, it was a medium sized area on the map. As he studied the routes he remarked, “You were surprised badly, to the point you froze. That’s what I worry about, someone who can’t react and turns into a statue at the first sign of danger.

He went over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You are strong, I know that from when you controlled that guy with a spell to leave us be. If you can do that to someone, I fear the other spells you have up your sleeve.”
The morning after at “The Snoring Cello”

At a cozy corner table in The Snoring Cello, Gilda and Bilynn were enjoying a big breakfast. The table was a charming spot, away from everyone else and it had a good view of the town out of the window. There was the gentle hum of cello music that was played in the background on the stage.

Bilynn, with her dark wood elf hair in a ponytail, sipped her tea thoughtfully. “You know, Gilda, I had the strangest dream last night,” she began, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Gilda, looked up from her plate of blueberry pancakes. “Oh?,” she asked, wonder what the elf would say next.

Bilynn leaned in, lowering her voice as if sharing a secret. “I dreamt that we made love last night and became friends”

Gilda chuckled, “That did not happen. Your imagination has run wild again”

Bilynn smiled, “Perhaps. But it felt so real.” She joked. Then she changed the subject “I’m thinking Asbjorn and Drusilla had a fun night.” She speculated

Gilda took another bite of her pancakes, savoring the sweet burst of blueberries. “Well, you’d be wrong. I cast a sleeping spell on Asbjorn so nothing would happen.”

Bilynn laughed, “Oh wow, you are a real bitch”

“I was only protecting Drusilla's innocence” Gilda confessed as she took a sip of her coffee.

“Well done” Bilynn said as the two friends clinked their cups together
Asbjorn woke up on the floor, his face in the carpet. He couldn’t recall what had happened last night and also had no idea why he was on the floor. He got up from the floor and grabbed his cloak and weapons as he looked at Drusilla. She was still sleeping.

“How cute...” He thought to himself as he went down to the tavern. He joined Gilda and Bilynn slightly drowsy. “I fell asleep on the floor last night and just blacked out... It was weird.” He had some morning wood which they both noticed as he walked out.

“So Gilda, where should we head next?” He knew they’d still have to wait for Drusilla. As Asbjorn looked around the tavern he saw various patrons of many races, and occupations. “While we wait for Dru, we need to kill some time. Got any ideas?”

“I’m kind of in the mood for something salty after those pancakes.” Gilda said to Asbjorn. Then she held her finger to his lips. “Can’t have you walking around with that monster showing. Now remember, Shhh”

“What are you doing?” Bilynn asked as Gilda had a wicked look in her eyes. The busty redhead slipped under the table. The table cloth hid her well.

Bilynn could hear her unbuckle Asbjorn belt.

"Are you crazy?" Bilynn hissed.

Gilda giggled, "....a little bit..." she reached into Asbjorn pants and pulled out his huge cock. It was rock hard as she took it deep into her mouth.

Asbjorn groaned softly, as both his hand went under the table. He grabbed her head in his hands as she sucked on his cock. The warrior kept his eyes on the dinning area, but no one knew what was happening. Gilda was great at cock sucking, she started slow. Licking his shaft and sucked on his cock. But soon she was bobbing her head up and down on his cock vigorously.

“You might as well give her what she wants. She not going to stop until she gets your load” Bilynn advised Asbjorn. “After this… there is few shops, we can visit. Get supplies for our journey.” She suggested. She was not really sure how to talk to a man, who’s cock was being sucked.
Asbjorn was admittedly quite shocked that he was getting his dick sucked first thing in the morning. He wasn’t used to this kind of treatment at all. He held her head, and controlled the pace as he used her face as a fuck toy.

Asbjorn turned to Bilynn, “Yeah, we should definitely stock up on some supplies...” He managed to get out through labored breath. Due to Gilda’s incredible technique, Asbjorn wasn’t going to last as long as when he fucked her pussy. He groaned as he moved his hand down to her breast and fondled it.

“Take it, Gilda... Take it all...” He moaned as he came in her mouth, Gilda could feel her mouth fill with his cum as he seemingly pumped forever. “Drink it, and don’t waste a drop!” He remarked as he pulled his now soft cock out of her heavenly mouth.

When they finished, they left the tavern and Asbjorn went to scout out local delis and produce stands so they wouldn’t have to hunt every night for food.
Shopping Trip

Gilda wiped her mouth clean and got out from under the table.

“MMM, that was good” she said with a smile. “Thanks, Asbjorn”

“Humans?” Bilynn said to get some sympathy, but then realized she was at a table with two humans. She changed the subject “Can we go shopping now?”

“Sure” Gilda agreed.

She paid for the breakfast and the three went into town. Asbjorn went into the deli, coming out 10 minutes later with a bag of items. They moved further down the street and saw an armory/blacksmith and a fletcher shop.

“I’m going to the fletcher… I need a bow and some good arrows. Arrows made from birch, ash, or hazel.” Bilynn said. “Those types of wood have the right properties for making a strong, straight arrows”

“I took care of some strong, straight wood this morning… didn’t I, Asbjorn” Gilda bragged.

“See you two in a few minutes” Bilynn headed over to the shop.

“I need a few items myself.” Gilda said. “There is a shop few people know about called the Black Emporium. The shop is owner is a bit eccentric. The entrance to his emporium is only given to those he deems worthy. I happen to be someone on his list. Ah, you are not” Gilda added with some glee, to Asbjorn.

She turned and walked down a dark alley. Asbjorn followed her. Gilda turned towards a blank wall and pressed on a few bricks. A passageway opened up. The way was small, narrow, single corridor that led into a bigger room. Asbjorn followed her down the passageway.

They entered the shop.

“I guess you are welcome. Don’t touch anything,” Gilda warned the berserk.

There was no one else around in the dark and weird shop. As they wander about, Gilda picked up a few potions and spell components. Meanwhile, Asbjorn found a strange mirror.

“The Mirror of Transformation, which you can use to alter your appearance.” Gilda informed Asbjorn as she walked by. “The magical surface means that you can finally change any nagging facial features. If you've got an accidentally crooked nose or you feel like your eyes are far too close together, you can reinvent yourself here. It's also worth mentioning that you can even change your voice, if you feel like it.” Gilda explained. “But it does cost a lot of gold.”

At the back of the room were three tables of merchandise. The first held legendary weapons, along with some intriguing legendary accessories. The second and third tables boasted loads of powerful schematics, spells and scrolls.

Gilda grabbed three gems (green, red, blue) off the table. Then she headed to over to the counter to pay.

“Igo Glutton, I’m ready to pay” Gilda stated

“That will be 1,500 gold pieces, Gilda” a disembodied voice said.

Gilda placed a bag of platinum on the counter.

“Thanks Igo” Gilda said

“In ancestral footsteps you tread. Heaven will light the darkness before you. Remember your noble cause will raise all of us.” The voice said

“Asbjorn… There comes a day when winter turns to summer, the right attitude shall mark a favorable union.” The voice said.
Asbjorn chuckled at Gilda’s comment about his “wood”, after coming out of the shop with a sausage link, some loaves of bread, and some vegetables, he followed Gilda to the magic shop. The entrance to the shop was dark, and foreboding with the interior taking on a gothic aesthetic.

Asbjorn had no idea where to go or what was safe to touch, so he stayed by Gilda. “I have no talent for magic, I doubt I could do it even if I try.” Upon hearing the explanation for what the mirror was he chuckled, “Magic items are always costly.” As they paid for the gems at the counter a voice made Asbjorn freeze, and begin looking around for its source.

He listened to the voice speak in cryptic words. “Who said that? How do you know my name?” His warrior’s instincts made him draw his axe, an alert look on his face. He began looking around the area, his axe clutched tightly in his giant hand, anticipating a battle.

“Igo… I can tell you his story, but it is a long one. Let’s find Bilynn.” Gilda suggested

They headed back on to the main street and found Bilynn quickly. She looked more like a proper wood elf, with a green cloak, bow and quiver of arrows.

“Where did you two go off too?” Bilynn asked

“Magic shopping. Picked a few healing potions and a few other items. I think we are ready for the swamp.” Gilda declared. They all headed back to the snoring cello.
As they walked back to The Snoring Cello there was a scene one block away. An elderly human man with a staff was being held at knifepoint from all sides by a gang of thieves. “Give us your money old man! Or I’ll slice you apart!” Said the leader in a loud, aggressive voice.

The elderly man maintained his composure and replied, “No thank you, I have a reservation at The Snoring Cello, and I need all the money I have.” Asbjorn hated their cowardly behavior, ganging up on an old man. He charge tackled one of them and sent him flying 10 feet before landing with a loud thud.

“Cowards with no honor deserve no mercy!” He roared at the group of thieves. The leader drew two short swords and chuckled, “Oh you just signed your funeral rites!” Asbjorn ran at the thief, drawing his axe and shield, they met in the middle and started dueling ferociously.

Their fight was intense, sparks were flying all over the place. Asbjorn had a look in his eyes that basically told everyone, “Do not interfere.” The elderly man muttered something under his breath and phased through the circle of thieves like a ghost.

He began speaking loudly in some odd language as the silver jewel at the top of his staff began to glow brightly. In an instant, Asbjorn and the thief captain were frozen in two blocks of ice, and they both sat there in stasis, unable to move or breathe. The stasis had stopped their hearts until they were released. The local sentries had caught wind of the commotion several minutes prior and were now on the scene.

The thieves ran, and the sentries melted Asbjorn and the thief Captain. Asbjorn and the thief started coughing, and wheezing to force some air into their lungs. While they did so, the guards cuffed them and hauled them off to jail assuming that they started a street brawl. The elderly man started walking towards The Snoring Cello. It was clear to Gilda that this man was extremely powerful, and that if they didn’t get his help, Asbjorn, and by extension Gilda and Bilynn would be stuck there for a while.
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Jabnil thought to herself "Well … I'm in trouble again. Deep trouble."

Mother Targas, head of the solar deva, went to the nearest wall and lit the torch with her finger. As the torch light pushed back the darkness. Jabnil realized she had no idea where she was. It looked like a basement on the material plane. She was pretty sure it was on the material plane. But She had no clue of anything else.

The room was empty besides Targas and herself. The edges of the room were still dark, so she could not see much. From the light of flickering torch on the wall, she saw a summoning circle in the middle part of the room. She was seated in a chair as Targas paced in front of her. This is the kind of pacing you see … just before the school principal is going to chew someone out.

Targas stood about 9 feet tall and weighed about 500 pounds. Her body appeared to be made of silver and she had three pairs of white wings on her back. She was a Solars Angel. Solars Angels are powerful champions of good. Solars have immense fighting prowess complemented by their magical greatswords, composite bows, and the like. A Solar also has many spell-like abilities and is an extra-planar being. They make sure evil does not undo mortals.

Targas and Jabnil serve Chauntea. They owe their allegiance to her and seek to spread her influence throughout the universe. Chauntea, is the Grain Goddess or the Great Mother or the goddess of life. She is the embodiment of all things agrarian or agriculture. She is the goddess of agriculture, and plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, and summer.

Targas stopped pacing and stood before Jabnil, looking down at her.

“Do you know why you have been stripped of your powers, and your form altered?” She asked in a quiet calm voice.

“I guess I just wasn't pure enough to fit in” Jabnil answered. Targas gave her a stern look. “Ok … I also bent a few of the rule from Chauntea. But I can explain … the rules seemed flawed … so I did not follow them.” Jabnil explained.

Targas just shook her head. “Rebelling against her laws … is very serious!” She clarified.

“I don’t see it that way … certainly she does not think, she is so perfect that her laws might not need some minor adjustments.” Jabnil stated with confidence.

“And you are so perfect … that you can correct them?” Targas asked.

Jabnil smiled

“Targas, it was not inconceivable that I'm in fact right. and well, someone has to fix the rules … why not me?” She answered.

Targas gave a heavy sigh and moved on “You are now a human with wings. You have been stripped of all but the most basic spells. You can only polymorph your wings away. You can heal as one of Chauntea’s high level clerics. If you should die … you will be reborn into another body. You will continue until the end of days, or until you have truly learned from this experience." Targas explained.

Jabnil looked at her new body. She was a beautiful female human. She was blonde, strong, and had a big pair of breasts. Her skin was flawless. She was about 5’6” tall, much smaller than her old height of 9 feet. And she had only a single pair of white wings on her back.

Targas handed her a sword made from celestial silver. “This is “The Healer”” she explained. “The sword has been kissed by the earth mother herself. It has healing and plant growing powers. Use it wisely”

Jabnil looked at the blade. The edge on it was so sharp it seemed to split the very air currents blowing against it. It was medium width and straight with a cross-guard. The cross-guard had green gems embedded in it in the shape of a growing plant.

The blade itself was engraved with arcane symbols. It was an exceptional weapon.

Targas then handed her a golden sword. It was the twin of the first blade, except it was made of celestial gold and the design in the cross-guard was of the sun rising in the morning.

“This weapon is called “The Beacon” and was kissed by Lathander, god of the rising sun … and the lover of Chauntea. It can produce a power light” Targas explained.

“Be advised the swords are intelligent … and will rebel against being used on those that do not deserve to die.” Targas added.

Jabnil stood up and said “Thank you, Mother Targas” She gave Targas a hug. Her head only reaching the angels chest. “Take care of yourself and try to learn from your mistakes” Targas told Jabnil.

“Same to you …” Jabnil shot back at Targas

Mother Targas just shook her head. Then she was gone. Jabnil stood there for about 5 mins doing nothing. She just stood there … thinking. After 5 mins a huge smile broke over her face and she started to do a little dance, her white wings flapping as joy filled her!

“I’m free … FREEEEEE ….. FREE AT LAST!!!” She laughed in total excitement and exhilaration. She knew exactly what she was going to do next. Go to the nearest bar and drink! She hid her wings as she exited the small temple, she saw a sign “The Snoring Cello”. Jabnil headed for the building.

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The elderly wizard named Sylas opened the door to the tavern and walked in, his staff clinking against the ground with each step. He sat at a table and ordered some Honey Mead. Sylas smiled and thanked the server girl. “Much obliged.”

He drank from his tankard and began thinking about the large man who got the thief’s attention off of himself and got into quite a fierce fight, all to protect him from “Cowards without honor” as the giant had put it. Sylas was by no means tiny, he stood at a decent 5’11 with his thin, wiry frame.

Meanwhile Asbjorn was getting dragged to the local jail alongside the thief. One of the guards spoke, saying, “We caught you yet again Bromwell, and for a street brawl this time around! You’re diversifying your activity...” The snide remark pissed off the thief.

Asbjorn looked at Bromwell, and said “You have some skill with short swords, you gave me my biggest challenge in Aerovia to date.” Bromwell chuckled, “Yeah? I imagine Aerovia’s a frolic in the tulips compared to Hoarfrost!” Asbjorn and Bromwell laughed heartily as they reached their cell and got escorted in.
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Gilda and Bilynn

“By the 9 hells!” Gilda gasped when she saw the freezing spell get cast on Asbjorn.

“You can say that again!” Bilynn added also impressed.

“By the 9 hells!” Gilda repeated. The two women looked at each other and laughed. “Ok, time to get serious… I’ll see what this powerful mage is all about. You go see Asbjorn in jail. Here are some coins. Usually, you pay a fine for fighting and you can get him out of there.”

“Got it” Bilynn walk off toward the jail.

Gilda headed towards the Snoring Cello. She saw the nice sign above the door again which read “Welcome! Good Food! Warm Beds! Tasty Rumors!”

“Maybe he is here for the rumors?” Gilda said to herself.

She walked in to the main dining hall and spotted the man at one of the tables on the side, near the fireplace on the western wall.

There was still a person playing a Cello on the stage for background music. Gilda saw a serving girl a plate of scones.

“Sorry, I need these scones, all of them” Gilda said handing the girl a gold piece. Which was 20 times what the scones were worth.

“And bring a cup to that table over there with the older man.” Gilda said.

Then she walked over and placed the scone on his table, and slipped into the seat in front of him.

“Hi, I hope you like scones. My name is Gilda. What brings you to town?” She asked him.