A berserker’s voyage (Closed for milkmaiden38, and Shadowlace)

Sylas looked up at Gilda, noting she too was a spell caster. “Morning, why yes I do enjoy some scones.” He took one and politely ate. “Your name is Gilda? I am Sylas, Sage of Storms.” Within Aerovia there were five Sages, revered for their superb magical abilities, sharp wit, and kind natures.

“I heard Foxdell was having a dry spell, so I came to summon some rain clouds to cease their drought.” He blinked for a second, and studied her face more closely. “You were with that large man who saved me from the thieves. Am I meant to be in your debt?”

Asbjorn and Bromwell had everything on them, save for their weapons. “Well, guess we’re taking a break.” Said Bromwell, now bored out of his wits. Asbjorn looked at him, “This isn’t my first rodeo in the clink.” Asbjorn had gotten in trouble all the time back in Hoarfrost, but his great strength is what made King Hans choose him to go to Aerovia.

A wizard's life was supposed to be spent in intense study and training, not traipsing around the countryside doing odd jobs. Or at least that was what she had been told many times. She, being Gilda, ignored that advise and enjoyed traipsing around the countryside. Now here was a very powerful mage. Sylas, Sage of Storms, also traipsing. It was good to see, but hard to understand.

“No, you owe me nothing. Asbjorn is one of my traveling companions.” Gilda said. But that did not sound accurate. “Asbjorn is a friend and a traveling companion. We are headed for the Hulnoque Swamp. Anyhow, I’m not certain how he will react to you freezing him. So, I just wanted to get to know you better. It might help prevent any future conflict.” Gilda explained.

“I assure you, Asbjorn, Bilynn Moonsinger, and high elf Drusilla and her animal protectors Blume and Moss will be leaving Foxdell later today.” Gilda added with a smile.


The jail cells were small, dimly lit rooms, with thick stone walls. The air was damp and musty, carrying the scent of mold and decay.

“What do you want?” The guard men asked her

“I’m here to pay Asbjorn’s fine for the street fight.”

Bilynn was able to see past the man and caught Asbjorn eye. She waved at him, behind the thick iron rods that held him and the other man in the cell. She saw a window positioned high up in the cell, that at least gave him some view of the sky.

“I believe that is what is needed to free him for that cell” Bilynn said
Sylas listened to her and shook his head, “I only did that to stop the fight, I don’t usually aim to kill.” He said with a calm demeanor he stood up and walked out, saying, “Do whatever you please, I’m not forcing anything upon you.”

The guards took the money and let Asbjorn out, he was silent and held her hand in his giant one as they walked out. When they were finally out, he lifted her up and French kissed her deeply, getting their tongues tied up in knots.

When he pulled away, he said “Thank you Bilynn, how can I repay you?” He had also gotten hard from that, it seemed that Asbjorn responded to any sexual stimuli like that. His dick pressed against her navel as he asked the question.
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“OH MY” Bilynn gasped feeling Asbjorn’s huge cock. He asked about how to repay her “Well, I know one way?” She answered with a naughty smile. Then added “Hey, how are you hard again? I thought Gilda drained you at breakfast?”

Asbjorn gave her smile and a wink.

“Try to calm down. I’m not like Gilda, I’m not blowing you in the middle of the street” Bilynn said as they headed to The Snoring Cello. They entered and found Gilda with a plate of scones.

“Eat as many as you like.” Gilda said.


Skimpy was not the right word for Jabnil’s outfit. It implied more clothing than Jabnil had on. She basically had nothing on her sides. Thin white fabric covered her very large breasts which went down and covered her crotch. Her uncovered skin was prefect, smooth, and soft. Low on her leg were knee high stockings. Her two swords, were in their scabbards, hung on the sides of her hips.

As she entered the bar, the place went completely quiet. Never had any of them seen a beauty such as this. She was like an angel that had fallen from the heavens. (lol, see what I did there!)

She went to the bar, as all the males and many of the female just stared at her with their mouths open.

“Hi … I’d like an Ale” she said.

It took a second, but the bartender final shut his mouth and answered her. “Yes, my lady …” he answered trying to regain his composure. He handed her the ale… in a wooden mug.

“That will be 2 copper pieces” he said.

“I forgot I have to pay for things like this …” Jabnil said.

“We’ll pay her tab” Gilda yelled out from her table. “Go over that talk to her Asbjorn” she suggested
Asbjorn whispered to Bilynn, “We’ll find a place. Then I can make you squeal and moan...” He told her. He brought Bilynn close as they walked. “I have another surprise for you.” He pulled out a pink colored potion. “This is a Potion of Barrenness, and after drinking it, I won’t be able to get any girl pregnant for its duration... Expect me to be cumming inside.” He said with a wink.

He looked over to Gilda, who was offering to pay some busty blonde’s tab. The blonde was in short, breathtaking. Her eyes a crystal blue, her outfit revealing her just enough to get his body to react but covered enough so that he didn’t deem her a whore.

Jabnil was not helping Asbjorn or his raging hard on, but he was a bold man. He walked to Jabnil, as he stood before her, his enormous erection was directly in her face since she was sitting down. He handed her some money to pay and all the while, she could see and smell his cock, it’s musk overwhelming her nostrils. He turned around and went over to Bilynn, burying his dick into her ass cheeks to hide it again. She could feel the head up against her lower back.
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Bilynn loved what she felt against her ass cheeks. She decided she would return the pleasure Asbjorn was giving her. She gently started to “twerk” her ass, there by stroking Asbjorn’s mighty cock. Her ass cheeks rubbing the sides of his cock. To add a little more pleasure, she would also squeeze her ass cheeks once in a while, adding to Asbjorn excitement.


A big man came over and gave Jabnil money to pay for her order. The man clearly had raging hard on, as he stood before her. She could smell his potent cock through his clothing. It gave Jabnil another idea of things to try, now that she was free.

“Thank you” Jabnil said accepting the coins. As her ale arrived, Jabnil grabbed it and walked over to the man’s table. There were two women with him,

“My name is Jabnil” she said to them. “May I join you?”

“Yes, please” Gilda replied with excitement “I’m Gilda, this is Asbjorn and Bilynn” Gilda loved men, but Jabnil was so beautiful, she wanted to know her better. Meanwhile Jabnil took a big gulp of the beer.

“MMMMM that is not what I thought it would taste like.” She said and then took another big gulp.

“It tastes different, better, as I drink more” Jabnil exclaimed. Gilda had no idea what to make of this woman. She turned to look at her.

“So where am I?” She asked.

“You’re in a bar” Gilda answered.

“I know that … but where is this bar?” Jabnil asked.

“Sorry… this is the town of Foxdell. On the edge of the Hulnoque Swamp” Gilda answered, feeling bad that she had somehow upset the beautiful woman.

“I know where that is! The Hulnoque Swamp, I have flown over it before.” Jabnil said as she finished her beer. Gilda was wondering about her comment about flying over the swamp. Maybe she was a witch or magical creature … or something like that.

“Can I get another?” Jabnil asked Gilda interrupting her thoughts.

Gilda waved to the bartender “Bring another beer!”

Jabnil looked at Gilda suddenly having an idea. “Do they have rum … I have heard a lot about rum. Can I try that as well?” She asked

“Ahh sure … but don’t drink too much. You might start to feel it” Gilda warned.

“I want to feel it. That is why I’m drinking it!” Jabnil said in total excitement.
Asbjorn sighed in content as Bilynn twerked on his cock, all she did was make it harder. If he had zero restraint and fell back on his primal urges, he would’ve fucked Bilynn on the spot, in front of everyone. He grabbed a scone and bit into it, the sweet flavor soothing his thoughts.

He whispered to Bilynn, “Are you getting wet down there? I’ll fuck you whenever you want...” He said with a smile as he gently pulled on her braid. To Bilynn it felt like a hot iron rod against her ass. He sat down in a chair, with Bilynn in his lap.

He snuck a hand through her cloak and began rubbing her pussy after getting his hand into her panties. He whispered into her pointy ear, “I need you, badly... I know you need it too Bilynn.” He began to swirl it over her clit as his warm breath hit the back of her neck. Bilynn knew at this point she wasn’t going to escape without getting her vagina destroyed.

Bilynn had not planned this to happen. She had just wanted to twerk Asbjorn huge cock while they ate scones and discussed their next move. But the twerking, had made his cock harder. This led to his hand in her panties, rubbing her clit. Now she was dripping wet, and super horny. She was not comfortable with having sex in public.

She glanced at the Gilda, who was so busy talking to this busty blonde human, she had not notice anything. Neither had anyone else in the Inn. She decided to take a chance. Her pussy needed Asbjorn cock and it needed it now.

She took one of her hands away from the table and slipped under the table. She reached behind her, and unbuttoned Asbjorn’s pants. The guy’s cock was so big, she had to unbutton all the buttons. Then in a bold and quick move, she stood up and bent forward and fake “sneezed”. She was forward enough to get Asbjorn’s cock aimed at her pussy. She hoped Asbjorn would understand what she was doing and pulled aside her panties. Her gamble worked as she sat back in his lap, his massive cock slipped inside her.

That the end of her “Achooo”, on the “oooo” part. That was actually her moaning in pleasure as that huge, throbbing, cock filled her up.

“Are you ok?” Gilda asked looking away from Jabnil

“Ahh, yes, I just need Asbjorn to bounce on his lap to help clear my nose” Bilynn said.

Asbjorn had a coy grin on his face as he started to gently bounce her.

Asbjorn and Gilda

Jabnil had tried the rum and love it.

“What other drinks should I try?” she asked Gilda.

“Why don’t you try a scone, first” Gilda recommended.

The fallen angel grabbed a scone and ate some of it.

“Ohhh, I like scones. They are sweet!” Jabnil declared.

“Not always, but one with berries in them are usually sweet.” Gilda explained.

Jabnil looked puzzled at Gilda “How do you keep track of all these different tastes?”

“It takes time and trying different things. But in the end, you never know until you take your first bite. I guess that is one reason people enjoy eating out. Never sure what something will taste like.” Gilda explained.

“I like you. You are good company and explain things well.” Jabnil said. “I need many things explained to me. Can I stay with you for a few days?”

Gilda looked down at Jabnil’s two swords.

“Do you know how to use those swords?” She asked.

“Of course!” Jabnil declared with confidence.

“Then, I think you can join our group if the other agree.” Gilda said.
Asbjorn was slipping his dick deep into Bilynn and as they fucked he sighed in pleasure. “Yeah that’s fine Gilda.” Her pussy was squeezing his cock like hell as he struggled to pump in and out on account of her tightness. He quietly moaned in Bilynn’s ear.

“Bilynn didn’t you order something in town today? I think it’s time to pick it up.” He was making an excuse so the two of them could get out and fuck somewhere else. He pulled his giant cock out of her hungry pussy, leaving it gaped and needy.

He took her away from the table to leave the two busty women alone as they walked to the outskirts of town and into the forest. “I think you’ll be more comfortable in the forest than in a bed...” He dropped all of his clothes, his erection massive as the smell only grew in potency.

He undressed her and drank the Potion of Barrenness. As the liquid went down his throat, he felt his desires grow, to the point his lust and rage were starting to merge. He bent Bilynn over and lifted her legs as he penetrated her and pounded her sex hard and fast as he tugged on her braid.

A minute or two of pounding later he was getting close, so he pumped his cock all the way into her and just started cumming, his orgasm kept going because the warmth and tingling of her now ravaged insides kept stimulating him. She felt her belly fill with warmth as he came almost endlessly inside of her.

When his orgasm ended, he pulled his still rock hard cock out of her vagina, it was now gaped, and basically shitting out his cum for he pumped too much inside for Bilynn to handle. “Bilynn Moonsinger, I love you...” He kissed her lips and made out with her. When he finished, he lifted her up and began to lick her sweaty asshole. “I’m not done yet, I’ll fuck whatever hole you want, but I’m leaning towards your ass, can I fuck it?”

He slipped his tongue inside and started to lubricate her insides. She could see that his dick was thoroughly excited. He slipped a finger inside her and began to gently finger fuck her ass.

Bilynn’s pussy had taken a pounding. She had cum twice while Asbjorn fucked her. After his orgasm, she thought he might be done, but his cock was still hard.

“My body has one hole you haven’t used, it’s jealous” Bilynn replied to his question about anal sex.

“Oh FUCK” she gasped as Asbjorn’s cock entered her ass. She was lucky he had licked her ass, and his cock was covered in her pussy juices. The big thing would have hurt if not.

Asbjorn was fucking Bilynn’s ass, like he fucked her pussy. Big, powerful, strokes. It was the kind of fucking that made a girl cum. She was no exception. She shoved her hips down, working hard on getting his cock as deep as she could.

She moaned and grunted. As the deep ass fucking got her closer to another orgasm. Asbjorn’s jerking and throbbing cock pushed her over. She was cumming on his huge cock up her ass.
Asbjorn stood and lined his cock up with her anus, tiny in comparison to his cock. He rammed it in, it was even tighter than her pussy. “That’s a tight fit...” He said as he struggled to move inside her. He eventually hit the back of her rectum.
Asbjorn picked up the pace, moaning as his large balls slapped against her clit. He grabbed her perky tits and pinched the nipples, he then tugged on them. “I wanna watch you shit my cum out, I won’t let you suck it until I see that...”

He flipped her so she faced him and then he kissed her with tongue as she felt her intestines get filled with his cum. He flipped her around so her hands were on the tree, and he was spreading her ass cheeks. He admired his handiwork, how he had gaped her holes so much. “Come on Bilynn, push it out of your ass...”

"MMMM!" Grunted Asbjorn as his huge cock dumped its load in Bilynn’s ass. It felt like a record amount. He pulled back until his cock sprang free. The big hard shaft sprang up and shot several thick wads of cum on Bilynn’s back, more sperm dripping down to her ass cheeks. He moved back and pulled open her cheeks. Staring at her formerly tightly puckered rectum. It was a gaping hole now, well fucked open, and it had turned an angry red. The hole suddenly turned white and then a steady stream of his seed began flowing down her labia until it dripped off her clit to the ground.

Bilynn slowly recovered and looked back over her shoulder towards her ass. Big gobs of cum sprayed over it. There was a worried expression on her face. “What have I done? This is just like when I dated that Orc” She thought. She looked back at Asbjorn, he was standing now. Pulling his pants back. His huge cock tucked away. His muscular chest still uncovered. “Oh, by the gods, I might love him.” Bilynn thought. “My elf clan will disown me, again!”

Gilda and Jabnil

"Weird... Drusilla was staying in this room. But now she is gone. And all her stuff is gone. And there is no note?" Gilda told Jabnil.
Asbjorn redressed himself and began rubbing her shoulders, massaging her as he held her close. “That was great, Bilynn. Would you believe me if I told you I’ve never had anal sex with a girl before? You’re the first girl I fucked in both holes.”

He brought her into a tight embrace, as he looked into her eyes tenderly, before he planted a kiss on her lips, he got a handful of her ass as he pulled her in and started to invade her mouth with his tongue. He locked eyes with the beautiful Wood Elf, Asbjorn’s body telling him that he had not yet had his fill of enjoying Bilynn.

He wanted to do more, and his body certainly wasn’t hiding it either, but he didn’t want to wear out Bilynn. He pulled his lips off of Bilynn, a thin strand of saliva the only hint of their tongues dancing together. Once it severed, he asked. “Wanna wash up? I can hear the sound of a river.”

"I think I’m done for now” Bilynn replied. “I agree we both need to clean up. A hot bath would be nice but not possible. Yes, is there a river nearby!" she agreed. She was weak and sire from all the fucking, so they walked slowly to the river.

Once there, Bilynn stripped naked, she plunged right into the water. It was not cold, it was comfortable. She “Owwww’d and Awwwwed” at the relaxing feeling of the water flowing over her. Asbjorn soon joined her in the river.
Asbjorn held her hand as they walked to the river. He watched her strip naked again, as he did it at the same time, he could still see the impact he had on her pussy and ass. Once she entered the water, he followed her in, and started to rub her shoulders.

“Did you have fun?” He asked, as he began washing his messy brown hair. Once he washed his hair, he undid her braid and started to wash hers. He was enthralled by her hair, it was like the fur of a nocturnal predator, dark, yet beautiful.

He began to swim around in the river, and burn a bit of energy. He turned to her and asked, “Do you feel ready to go to Hulnoque Swamp tomorrow?” He wanted to ensure Bilynn could see the mission through.

“Why, of course, I’m ready for the swamp what could go wrong?” Bilynn answered

Two days later

The four adventurers trudged through the hot, humid swamp, their boots sinking into the soft, muddy ground with each step. The air was thick with the buzzing of insects, and the occasional croak of a frog echoed through the dense foliage.

Bilynn was leading the group. She had forest knowledge and a good eye for detail. Her keen senses were on high alert, scanning for any signs of danger. Behind her was Asbjorn. If anything attacked, he’d be there to fend it off. He was currently swatting at the relentless bugs with a grunt of frustration. There were much less bugs in his home country. Gilda walked with cat like grace behind Asbjorn. She used her magical staff to keep her balance in the muddy ground. Bringing up the rear was Jabnil. She did not seem to have a care in the world. Walking with bare feet, “to feel the earth between her toes” she had told them.

The swamp was alive with the sounds of nature. Frogs leaped from lily pad to lily pad, their eyes glinting in the dappled sunlight. Crocodiles lay in wait, their eyes just above the water’s surface, watching the adventurers with a predatory interest. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying vegetation, a constant reminder of the swamp’s untamed nature.

As they pushed deeper into the swamp, Bilynn asked Gilda to complete her tale about the dragon.

“Ok” Gilda said

Jabnil said “wait!” Then she whispered a few words and the bugs attacking Asbjorn flew away.

Gilda smiled. “As I explained earlier, I volunteered to be the annual maiden eaten by our local dragon. However, when it came time to actually be eaten, I instead offered the dragon a deal. I offered to listen to him.” Gilda explained.

"That is funny!” The Dragon replied, mostly with disdain, but I distinctly detected an edge of melancholy, and a hint of something else I couldn’t quite name. Now remember, I was in the Dragon’s mountain top lair. He was the ruler of all he gazed upon. His name was Nas. Nas the horrible, Nas the destroyer, Nas the terrible.
Gilda's story continues

We humans feared him, elves fled before him, but goblins … goblins dreaded him … curse his very name, prayed to their slimy god to be free from his wrath! Nas’ renowned hatred of this green humanoid race exceeded his natural dragon love of gold and treasure. For a dragon that was a strong statement.

Nas was a monster to behold! As big as three elephants in length with a wing span to match, His powerful tail lay along his side, much like a house cat would sit, waiting for its prey. His head had the typical reptilian shape with frilled bat-like ears, two large horns raised up over his eyebrows. Traveling down his back and along the tail was a series of spikes. His powerful jaws were shaped like a beak with rows of long teeth. At first glance, an inexperienced person would say he was a red dragon, but his scale color was a mixture of reds and bronzes and his head features were more like a bronze than a red dragon.

“I will listen” I said again. He looked at me with fascination.

“The idea is worth a try,” Nas verbally stated more to himself than to me. "You have courage, if not a lot of sense. I can respect that at least," Nas added. He settled into a more comfortable position, although it was clear that discussing himself with anyone had never happened before and I sensed awkwardness emanating from him.

“So. How does this ‘listening’ work?” the dragon asked.

I quietly took a deep breath to compose myself, “Let’s start with your name.” I tilted my head a little to the side and waited.

"People call me Nas. That word is NOT my name, it is more like a label than a name. I have no name or titles. I have only the word, and I will not accept the word," Nas replied.

As I listened, I could tell that his lack of a name was indeed a fathomless abyss of despair. As a royal, my schooling included social and physical grace, knowledge of the performing arts, the mastery of games, and an understanding of the emotional mind.

However, I was not sure how they would work on a grouchy dragon.

“Nas … words have power; that I fully understand,” I agreed. I realized that my eyes had started to water up. But I decided I would not cry in front of the dragon. “Many people have placed labels on me, too. They were hurtful. I can sympathize with what you are feeling. What does this label mean? And who and why did you get it?” I asked.

Nas shook his head slowly. "It is difficult to explain. I have many labels given to me by silly little creatures that fear or hate me. Their words mean nothing. But that does not have the same meaning as this word."

A moment passed before I realized the significance of what he had just said. He said it was too difficult to explain.

"What is your name?" he asked plainly. "What is it that explains who you are?"

“Well, my name is Gilda, I’m the daughter of the king. But that is just a way to describe me more uniquely, since there are lots of humans. Who I am is a harder question,” I said looking down at my feet. I was thinking harder about his question. I had been told that dragons were very smart and clever. Nas was definitely both. Finally, I looked up again

“Well, what explains who I am … can be broken into three parts … The first part is my physical being … my shape, the person you see before you. Who is Gilda… I am that girl with the long silky blonde hair wearing this green outfit. The second part is my actions… the things I have done… So who is Gilda? I am the daughter who went to magic school and volunteered to be eaten by a dragon. And third is my attitude… such as my love of life… my naturally playful outlook, the thrill I get out of danger…Who is Gilda… I am that girl with the flirty sexy attitude that always looks on the bright side.” I answered.

Nas cocked his head to one side as I spoke, drinking in what I said. My explanation may have been a little bit feeble in his mind since our human lifespan for the most part averaged less than 100 years; much less than a dragon that live thousands of years.

"Very well, Gilda LifeDancer," he said. "Our dragon names are an explanation of sorts. They are more than just labels, they express who we are. I cannot explain its true meaning, but draconic names are… special."

I could tell Nas was actually enjoyed our exchange. A conversation where he could talk about his own history or culture. I wondered if any of the other maidens talked to him.

"Now imagine that you do not have this name. You did not have your human name or have any name that identified you. Instead, you only had 'Diseased Harlot' to be referenced by or other words to that effect, that were not so kind."

He motioned towards me, motioning from head to toe with one of his curved talons.

"Understand that your name is Gilda LifeDancer. That Gilda LifeDancer is not just a label but explains who you are from body to soul to spirit. Your love of life, your thrill for danger, your zeal for… er… mating rituals. All of this is the LifeDancer and the LifeDancer is Gilda. You cannot be anything other than the LifeDancer because if you were, you would not be the LifeDancer. The name and the being are one, anything else is a mere title, a shadow, a label." The dragon cocked his head at me. "Do you understand?"

“I think so… Wow, that must be an awful situation.” I said sympathetically. Nas shook his massive head affirmatively from side to side.

"You begin to understand, but you still do not know what I am forced to endure!” He looked back out of his lair over the countryside. He sniffed approvingly of the air. "I smell goblins! Time to hunt them. Time for you to go," Nas said bluntly. "I have had enough talking about unpleasant things! Unpleasant things seldom sit well with me. Creatures, such as warmbloods, usually die when I suffer unpleasant things, Gilda LifeDancer!"

I hardly believed my luck. I had talked my way out of being eaten. Anyone else in this situation would have taken this opportunity to leave. I did not. I got up and walked over to the dragon. I placed my refined hand on his snout. “I’m not leaving. I wish to with you.” I stated.

This apparently shocked Nas; that a human willingly would stay with him.

“If hunting goblins gives you joy… I’ve got an idea,” I said with a rambunctious smile on my lips.

I’ll stop the story here… as we have made it to the hamlet of fourwinds” Gilda said

Sure enough, they had made good progress during her story telling. They saw the hamlet’s few buildings. It was more like a collection of a few farm houses. A small group of lizardmen, and one Halfling came out to meet them. The captain of the Militia, the halfling, asked the travelers to halt and state their intentions.
Asbjorn was irritated by the insects biting at his skin. Then as soon as they came in for their perpetual onslaught, they flew away, and bothered him no more. He smiled and continued looking around for danger. He listened to Gilda’s story, saying, “A dragon spared you since you talked it down? I’m impressed.”

Everyone stopped at the Hamlet of Fourwinds, and out of the building came a small militia of lizardmen led by a halfling. Asbjorn was about to reach for his axe, but stopped since Gilda grabbed his shoulder. “We come searching for Guru Perak. One of us has important business with him.” He said as he stepped towards the militia.

He stood tall and firm as he spoke their intentions. Deep within the swamp however slept a massive serpentine creature. It’s head dragon like and large, it’s snake body covered with scales and at the end, a tail with a pointed tip like a spearhead.
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“We come searching for Guru Perak. One of us has important business with him.” Asbjorn said as he stepped towards the militia.

“But … you’re a giant!” The halfling gasped and pointed at Asbjorn. “And enchantresses” He added pointing at Gilda and Jabnil “This is most unusual” the Captain seemed quite confused for a moment, and then he seemed to make a decision. “Wait here … I will get the mayor … he should make this decision about entrance into this hamlet.” He explained and turned heading back into town. A smaller Lizardman was the next in command and stepped forward “Jussst ssstay right there …and don’t try anything!” he hissed holding up a spear, but it looked like he was getting ready to run.


Soon an older, wiser, and tougher looking Lizardman arrived with the Halfling. The lizardmen’s eyes grew wide, as they stared at mighty Asbjorn.

"Greetingss Adventurers” he hissed to Asbjorn "There has been trouble in these parts… a few caravans have not shown up as expected.” The mayor explained. As the Lizardman completed his statement, the group notices that people had come out of their homes and businesses to watch what was going on. There were humans, halfling, lizard folks, and a few elves. Even their children came over to watch. Some trying to get closer but were held back by their parents.

“I’m Mayorrrss Kunk. Welcome to ourrss hamlet. My Militia Captainss hass beenss very brave to stopss you … butss also quite foolish. I believess you are more than capabless of levelingss this hamlet and killingss everyonesss in it.” He hissed looking over to his militia captain.

“What do you needsss … and howss can I helpsss yousss?” He asked

“Where can we buy some more supplies” Bilynn spoke up

“Down this path there one shopsss, the merchant can sell you commonly needed traveling itemsss. The Swamp Donkey Pub has plenty to eat and drink. If you wish to worshipss … the Allur temple of light holdsss servicesss at the break of dawn each day …” He explained looking back at Jabnil.

“The Swamp Donkey Pub … that is where I’m headed!” Gilda stated firmly “I hope it is not full of Asses!” She laughed at her play on words. Bilynn said to herself but loud enough for everyone to hear “Well, when you enter it, it will have at least one!”
Asbjorn stayed silent and let the situation unfold. Once everyone at the Hamlet got over the shock of a giant showing up there, Gilda piped up about The Swamp Donkey Pub. Asbjorn looked over to Gilda, “I think a pub sounds good right about now after the death march through the swamp.”

He saw a sign that pointed in its direction and took the lead, as the giant Viking Berserker walked towards the militia of lizardmen and civilians, Asbjorn parted them like the Red Sea. When he walked through the groups of people, he heard scared whispering, gasps, and murmurs.

Then once they got through, some of the people started to follow Asbjorn, curious despite being afraid. They arrived before the pub, it was medium sized, run-down, and had some moss on the outside, but it would work.

The four adventurers entered and the moment they did, everyone turned to face Asbjorn. His giant stature was foreign to the inhabitants of the swamp. It seemed everyone’s eyes were fixed on him, even as he was sitting down with the three women.

He was seated next to Jabnil, a voluptuous blonde who was airheaded, and it felt like she wasn’t even from this world. However on his right was Gilda, a sexy redhead sorceress who could give you an amazing blowjob. The women’s pheromones also drove him up a wall, Gilda’s rose scent, and Jabnil’s sweet scent made him aroused as his dick grew and pressed up and pushed against the table, elevating it slightly.
Gilda turns on the charm! Result ... Epic fail!

Gilda watched as Asbjorn walked into the pub and sat down. Everyone joined except Bilynn, she headed over to the supply store to restock. The mayor, Kunk, asked to joined them.

“Of course,” Gilda replied. Then her eyes turned to watched Asbjorn. The big man glanced over to Jabnil’s amazing breasts. She saw that glint in his eyes. That sexy twinkle. Then the table became a bit unstable. Gilda did not want those two becoming involved. So she turned on the charm. She flip her hair, thrust out her chest, and wiggled her ass, to get Asbjorn’s attention. Unfortunately, she got the mayor’s attention.

The mayor watched Gilda with keen interest. He had seen her looks and her welcoming display. The lizardman thought her subtle advances had been directed towards him! He was a man of power and authority. He was use to people being extra nice to him, trying to currier favor and he had heard about some women being turned on by a man’s position. He had never thought a human woman would be interested, but what else could explain her sexual behavior?

He placed his hand on top of hers.

“Thank you for allowing me to sssit with you” He acknowledged. Gilda was not sure what to do. She did not want to pull her hand away that would be really awkward. So she pull her other hand on top of his. This only encouraged the lizardman more!

As they all sat and waited for the drinks to arrive. Jabnil was talking quietly to Asbjorn.

“I tried drinks… and I like them” She told him “I really like rum! But now I want to try sex. Do you think you could help me with that?”

Gilda could not believe her bad luck. She had wanted to bed Jabnil… and now the blonde was talking to Asbjorn about it! “UGH!!” she thought this could not get any worse.

There was nothing she could do at this point without making a scene. So she started talking to Kunk, and to her surprise, she found what he had to say very interesting.

She learned that Kunk was an orphan whose father and mother were killed before he was born. Lizardmen are born from eggs and normally orphaned eggs are not cared for and die. However, there was one human in that lizardman town that just could not let that happen. She became his adopted mother, caring for the egg until he was born. She raised him, like she would a human child in that small lizardman town, called Riverglen in the south part of the swamp.

Kunk told her of spending his boyhood days delving into the swamp near his home. In one of his adventures, he uncovered a small treasure chest that contained gold. Taking the gold, he decided it was time to make something of himself. He took his mother and moved to the larger and more human town of Fourwinds. He was hired out as a sword to protect caravans going through the swamp. It was here that he met a female friend Evirial. She was a half-elf and he had deep crush on her. Attracted to her half-elven beauty, maybe because he had been raised by a human mother but he knew he loved her. He also knew she would reject him based upon his race. So, he never said anything not wanting to ruin their good friendship.

“She wasss killed by a goblin raid on a caravan, we weress protecting about a year latersss. I wassss ssso upset I killed all the ambushing goblinsss, sssingle handedly. I became a kind of local herosss. I ran for mayor and won.” He said ending his tale.

“So she never knew about your feelings?” Gilda asked.

“No … I wassss too afraid to ssssay anything to her... I jussst could not.” He said shaking his large alligator like head. “I kind of regret that decision now. But it isss too late now… ssshe isss dead” He concluded looking at Gilda.
Asbjorn was taken aback by Jabnil’s bluntness about the topic. He swore she wasn’t an ordinary human, and if she was she grew up in a strange land. Asbjorn turned to face the beautiful blonde, and nodded, “It’s good you found something you like...”

He could not get over what just transpired beforehand, and nodded. “If you want to, then let’s find a place to lay.” He got up and took her hand, then he ordered a room for the two of them. The barmaid handed him a key to room 109, and he took Jabnil to the room.

He stood before the door, taller than it even. He inserted the key and turned it until a gentle click was heard. He opened the door leading to a humble little room, with a bed, and bathroom. Asbjorn crouched down as he entered and set down his cloak and weapons.

He turned to face Jabnil, and asked in his thick accent, “Where are you from? I have gotten this feeling that you weren’t normal from the moment you joined our group.” Despite being a Berserker, he seemed to be quite perceptive to magic, and could sense a magical aura coming from her two swords.

“Magical swords are quite rare, Aerovian wizards have never been recorded infusing weapons with magic.” He was egged on by pure curiosity about her. “You’re also quite beautiful too, even prettier than the women back in Hoarfrost.” He removed his blouse, and sat on the bed.
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“Yes, these are magical swords.” She said as she drew them out. Asbjorn could right away she knew what she was doing when it came to sword fighting. He also knew she was a healer, but most clerics used blunt weapons like maces. Therefore, she was not a cleric and certainly not dressed like one.

Jabnil was not sure how to answer Asbjorn question about where she was from.

“Where I’m from is a complicated answer.” She was not sure if Asbjorn knew about the different planes of existence. “There is a curse I have heard that mentions the nine hells. Usually, it goes something like what is the nine hells was that all about. Well, I’m not from the nine hells… I’m from the opposite” Jabnil said with a smile.

“I have been sent here to learn something. Therefore, I’m trying to learn as much as I can.” Jabnil slipped off her cloak. “And tonight, I want to learn about sex” She learned forward and kissed Asbjorn. It was a wonderful, passionate kiss.

As the kiss ended Jabnil gasp “Ohh, I like sex so far! Now do you prefer” suddenly two great white wings appeared from her back. “The wings, or” as suddenly, the wings disappeared. “or no wings” She asked and followed it up with another kiss.
How to ruin a fun evening …mention the monster in the swamp!

Bilynn had been having a great time. Watching Gilda get herself into this awkward and very funny jam was as entertaining as a troop of minstrels! She saw how the lizardman looked at Gilda and she had overheard his story of lost love. It was such a heart wrenching story … she wanted to sleep with the big alligator… just so he could experience love from a warm-blooded female.

“Mayor Kunk, is there a local guide that could guide us to Guru Perak hut?’ Bilynn asked

“It iss a dangerouss trek during normal times. However, currently it is extra dangerous, with a monster traveling through the area. Could you stay in the hamlet for a few days until it passes?” Kunk asked

“No, I’m afraid we are in a hurry” Gilda said.

Kunk his eyes looked over to Gilda as she spoke. “Then I will guide you.”

“What kind of monster is out there?” Bilynn asked.

“We have not seen it but where it goes, all the vegetation dies. The life sucked out of the plants and animals” Kunk explained.

Gilda and Bilynn both had a worried expression on their faces.

Bilynn signaled the young serving wench to come to their table. “I have been told there is a very special drink your hamlet makes … Fourwind’s Swamp Brandy … I believe it is called.” Bilynn said. “I would like to buy some for Gilda”

At this statement, the mayor got a worried look on his face “that isss a very powerful drinkss can I recommend trying ssome of our sweet cordials instead” He hissed.

“Thank you, mayor, but I think she needs some Fourwinds Swamp Brandy” She asked the barmaid.

“Yes … I shall get some” she said and she turned to acquire the items requested. The mayor continued to look worried.

“What is so special about this drink?” Gilda asked the mayor.

“Fourwinds Swamp Brandy is a heavenly drink made by a small group of dwarves that live just east of the town. They are skilled in the art of brewing. The secret of how the brandy is made is well guarded” Kunk said

Bilynn laughed “Some secret, an elder told me … that the dwarves use water from the swamp as their secret ingredient”

“Pure sssspeculation” Kunk answered. “No one really knows what the secret ingredient is ... only the dwarvesss. Now let me finisssh ansswering Gilda’s question” Kunk said looking at Gilda with affection in his eyes.

“Once tasssted, the drinker mussst have a will of iron… or become addicted to the drink. Only elvesss are not affected by itssss habit–forming flavor.”

“Bilynn, you sly pointy ear! I must try it … just so I can again best her!” Gilda said with excitement.

“Gilda, I recommend NOT trying it” Kunk said with concern

“Mayor … I go to a swamp with is known to kill many… and now you tell me of an even nastier monster. I may not live to become addicted to this most famous drink. You only live once” Gilda explained

The barmaid returned and placed small glass filled with cobalt blue, naturally cool, sweet–smelling liquor. Gilda grabbed the glass boldly “May this be as sweet as my victory over you, Bilynn”

She looked at the drink studying it for a few seconds. Then she down the drink. Gilda swayed a bit almost falling over. “Ohhhhh, that is GOOOOOD” she groaned her face in an orgasmic condition of pure pleasure.

Then she passed out. Falling face first. Kunk grabbed her before her head hit the table.

“Good night, mayor. Can you care for her tonight?’’ Bilynn asked as she stood up to go to her room.

“I can” Kunk replied. The lizardman realized, the elf had known this was going to happen.
Asbjorn undressed completely, his cock standing at full attention for Jabnil. Then she had answered his question, as he processed what she said, she kissed him, and he immediately undressed Jabnil, his loins yearning for her.

Asbjorn told her, “Whatever makes you comfortable.” As he stared at her naked body, they kissed again, and Jabnil could feel his cock against her sex. He began to grope her breasts as he asked, “Where do you want me to stick my dick?”

His huge cock was ready just for Jabnil, the musk invading her nose yet again. He lifted her up into his arms, and started kissing her neck, moving down to her navel. Then he put her on the bed face up, and started licking her pussy. His tongue felt great for her sensitive, inexperienced clit and vagina. He was bringing Jabnil a sea of pleasure as he enjoyed her feminine aromas.