a companion to 30 in 30

Yes, bijou — a great 30/30 from you. Lots of variety in the individual poems and some very good, strong pieces amongst them. You have the soul of a true poet in there.
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thanks El and Manipulatrix. I'm just glad it's over.

So let's keep chatting about this whole video project, hm? Eluard, you still wanna do that? I think the 30 30 collection would be an interesting focus for a set.

Gotta tell you, all alone with those last couple 30 30 submissions, I felt like the last kid at the dinner table, finishing my broccoli while everyone else had already been excused to go play.

not unfamiliar to me, that sensation.
TheRainMan said:
congratualtions, bijou.

that was a very impressive first 30, newbie.


*smiling innocently*
golly, thanks. someday I hope to be as cool as y'all are. I mean, like, I just started writing poetry about six months ago? When my boyfriend broke up with me? But I just felt like, y'know, expressing myself? You know?
4degrees said:
total of two weeks
of trying, weak set against
a stone musculature
pushes full force into
an abandon armature
abaddon, maddening waves wash
over a face so hot it glows
like a dragon's sigh
its august again, do you know where
your passion lies
remember me as some
stippled version of adonis
i love this too much
to let it rest for very long

I like this one, but the spelling is uncertain. "abaddon", "abandon" or "abanoned" at line 5. But I like the flow of it.
Eluard said:
I like this one, but the spelling is uncertain. "abaddon", "abandon" or "abanoned" at line 5. But I like the flow of it.

yes whups i missed the 'ed' in abandoned.
abaddon is right though. its hellish.
thank you so much for the compliment.
Tzara said:
He Wishes Ms. Crewe Good Luck on Her 30/30 Run
in a Jog-Trot Verse Form Unworthy of Her Praise

With this, her new poem, our bold Sara Crewe
starts out boldly (oops, said that) for thirty anew.
Will this time she make it? I tremble, astew,
and admit that her poems all make me feel blue.

It's lust, folks, not sadness. She's cool when she's hot.
Her poems aren't badness. My zipper gets caught
when I read them. Oh, sorry, that's more than I ought
to be saying, but golly, they're some foxy trot!

Like in dancing, I mean. She writes like a dance.
A clean one, not freaking. She writes of romance
of an earthiness kind with some fellow named Lance
whom I envy and dream on in some kind of trance.

I see that I'm mucking this up really bad.
Only wanted to praise her and just made her mad.
It's unfortunate, really, her best wishes I had
for this her endeavor. Aw shit. Cad, cad, cad.

Thanks, Tzara. :) You are not a cad and a long time ago my English teacher told me that only dogs can go mad.

Thanks, too, for the company. Bijou was right when she said hangin' on the 30/30 with just a couple of people or all alone is like being all left at the dinner table to finish your veggies.
I'm getting back in, but I will NOT get all attached to finishing. I just want to sit at a table while Sara and Tzara and 4degrees eat. Can think of few things I'd like more than watching those three put stuff in their mouths.

In fact, I think my goal will be to raise my number of failed attempts as high as possible. Authentically, of course.

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unpredictablebijou said:
I'm getting back in, but I will NOT get all attached to finishing. I just want to sit at a table Sara and Tzara and 4degrees eat. Can think of few things I'd like more than watching those three put stuff in their mouths.


*does quick happy dance and then sits back at the dinner table with hands crossed in a mature and stately fashion*
it runs like watercolor
fades from one hue into another
just like lovers,
remissions of tongue pressed
up into the ridges of a mouth
pronunciation is key

Hey 4,

here's my own personal take, just as a thought. For what it's worth, and other disclaimers.

Change "hue" to "taste", cut the piece right there and you got a GORGEOUS poem. And coming up with the name for "it" gives you your title. or not. I never suggest titles to others; they're terribly personal things, I think. Very important. But I can think of a lot of very evocative things "it" might be named.

Don Johnson, for example. Or Harris Tweed. Or Buffalo Bill.

unpredictablebijou said:
I'm getting back in, but I will NOT get all attached to finishing. I just want to sit at a table while Sara and Tzara and 4degrees eat. Can think of few things I'd like more than watching those three put stuff in their mouths.

In fact, I think my goal will be to raise my number of failed attempts as high as possible. Authentically, of course.

I'd eat off Sara's plate, but she's a vegetarian. :cool:

I'm off on vacation in a couple of weeks, so I won't likely finish either. But the drinks looked good, so I sat down at the table.

If I was you, which I am not, I would not be talking about people putting stuff in their mouth. Just a comment. :)
Tzara said:
I'd eat off Sara's plate, but she's a vegetarian. :cool:

I'm off on vacation in a couple of weeks, so I won't likely finish either. But the drinks looked good, so I sat down at the table.

If I was you, which I am not, I would not be talking about people putting stuff in their mouth. Just a comment. :)

oh yeah? Well, I ju- mmmmmphh! mm.
Tzara said:
I'd eat off Sara's plate, but she's a vegetarian. :cool:

I'm off on vacation in a couple of weeks, so I won't likely finish either. But the drinks looked good, so I sat down at the table.

If I was you, which I am not, I would not be talking about people putting stuff in their mouth. Just a comment. :)

I get accused of being a closet-vegetarian because I don't eat a lot of meat but it happens so you are welcome to eat off my plate.

Anyone who makes comments gets the first food tossed at him, methinks. I'll make sure I throw a steak your way.

That sounds wrong.
Sara Crewe said:
I get accused of being a closet-vegetarian because I don't eat a lot of meat but it happens so you are welcome to eat off my plate.

Anyone who makes comments gets the first food tossed at him, methinks. I'll make sure I throw a steak your way.

That sounds wrong.
My doctor keeps telling me that I am putting a steak through my heart.

"Ha ha," I say in return, "and I suppose your name is Von Helsing."

"No," he says mildly, "It's Szalay. Also Transylvanian."

"Oh," I say, and laugh, albeit discomfited.
Tzara said:
My doctor keeps telling me that I am putting a steak through my heart.

"Ha ha," I say in return, "and I suppose your name is Von Helsing."

"No," he says mildly, "It's Szalay. Also Transylvanian."

"Oh," I say, and laugh, albeit discomfited.

I would only worry if he starts using holy water instead of rubbing alcohol.
unpredictablebijou said:
it runs like watercolor
fades from one hue into another
just like lovers,
remissions of tongue pressed
up into the ridges of a mouth
pronunciation is key

Hey 4,

here's my own personal take, just as a thought. For what it's worth, and other disclaimers.

Change "hue" to "taste", cut the piece right there and you got a GORGEOUS poem. And coming up with the name for "it" gives you your title. or not. I never suggest titles to others; they're terribly personal things, I think. Very important. But I can think of a lot of very evocative things "it" might be named.

Don Johnson, for example. Or Harris Tweed. Or Buffalo Bill.


thanks for your thoughts on this, bijou.
Sara Crewe said:
I would only worry if he starts using holy water instead of rubbing alcohol.
I thought that the fact that he wore a garland of garlic instead of a stethoscope around his neck was suspicious, but I am the nervous type.
Tzara said:
I thought that the fact that he wore a garland of garlic instead of a stethoscope around his neck was suspicious, but I am the nervous type.

Well, at least you know why he couldn't hear your heart beat.
Hey Eluard,

neoneurotic finally complained about the sig line. In the blurt thread. Y'see, that's exactly what i'm talking about.

Never try to tell anyone anything. I've learned it once again. You'd think I'd remember.

Sara, you're doing extraordinary work already. Of course. And Tzara, no playing with your food unless you've eaten all your toys.

unpredictablebijou said:
Hey Eluard,

neoneurotic finally complained about the sig line. In the blurt thread. Y'see, that's exactly what i'm talking about.

Never try to tell anyone anything. I've learned it once again. You'd think I'd remember.

Sara, you're doing extraordinary work already. Of course. And Tzara, no playing with your food unless you've eaten all your toys.


Thanks, your Vizier-ness. Ditto.

And this:

And Tzara, no playing with your food unless you've eaten all your toys.

should be in everyone's sig line.
Sara Crewe said:
Thanks, your Vizier-ness. Ditto.

And this:

And Tzara, no playing with your food unless you've eaten all your toys.

should be in everyone's sig line.

Ta, darling. It occurs to me that this food fight should continue somewhere away from Eluard's nice clean 30/30 thread. I'll think of something to revive MVMVTTTM's little project so we can go throw pies over there. I'm quite sure he won't mind.

In fact, I believe the kingdom over there is gearing up for the Annual Italian Grandmother Festival, or maybe it's Exotic Cheese Appreciation Week, or the Chardonnay Games, or something. I forget.

unpredictablebijou said:
Ta, darling. It occurs to me that this food fight should continue somewhere away from Eluard's nice clean 30/30 thread. I'll think of something to revive MVMVTTTM's little project so we can go throw pies over there. I'm quite sure he won't mind.

In fact, I believe the kingdom over there is gearing up for the Annual Italian Grandmother Festival, or maybe it's Exotic Cheese Appreciation Week, or the Chardonnay Games, or something. I forget.


Ummm it's not my 30/30 thread. Wherever you decide to throw pies at one another I shall be a very appreciative spectator. Make 'em stick! :cool:
Eluard said:
Ummm it's not my 30/30 thread. Wherever you decide to throw pies at one another I shall be a very appreciative spectator. Make 'em stick! :cool:

Feel free to join in over on the other thread. Everyone should experience the whipped cream facial at least once in his life.

And congratulations on earning your extra "really".

unpredictablebijou said:
Feel free to join in over on the other thread. Everyone should experience the whipped cream facial at least once in his life.

And congratulations on earning your extra "really".


Insightful poem today. It's always a good one if it makes me want to read it again.

As well, I wanted to say that I was happy to see Anna's words again. Missed reading your stuff.

And, Tzara's offering today was pretty darn smooth.
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